Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 6 Zhao Tianshi's Guidance Mission

According to the regulations of the system, the novice guidance task consists of four small tasks: "first weapon", "first delivery", "first medicine" and "delivery letter of recommendation", so you must start with the novice tutor Zhao Tianshi, take an unsigned letter of recommendation, and visit Pu Liang, the owner of the weapon shop, in turn. Du Ziteng, the owner of the square, and Lu Sanqi, the owner of the pharmacy, and get their signatures. Then Zhao Tianshi will return to Zhao Tianshi and hand in this letter of recommendation. Then Zhao Tianshi will combine these four tasks and reward the players with this novice skill of internal attack.

This task is done by every player according to the rules. In fact, it only takes about half an hour to complete it. On the one hand, it gives players 500 points of upgrade experience from level 0 to level 1, and on the other hand, they can also take this opportunity to familiarize themselves with the NPC distribution in Dali City.

At this time, Shen Shiyan was also the first to go to Zhao Tianshi in the center of Dali City and bowed respectfully: "The boy entered Tianmen today to learn the mental methods and skills of all factions. He will definitely run for the right path of the world's martial arts and shout for the justice of the world. Here, please ask Zhao Tianshi to give me the letter of recommendation at ease. The boy will sincerely visit the three conscientious bosses and successfully ask for signatures from them.

After saying this, it seems that Zhao Tianshi was also very surprised by what the hero of the martial arts novel said to his master when he was learning from his teacher, and soon had an excellent first impression of Shen Shiyan. You know, since they entered Dali City (that is, since the game started) , for 20 days, but no one has really had a good polite attitude towards the NPCs in Dali City. Most people follow their own nature and are not much different from previous games. They all come up carelessly and reach out to Zhao Tianshi for the push. Letter of recommendation.

Now in the face of Shen Shiyan's respectful and polite words, Zhao Tianshi suddenly felt warm in his heart and remembered that although he was only an ordinary guide in Dali, the other party could still be so humble to him. It can be imagine that this young man's moral and cultivation is indeed much higher than those people before.

Thinking of this, Zhao Tianshi gave the letter of recommendation to Shen Shiyan and also revealed an additional message: "Brother Shen, looking at your talent, decent appearance, politeness and moderate manners, I will also reveal some additional information to you. You should listen carefully. When you get to level 10 in the future, remember to come to me, and I will give you some benefits.

My God! It's just to be more polite. Unexpectedly, Zhao Tianshi can be treated like this. It seems that the player in his previous life has not cheated. As long as I complete this task, I'm afraid that the reward will be much better than others.

Thinking of this, Shen Shiyan quickly expressed his gratitude to Zhao Tianshi, saying that he must remember the words of Tianshi in the future, study his skills to serve the country of Dali and seek benefits for the people. After saying these words, Shen Shiyan took the recommendation letter from Zhao Tianshi. After saying goodbye to Zhao Tianshi, he kept running to Pu Liang, the owner of the first NPC weapons store.

When Shen Shiyan arrived at the weapons store, Pu Liang was talking to another player. However, in three or two sentences, the two made everything clear. The player was a little unhappy with Pu Liang's cold attitude. Before leaving, he secretly scolded Pu Liang a few words, but he might as well be heard by Shen Shiyan. Shen Shiyan sighed in his heart: These players who are used to playing kimchi games naturally do not know the high AI value of these NPCs and that they will become very powerful beings in Tianmen in the future. After several expansion packs are opened, the players at that time dare not underestimate these seemingly honest. NPC.

Shen Shiyan quickly looked at Pu Liang, the owner of the weapons store. He was 45 or 46 years old, with a beard on his face and looked very rude, but he knew that he was actually a cold NPC on the outside and hot inside, just because he usually insisted on making iron, steelmaking and building equipment every day. With little communication with other NPCs, the interaction with players often ends in a few words. After saying that, the dedicated arms shop owner and blacksmith returned to the inner room, picked up the tools, and hammered the fiery embryo with a hammer.

At this time, Pu Liang was planning to return to the inner room. Shen Shiyan, who was waiting aside, quickly stepped forward and submitted the letter of recommendation in his hand to Pu Liang. At the same time, he explained his intention concisely. Finally, he politely said "thank you".

Pu Liang took the letter of recommendation and did not show any special look. While listening to Shen Shiyan's gratitude, he took out a ball of red clay from the cabinet, stretched out his right thumb and wiped a few touches on it. Then he pressed his thumb to the end of the recommendation letter, and then gave it to Shen Shiyan and said lightly. He said, "Quickly hand it over to Du Ziteng!"

Shen Shiyan quickly took over the letter of recommendation and politely said "thank you" before turning around and walking to the people's square. However, at this time, Pu Liang saw that there were no other players nearby, so he walked into the inner room a few steps, picked up the tools and continued to polish the swords wholeheartedly. How could he hear it with a focused expression? Shen Shiyan's words of gratitude.

