Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 20 Team up with "Scho"

The next night before Shen Shiyan went online, Sun Fei and Yao Xin waited early at the refresh site of the lightning leopard monster. They were arguing about inviting Shen Shiyan to join the duo.

Sun Fei explained for the third time: "I know you look down on that junior, but at least he is a strong output. If you can brush monsters with us, it seems that he has taken advantage of us now, but after we have a deep friendship, we two external power players still need internal power players like him very much. You know, we are only the lowest players in the Dragon World, but we can't wait for other free players to play monsters with us. Therefore, after others go online, they will still give some face. After all, he is not much worse than us. Besides, it's just taking advantage of him now. What do you think I really think of him as a friend?

Yao Xin felt better and said sarcastically, "Yes, you're right. Now we just need his output ability, and we don't necessarily need to cooperate with him for a long time. When we break through the obstacles of level 4 and reach level 5 with novice body protection skills, we, who are both offensive and defensive, can naturally put him aside and then directly leap over the level to challenge the monsters from level 7 to level 10.

However, at this time, Yao Xin did not know the real thoughts in Sun Fei's heart. After the latter glanced at Yao Xin's look, he smiled coldly and said: Yao Xin, Yao Xin, I didn't expect that you had known me for several years, but you still didn't know me at all. However, it is no wonder that although you are shrewd and unwilling to suffer losses, you naturally will not know that people like me who are more selfish than you have never been centered on their own interests and will never be friends with anyone. You should know that my experience is much more than yours. When I reach level 5 first, do you think I still need to share my experience with you? You are so naive.

When Shen Shiyan went online, Sun Yao had prepared everything and was tentatively challenging the level 5 lightning leopard.

One of them is a Shaolin disciple with the highest external defense, and the other is a Ming disciple with a high external attack. It is just a combination of one attack and one defense. It can be said that it is very easy and pleasant to deal with the level 5 lightning leopard. However, because the lightning leopard is as strong as the wind, as fast as lightning, and has a certain sense of each other, it is easy to launch a group attack, while Shaolin and Mingjiao are naturally slow, so the two have to carefully choose those alone lightning leopards to launch attacks.

Seeing that Shen Shiyan had been online, the two quickly solved the lightning leopard in front of them and walked this way at the same time.

Shen Shiyan continued to pretend to be the immature look of yesterday, and said exaggeratedly after a few round of applause: "The two seniors are indeed dragons and phoenixes among people!" Unexpectedly, they can cooperate so perfectly with each other to eliminate the level 5 lightning leopard in a few moves. Today, I came to kill monsters with you, but I'm afraid most of them will drag you down. Please don't be surprised!"

While saying these words, Shen Shiyan wisely observed the reaction of Sun Fei and Yao Xin. Sun Fei and Yao Xin looked happy on their faces. Seeing that they did not see that they were deliberately saying these words, he was also making more plans in his heart: You two guys thought that I, Shen Shiyan was just A novice? Yesterday, you suddenly invited me to join your team. How could I not doubt your intentions? There is nothing so good in the world. When we team up today, I would like to see what you have.

The unwitting Sun Fei and Yao Xin came to Shen Shiyan and thought that their conjecture about Shen Shiyan was 100% accurate. At the same time, they generously taught Shen Shiyan various skills to deal with the lightning leopard, who concentrated on this Some of the content was remembered in my mind, and at the same time, I thought: I didn't expect that these two guys had a certain level, and even such a method could make them come up with it.

At this time, they have shared their experience with each other, and the three of them also made it clear: Yao Xin is responsible for attracting monsters, Sun Fei is responsible for attracting firepower, and Shen Shiyan is responsible for strong output. Subsequently, Sun Fei and Yao Xin told Shen Shiyan their basic attributes. As for Shen Shiyan's offensive and defensive attributes, they thought that although the rookie who was only level 2 could go, they didn't think much about how high they could go. They directly listened to Shen Shiyan's lied "90 points of health and 270 points of internal power attack".

