Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 137 Thirty People Meeting

After another night of hard work, Shen Shiyan got up on time at 6:30 the next morning. Last night, due to the obstruction of Yao Xin and others, it took Shen Shiyan more than ten minutes to finally kill all five people before he continued to find another high-level monster with Tie Shisan. As for Yao Xin, although he is trembling and quite afraid of Shen Shiyan. In particular, when he saw Shen Shiyan's eyes red and merciless under the flame knife, his whole body stood trembling and almost unsteadily. Unexpectedly, Shen Shiyan recovered from the high-pitched blood killing state at this time. In the end, Shen Shiyan let go of his life. Before leaving, Shen Shiyan said coldly, "After all, when we first met, you looked back at me, unlike Sun Fei, who designed to frame me again and again. However, the next time I see you against me, I won't be so merciful at that time!"

After saying this sentence, Shen Shiyan quickly left the stream and caught up with Tie Shisan and went to other places to brush monsters together. Until six o'clock in the morning, Shen Tie and the two had successfully killed 17 bear monsters. After checking their attributes, they found that their respective points rose from 0 points to 170 points. Among them, Shen Shiyan has killed five players, so he got the points of these five players. Therefore, Shen Shiyan's point point reached 190 points when he went offline. Before the two were about to cheer for this time, Shen Shiyan found the current score list. If he didn't look at it, he would be shocked at first sight. It turns out that in addition to the top ten families, the personal points of other players have exceeded that of two people. Among them, the first player has 1,940 points, and the player ranked first 1,000 also has 320 points.

The two were depressed and had to find a place to go offline. Then, after quitting the game, Shen Shiyan immediately washed up and then returned to his computer. Recently, Kang Changchun is still infatuated with Zeng Yan, so at this time, he not only did not get up early to study as usual, but continued to nest in the warm quilt and dream of spring and autumn. However, the other ** building is easy to learn, but because he has been busy inside and outside Tianmen these days, so soon after Shen Shiyan got up, he immediately got up and washed up. Shen Shiyan and Lou are easy to learn. Now they are also very disgusted with Kang Changchun's behavior. Unfortunately, Kang Changchun took several self-tests while falling in love, but those prediction questions have never scored 86 points at a time. Seeing this situation, even if Shen Shiyan and Lou Hao are not used to how to learn, they can only retreat without any possibility of counterattack under Kang Changchun's score.

To be honestly, Shen Shiyan and Lou Haoxue don't hate Kang Zeng so much. However, every time they saw Zeng Yan, Shen Lou and the two somehow had a sense of rejection. Speaking of Zeng Yan, although she is not a beautiful person, she is also very beautiful and beautiful. Her beautiful face and her very speakable mouth make both Chinese and other boys extremely eager for girls like her. Unfortunately, Zeng Yan's type is not what Shen Lou likes. Especially for Shen Shiyan, judging from the values of his past and present life, he hates such girls who are too speakable. On the other hand, the reason is that Zeng Yan often takes Kang Changchun out, even regardless of Kang Changchun's promise to go anywhere.

At this time, it is not surprising to see Kang Changchun drooling while dreaming in the quilt. After washing up, Lou Haoxue came to Shen Shiyan and asked if his buddies were obedient recently. Shen Shiyan naturally replied with praise, saying that those guys were doing well. In the past 20 days, thanks to their help, more than 100,000 yuan has been added to his bank card. Now Shen Shiyan, with his special relationship with Lu Sanqi, can also earn a lot of monthly salary with primary elixir. Even after subtracting the salary paid to those buddies and other expenses, Shen Shiyan can easily earn 50,000 to 60,000 net income every month. Although such income cannot be compared with those big families, it is a good start for Shen Shiyan at this time.

After talking about this topic, Lou Haoxue naturally talked about the hottest content of Tianmen today, which is the opening of the copy of the Wanhuagang battlefield. Shen Shiyan, who paid attention to him, naturally tried his best to inquire about all kinds of news from the building. Lou is easy to learn, and the relationship with Shen Shiyan has deepened, so you can share information that does not involve the secrets of the family. Second, he just stepped on Lu Sanqi's brick because Shen Shiyan was too lucky. Therefore, Lou Haoxue's strength estimates that Shen Shiyan is at most an ordinary player between level 12 and level 14. In this way, Lou Haoxue said his opinion without reservation. Of course, when it comes to his family, he will still wisely bypass it. However, what he couldn't imagine was that when he wanted to bypass, Shen Shiyan at this time also cleverly speculated a lot of inside stories from it.