Ten minutes later, Shen Shiyan came to the People's Square.

The people's workshop is five stories high and covers an area of no less than 10 mu. It is the property of Du Ziteng's ancestral family, which has been inherited for a hundred years. It is also one of the top three restaurants in Dali City, with an annual income of no less than hundreds of thousands of taels of silver. However, its boss Du Ziteng is extremely low-key and very approachable. He, who has rarely appeared in front of people, will only appear in the highest building of the people's square when he distributes money and food to the poor people on major festivals.

However, Shen Shiyan clearly knew that Du Ziteng, who looked kind and philanthropy, actually secretly did not know how many bad things he had done. He colluded with the government of Dali, monopolized the catering industry in the southwest corner of Dali City, and obviously lowered prices to attack various opponents. At the same time, he also recruited good martial arts masters. My own nursing team. These things were discovered by players one by one in their previous life. Unfortunately, Du Ziteng had an excellent relationship with the royal family of Dali, so even if the players united with other bandits and other forces in Dali, they failed to bring down the people's square, but caused a lot of trouble for themselves.

At this time, Shen Shiyan, because he had a novice guidance task, the shopkeeper of the People's Square immediately greeted him to Du Ziteng's office. When Shen Shiyan entered the room, he saw that around the wall, the house was decorated with very simple and cold furnishings. However, the extremely precious mini three holy gold statue on Du Ziteng's desk made him clearly know that Boss Du in front of him was very rich and luxurious.

Shen Shiyan's heart kept beating: I'll fly you! It is actually the golden statue of the Three Saints, and it is the golden statue of Sansheng, one of the five major weapons of Chongsheng Temple in Dali! Is there any mistake! Although it is a mini version, it is covered with pure golden halo, beautiful and gorgeous, lifelike lines, undoubtedly from famous artists, at least worth 10,000 taels of silver.

Next, Du Ziteng, with a kind face but a glimmer of light flashed from the corners of his eyes, personally received Shen Shiyan. The two quickly fulfilled their duties. After saying only three or two minutes of polite words, they returned to their original work. Shen Shiyan quickly took over the letter of recommendation signed Du Ziteng's name, and then walked out of the gate of the people's workshop.

What Shen Shiyan didn't know was that after he left, Du Ziteng stroked the mini three holy gold statue with one hand, and his eyes flashed with uncertain eyes, but his tone was very disdainful: "Huh! It's just a novice who has just made his debut, and I won't think so much. It's still very strange to think of it. Just now, the boy Shen quickly walked around my room as soon as he walked in. Finally, when he saw my mini three holy golden statue, his eyes glowed for a moment, and then he quickly returned to normal. If I hadn't been in business for decades and got used to all kinds of people, I'm afraid I wouldn't really see this boy's strange look? I just don't know, is this boy so lucky that he received the plot task as soon as he entered the game?

Du Ziteng, who was suspicious, quickly called his men and told them to do so, and then his men immediately went to explore the details of Shen Shiyan. In less than half a day, Du Ziteng received a detailed return. At this time, he calmed down: I said, it's not so easy to trigger the plot task, hum! It's a waste of my manpower and material resources. The next time I see you, I have to make you suffer a little!

At this time, I didn't know that what I had just done would actually offend Shen Shiyan, a stingy NPC. After quickly getting a third signature from Lu Sanqi, the owner of the pharmacy, he immediately returned to Zhao Tianshi, gave the letter of recommendation to the other party, and then waited politely, although he was quite excited. (After all, it was the first upgrade after Shen Shiyan's rebirth), but he stood aside with a calm and indifferent look on his face.

Zhao Tianshi looked at Shen Shiyan in surprise: It only took this boy 20 minutes to complete this novice task. It seems that his geographical knowledge must be good, so I just promised to give him that benefit when he was at level 10, and let him complete something for me by the way, which seemed to be worth it. Here it comes.

After thinking about this, Zhao Tianshi smiled and put his hands together and read the formula in his mouth, but for more than ten seconds, and then gave a golden light to Shen Shiyan standing aside. After doing these things, he reminded Shen Shiyan again: "Brother Shen, please remember that you must come to me when you are at level ten. At that time, I will have a rewarding plot task for you. Believe you, it won't be too difficult to get to level 10; and I believe that it will be very easy to complete that plot task at that time.

Shen Shiyan didn't know how to thank him quickly. After others completed the novice guidance task here, they would never come to interact with him again. Instead, he was lucky enough to get the favor of Zhao Tianshi and got a ten-level plot task. Shen Shiyan agreed and shouted in his heart that it was a pity. In his previous life, he only remembered that some players triggered Zhao Tianshi's plot task, but he did not know the specific details.

Without waiting for him to continue to be annoyed, Zhao Tianshi has read a few formulas again and transmitted Shen Shiyan to the place where level 1 novices practice skills - the lowest-level practice copy in Tianmen, Xiaomu Ren Lane.