Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 161 Imperial Road

In the face of such a ** situation, Shen Shiyan had to complain secretly. Just because in this room, in addition to him, there are also several other bodyguards, wearing their own makeup, waiting for the arrival of their lovers. However, for Shen Shiyan, it was completely because of this coat and armor that he was mistaken. If not, I'm afraid that when he comes in here, he will be recognized by other bodyguards immediately. At this time, Shen Shiyan, in a hurry, had to take the female bodyguard to her own cubicle. On the surface, Shen Shiyan was greedy for the proud figure of the female bodyguard, but he thought to himself: If he can't take the opportunity to get out at this time, when the lovers of the female bodyguard come in, he will not have a chance to go out. Moreover, without paying attention, it is very likely that their true identity will be recognized by these bodyguards.

Unexpectedly, before Shen Shiyan finished thinking about it, the female bodyguard who was stripping and showing her breasts was suddenly cold in her eyes. Then, the female bodyguard immediately put her hands around Shen Shiyan's waist, and then asked indifferently, "You boy, do you dare to play tricks with me?" You are not Ajiu. Who the hell are you? After hearing the suspicion of the female bodyguard, Shen Shiyan immediately replied sensitively, "Ha ha, honey, how can it be? Why can't I be Ajiu?" While saying this, Shen Shiyan also cooperated, stretched out his right hand into the arms of the bodyguardess and gently rubbed the CUO on her full twin peaks. Unexpectedly, just as his right hand touched the tender meat of the twin peaks, the female bodyguard suddenly changed her face.

Without waiting for Shen Shiyan to change his movements, the female bodyguard had suddenly pulled Shen Shiyan and pressed it on a wooden board. His right hand held the back of Shen Shiyan's neck, and his left hand turned Shen Shiyan's left hand to his back. Shen Shiyan secretly shouted something bad. When he was about to resist, several male bodyguards came into the door. Under such circumstances, Shen Shiyan did not dare to act rashly, let alone directly resist the bodyguard and rush out. In that case, if they found their true identity, they would not smash themselves. Nowadays, the flame knife is still in the package, and it is really difficult for him to confront these guards. Those male bodyguards came into their lover's bed one after another and looked at Shen Shiyan jokingly and said, "Yo! Ajiu, are you restrained by Amei again today? Hey, I've already said that if ** you don't serve her well, she will serve you well under the bed. Real!"

Grabbing this sentence, Shen Shiyan quickly came up with an idea. Without waiting for the female bodyguard, that is, this A Mei to react, Shen Shiyan immediately reversed. Taking advantage of her relaxation, Shen Shiyan pushed forward and bumped back, and immediately got out of her control. At the same time, Shen Shiyan subdued A Mei, wrapped his right hand around her thin waist, and his left hand passed through her left chest, and deliberately kneaded her plump and tall left breast. At the same time, Shen Shiyan learned from the obscene tone of the male bodyguards and asked proudly, "How's it going, brother? How dare you say that Ajiu is not good at it? What do I see! You'd better go and comfort your sisters while you still have free time!" While saying this, Shen Shiyan also pulled down the curtain made of leaves to block the sight of the male and female bodyguards outside.

After a while, the male and female bodyguards have begun to carry out their recreational activities elsewhere. On Shen Shiyan's side, he didn't dare to really start acting with A Mei. As the saying goes, women's ** to men first rely on their hearing to see if their voices have changed. Second, when they are intimate, with their sense of smell, they can smell whether their men are nervous and afraid. At this time, I heard that the rest of the people were waiting for entertainment activities before the shift, but Shen Shiyan gently let A Mei go. At this time, after being subdued by Shen Shiyan, she only thought that Shen Shiyan was really her former Ruyi Langjun. No longer doubting Shen Shiyan, A Mei stuck up and whispered in her ear.

I only heard A Mei say in a charming voice, "Ajiu, I've been waiting for you for a long time. Although the temple needs to be on high alert recently, your captain should not be so tired. Really, it's so annoying! Look at their lovers. They can come here almost every day. How about you? Every time I was so impatient, it appeared in front of me. Come on, come on, don't hide. Did it hurt you just now? I'm also afraid that if someone else breaks in by mistake, won't I be cuckolded for you? Hurry up, I'm starting to take it off!" While saying this, Amei began to take off her clothes by herself. After a while, a plump and proud, snowy and tender body appeared in front of Shen Shiyan. However, Shen Shiyan at this time has long dared not continue to stay. Seeing such a touching body, Shen Shiyan forcibly held his lust and walked over to hold A Mei to bed. Shen Shiyan covered her with a quilt and walked out step by step.

