Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 39 Assisting in shooting

Du Wenhui's departure did not have any impact on the crew, although the power of the supervisor should be not small. However, since the establishment of the crew, he and Gu Zong have been passive and lazy, with close to zero influence and extremely weak sense of existence, so naturally has no impact!

Gu Zongling explained the situation to Jin Yutang. Because Song Siwei's mind was not pure when he invited them, Jin Yutang just told Song Siwei, and the matter was over, and no one mentioned the breach of contract.

Zhang Duo handed over the affairs of the crew to Chen Feiyang and asked him to continue shooting with people, while he followed Jin Yutang to the military camp near the county and asked Jin Yutang's brother-in-law for help.

On a road at the foot of Changbai Mountain, a white BMW sped by, and Jin Yutang and Zhang Duo were sitting in the car. There were few vehicles on the road, so the two of them talked casually.

Zhang Duo asked, "Cousin Yu, how is your brother-in-law?"

Jin Yutang drove the car and said with a smile, "My brother-in-law is also a strange person!"

Listening to Jin Yutang's words, Zhang Duo was interested and asked curiously, "Oh, why is your brother-in-law strange?"

Jin Yutang said, "Since my brother-in-law got married, he has always wanted to go back to the capital. It's not a big deal that he always lives with my cousin! However, their old man disagreed and felt that his children and grandchildren should leave the army. How could they go to the office? Later, he finally agreed and transferred him back to the capital last year to join the Armed Police Corps. Coincidentally, at that time, there were frequent major cases in the capital. These armed police were often dispatched, and my brother-in-law was also useful.

Before November last year, the police found that a group of separatists tried to carry out explosions and create terrorist attacks in the capital. At that time, the situation was critical. My brother-in-law did not ask for instructions or report. He made a quick decision and roared past Zhuque Street with 150 armed police soldiers in bulletproof vests and holding *. The task was completed, but my brother-in-law also began to write the check. He couldn't pass it countless times. The superior said that he didn't know it deeply, and my brother-in-law didn't know how to be profound.

In the end, their old man called him over and scolded him and said, "150 armed police soldiers with live ammunition can let you rush in in the palace. Think about the nature of this?"

Zhang Duo asked curiously, "Can you really rush in?"

Jin Yutang smiled and said, "Go, you can probably rush in, but you definitely can't get out. My brother-in-law caused a big disaster and couldn't stay in the capital. As a result, he came back to be the leader again.

Zhang Duo said strangely, "Is it so serious?"

Jin Yutang said, "What do you think? It's a big deal to send out 300 armed forces at the feet of the emperor. My brother-in-law is fine. He didn't ask for instructions and didn't report, so he dared to take 150 people around the Rosefinch Street. Do you know how many bosses were scared at that time? Terrorists didn't create any terror in the capital, but my brother-in-law did their work!"

Zhang Duo said with a smile, "So, your brother-in-law is really a strange person. But in this way, it should be a trivial matter for us to borrow soldiers from him.

Jin Yutang laughed and said, "Of course, let me tell you, it's absolutely no problem to pull his regiment out. Unfortunately, he is just a regimental commander. If we become a division commander, military commander, when can we get a division to help us film, how enjoyable it would be!"

Because he wanted to shoot the big scene of Xiao Feng helping Yelu Hongji pacify the rebellion of the King of Chu, Zhang Duo asked Jin Yutang if he could find a garrison for help. Jin Yutang said that there was no problem. His brother-in-law was the regimental commander nearby, so he drove him to the barracks.

With the help of military assistance in filming, it was not the first of Zhang Duo. Some famous large-scale productions in China have asked the military for assistance. The most typical is the 94 version of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Taking the "Battle of Guandu" filmed in June 1992 as an example, it used the strength of a division, more than 10,000 times, costing about 400,000 yuan. What's more surprising is that before the shooting, it took half a month for the crew and the division commander to study the shooting plan, draw topographic maps and location maps together; on the day of shooting, more than 400 cars were transported to transport the officers and soldiers, props were transported for three days and nights, and the costumes were distributed for more than four hours; the officers and soldiers of the troops moved with only one water. Six four-ton sprinklers were used, and the water was drunk in less than an hour. To shoot this battle, the camp needed to be burned. As a result, tens of thousands of kilograms of straw and dozens of tons of diesel were used. This series of huge projects were just to shoot five big scenes in a day.

This kind of big scene is too difficult to find extras to play, and it is not worth the cost. However, not everyone can ask for military assistance. If it weren't for Jin Yutang's relationship, private companies like Wanbang Film and Television would not have thought about it.

At the beginning, Song Siwei cooperated with Jin Yutang, and what he cared about was that the other party was * profound, amazing energy, and his hands and eyes were open. Jin Yutang is indeed energetic and has nothing to do with it. For example, the costumes and props in the crew are basically handled by him. Some are rented and borrowed. Anyway, they basically don't spend much money.

