Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 7 On the Little Woodman Lane

The copies in Tianmen are divided into three categories: practice copies, equipment copies, and task copies.

Among them, the practice copy is mainly to give players proficiency in practicing skills to avoid the possibility of being killed when challenging powerful monsters because their methods are too strange. The equipment copy, as mentioned above, is the largest and most harvested copy. In this type of instance, players can defeat the small monsters, leader monsters, leader monsters, and even king monsters through intellectual fighting, martial arts and other forms, so as to obtain equipment and equipment enhancement props with better attributes. As for the mission copy, it is divided into sect mission copy and adventure mission copy. The former refers to what players can get directly from the NPC of this school, while the latter can only be encountered and triggered by players on wild maps and even some secret maps. Of course, the latter is absolutely more difficult than the former, and the profit is several times better.

Xiaomuren Lane is the lowest-level copy of practice.

There is only one floor in Xiaomuren Lane, but its area is also very large. After all, most novices, after entering the game and obtaining the first active attack skills through the novice guidance task, the first place to go is not the infinite mountain at the east gate of Dali City, but to practice their skills. Proficiency in operations such as release and pause.

Therefore, in the 20 days since the opening of Tianmen, 10 million players with 10 million accounts, most of whom received official reminders, went out to brush monsters after practicing in Xiaomuren Lane, including those players who are themselves online game competitive masters. For those players who did not listen to the official announcement, after they went to the infinite mountain and were hit by the little monsters, they finally had to obediently return to the main city and go to Zhao Tianshi to beg for a chance to teleport into the alley of the little wooden people.

At this time, after Shen Shiyan was transmitted by Zhao Tianshi, he found that this lowest-level copy was also quite well designed under the careful design of the artists of Tenglong Group. The whole small wooden lane is not like its name. It is a cross or two-character lane, but a super square with a width of 10 kilometers from east to west and a span of eight kilometers from north to south. In such a large area, there are 80 teleport doors and 4 million small wooden monsters. It is no wonder that it can carry 200,000 players to practice here at the same time.

Near the portal of Shen Shiyan, there are hundreds of novices using their skills clumsily to the little wooden man. Their technique is very rough. Most people stand in place, quietly waiting for the completion of the skill reading, and directly hit the little wooden monster in front of them. However, how can such a direct and primitive attack method accurately attack monsters? After these people's attacks failed, they were often immediately counterattacked by small wooden monsters, or even jointly attacked by several small wooden monsters. And a few other novices are only slightly better.

You know, even these lowest-level wooden monsters have been given realistic action settings by the system. Although they also passively attack monsters, that does not mean that they still foolishly stay in place and wait to be killed when the player's skills are about to attack. In fact, as long as the player's skills leave the player's weapon or body, the monsters around them will feel this murderous spirit, so they will also take corresponding measures, such as dodge, such as retreating, and even counterattack!

Seeing this situation, Shen Shiyan also sighed slightly in his heart, thinking that he was not as outdated and clumsy as these novices. Who didn't grow up step by step from the novice period? Thinking of this, Shen Shiyan loudly told those novices not to underestimate these small wooden alleys. They must pay attention to releasing their skills and turn to the left or right to avoid the counterattack of the small wooden monsters and create opportunities for their next attack.

After listening to Shen Shiyan's reminder, most players were very grateful for his advice. When Shen Shiyan saw that they had begun to listen to their suggestions, he immediately found a remote place and began his own practice journey.

At present, there are less than ten people practicing near the place where Shen Shiyan is, but at a glance, Shen Shiyan found that some of these people are actually level 2 or even level 3. After a few thoughts, I realized that these people were willing not to upgrade quickly outside, but were willing to go to the practice copy to exercise their skills.

Shen Shiyan himself quickly took out the white iron sword in the package and glanced at the novice skills he had just acquired.

Skill Name: Internal Attack

Skill effect: 40 points of internal power attack, release time 2 seconds, cooling time 5 seconds

Well, it doesn't look too bad. Although the increased attack is not too much, the release time of only two seconds can be said to be the fastest release in the whole game. As for the cooling time of five seconds, it is also very acceptable. You should know that the basic skills of various factions with the shortest cooling time in Tianmen also take ten seconds. Thinking of this, Shen Shiyan immediately chose the nearest wooden monster. When a exploration technique is thrown over, the attributes of the little wooden monster will be known.