Before A Mei asked, Shen Shiyan lowered his head and took a few bites at her earlobe, and then pretended to be reluctant but had to leave: "Amei, there is a second invader tonight, so our team has to be on duty continuously. So, now you go to bed first and change shifts in the middle of the night. I'm here to comfort you! Don't be angry, honey!" While saying this, Shen Shiyan deliberately patted Amei's white buttocks, and then quickly left the room with beautiful sounds one after another in the latter's voice. After Shen Shiyan went out for a long time, A Mei learned from another truce female bodyguard that A Jiu's team did not have a continuous task tonight.

At this time, A Mei still misses Shen Shiyan's movements and can't help thinking about him: "Maybe this boy really fought all night and is powerless. Well, when I meet him tomorrow, I must ask for it. However, at this time, the poisonous spider female bodyguard would not have thought that his unlucky Ajiu lover had already been sent to the west by Shen Shiyan. It was not until the Wanhuagang Temple was broken that she recognized Shen Shiyan in the crowd. At that time, with a deep hatred for Shen Shiyan, she hid into the miasma forest in the southeast with the remnants. With Amei's personality, it was really not until Shen Shiyan passed by the infinite mountain and met the "** revenge" of this affectionate and fierce woman.

Apart from these words, Shen Shiyan, except for this room, immediately panicked into a special passage. Before he retreated quickly, two temple guards in pure blue armor immediately intercepted him. One of them was about to pull out his sword, but the other blocked Shen Shiyan's back road and said coldly, "Ajiu?! Why did you appear here on the Royal Road? Did you drink too much, or have you slept with A Mei for so long that you feel dizzy and don't know that this road can only be taken when you go to Jin to meet the king? Look at your boy's physique. It's true that Sanjiro can't even do it overnight. Really, I don't even know how A Mei, one of the three major flowers of the guards of our temple, took a fancy to you at the beginning? While saying these words, the vigilance and defense of the two guards Shen Shiyan was slightly reduced.

Then, the two walked to Shen Shiyan and pulled closer to his shoulder. After looking around, they seemed to say secretly, "Don't do this next time. Look at the brothers around you. They are all guard against that Duan San. After all, you and I have some friendship, but we can remind you two or three sentences. If other brothers see you, maybe you are an assassin and immediately hurt you on the spot, or catch you and send it to the Bear King for interrogation! All right, don't drink too much next time. Brother, there are herbs to relieve alcohol, all of which come from the forbidden forest behind. Here are some for you." After saying that, the bodyguard immediately handed Shen Shiyan a few dark blue herbs. Seeing this situation, Shen Shiyan naturally quickly put it in the package.

Then, when the two sent Shen Shiyan back, Shen Shiyan took the opportunity to inquire about some inside stories. Only then did he know that Duan San had been in for several hours, but after being slightly injured by the Bear King, he had been hiding in a corner of the temple. Therefore, the defense of the temple has been increased by more than five times. In addition, Shen Shiyan also learned some gossip about the Eight Kings from the two. Just because the previous Ajiu was originally a member of the palace bodyguard and a higher-level bodyguard wearing pure blue armor. It was only because of Amei's attachment that his boy gave up this position and returned to the patrol guard that could have more opportunities to entertain Amei. Hearing this, Shen Shiyan couldn't help but feel a little surprised: You good boy! The replaced Ajiu actually has such a romance!

Send Shen Shiyan to the intersection, and the two guards will return immediately. Unexpectedly, Shen Shiyan saw that there were no other guards around him, so he simply thought about the two of them. Called one of them and came forward and whispered, "How are you sure that I am Ajiu? In case someone else pretends that I come here again. The bodyguard only said that Shen Shiyan (Ajiu) drank too much, but asked, "Don't talk nonsense. Hurry back to Amei's warm quilt. A few brothers are enough to deal with things here. Are you right? If you are not Ajiu, who is Ajiu? While saying this, the bodyguard turned around and walked away. Unexpectedly, Shen Shiyan took the opportunity to move forward, and Xiaolin's flying knife fell into his left hand.

Shen Shiyan's eyes were cold, he stepped forward, pushed through the gap in the bodyguard's armor, and stabbed him a few times in the back. The bodyguard didn't have time to call for help, but looked back at Shen Shiyan inexplicably, and soon died immediately. As for the other bodyguard, he came back strangely and wanted to find out. Unexpectedly, Shen Shiyan, who is murderous, has already entered the state of accurately calculating the other party's reaction. Before the bodyguard had doubts, Shen Shiyan had dragged the bodyguard back together. By the time the bodyguard came over after more than a minute, Shen Shiyan had changed his new armor. Pretending to be this guy, he greeted the bodyguard, but walked back confusedly. Shen Shiyan, who passed the test by chance, secretly congratulated himself that the system refreshed the monster's body every minute, but he immediately felt something wrong: this pure blue armor seemed to have some kind of suction on him.