Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 181 Empty


However, it is said that Ginger took dozens of warriors and rock lions all the way and ran directly in one direction.

Rock Lion asked strangely, "Lord, how do you know that the horse thief who attacked us is here?"

The owner shook his head and said, "The situation here is not clear. How can I still fool around on this desert grassland!" In my opinion, this group of damn wolves and horse thieves were tricked by others and deliberately came to kill the two little princes and girls! With my powerful position in this desert, and I haven't really offended anyone in this desert, I can believe that they don't have the courage to hit my Sand Eagle Castle!"

The rock lion nodded and said, "The castle owner is right. This group of horse thieves came for the two little dolls, and most of the arrows shot were greeting them! Just dare to hurt people under my rock... nine feet of the nose, that is to underestimate the old man! I will definitely ask them to pay double the price! I swear not to be a human without trampling their doghouse!"

When it comes to last night, the rock lion couldn't help but be extremely angry. The following words were almost roaring. A pair of copper bells opened their eyes, and their faces trembled from time to time. A pair of vinegar bowls and big hands were squeezed tightly, and their finger joints were clenched.

The owner of the castle said, "If you dare to offend the son of the owner of Sand Eagle Castle, whether he is intentional or unintentional, I will definitely not let him go easily! I have a hunch that they have already fled!"

Everyone galloped on the grassland and ran straight to a small valley. This speed is much faster than when Mr. Gu came out, and he must have killed them earlier.

Dozens of riders ran undisguised, bringing pieces of smoke and dust on the grassland, but not even a horse was found around.

Sha Ying unconsciously shook his head and said, "Brother Jiuzhi, I haven't even seen a little patrolman on the way. I'm afraid they will really abandon the village and run away!"

The rock lion said angrily, "Even if they run away, I will flatten their dog kennel!"

The rock lion ran with them all afternoon and finally came to a small valley, where there were many stone cliffs, which was a good place to open a cottage.

In the distance, he could see a wolf embroidered on the flag wind in the valley, as well as some desert words that he did not know. This should be the nest of the wind wolf and horse thief as the owner of the Sand Eagle Castle.

Strangely, until they pressed under the gate of the village, there was still no shadow around the cottage, as if they had come to a long-abandoned cottage.

However, the flag wind flying in the wind shows that this is unlikely.

At the door of the sand eagle castle owner and the rock lion cottage, they roared, "Silver tooth Simo, get out and die! Don't pretend to be dead in it!"

The crisp roar echoed in the valley, and there was no movement except the gasping sound of their own horses and the whining wind blowing in the valley.

The castle owner shook his head and smiled bitterly, "We really knelt down for nothing! No matter how much you are, you will guard this place to death. Don't let anyone go. I will go with my nine-foot brother to clean up the thieves who may remain.

After hearing the translation, the rock lion first raised a heavy machete, raised the horse forward, raised the knife and cut it. Pieces of white light were intertwined into a knife gas network, and the thick cottage door was cut out of a big hole with a few cracks.

The rock lion rushed in first, and the owner of the Sand Eagle Castle quickly flew in.


As soon as they entered, the cottage door collapsed. Those who followed the warriors skillfully drove the reins of the horse, took the horse up and quickly turned around to avoid the disaster.

The village door smashed to the ground, bringing a piece of gray and yellow dust coming towards them, but the warriors couldn't care so much. The horse broke in, and the iron hooves kicked it violently. In a moment, they dismembered the broken cottage door into a square shelf.

The rock lion was the first to break through the martial arts field and rushed directly into a more elegant lobby, but it was quiet, and there was no one there.

The rock lion roared angrily, "Rabbit, run fast! Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I will hunt you down! You bastards had better pray not to be hit by me, or let me slowly kill you vicious horse thieves!"

Rock lion killing has always been a happy thing for them. Last night, they hurt people under their own eyes. After chasing them all afternoon, they didn't catch a single person. They were so angry that they were furious and went crazy.

Since the man has run away, the rock lion cut the horses in the hall and chopped those rough tables and chairs.

The castle owner came with the translator warrior and advised, "Brother Jiuchi, calm down. Let my younger brother do this matter of flatting the cottage!"

Half of the hall collapsed, and the roof sand fell one after another. Seeing that it was about to collapse, the rock lion dissipated most of its anger and left the horse.

Suddenly, a man rushed to the fort owner and said, "Fort lord, several remaining horse thieves have been found over there!"

The owner of the castle said, "Come on, take me to have a look!"

The rock lion's anger did not subside and stood in the open field of the horse practice martial arts field, and some of them looked blankly at the houses in the cottage and slowly burst into thick fireworks. At this time, he heard that there were remaining horse thieves and chased the owner of the castle.

Following a closer look, I couldn't help laughing. This is not the remnants of horse thieves. They are all old, weak and sick women, trembling in the corner of the house and looking at the people of Sand Eagle Castle in horror.

The owner of Sand Eagle Castle was asking the old women harshly without asking anything useful from them. He roared, "Kill all the remnants of the horse thief!"

and other translators spread the words. Several warriors raised their horses and knives and killed them all. They howled bitterly, splashed blood, and suddenly dyed the gray and yellow walls behind them red.

The rock lion frowned at the bloody scene in front of him and shook his head. The aggrieved anger in his heart still could not be eliminated.

All the remaining old and disabled have been killed, and immediately a warrior tosss and ignite the house. In an all-time moment, there was a fire in the wind and wolf village, and the flames swallowed and raged, roaring from time to time, and thick black smoke and clouds rushed straight to the sky.

The smell of blood just came out, and in a moment, there was a strong fireworks choking on the nose, with the rotten smell of the burning fire barbecue corpses. The owner of the castle patted the rock lion on the shoulder and said, "Brother Jiuchi, let's go. Don't worry, I will send someone to track down their whereabouts, and I won't stop chasing them down!"

The rock lion was a little stuffy and cold. At the gate of the cottage, someone immediately piled up the cottage door frame and burned them together. In a moment, the whole wind wolf village was in this sea of fire.

Suddenly, the towering flagpole collapsed, and the slightly rolled wind wolf flag reluctantly fell into the fierce swallowing fire tongue below and finally turned into a piece of ashes.