Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 654 Assassination of the Demon Army Commander


Che Cang and others were stunned for a moment, thinking that Xiaoguding and others had taken the hungry Holy Valley Dan, and nodded in an instant: "Well, if you clean up the demon king as soon as possible, you can rest assured and save the ordinary practitioners from suffering as soon as possible."

At present, everyone swallowed the Holy Valley Dan and flew to the hinterland of the Xiuzhen world, where 300,000 demon troops personally led by the demon king commander kept sweeping in small and medium towns outside the big city of Xiuzhe, and other demon kings were sitting in the two fortresses here.

The demon king does not stay on the defense line of the fortress all day long. It has been changed for a few days. Now it is the turn for the snow lion and other demon kings to lead the team out here to wash and sweep and fight teeth.

The cultivation world is so big that some scattered practitioners practice outside and do not return to the city all year round. Some ordinary practitioners are too late to hear the news that the demon army has invaded the hinterland of the cultivation world too late to transfer in a short period of time.

In short, there are various reasons that make it too late for a small number of divers to transfer.

Sometimes, the demon king is not satisfied with the harvest, and he will fight for a group of demon troops to break down, launch attacks on small and medium-sized towns, kill all the practitioners inside, and rob all the materials that are too late to transfer.

Later, the small towns around here were almost destroyed. After fighting for a long time, when the demon army's control of the array was more refined, they returned to continue to attack some small and medium-sized towns left before, destroying the slaughter in the northwest of the monk's boundary near the hinterland to the wilderness, except for a few lonely ones with defenses like the frost city. The big city of arrays and spiritual cannons, all the northwest area, and even an area close to the center of the Xiuzhen world, have been brutally swept away by the demon army.

With the formula of shifting and displacement, the elite team of the clear feather level can constantly fight. Now, as the demon army's formation becomes more and more refined, it can no longer play the role of sneak attack. That is to say, if Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer hadn't come here now, Che Cang would have to attack the demon army again, at least with tens of thousands of troops, just because he and others were about to sigh, and there was helpless.

Except for Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer, who are unable to reach the true immortal level in the Xiuzhen world, the other members are all strong men of the feathering level. Less than 20 people in the group rushed to the middle of the Xiuzhen world and prepared to assassinate the demon army commander there.

Along the way, a sentry sent the latest position of the demon army. Xiaoguding and others only rushed to the small town, hoping that the city had not been broken by the demon army before they arrived. If practitioners really want to sleep, they generally pay attention to the sunrise and sunset. The demon army does not pay so much attention to it. Many of them still maintain the habit of lying out day and night, so the attack of the demon army often chooses to attack the city when the monks are tired.

With the weak defense and poor attack of medium-sized towns, it does not take much time for the demon army to capture such a city. If you don't want to control the way, you have to always beware of the sinister ambush that the repair army may have laid, and even pull out several cities within thousands of miles overnight.

The latest news came that the demon army has conquered two medium-sized towns with ordinary practitioners and defenders of no less than 100,000 in the city. After a great harvest, they are still attacking the third town. I have to say that as the commander of the demon army, the Snow Lion Demon King is a little more greedy.

Don't be greedy, and these demon kings will not appear here now. It can be said that several demon kings here really come to avenge their friends, and there is no one!

If there are not enough benefits, they will not be stupid enough to fight for their lives, waste their time to practice, and struggle to come to this world of cultivation that may die at any time.

When Xiaoguding and a group of 16 feathered practitioners arrived, the town in front of them had collapsed. The practitioners in the city roared and howled angrily, and the demon army roared excitedly and bombarded the repairer army composed of the chaotic formation and city guards.

The last time they swallowed the practitioners directly, they were poisoned and killed 10,000 elites. This time, the demon army learned to be obedient, endured their mouths, and did not swallow the practitioners directly. They all knocked out and banned them until a few days to confirm that they did not take poison as their own blood food.

The practitioners in front dared to die. A considerable number of the practitioners here who have been comfortable for too long do not have the courage to force themselves to take poison. At the moment when the city is broken, they are not still lucky, but they dare not dare to swallow the poison that can devouring their lives.

The city was broken, and 20 demons were surrounded by 20 layers of outside, and 100,000 elite demons were enough to disintegrate any obstruction of the repairer's army and easily wash the city with blood, and there would not be many casualties. Even in front of these practitioners who have been scared and running in all directions, the demon army is likely to capture all these panicked practitioners after the city is broken.