The car drove to the gate of the barracks, and a guard stopped them. After the notification, in just a quarter of an hour, I saw a brave soldier coming out. Before he arrived, he heard the other party smile and said from afar, "Yutang, why do you have time to visit my brother-in-law? Is there anything else to ask my brother-in-law to help me? Yo, whose family is this child?

Jin Yutang said with a smile, "My brother-in-law still knows me. My younger brother is indeed going to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. This time he came to ask my brother-in-law for help!" Next to me is Meng Nanxing, the author of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, whose real name is Zhang Duo. This is my brother-in-law, Zheng Anguo.

Zheng Anguo was stunned at first, and then said with great joy, "You are the Meng Nanxing. I like to watch your Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils very much. It's really good!"

Zhang Duo said with a smile, "Brother Zheng is flattered!"

Zheng Anguo said, "Let's talk in our regiment department."

Three people arrived at Zheng Anguo's office. As soon as they finished, they saw that Zheng Anguo had taken two copies of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils and asked Zhang Duo to sign. Zhang Duo was not pretentious. He took the pen and wrote the three words Meng Nanxing.

Jin Yutang laughed and said, "My brother-in-law still likes reading novels so much!"

Zheng Anguo put away the book and said, "Hey, there are few entertainment programs in the army. When you are free, just read novels and pass the time. I asked a guard to buy this book for me in the city the day before yesterday. I heard that the land sale was very popular, but he queued for a long time!

Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils has been serialized with 650,000 words. A few days ago, the second volume of the single book was just released and was released nationwide. Now it is estimated that more than 100,000 copies have been sold. Zhang Duo has been busy with filming these days and has no time to call Jiang Xiancheng to ask more.

Zhang Duo said with a smile, "Brother Zheng, it's my honor that you like it. I don't know whether the officers and soldiers in the regiment like it or not. If you like it, I'll give you one."

Zheng Anguo said, "Why don't you like it? Because reading novels delay training, there are all closed things, but there is no merit and no salary. How can I ask for your things for no reason?"

Jin Yutang said, "Brother, our company is shooting Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils. Now there is a big scene that needs your help. This book can be published by the crew. How about sending one set to the brothers in the group?"

Zheng Anguo asked, "I don't know what kind of big scene it is?"

"Tianlong Babu" serialized to 650,000 words in the newspaper, talking about the section where Xiao Feng was cheated by Kang Min and looked for Duan Zhengchun for revenge. Zhang Duo followed the plot and talked directly about Xiao Feng's encounter with Yelu Hongji to help him quell the rebellion of the King of Chu and be awarded the title of King of the Southern Court.

Zheng Anguo listened to the shouting and patted his chest and said, "Isn't it just a play to quell the rebellion of the King of Chu? It's okay. I'll help you with this matter. There are more than 2,000 people in our group. I have to leave hundreds of people to take care of the house and give you 1,500 people. Anyway, you don't need one book. When "Tianlong Babu" is serialized, just send 1,500 people one set!"

Jin Yutang said with a smile, "That's good, but let's make a deal!"

Zhang Duo and Jin Yutang had lunch in the barracks and drove back to the crew in the afternoon. Chen Feiyang is a senior director and plays tricks on Zhang Duo with the overall situation. Naturally, there is nothing to say about filming. Zhang Duo watched the film at night and basically achieved the effect he wanted.

The soldiers of Liao have settled down, but the clothes and props of 1,500 people still have to be contacted by Jin Yutang. It took him three days to wait for him to arrive even if his energy was huge. With all the costumes and props, Jin Yutang called Zheng Anguo and told him to bring people to the crew.

Jin Yutang hung up the phone for less than 20 minutes, and saw military vehicles coming one after another on the road in the distance, roaring, with no less than 70 or 80 vehicles in front and back. After stopping at the scene of the crew's photography, they jumped off a group of soldiers from the military vehicle and surrounded the crew almost instantly.

Zheng Anguo jumped off an off-road vehicle and said to the stunned Jin Yutang, "Brother, how about it? These soldiers under my brother-in-law are well trained!"

Jin Yutang took a look at the frightened crew members and said with a wry smile, "My brother-in-law, you really dare to lead troops to wander on Zhuque Street! Why are you surrounding our crew when you have nothing to do?

Zheng Anguo said awkwardly, "Bad luck, habit, habit!" Then he turned around and shouted to the group of soldiers, "You bastards, I brought you here for filming, not a drill. Why did you surround the crew? Don't let it go."

The soldiers were really well trained. After Zheng Anguo finished speaking, the soldiers quickly ran to the open space before the shooting scene and lined up.

Zheng Anguo said to Jin Yutang, "Is it okay this time?"

Jin Yutang said, "Let them rest in place first. Let's discuss how to shoot first."

Zheng Anguo and Jin Yutang entered the shooting scene. Zhang Duo, Gu Zongling and Chen Feiyang greeted for a while, and then told Zheng Anguo the previously discussed shooting plan.

Zheng Anguo assisted in the shooting, and naturally there will be no objection. After the unanimous approval, the staff responsible for distributing clothing and props began to send things. The big scene of Xiao Feng's rebellion is finally about to start shooting.