Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 40 It's hard to be a director

"CUT, stop!" Zhang Duo on the set was irritable and crazy. The big scene of nearly 2,000 people is very difficult to coordinate and reshoot every time, but it is still because of various accidents. Either because of the lighting problem, or because the actor stands in the wrong position, or because of the wrong expression, in short, there are all kinds of problems that make him intolerable and almost crazy. Now he finally understands why it's not easy to be a director, and he usually has a bad temper.

Compared with the current war scene, the previous tiger-play is really too pediatric. The difficulty of fighting tigers lies in the courage of the actors, and Zhang Duo can take advantage of it. What the ancient war scenes need is the director's control ability, and it requires extremely high ability. Unfortunately, although Zhang Duo's progress has been very fast, he still does not have it at present.

Zhang Duo himself was a little withdrawn, but as soon as he had this idea, he warned himself never to retreat. The road is chosen by yourself and taken by yourself. As the saying goes, people in the world can't help themselves. Now he is like sailing against the water. If he doesn't advance, he will retreat.

To enter the literary circle, film and television circle is to enter the place of right and wrong. Too many people looked at him and looked forward to his failure. Once he shrinks now, the fans can't forgive him, and the people in the literary and film and television circles will fall into the well, and he can't afford to lose.

Jin Yutang came over and said to Zhang Duo, whose eyes were red, "Take a break. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Shooting is like this. Sometimes there are always all kinds of problems, but sometimes there are always smooth Pingchuan. In this case, everyone refuses to stop working until midnight.

At this moment, Zhang Duo was exhausted, but he still reluctantly smiled and said, "Okay, let everyone rest for 20 minutes."

Chen Feiyang took several dramas to inform everyone to take a rest. Gu Zongling came to persuade him, "Zhang Duo, don't put too much pressure on yourself. You have done a good job."

Gu Zongling and Zhang Duo actually did not have a fundamental conflict of interest, and the previous contradictions were more caused by Du Wenhui. He now wants to take his reputation to a higher level with Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, and naturally he will fully assist.

Today's play is really thanks to Gu Zongling's command, Chen Feiyang's good coordination, and the soldiers brought by Zheng Anguo are well trained. If it is the kind of extras who spend ten yuan a day, with Zhang Duo's current ability, he may even have the heart to hang himself.

Zhang Duo smiled gratefully and said, "Today, I would like to thank Gu Lao, regardless of the past, to help the boy, otherwise the situation will be worse than now!"

Gu Zongling laughed and said, "I'm not helping you. I'm responsible for this play, but you are really talented. If you can really shoot the effect in the shot, the play will rise to a higher level."

Zhang Duo smiled helplessly and said, "I dare not expect it. I am satisfied that I can reach the level of domestic ancient costume war drama."

Gu Zongling said unhappily, "How can that work? Aren't you all about shooting every scene? Don't worry, self-help God help. As long as you have this perseverance and work hard to do it, God will help you.

Zhang Duo thanked: "Then I will accept your good words!"

Zhang Duo has always felt that the war scenes of Chinese ancient costume dramas are terrible. There are not many actors, dozens of people, hundreds of people fighting, dare to say it is a war of tens of thousands of people. The soldier's helmet has not been worn. Every time, I can see that the helmet on the head of an extra or a soldier is twisted, and the weapons in his hand are also held casually. There is no consistent direction, as if he has just lost the battle and looks neat.

And the real officers and army, with a trained army, should be, as Qi Jiguang said in the New Book of Jixiao, to open a large array against the great enemy; in the array, thousands of people lined up; the brave can't be the first, and the timid can't be left behind; the guns are poked, and the guns are poked away; the knives are slashed. Cut it with a knife. However, unfortunately, in the current Chinese film and television industry, there are no film and television dramas that can show such ancient war scenes, and more often make war scenes into group fights.

Because the large-scale war scenes in film and television dramas have always been only used to attract attention. It won't and can't be the theme of film and television drama performance. Therefore, there is no need to show how to arrange ancient war scenes, how to arrange, and how to exchange war patterns. Because this is extremely cumbersome and difficult to explain.

And what the director is most afraid of is this kind of large-scale mass scene. Not every company has a network that can invite the army to assist in shooting. In the film and television drama currently being filmed, Demi-Gods and Semi-Romance has invited the army. With Dai Anmin's family background* and the resources of CCTV, the crew of Romance of the Three Kingdoms may have invited more troops than Demi-Gods.

And shooting war scenes with extras will make the situation more complicated. They are not real soldiers, and they can't make real moves, so they can only fight in groups. In this case, the director usually only shoots the fighting scenes between the main generals, and most of them are close-ups of actors, how ferocious facial expressions are, etc. And extras are just *, and there is no need to form a formation.

Zhang Duo doesn't want to make this effect. His original intention as a director is very simple, that is, he wants to make Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils into a classic and naturally pursue ultimate perfection.

After the actors rested for 20 minutes, Zhang Duo picked up the microphone again for filming. This time, the scout reported the rebellion of King Chu to Yelu Hongji.

In the lens, a tall horse galloped from afar and could obviously feel the extremely fast speed. The small flag on the Hou's body rustled in the wind, and as soon as he entered the door, he went down and moved cleanly.