At the end of the topic, Lou Haoxue told Shen Shiyan that he was now a 15-level free disciple, and except for shoes or blue quality, the rest of the equipment was purple quality. Hearing this, Shen Shiyan naturally lied that he was still doing very poorly and needed Lou Haoxue to upgrade him. After a few words, Lou Haoxue also returned to his computer and started his game career today. Shen Shiyan himself inadvertently opened the official website of Tianmen and found the ping-pong Jianghu Baicao spectrum. After opening the Jianghu Baicao spectrum, Shen Shiyan actually found his name in the ninety-eighth position on the first page above.

Isn't it?! All over my body, except for a purple flame knife, the other three armors are only of blue quality. At most, they are middle-level figures. How can they be lucky to be on this list? Shen Shiyan, who was shocked, naturally looked down and saw that in the personal description column below, it clearly recorded many deeds from Shen Shiyan along the way. Among them, the first one was the copy of Xiaomuren Lane practice, and the second one was the bronze knife that robbed Wang Qiang. As for the third case, it was actually reported by Sun Fei. That time, he teamed up with them to brush the leader of the lightning leopard. Behind this message, there is also Sun Fei's annotation, saying that Shen Shiyan once designed to frame him, making him almost die under the strange claws of the lightning leopard leader. As for the later content, it is mostly nonsense.

However, although he did not write too many of his deeds on this list, it also had a great impact on him. No wonder they said that when they dued with the five people last night, they were still talking about me as a despicable. At that time, I was very surprised that they came to rob my bear monster. How could I say that I was a scumbag? It turned out that everything was because Sun Fei was playing tricks in the back. I'm afraid that after the battle with Xu Yong, this boy was expelled from the world, so he spent money to write down these slanderous content in Ping Pong. Thinking of this, Shen Shiyan had a strong displeament towards Sun Fei. However, the most important thing at present is not to hate these little characters. For Shen Shiyan at this time, the most important thing now is to take advantage of this great opportunity to get as many points as possible and become a famous figure.

Just because if Shen Shiyan wants to rebuild the Star Tower, he must need strong human and material resources, and the easiest opportunity to recruit people at present is to shine in this small expansion pack. Therefore, in the next three hours, Shen Shiyan sat in front of the computer, recalling all kinds of information about this Wanhua poisonous spider king in his previous life, while analyzing hundreds of the fastest ways to get points. In his previous life, Shen Shiyan only entered Tianmen in 2018, so he missed such a great opportunity. In this life, he still remembers a lot of the information, but he immediately started to plan the best way to get the most points as soon as possible after entering the game.

At the same time, another place in Changsha. In a room of an apartment, Yao Xin, who had just been offline, walked out of the bedroom and took out his breakfast from the refrigerator: a can of beer, two packs of instant noodles, plus three sausages. After soaking instant noodles, before Yao Xin drank the third mouthful of beer, the mobile phone immediately rang. After picking up the phone, a rough man's voice came: "Dying Yao Xin, damn you, how dare you overshadow us last night?! Your boy actually stood behind the five of us and watched us be killed by Shen Shiyan! Hello, how are you!" After hearing the man's voice, the beer can in Yao's novice immediately fell to the ground, and then he apologized for a few minutes.

Unexpectedly, the man said coldly, "Brother Le has already spoke. Together tonight, he will find more than a dozen brothers. Let's kill Shen Shiyan and Tie Shi. So, boy, you'd better not leave Changsha and avoid us today, otherwise don't blame us brothers for not giving you face!" After hearing the other party's harsh words, although Yao Xin was unwilling to face Shen Shiyan again, he could only agree. After hanging up the phone, Yao Xin picked up a pair of chopsticks and picked up the instant noodles in the bowl tremblingly. When he came to his mouth tremblingly, most of the instant noodles of the chopsticks fell on the messy floor.

At this time, Shen Shiyan would not expect that Yao Xin, who had promised not to be his enemy again, participated in the siege a few days later. It was 11:30 p.m., and Shen Shiyan turned off his computer and was about to go to dinner. Unexpectedly, Lou Haoxue stopped him and told him a major news: "At 12 o'clock, Hao Liping held a meeting of 30 people in Qinyuanchun Restaurant! Teacher Ji Chengfang also went. Are you going or not?