Sun Fei gave Yao Xin a look, which means that this boy is really a rookie. He has only known us for two days and simply told us his important attribute information. Look, the health value is only 90 points, which is not enough for our damage value of one move and a half. As for the 270 points of internal power attack Although the attack is much higher than ours, it is harmless. Even if he is allowed to split our sword directly, it is only about ten points of damage, which is almost equivalent to tickling compared with hundreds of our lives.

Thinking about this, both of them laughed secretly. Legend has it that Shen, who lost his confession, is indeed such an awesome person.

However, Sun Yao and the two did not expect that just as they laughed secretly, Shen Shiyan seriously analyzed the attribute value of the two: I'll go to you! Sure enough, the health value and the defense value of the foreign power sect are very high. Sun Fei, a novice of Mingjiao, who is only level 4, actually has more than 400 health points and nearly 600 foreign power attacks. As for Yao Xin, a level 4 Shaolin novice, his health value is even more horrible, actually reaching 2900 points, and his external defense It has also reached more than 1800 points. Thinking about these values gives him a headache. If there is a fight between the three soon, he is afraid that he will definitely fall behind.

Thinking of this, Shen Shiyan couldn't help touching the green bronze knife in the package. Fortunately, with this bronze knife, he could at least shoot the two of them away at a critical moment. As for the remaining one, he could also use the knife spirit of Xiaolin's knife to temporarily stop it, and then ran into the dense woods and wait for him like this. When they reacted, I was afraid that they could only watch themselves stay away. It's just a pity that this bronze knife has just been snatched. What a pity!

A few seconds later, the three went towards the lightning leopard with their own thoughts.

According to the previous division of labor plan, the first of the three, Yao Xin came forward with a gun and led two or three lightning leopards to one place with his 1800 external defense. With his 2900 health and the flying red rifle in his hand, he temporarily resisted the attack of the lightning leopards. After all, even if the latter's attack is very rapid, it can only consume 20 or 30 points of his health. Then Sun Fei, while these lightning leopards were attracted by Yao Xin's hatred, the bronze knife in his hand passed by and kept killing key parts such as the back and abdomen of the lightning leopard. The blade only cut off pieces of the skin and flesh of the lightning leopard, followed by the painful howl of the lightning leopard.

However, without waiting for the howling sound of these lightning leopards, a rapid and sharp sword spirit on the side has been locked and shot into their armpits, chests and other parts that are prone to critical strikes. This is naturally the credit of our hero Shen Shiyan. Although the white iron sword in his hand has lost 120 points in durability due to the fierce battle with Wang Qiang before, it still maintains its solid quality. With Shen Shiyan's rapid attack, the white iron sword also shook out dozens of brilliant sword flowers and attacked the lightning leopard one by one.

At this time, the heads of the three leopards showed different damage values. Yao Xin's head shows 50 or 60 points of damage caused by these lightning leopards every second, and also shows one or two points of damage caused to the lightning leopard. Sun Fei's head showed 34 points of damage caused to the lightning leopard every three or two seconds, and also showed that he suffered ten points of damage from the lightning leopard. Those lightning leopards also keep emitting 30 or 40 points, or 50 or 60 points, or even hundreds of damage points. Only Shen Shiyan's head is all green (indication to cause damage to others, and vice versa), and almost every time he takes a move, he can reach more than 30 points of damage.

Shen Shiyan's powerful output is because the lightning leopard itself attacks monsters with external power and low internal power defense. However, Sun Fei and Yao Xin saw Shen Shiyan's agile skills and his total output in the team display panel was almost not below Sun Fei. The two were a little surprised: they couldn't see this boy, holding it. The most rubbish novice weapon can also play such a role with level 2 attributes.

At this time, Shen Shiyan was bitter and couldn't say. The reason is very simple, because in order not to let Sun Yao and the two find his real strength, even if the two "masters" gave him resistance, he suppressed his output rhythm to 50% of the original. However, at this time, he also saw from Sun Yao's surprised look that he was still a little overdone, so he continued to control the rhythm at about 30% of the original, which made Sun Yao's surprised eyes gradually fade away.

Two minutes later, these lightning leopards fell helplessly, giving the three people one or two hundred points of materials and experience.