Far away, I heard the sad howling cut through the dawn of the morning. It was supposed to be a quiet morning, but now it has become a slaughterhouse full of flesh and blood, which is unbearable. So, these feathered old guys accelerated angrily and rushed there. Knowing that you can pretend not to know helplessly, but witnessing it with your own eyes and hearing it with your own ears is another thing. If you don't take action, you will also feel uneasy, and you will have great mental distress to your future mental state of mind and cultivation, which will hinder further your cultivation.

In addition to Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer, Cheyi also took a step forward to stealth. Che Cang and others rushed out of the small city and threw out a delicate and horrible colorful flying star. When it cut open the blockade space under the demon army, his figure flashed and penetrated into the city to chase those demons.

With fewer enemies, it can't cause much damage, but it causes some trouble to the demon army, which is more likely to give some remnant practitioners a chance to save their lives.

They don't know whether they are immortals or not, but their cultivation is definitely higher than them. They still have some expectations to save some poor practitioners in this city.

The cultivation has been promoted to a real immortal. Even if Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer are invisible, their speed can be comparable to that of Che Cang's full speed, which is one step faster than Cheyi. At the moment when Che Cang broke the ban and entered the city, the two of them also followed, leaving Cheyi alone to lurking behind to find opportunities.

Che Cang and others were as fast as lightning meteors. The demon army in charge of the sentry in front had just sent a sound warning. When the demon army guarding outside the town in front of him reacted, he had broken the ban and flashed in, threw out several colorful flying stars, and harvested several excited general monsters.

In a short period of time, they were angry and just wanted to harass and destroy the attack of the demon army as soon as possible and interfere with the battle here, and there was no time to deliberately find the handsome monster that had become a rare level in the demon army.

This blow only serves as a warning, reminding some demon kings not to be too complacent and be careful of attacks on this side. It will take some time to kill them slowly by themselves.

As expected, in Checang, they broke through the prohibition of the demon army outside, and the howls of the demon army sounded more tragically, and the spiritual fluctuations that made the snow lion demon king also feel horrible. In an instant, they pulled the extremely excited demon kings into a rigid face, frowning at these dozen people who wanted to destroy them. Good-good old man. Although they can't destroy their overall actions, they always shake in front of them without fear, like a fly, which will always be annoying.

However, Che Cang and other 13 old men on the surface of feathering are not only harassing flies, but several poisonous wasps, as long as the demon king is not careful enough, they can push them into the eternal abys and end their happy looting enjoyment.

"Don't panic, the army will continue to plunder the whole city, and a thousand elite guards will follow me to stop the enemy!"

frowned, and the Snow Lion Demon King became indifferently leading an elite composed of monsters above the rank to meet Checang and other elites, trying to trap them here with the new practice familiar illusion array and the blockade array, and even kill them and frustrate their spirit.

With a shout, all the team members shook and flashed backwards in the sky. The formation remained unchanged, and several colorful flying stars hit the demon army above the sky.

With such a layer of prohibition and barrier, he may die at a critical moment. Che Cang pretends to be very cautious and dares not despise thousands of elites such as snow lions and other demon kings. Thinking about how majestic they came and went freely among hundreds of thousands of demons at the beginning, I didn't expect that it was only a few days of hard to wait carefully in the face of these thousand elites to avoid overturning in the sewer and losing their lives.

Che Cang and others retreated, and the snow lion demon king's face was a little beautiful. He shouted, "Old man, I know you are coming to sneak up, and I'm not afraid of losing the face of your strong people. Don't run if you have guts!"

seemed to be angered by the words of the Snow Lion Demon King. In the blood and howls of the demon army above, Che Cang and others quickly threw out another colorful flying star, a spiral light arrow, and shot the defense mask of this thousand elite army at the speed of thunder.

Two backhands, followed by a colorful flying star and a light arrow, which hit several times in one breath. Their speed is not comparable to the combined attack array of the demon army.

Ka-ka, bang, bang

The chaotic explosion of the collision of two spiritual forces is still harsh, attracting the wait-and-see of the demon army and the remaining practitioners in the city.

Two consecutive attacks at the speed of thunder, the demon army intercepted two spiritual flow, and abruptly broke a mouth in the demon army's defense light mask. Then the weakening of the spiritual flow of this attack was intercepted by a smaller spiritual flow of the demon army, which was undamaged to the demon army.

Do you want to play sneak attack again? Let's see if we can keep you this time!

A sneer flashed from the corners of the mouth of the demon kings of the snow lion and other demon kings, remembering that Cheyi was thinking about such a sneak attack last time. As a result, he was almost fascinated by their magic array, or Che Cang outside and they tried their best to save it.

However, this time, a crisp sound came, and a fairy sword blade penetrated the array like breaking through the water, straight from sneering to the neck of the frightened snow lion demon king.