Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 21 The Team

The three people cooperated for more than two hours. Except for a few mistakes, there were almost no major mistakes, so each of them gained a lot. The three cooperated with each other to attract three or four monsters. Each time in three minutes, they can basically guarantee that they will be eliminated during this period. Occasionally, someone will have a critical strike, and the time can be shortened to two minutes and 40 seconds. In the past two hours, all three people have scored more than 6,000 points on average. Among them, Sun Fei has only more than 2,000 experience points from level 5, and he can upgrade to level 5 in about an hour. At that time, he can also learn the novice body protection skills. However, Yao Xin still needs more than 5,000 experience points to reach level 5.

As for Shen Shiyan, after more than 100 minutes of hard work, he has successfully risen to level 3 and earned more than 2,000 points of experience. Because of this, when the three paused to rest, Sun Fei had a happy expression on his face and talked about this and that with Shen Shiyan, but the latter answered various topics with a faint smile, while vigilantly glancing at Yao Xin sitting a little far away, and occasionally saw a trace of unpleasantness on Yao Xin's face. Look.

At this time, it was mainly Sun Fei and Shen Shiyan, talking nonsense, but Yao Xin found an excuse to say that he was a little tired just now and wanted to be quiet for a while, so he turned his back to the two.

Shen Shiyan naturally guessed that Yao Xin was very interested in pretending to be Sun Fei's topic on his face, but he thought secretly: I didn't expect that there would be an internal conflict between you two guys. Ha ha, this is a great thing for me. Once you want to do something wrong to me, it's not too difficult for me to take advantage of the gap between you two to create a little internal war for you. Leaving aside the calculations with these two people for the time being, Shen Shiyan talked about messy topics with Sun Fei while carefully looking at his attributes after rising to level 3.

Now all his attributes are as follows:

Character name: Shen Shiyan

Current level: Level 3

Fasion: Xiaoyao School

Display attributes:

Life: 210

True Qi value: 526

External attack: 36

Internal power attack:410

External Defense: 135

Internal defense: 291

Basic attributes:

Strengthes: 6,

Spiritual power: 48,

physique: 6,

Fight force: 14,

Current martial arts:

Heart method: novice spitting skills, which can be used in addition to the combat state, sit still to restore health and true qi

Active skills:

Exploration can be used to explore the display attributes of players and NPCs whose level is not higher than their level 5.

Inner attack, add 40 points of internal power attack, release time 2 seconds, cooldown time 5 seconds

Seeing the attributes in front of him, he did increase a lot compared with Level 1 and Level 2, but when he thought of the attributes of Sun Fei and Yao Xin, he was not so optimistic. In the joint battle just now, Shen Shiyan estimated that the important attributes of the two of them are: Sun Fei, health value 400, true qi value 200, external power attack 580, external power defense 300, internal power defense 200; Yao Xin, health value 2900, true qi value 300, external power attack and internal power attack are 80, external power defense 1800, internal power defense 250.

I'll fly you! After this calculation, I have no choice but to find Sun Fei's bad luck. After all, although his external attack is high, his internal defense is low, and his health value is not very high. If he is in a one-handed state, with my level 3 and gossip footwork, he may not lose below his level 4. However, if you let me deal with Yao Xin, alas! That's tantamount to idiots talking in their dreams! Think about it, people's health value is close to 3,000, as high as 2,000 external power defense, and even the internal power defense has 300 points. Although they operate well, their helpless attributes are too different, which is really difficult for a skillful woman to cook without rice.

Thinking of this, Shen Shiyan had to pay more attention to Yao Xin. He thought that he had no choice but to fall out with these two guys, otherwise any of them would be enough to pose a threat to himself. As for the transfer, at that time, because all major schools opened up light skills, they would not be afraid of those high-blooded Shaolin disciples.

After five or six minutes of resting, the three of them united again to brush monsters for the third hour according to the previous process.