Monster Name: Little Woodman

Monster Level: 1

Basic Attributes: Health, 100

Because he didn't know the specific attack and defense of the little wooden monster, Shen Shiyan first tried his best to cut the chest of the little wooden monster. His movements were extremely fast, and at the moment he took action, he immediately moved a distance of one meter to the left. The white iron sword quickly cut the left chest of the little wooden monster and in the little wooden man Before the monster reacted, a small crack was immediately scratched in its chest, followed by an obvious scar.

System prompts: Player Shen Shiyan's right hand weapon hits the left chest of the little wooden monster, causing 4 times the critical strike damage!

Shen Shiyan quickly converted the attack and defense formula and calculated that the external defense of the little wooden monster was only 12 points, that is to say, he had to attack 50 times with a white iron sword before the little wooden monster would completely hang up. Oh, my God! Fortunately, there is still a skill to increase internal attack. Otherwise, if you only rely on the white iron sword to cut, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with a monster if you cut for ten minutes.

At this time, the little wooden monster did not shed blood from its chest, but it also felt the pain and humiliation of being attacked. Damn it! Unexpectedly, you took the initiative to attack us. You human beings killed tens of millions of brothers a few days ago. Do you still dare to despise my ability now? The little wooden man immediately turned around and rushed to Shen Shiyan. Unfortunately, although its speed was relatively fast, Shen Shiyan's action was even faster.

At the moment it turned around, Shen Shiyan had forced the true spirit of internal attack to the white iron sword on his right hand. At the same time, he shook out a cold sword flower and quickly stabbed the weakest left elbow joint of the little wooden man monster. He only heard a few "kash", and saw the left arm elbow joint of the little wooden man monster standing. A piece was burst out, followed by a large crack, and after a few seconds, its elbow had to break.

System prompt: Player Shen Shiyan's right hand weapon hits the left arm and elbow of the little wooden monster, causing 68 points and four times the critical strike damage!

The players around accidentally noticed Shen Shiyan's exquisite attack and couldn't help but be surprised when they saw the 68-point red number on the strange head of the little wooden man: Shit! Unexpectedly, it is four times the critical strike damage, which is not what ordinary masters can do. We have also spent a lot of time here and have seen a lot of people who can cause double critical strikes and triple critical strikes. As for this quadruple critical strikes, it is really rare. Is it possible that this buddy is also a rare master?

At this time, after Shen Shiyan got a blow, he quickly moved to the left again. Unexpectedly, the IQ of the little wooden man was not low. Once he suffered such a heavy blow, it was not easy to be fooled again this time, so it made a "click" angry sound in his mouth, but the wooden footsteps quickly moved to the right rear, and two long The 1.5-meter arm quickly attacked Shen Shiyan, who had just moved half a meter. Shen Shiyan secretly shouted "bad", but there was not much time to react to him. He had to do his best to put the white iron sword in front of him and retreat back with a muffled hum.

The system prompts: The little wooden monster hits the player Shen Shiyan with both arms, causing 17 points of damage!

Although he was so hurt, Shen Shiyan also withdrew to a safe distance of two meters away. There was a cold sweat on my forehead. It was really close just now! I was still a little careless. If I had known it, I would have used four times the critical strike for the first time, and then attacked with a sword. Even if it was still counterattacked by the little wooden monster, I was afraid that it was almost killed at that time. Now, they still have 28 health points, but I only have 13 health points. Their external power attack has 265 points, and my internal power attack is only 150 points.

In the face of the proud smiling face (wooden face) of the little wooden monster and the faintly heard the exclamation of the nearby "advanced" players, Shen Shiyan, as the person involved, was not panicked. He had a plan in his heart. He stood in the direction of a gossip step with his feet, and the white iron sword in his hand was slightly raised in his eyes. Deliberately provoke the other party: Come on! Little wooden monster, brother, I'm waiting for you to take action here! That time was nothing. Next, give me a bigger surprise!

Shen Shiyan, holding a white iron sword, proudly greeted him in the strange eyes of the little wooden man and the surprised eyes of the players around him!