Magic Sword

Chapter 285 Goodbye, Lied 2

Ledweiver's voice came over, and he was obviously very dissatisfied with what happened on our side.

"Three young masters!" The knight was surprised and happy to hear the sound, and immediately showed a more positive attitude. He stared at us angrily, as if we were dead, "Young master, be careful! This group of people has magicians! They are either assassins or killers!"

Who the hell is it! My father is Baron Sidland Weaver. How dare you stand in my way!" At this time, a figure slowly came up, with an angrly look on his face. After seeing us, his eyes narrowed slightly. He was looking at him, and a gorgeous dress obviously looked uncomfortable.

But this guy is easy to deal with. I once kidnapped this guy and left a big shadow on him: "Don't you remember me? Leed Weaver."

"You!" Lidweiver can see it clearly now! Sound and appearance! I can't recognize that his memory is too poor. I will despise him, but it seems that there is no need for me to despise him, "Nia Lawrence!"

"Hi." I pretended to be very friendly and said hello. The knight in front of me really brushed one side and looked a little greener.

"Young this your friend?" The knight's face was pale and he didn't even know how to swing the sword in his hand, and he didn't know whether to take it back for a while.

"How can it be!" Leid roared, and his face was not good, but the knight got a comfort at this time, and the sword also stared at me firmly as if we were assassins. He was a good knight to protect his master.

"We are really not friends, but I'm a noble." I learned from Ivani to put on a plain look and made a little cold, and shouted coldly at the knight, "You dare to point your sword openly at the nobles."

"Ah?" The knight's little face, which had just recovered from blood color, turned white again, and he withdrew his sword directly in horror.

"He is not a nobleman yet!" Ledd shouted angrily.

The knight's face recovered, and then raised his sword and looked at me angrily: "Damn bitch dares to deceive me! This is the third young master of the Weaver family! Suffer to death!"

"The coming-of-age ceremony will be over in three days." I laughed.

"Ah?" The knight's face was stunned again. I was very worried about his ability to bear it. His face was already a little painful. I think he had realized what "not yet" meant before.

"Don't put down your sword! Pointing! Didn't you see that he stopped me?"

"Young master..." The knight was a little embarrassed, and he also understood that the situation was very difficult now. His parable just now was enough to kill him, and now I'm afraid he dares not fight against me.

"Don't embarrass your little knight, hehe." I waved to Leid with a dry smile, "Can riding in the market hurt people? Although the empire has no written regulations, it is not decent to do so as an aristocrat. Why haven't you seen it for a while and still don't look like an aristocrat? Reed Weaver doesn't learn from your brother. He knows a lot about decent things.

Leed Weaver is obviously too young. What can he do but quarrel? At most, he can only scold people, and his emotions can't be controlled. In the face of such cynicism, he has no ability to fight.

"Nia Lawrence! This is the imperial capital! Do you dare to mess around?"

"Of course not." I replied happily, and Leid looked a little dark when he heard it, as if he was very happy to hear me say that he didn't dare to do it.

"But I saw you messed up." Reed's face changed again, and I smiled and said, "Would you like to tell the emperor to go there? Maybe I won't punish you, but your Weaver family will leave a bad impression on the emperor. You know, I'm the only politician of the Lawrence family now. You're not.

"Ah?" Leid was scared by me and said incoherently, "I, you, my father is a baron. I'm a noble!"

"Who is not?" I scolded him as an idiot and blurted out, "Idiot, I'm still a count."

This is the first time I have experienced the high and low level of the title, which directly overwhelmed Leed. I didn't think so before. It doesn't seem to be a big difference between Duke's words. They are all nobles.

"You..." Reed's face turned red, and his self-esteem was quite strong, "You! Hurry up and kill him!"

"Ah..." The knight lay down again, and his hand on the hilt of the sword trembled violently, but I stared at him badly at this time. I was in a dilemma. I thought that guy would be suffothed.

"Ah!" In the end, the knight couldn't resist the pressure in his heart and raised the sword fiercely. It seemed that he was going to cut at me, but he raised the sword and let go of his hand. Then the hilt of the sword knocked on his head, and then fell to the side. The knight also took advantage of this momentum and fell shamelessly, pretending to be knocked unconscious. He was really smart.

"Yo, I'm so careless." I curled my lips and looked at him with a look of ridicule.

"Waste! Waste!" Leid raised his foot and kicked the knight, but the knight seemed to have fainted and did not move at all, as if he were dead.

