Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 180 Return to the Fort to recuperate


Looking at the man who opened the door to greet him with a respectful look, the rock lion knew that this was probably a branch station of Sand Eagle Castle on this side.

Yingil whispered to the man. The man nodded, took them to take a bath, woke up his wife to serve, and asked them if they had added something.

After experiencing such a thing, Rock Lion was a little unhappy tonight and shook his head and refused.

Mr. Gu sat there with Xue Yueer in his arms. Yin Jill whispered to the woman. The woman immediately took the two Gu Gongzi to the bathroom and carefully and gently cleaned the blood stains on Xue Yueer's body.

Then, he served the old prince who became a little dull and bathed in his clothes.

Mr. Gu became a little distracted at this time, and even the crescent and the cold iron dagger tied to his leg were taken away by the woman without any reaction.

However, the woman still naturally cleaned some of the bits and pieces on their bodies and sent them back to their bedroom without missing anything. Several times, he persuaded Mr. Gu to sleep without any results, so he could only shake his head and sigh to close the door and tell Yin Jill about it.

Yin Jill pulled the rock lion into the room of the ancient prince and Xue Yueer. The rock lion shook his head and walked beside the ancient prince and stretched out his fingers a little. The wooden ancient prince fell soft in an instant and was put into the ** beside him by the rock lion and pulled over the thick blanket.

Not long after the white pigeon flew out in the morning, two carriages drove out from inside. Before and after, it was the man in the white sand eagle robe, and several other warriors in the same costume escorted him and headed for the sandeagle castle.

In the previous carriage, Mr. Gu and Xue Yueer fell asleep sweetly, surrounded by the beautiful woman last night. The two did not wake up at all because of the bumpy carriage and the long hiss of the steed.

In the back car, there is a rock lion mediting with closed eyes and a sleeping dark Jill.

The genius was bright, the cold dew was heavy, the horse's hoofs were kicked, the wheels creaked, and in the sparse barking sound of dogs, the ancient prince left the small market town that could not be seen clearly in the future and returned to the direction of Sand Eagle Castle.

When the red sun rose in the east, the fragrance of sheep's milk came from the carriage, and wisps of steaming vapor rose. The strong fragrance caused the warriors guarding on both sides to roll their throats and kept swallowing saliva. They had no choice but to chew some dry cheese immediately and pour two mouthfuls of cold horse milk wine.

Hot milk tea floated, but it turned out that it was because Xue Yueer woke up. The woman was carefully feeding Xue Yueer hot horse milk and small pieces of cheese. It turns out that this effect is only when a woman warms up in the morning and hides it in a thick fur blanket.

Xue Yueer looked at the unconscious Mr. Gu, with a smile on her pale face and shook her head and said, "I want to wait for my brother Gu to wake up and have dinner together!"

Behind, the rock lion's thick voice sounded: "That boy saw that you were seriously injured and refused to sleep. I was stunned by the old man! The little doll's right hand should still be solved, right?"

Xue Yueer said feebly, "I don't have the strength, so let him sleep a while!"

The sound is weak. If it weren't for the deep internal strength of the rock lion, I'm afraid it's not easy to hear it clearly in this noisy sound of cars and horses.

The rock lion shook his head and said, "Well, there's nothing you fools can do, so let me solve it!"

As soon as the curtain lifted, the rock lion stepped in front of the carriage, gently attacked the top of their carriage like a big roc bird in the snow moon, and gently overturned into the carriage.

In an instant, he turned over the car and returned to his carriage.

It only took less than three hours to fly over to solve the hole and return to his carriage! What's more strange is that the 200-pound body of the rock lion stepped on the carriage without making the carriage shake at all.

The questions and answers of the carriage before and after, they only heard the words of the rock lion, but they didn't understand what he was talking about. Now they looked at him flying around like a roc, flying around, light and fast, slightly stunned for a moment, and there was a thunderous applause.

In the carriage behind, Gilton, who was disturbed by a good dream, became unhappy and said, "What's the noise? It disturbs my good dream!"

The warriors, who had just clapped their hands excitedly after being drunk like this, had to stop the action of their hands awkwardly and hold back the words of praise that would be spit out in their mouths.

However, it was said that Mr. Gu's acupuncture point had been solved and he still fell asleep sweetly. Suddenly, there was a thunderous applause, which scared Mr. Gu got up, looked at the situation around nervously and alertly, and listened to the situation outside.


Xue Yueer lay lazily and weakly in the thick blanket, looking at Mr. Gu's appearance and couldn't help smiling happily.

Mr. Gu was slightly stunned and remembered what happened from last night to now. He grabbed her small hand in surprise and said, "Sister Shan, you're awake. That's great!"

Xue Yueer frowned slightly in pain and said anly, "You little bad guy, do you think your sister is not painful enough? Why don't you grab my left hand so hard, can't you grab my other hand?"

