Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 136 Under Wanhuagang

Just as Shen Shiyan unbridledly exerted his understood moves, 50 or 60 meters away on this side, the team of Shangguan Le's men brushing monsters and fighting treasures discussed one after another. The six people in the team are all 14-level 15 players, with their respective occupations: one Xiaoyao, one Emei, two Shaolin, and two Mingjiao. It was at this time that the free player who seemed to be the captain said cautiously while paying attention to Shen Shiyan's movements, "Guys, I don't think this is a good time to take action. Look, that player moves so fast that he looks like a star player, but his knife makes the two bear monsters unable to dodge, as if he were a master of Ming religion. However, in fact, after the observation of exploration, he is a free player. To sum up, I think this player is by no means mediocre and should really plan well.

After hearing the captain's proposal, the Shaolin player, as an exploration team member, immediately said, "Yes, if I hadn't avoided it in time just now, I'm afraid the Emei player next to me would have noticed my whereabouts. Now, we can discuss in this place to avoid the sight of the two of them. Therefore, I also agree with what the captain said. Instead of recklessly grabbing monsters, it's better to wait a little time and take action..." Before he finished his words, another Shaolin player immediately objected: "This can't be done, this can't be done. If he doesn't take action now, it will not be easy to kill him after he kills the two bears and recovers his blood. I see, we can directly divide them into two groups according to the previous method, and attack them back and forth.

As soon as the Shaolin player's proposal was finished, it was unanimously approved by the remaining three. At this time, the captain didn't say much, so he had to lurk in groups of three. Among them, the captain and the Shaolin player of the exploration team, together with the Emei player, formed a group responsible for bypassing the past to attack Iron Thirteen. The other two Mingjiao players and another Shaolin player are responsible for the siege from here. When the six-person group acted, the Shaolin player who followed the captain was none other than Yao Xin, who had had two faces with Shen Shiyan before. The first time he saw Shen Shiyan quickly brush monsters, the second time was when Xu Yong killed Shen Shiyan. Later, Yao Xin was implicated in Xu Fei's defection, so he joined this team.

At this time, Yao Xin followed behind the captain, from the slope next to the stream, that is, the small slope that Shen Shiyan had just borrowed, and gradually approached Tie 13 who was exerting primary treatment skills. This group of three people are getting closer and closer to Tieshi, and they are naturally overjoyed: if they kill this Emei player, they are not afraid of the extraordinary player, and they will not be captured, hey hey... With the distance between the three and Tieshi, it is shortened from 50 meters to 40 meters, from 40 meters to 20 meters. Later, he simply came to a high slope behind Iron Thirteen. With the help of these big stones, the three people's bodies were well blocked behind. And the other group also gradually approached Shen Shiyan.

Unfortunately, although it is not easy to see the whereabouts of these three people from the perspective of Tie Shiyan, it is a relatively clear glimpse of the Emei player passing by. He shouted in his heart, but his face remained very calm. Subsequently, Shen Shiyan, who was extremely vigilant, also felt that there was also this group of people lying in ambush on a slope not far behind him. Shocked, Shen Shiyan quickly came up with the safest solution. While the bear monster was almost dying, Shen Shiyan attacked him with another internal attack and immediately killed it. Then, without waiting for another bear monster to attack, he could pass by him on one side of his body.

As soon as he staggered this position, Shen Shiyan immediately came to two or three meters near Iron 13. After warning Tie Shisan in a low voice, the latter naturally woke up and followed Shen Shiyan's advice and immediately changed another direction. However, Shen Shiyan himself continued to return to attack the bear monster in the field when he saw Tie Shisan walking to the middle. The flame knife turned into a piece of knife light, with a fierce murderous atmosphere, cutting, cutting, stabbing, and flirting with the key points of the bear monster's whole body again and again. In the heyday of the bear monster, Shen Shiyan did not dare to be so big. However, now the bear monster has been hit hard. No matter how hard it is to prevent high blood, it can't help Shen Shiyan's strong output. Subsequently, Shen Shiyan had already caught a glimpse of the two groups of people and quickly rushed to his direction, trying to besiege him while he was fighting against the bear monster.