As usual, Yao Xin came forward to attract four or five lightning leopard monsters, and then Sun Fei came forward to attract a certain amount of firepower, followed by a sword spirit on Shen Shiyan's white iron sword. At this time, Shen Shiyan's sword spirit was more fierce, first penetrating the leg joints of the lightning leopard, which greatly damaged their mobility. Secondly, with the help of Yao Xin's cover, the angry lightning leopard was blocked in front of him, while Shen Shiyan skillfully wrapped around the side of the lightning leopard, and another sword gas stabbed the lower ribs of the other party, or an important acupuncture point, causing twice or three times the critical strike damage!

Sun Fei, who was fighting in another direction, saw the bright red "60!" on the heads of several lightning leopards caused by Shen Shiyan. 80!" 100!" and even "180!", I couldn't help but be very surprised: Shit! Is there any mistake! Although you are a member of the internal power school, it's not so exaggerated! You know, these are level 5 monsters, and their internal defense is almost not below me. Looking back at my "20!" to the lightning leopard 40!" and the occasional "60!", I can't help but feel cool.

At this time, the three people killed for less than ten minutes, but when they saw Sun Fei and Yao Xin casting a surprised look at him again, Shen Shiyan sighed in his heart, once again forcibly suppressed his exquisite operation and output frequency, and from time to time deliberately let the sharp claws of the lightning leopard cross his less important place.

At the same time, in order to further dispel Sun Yao's doubts and vigilance, Shen Shiyan suppressed his operation and deliberately shouted: "Oh, my God, it hurts so much!" Brother Sun, take it easy over there! I can't bear the leopard's claws. Please help me attract some hatred. Oh, my God, I'm so annoyed! Brother Yao, you can also help me. Come and block these damn leopards for me and let me take a breath first.

Sun Yao and the two saw that Shen Shiyan was also attacked by the lightning leopard to their arms and other places, and their blood was so bloody that their health value was reduced by nearly half. After they got the evidence, they had no doubt that he was there, at least most of their vigilance dropped. The two knew that Shen Shiyan was the real main outputter now, so they slightly reduced the burden for Shen Shiyan, but verbally did not let go of the opportunity to make fun of him: "Haha, I said this, Shen! Is it better now? The two of us risked a plummeting life and attracted the hatred of these lightning leopards for you. After you recover, you will quickly play those hands just now and increase the speed of brushing for our buddies!"

Hearing Sun Yao's words, it was obvious that they were still testing him. Shen Shiyan didn't know how to answer.

At this time, Shen Shiyan secretly scolded Sun Yao for their cunning, but the action of killing monsters slowed down by one hundredth again. After being attacked by a lightning leopard on the back, he took advantage of the opportunity to jump out of the battle circle and meditate and recovered his blood. He cursed and said, "Oh, my God! He was attacked by another big move, and he had to recover his blood quickly. Two bosses, you can stand up for a while!"

Sun Feiyao Xin, who was fighting with the remaining lightning leopard, was finally relieved and launched their own "strike" (active attack skills by novices of the foreign sect) to eliminate the bloody lightning leopard.

After meditating in place for a few seconds, Sun Yao quickly recovered their blood and stood up and started a new round of fighting again. After Sun Fei gave Yao Xin a wink this time, Yao Xin simply attracted eight lightning leopard monsters. He obviously wanted to deliberately increase Shen Shiyan's output burden and make him tired of dealing with these lightning leopards. Once they broke through level 4 and reached level 5, they could take this opportunity to put Shen Shiyan aside.

Shen Shiyan is not stupid. How can he be fooled by them?

Seeing that the monsters attracted by Yao Xin actually increased by more than half, Shen Shiyan still maintained the previous level, just to avoid the bad intentions of these two people, so he rarely deliberately let the lightning leopard attack him, but deliberately shouted "I was attacked again!" He was attacked again!" Anyway, Sun Yao, who were killing monsters together, would not look at his situation seriously every time.

Until a few minutes later, a thick red light flashed from the sky in the open space not far from the three. At this time, the lightning leopard monsters on the side of the three had been brushed. The three knew that the next battle would be more intense, so they quickly swallowed a precious blood elixir. At the same time, when the red light dissipated, a lightning leopard leader, who was half bigger than the lightning leopard monster, stepped out.

The three sent a look to each other, but they greeted each other with their own thoughts: Come on! Level 7 boss monster!