"Come on! Come on!" Reed shouted, and at this time, the guards of his side all came to him, with a total of more than ten people! Some rode and some couldn't get off the horse. Now they all got off the horse. Hearing Reed's call, he pulled out his sword to protect him. The knight on the ground must be shouting idiot, but he didn't dare to get up to do a full set of drama. Obviously, he was very entangled, but he was entangled, and the tit-for-for-tat on this side had begun.

"Kill him! Kill them!" Reed shouted, and all the guards came up without hesitation. They came half a beat later than the knight who opened the way. They didn't hear our previous conversation at all, and they didn't know that I was a noble.

"Yo, do it." At this time, the corners of my mouth showed a little curvature, which is what I want to see. I'm not saying so much nonsense to say hello to Reed! I just want to anger the guy who hasn't been good yet! Only this fledgling Reid is the easiest to be provoked by me, and now he is very successful, and he has done an extreme behavior.

" pointing the sword at the nobles, which shows that you have all set up the flag of death." I sneered and waved to Atwood beside me. At this time, he was my best hand. "Can you do it without leaving one?"

"Simple." Atwood made an uncut gesture, reached out and snapped his fingers, and then unfolded a magic array in front of him!

"Magician!" The guards are all on one side! And did they hear the spell of this magic?

"It's too slow." Atwood snorted coldly, and then waved his crazy magic wave to the magic array!

Magic beam!

"Whew!" Small magic beams kept spewing out of the magic array! Each beam of light hits a person accurately, and then penetrates that person's body. Each magic beam is like a sickle of death! As long as he is hit, those people will take his life immediately! Compared with the magic beam that shot down the knight before, the energy contained in these channels is obviously much more violent!

The next second, the magic beam stops! Magic array shrinks! Atwood put away the magic spit, and the bodies of the guards fell down one after another like ears of wheat cut by a sickle!

"Ah!" Reed shouted in horror and shouted at me, "You killed them! You killed them!"

"If you openly take action against the imperial aristocracy, the laws of the Coltfield Empire clearly stipulate that they can be killed!" I said coldly, and a light flashed on the space ring, and then the golden sword appeared in my hand. When I came to the imperial capital and Hilmi reconnected with each other, the sword returned to my hand. "The current witnesses are everywhere who openly ordered the murder of nobles."

"You..." Reed was really scared and took a step back, because the person in front of him was different from me who was tit-for-tat with him just now! There is no smile on his face from time to time, and instead, it is completely cold, with fierce coldness!

"The laws of the Coltfield Empire clearly stipulate! This behavior is regarded as a life-and-death challenge for nobles! Reid Weaver, I, Nia Lawrence, accept your challenge!"

"No! Wait!" Leid shouted in horror, looking like he was about to cry! But who cares about him! I originally wanted to kill him!" No! I'm not going to challenge you!"

"Let's start now and pick up the sword beside you." I said coldly, and then set up my sword and prepared to fight. "We are all of the same age, don't say I bully you."

"No! Don't!" Reed retreated in fear. He must have regretted not letting his brother Max Weifer follow him. He must have regretted hanging out and meeting me here, but I will help him summarize this regret.

Suddenly, at this time, a voice came not far away. This voice is a man's voice. It is not so strong, but it looks very confident, thin, but very bright: "Ok, your performance is wonderful. Come to this position."

I turned my head slightly and found the owner of the voice in the crowd. It's not that I accurately heard the direction of the sound. It's really that the man is too bright in the crowd. His clothes are relatively simple, not so luxurious, but with a special temperament, gentle and elegant, which is rare for a male body. The temperament I saw.

Seeing that I noticed him, the man also waved to me and came to me with a smile on his face.

"Nice to meet you, Nia Lawrence."

"Do you know my name?" I asked in a daze, and the sword in my hand had not been put down to Weaver not far away.

"What I heard in your conversation just now, it's better to meet than to be famous, hehe." The man said with a smile, looking very sophisticated and mature in communication.

"Is I famous? It won't be." I loosened my shoulders indifferently and said harshly, "I'm not acting."

"Oc, Nia, that's what I call you. Those suffixes are too troublesome." The man continues to maintain his elegance, and he is full of affinity all the time, which makes me feel very magical. It is not something that can be done, but naturally emanates from the inside out. "Just click it. You are not too favorable if you do it too absolutely, aristocrat. You are not now, straight If you take action, it will be left to others. Listen to me and stop here.