There was a sneer in the corners of his mouth, and there was a cold murderous intention in his eyes. Without waiting for the six people to charge, Shen Shiyan estimated the next steps. At the same time, he immediately let Tie Shisan quickly escape from the fourth direction. Shen Shiyan is not a reckless man. In the face of six players who are all level 14 and 15, he naturally does not want Tie Shisan to face danger with himself here. And, more importantly, he was quite unhilarated by the siege and killing of these six people. In order to hit the team in one move, he intended to let Tie Shisan leave in order to test the tricks he had learned. Whether he could also see a good effect when competing with players.

Because of this, by the time Tie Shisan quickly rushed to the fourth direction, Shen Shiyan's knife had successfully killed the bear monster with bottomed his health. Then, rest for a second or two. Just as the six-person team was stunned by Shen Shiyan's reaction and woke up to chase Shen Shiyan, the latter licked the bear blood of the knife wound, and a cruel smile appeared in front of the six people. Among the six people, except for Yao Xin, who has seen the power of Shen Shiyan, the other five people have encountered this situation for the first time. After seeing Shen Shiyan's terrible look, Yao Xin's footsteps unconsciously slowed down by half a beat. However, after being stunned, the other five people immediately continued to charge. Although there are quite some rules between the sword dance between the five people, it is only for those more ordinary players.

For Shen Shiyan, who was on the rise of killing at this time, the so vulgar siege technology of these five people made him almost lose his interest in fighting. Not to mention the players of the big forces in the previous life, even the last three younger players under Wan Guchou can surpass these people who are also qualified to enter this battlefield copy. He glanced at the siege of the five people before and after. Before the completion of the siege of the five people, Shen Shiyan had already made some action. Even if the gossip footwork has not cooled down, Shen Shiyan still rushed to the weakest 14-level Mingjiao player without fear. The knife on the flame knife is soaring, like a murderous magic soldier. While the internal power protection quickly started, Shen Shiyan's knife was already cut on the blue bronze knife of the 14-level Ming education player.

A strong force passed through Shen Shiyan's flaming knife. The 14-level Mingjiao player had no time to release his big move. Holding the right hand of the blue bronze knife, he was already paralyzed. Another 15-level Mingjiao player and 14-level Shaolin player naturally shouted, and then surrounded him with a long knife and a long gun. Unfortunately, their movements are still half a beat slower. Before the two people's bronze knives and red guns were killed, Shen Shiyan, who was clear in his mind, immediately turned sideways to avoid their attack. Then, without waiting for the previous 14-level Mingjiao player to react, Shen Shiyan's flame knife flashed purple light, and another move was "long sword like a magic knife" and immediately swept to the other party. After hearing the sound of knife collision, the 14-level Mingjiao player was immediately chopped back a few steps by a knife. When he stopped walking, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and his health immediately showed that he had dropped more than half of it.

The stunned 14-level Ming education player immediately couldn't help but take a few steps back. I caught a glimpse of the other four teammates in the corner of my eyes, all of whom seemed to be close to Shen Shiyan, and soon they could kill him with a knife. He, who was about to settle down, immediately paused and retreated. His left hand took out a primary blood elixir from the package and was about to swallow it. Unfortunately, Shen Shiyan could not easily let go of him, the weakest person. Before the boy swallowed the elixir, Shen Shiyan had already killed him. The flame knife burst into a dark purple blade, drawing a beautiful arc. In this boy's eyes, such a beautiful arc is really rare. However, when he really touched this arc, the flame knife had easily brushed his neck.

While the 14-level Mingjiao player spewed a stream of red blood from his neck, Shen Shiyan rolled on the spot and flew dozens of knives on his left hand, exuding the four players who flew to pursue him. It was more than three of them, and the last captain's purple and white iron sword spirit also caused a lot of sword spirit damage in Shen Shiyan's body. After quickly dodging, Shen Shiyan immediately turned up and grabbed the flame knife that flew back. When he turned to face the four players, there was also a blood mouth about eight centimeters long under Shen Shiyan's left rib. Shen Shiyan, who didn't mind, wrapped the clothes inside tighter while taking three primary blood elixirs, and two elixirs in his mouth. His face showed a demon-like murderous look, and at this time, Shen Shiyan was almost equivalent to the eternal sorrow of holding a bloodthirsty knife. A cold smile bent on the corners of his mouth, Shen Shiyan held the flame knife obliquely and walked to the four people who were trembling step by step. At this time, Shen Shiyan's psychology is the most clear. In addition to the experimental tricks, there is another important reason for his venting like this: the enemies of the past and present life have been defeated by my knife from this moment on!