Zhang Duo shouted behind the camera, "CUT, pass!" Then he said to Zheng Anguo, who stood aside, "The soldiers brought by Brother Zheng are really well trained."

Zheng Anguo said humbly, "Of course, my soldiers are not a coward. In the scene of cavalry duel, I showed my face and played a thousand captain, and I also had the addiction of leading the cavalry to charge.

Zhang Duo said with a smile, "It couldn't be better for the real chief to play the fake captain. Don't worry, Brother Zheng, I will definitely give you a close-up later."

Zheng Anguo happily went to put on makeup. It is said that the origin of soldiers is different, not to mention that Zheng Anguo, a general who leads soldiers, has his own momentum. Zheng Anguo put on his helmet and armor, rode a high-headed horse, with a wolf tooth iron rod in his hand, shouted loudly on the horse, showing off his power, and immediately interpreted the image of the Hu people's fierce general.

When the neat cavalry in the camera moved forward together, Zheng Anguo had a thousand horses, flags flying, knives and guns, giving people a strong visual impact. In particular, when the horse runs up and charges, it is very imposing. The dust rises and rises several feet high, like yellow clouds pouring on the ground, giving people a feeling of death and destroying the world.

Yelu Hongji's cavalry is only 500, but the momentum is not weaker than the other side. When the two cavalry collided with each other, the crew members who watched the fighting scene were excited and the effect was very good.

Maybe it's really like what Jin Yutang said. When the good time comes, it's basically one or two. Of course, the biggest reason is that the staff of the crew are strong, and Gu Zongling, Chen Feiyang and Zheng Anguo have good scheduling and coordination ability. Zhang Duo is more responsible for the effect of the film. He only needs to tell the effect he wants like three people, three people are responsible for directing and scheduling, and Zhang Duo just tells them whether they have achieved the effect.

All the previous bedding were all to show that the unified army of Liao was very good and brave. In this case, Xiao Feng rushed alone, shot the king of Chu, captured the emperor's uncle, and turned the tide, so as to show his heroic spirit. Like taking the head of an enemy general among thousands of armies, he seems to be extremely brave. Of course, there are less than 2,000 actors at present, and they are still a little worse in momentum. There will definitely be some special effects in the later stage. However, it's just a *. If you want to show the bravery of the Liao army, you still have to rely on 1,500 soldiers.

After all the personnel were coordinated, Zhang Duo shouted, "action!" The instructions were issued to the staff at the scene to start shooting, and the camera began to rotate

In the camera, Xiao Feng, played by Ji Liancheng, held a hard bow, ten wolf teeth and long arrows, pulled a horse, slowly pulled it to the edge of the mountain, turned down, turned to the horse's abdomen, hid under the horse, hooked the horse's back with both feet, kicked the toes, and the horse rushed away.

Xiao Feng kicked the horse with his toes and rushed straight to the king of Chu. Seeing that he was about 200 steps away from him, he pulled away the strong bow under the horse's abdomen and shot him with a sharp arrow. The guard beside the king of Chu raised his shield and blocked the arrow. Xiao Feng galloped, shooting arrows, shot down the guard with one arrow, and the second arrow shot straight into the chest of King Chu.

The whole scene was completed in one go, and the effect was better than expected. Zhang Duo shouted "CUT!" After that, some staff came forward to make the shape of the arrow for the king of Chu.

After shooting again, the king of Chu in the camera was shot by Xiao Feng and passed through his chest. The king of Chu shook his body and slipped down from his horse.

The king of Chu fell into the horse, and everyone in the enemy array shouted. Hundreds of feather arrows shot at the horses hidden by Xiao Feng. In an instant, the horse was hit by more than 200 arrows and turned into a killing horse.

Xiao Feng rolled several times underground, slipped under an officer's mount, unfolded his small and soft efforts, and then drilled from the belly to the horse, one rolled and drilled under the other. The officers and soldiers could not shoot arrows and used spears one after another. But Xiao Feng drilled east and rolled west, all the work under the horse's stomach. The enemy officers and soldiers are in chaos into thousands of horses. You push me and trample on each other, and you can't stab him at all!

Zhang Duo looked behind the camera and saw that the effect was still very good, but this time he did not stop!

In the camera, the guards raised their shields and blocked densely in front of the emperor's uncle. They could only hear three noises, and three arrows hit the shield. Xiao Feng's ten arrows carried shot out seven, leaving only three. Seeing that more than 30 enemy shields covered each other, it was difficult for these three famous guards to shoot three famous guards. , not to mention the emperor's uncle. At this time, he had gone deep into the enemy array, and thousands of soldiers behind him chased him with spears, and thousands of troops in front of him were indeed in a desperate situation.

At this moment, Xiao Feng suddenly roared, jumped over the more than 30 shields and fell in front of the emperor's uncle horse. Uncle Huang was shocked and raised a horse whip to shoot him down in the face. Xiao Feng jumped up, fell on the emperor's saddle, grabbed his back with his left hand, raised him high, and shouted, "Do you want to die or live? Tell everyone to put down the blade!"

Seeing this, Zhang Duo was very excited and shouted, "CUT, pass! Take another 20 minutes off!"

A team of soldiers who played the role of the Liao army and the staff who did various stunts on the scene immediately cheered.