Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 162 Above the Temple

At this time, Shen Shiyan, while following the guard of the temple, tried to get rid of the suction, but the harder he tried, the more he couldn't get rid of it. Instead, he strengthened the suction of this pure blue armor. In desperation, Shen Shiyan had to return to his "own" position first, and then lost an exploration skill to the armor. A few seconds later, the system prompted: the name of the equipment, the armor of the temple guard; the equipment level, pure blue; the special effect of the equipment. Because the equipment is made of the blood contributed by the Wanhua Poisonous Spider King, each temple guard must obey the order of the Wanhua Poisonous Spider King and be loyal to the Wanhua Poisonous Spider King anytime and anywhere. Otherwise, the suction of the armor also makes its people have to work hard for the poisonous spider king.

After reading these instructions, Shen Shiyan, who was shocked, had to be honest and dared not have other ideas for the time being. At the same time, he also took the opportunity to get close to the guard of the pure blue temple. After all, his armor was the man, so after wearing this armor, the pure blue temple guard did not find anything strange. Even if he doubted, Shen Shiyan learned the lesson from A Mei and fooled him. However, the pure blue temple guard in front of him seems to have a much higher IQ after a higher level. Therefore, when he showed some suspicion, Shen Shiyan had to go around several times and finally circled the other party into his own circle of words, thus dispelling the other party's suspicion.

For a while, the two became real good friends. Among them, Shen Shiyan repeatedly asked about Duan San. He didn't want the guard of the pure blue temple, but he also followed the rules very much and refused to say more. It was not until he saw that his brothers in several other places showed some fatigue like him that he showed a few words. I only heard the pure blue temple guard whisper, "Ninety-eight, you don't know. At that time, you happened to patrol another place. Just a few hours ago, a group of 12 people suddenly rushed out of the secret road of our temple, the leader of which was the third. Didn't he expect the means of the second prince of Dali?

Speaking of this, the bodyguard of the pure blue temple paused for a moment and said cautiously, "Do you know why King Xiong found this Duan San and killed most of his men?" Before Shen Shiyan could answer, this guy continued happily: "You have to rely on me to tell you. Hey, a few hours ago, I happened to be with the Bear King. When the thirty-two people came from the forbidden forest and came out of the secret passage, we happened to stop them together. Although my role was minimal in front of the masters in the palace of Dali, I clearly saw that after killing seven or eight masters in Dali in 20 moves, I seemed to deliberately relax. It was not until the three and his four or five men finally broke through the defense line that Xiong Wang increased his attack. Unfortunately, those people had already entered the various channels of the temple.

Hearing this, Shen Shiyan had to be secretly shocked: the original person who deliberately betrayed the poisonous spider king was not only the giant bee king, but also the bear king. However, this guy is in a high position. How can he hope that the poisonous spider king will be defeated? Before he could figure out the reason, the guard of the pure blue temple in front of him immediately warned nervously, "Ninety-eight, I can tell you that if I hadn't seen you and my friendship, I shouldn't have said these words to you. At present, there is a serious struggle for power and profit in the temple. You and I have to deal with the kings carefully, otherwise, there is a danger of losing our lives at any time. Also, you'd better not tell the third person about the unusual relationship between Xiong Wang and Duan San. Otherwise, once the matter reaches the bear king, we can't eat and still walk away.

Then, the time had come, and someone came to call the name in the palace road. Then, Shen Shiyan had to mix among hundreds of pure blue temple guards, with a long queue and walked towards the palace. It is said that there is a big good news to be announced now, so the Wanhua poisonous spider king went to the hall in person, and the wolf king immediately announced the good news. As he walked forward, Shen Shiyan also secretly speculated in his heart: What is this good news that two king-level masters have been dispatched? Could it be that the trace of Duan San and others was found? It's unlikely! First, Duan San's people are as strong as the king-level masters, and they are not so easy to be found when they are prepared. Second, with the secret release of the Bear King, Duan San and others are not easy to be found by the temple guards. It's impossible to find your own trace, right? Thinking of this, Shen Shiyan couldn't help but be a little nervous. However, seeing that many temple guards around him did not seem to find his true identity, his heart suddenly stabilized a lot.