Mr. Gu awkwardly put her hand back and said, "Isn't this too happy? I forgot that Sister Shan's hand is still hurt!"

The woman next to her looked at them and smiled for a while. Mr. Gu only understood the meaning of breakfast in her words before he could see that she was holding a pot of slightly hot horse milk tea and cheese in her hand. The situation had been in front of Xue Yueer for some time.

Mr. Gu said strangely, "Sister Shan, why don't you have breakfast?"

Xue Yueer suddenly said happily, "I don't want to eat much. I want you to feed me!"

Mr. Gu took over the things in the woman's hand and said, "Okay, just feed. Who called you my stupid and lovely mountain sister!"

Xue Yueer twisted her mouth angrily and said, "You scold me. I'm angry. I won't eat!"

Mr. Gu smiled and said, "Well, your brother Gu is a fool. That's all right!"

"Hee hee, that's what you said! Cough..."

Xue Yueer suddenly coughed happily and sadly, so choked that tears came out.

The woman next to her smiled and looked at the two of them laughing. At this time, she quickly patted Xue Yueer on the back of her body. Mr. Gu wiped her tears with great pity and shook his head and said, "Look at you, you are so hurt so much. You come to make fun of me. It's going to laugh! Let's not talk about it. This milk tea won't taste good when it gets cold. Eat it quickly.

Mr. Gu first fed Xue Yueer a small mouthful of milk tea and stretched a small piece of cheese that had been pinched in his hand close to Xue Yueer. Xue Yueer looked at Mr. Gu with a smile, closed her mouth and bit it gently, but did not bite anything.

Looking down strangely, Mr. Gu had thrown the cheese into his mouth with a smile. Xue Yueer's pale little face was slightly red by him and was about to blame Mr. Gu. Mr. Gu quickly threw a small piece of cheese and threw it directly into her open mouth.


Looking at the pair of little babies playing and teasing, the woman holding Xue Yueer couldn't help laughing.

Mr. Gu threw a piece of cheese into Xue Yueer for a while, took a bite of it himself, and suddenly said, "Sister Shan, you were so stupid at that time! I didn't expect that your old brother would also take a shadowless step. What are you worried about me? Now, you have been seriously injured. In less than a month or two, you don't want to go on the road again! When I'm impatient, I'll throw you in the Sand Eagle Castle!"

Xue Yueer said anly anly, "You conscienceless little villain, if you dare to do this, look at your sister's injury and won't chase you! At that time, I will cook you eight pieces and eat it slowly! It's not that I don't know that you can do martial arts, but the arrow comes from all sides at the same time. How can you avoid it? Besides, you don't have a powerful arm or deep internal strength, and you can't split the powerful arrow. How can I bear to hurt you!"

Mr. Gu wanted to joke: My meat is sour and tough, but I'm afraid it's not delicious. If you hold it, I can't eat it!

Later, listening to Xue Yueer's detailed analysis of the situation at that time, she nodded movedly and said, "Sister Shan's analysis is very good. At that time, I'm afraid she really can't escape!" It's just that, sister, you are suffering again! Three arrows penetrated my body, and blood splashed all over the ground, which made my heart almost break!"

Xue Yueer shook her head with a smile and said, "I'm fine! As long as my old brother is safe and sound, my sister will be satisfied!"

Sister Shan, you are so kind to me! It's better than anyone else!"

Mr. Gu's eyes unconsciously became a little wet, and the crystal tears kept spinning, and two shallow traces flowed out in an instant. The action of feeding Xue Yueer also became more gentle.

Xue Yueer stretched out her left hand with distress and wiped her tears for him and said, "Don't cry, my sister can't die again!" You are a man. You can't shed tears without tears. You can't shed tears at will! Also, didn't we agree to share the joys and sorrows together!"

Mr. Gu nodded, and tears still dripping unconsciously. After leaving Grandpa, he hasn't had such a particularly warm feeling for a long time.

The carriage rushed all the way back to Sand Eagle Castle. In the afternoon, it rushed towards the front of nearly 100 horses, and behind it was a rolling gray dragon.

As soon as the castle owner met, he said angrily, "On this desert, there are still people who dare to touch my Ginger's son. Look, I won't wash their dog kennel! Only in this way can I dispel my hatred!"

With another translator brought by the castle owner, the rock lion came out and said, "I am also angry. If I hadn't been worried about the lives of these little dolls, I would have hunted them to their old nest last night."

The extremely angry castle owner only brought dozens of strong warriors to flatten this eyeless horse thief with the peerless master of rock lion.

The rest of the people escorted Mr. Gu and others, continued to follow the original road, moved forward slowly day and night, and finally returned to the Sand Eagle Castle, which had just left at noon on the next day.