Walking along the way, hundreds of meters of the palace road is still the same pure blue temple guard as him. The more you go forward, the more you can see more and more advanced temple guards. From pure blue to blue, from blue to indigo, from indigo to dark blue, there are more than five hundred temple guards. If he hadn't ventured into the giant bee cave with Xiong Chou'er before, Shen Shiyan would have been stunned by so many temple guards. Even so, Shen Shiyan had to improve his concentration at this time. Among the many temple guards, three blue lines about half a meter thick also appeared on the walls on both sides. At the same time, a faint blue candlelight was hung on the walls on both sides of the palace road. Every 50 meters, there is a bronze statue standing there.

When he saw these bronze statues, Shen Shiyan shouted in his heart: Oh, my God! How come these bronze statues are almost identical to those in Baili Xibao Cave? In the next few minutes, he deliberately looked at these bronze figures. No matter the height, outline, line and color, there is almost no difference from the bronze statue seen in Baili Xibao Cave before. The difference is that the bronze statue of the latter has divine eyes. When Shen Shiyan looked at it, they would react and attack him. At present, these bronze statues are blind. Even if Shen Shiyan carefully distinguishes them, he does not see any reaction and action of them. In his heart, he had more doubts and curiosity about the Wanhuagang Temple, but Shen Shiyan straightened his chest and walked to the palace without fear.

At the front gate of the palace, there are four poisonous spider leaders, where they verify the number plates of the guards of each temple. When it was Shen Shiyan's turn, he also quickly took out a pure blue number plate from his armor. The poisonous spider leader looked at it a few times and then asked coldly, "No. 98, are you and Ajiu old friends?" Shen Shiyan was stunned for a moment and immediately thought to himself, "Is it because of A Jiu's disappearance that he was known by them?" He quickly replied, "Exactly. Ajiu and I have been friends for many years. The leader of the poisonous spider looked at Shen Shiyan coldly, and then said, "Do you know that just ten minutes ago, we found that A Jiu was already missing?" He was surprised, but Shen Shiyan's face did not change. After hearing the other party's statement, he deliberately made a surprised look: "What? Ajiu, is he missing? How is that possible? Who on earth did a good thing?

As soon as Shen Shiyan finished these words, the four poisonous spider leaders still didn't believe it. He came forward and surrounded Shen Shiyan. The poisonous spider leader just asked coldly, "Ninety-eight, honestly think about it. Have you had any contact with Ajiu before? At present, the big enemy is now, and Duan San and others have sneaked into the temple. We have to be wary of you as a relative. Shocked, Shen Shiyan pulled over the pure blue temple guard in a hurry and then shouted unjustly, "Brother, come and be my master! I just had a chat with Ajiu. Why is he missing now? These have nothing to do with my ninety-eight!"

The guard of the pure blue temple is a good friend with 98. At this time, he naturally serves as a witness for 98 (Xhen Shiyan). After the four poisonous spider leaders asked a few questions again, their suspicion of Shen Shiyan greatly declined. Subsequently, the four had to let Shen Shiyan go in. Shen Shiyan, who secretly shouted luckily, turned back to thank his "friend" for testifying, and then followed the stream and walked into the legendary Wanhuagang Temple Palace. In order to avoid being discovered by those masters, Shen Shiyan had to learn the movements of other temple guards. After walking into a certain area of the hall in unison, he respectfully worshipped on the ground and shouted a few times, "Hoong the poisonous spider king!" Long live the poisonous spider king! Long live the poisonous spider king!"

On the other hand, the four leaders guarding the gate of the palace still did not compare the slightest abnormality of Shen Shiyan. In the end, they had to report the news to the bear king above the hall. In this way. Although Shen Shiyan behaved properly, but the bear king on the left side of the poisonous spider king also gave him a murderous look. At this time, Shen Shiyan only felt that although there was a lot of murder in the other party's eyes, it was more of an examination. Therefore, Shen Shiyan was stunned and didn't say anything to resist the damage of his health value with this murderous look. Seeing that Shen Shiyan was unmoved under such circumstances, Xiong Wang couldn't help but withdraw his eyes. At the same time, he also thought several times: Duan San was put in by me, but the second intruder is likely to kill Ajiu and replace his armor. However, the ninety-eight in front of him seems to be really ninety-eight and has not been replaced by the second invader. So, what happened during this period, and even the king's many eyeliners inside the temple can't know?