Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 655 The Demon Army Repulsed


The Snow Lion Demon King was shocked. A good pseudo-fairy knife in his jade claws quickly blocked his neck and moved aside desperately at the same time.


It sounded as crisp as broken ice, and the actually good knife was broken in response. The pierced fairy sword was caught in the hand of the little bone, like an arrow shot by a powerful bow, faster than meteor lightning, cutting paper through the weapon in the claws of the snow lion demon king, and continued to stab the jade-colored neck of the snow lion demon king at an unabated speed.

The light on the snow lion demon king flashed and turned into a condensed light close to substance, shaped like his body, firmly protected in front of him, and the huge neck was moved away a little.

The snow lion demon king moved quickly, and the little bone Ding was faster behind the sword, like a shadow, and followed him in an instant, like a flexible and sinister poisonous snake, fiercely and irritable dragon, chasing his jade white neck.


The spiritual shield condensed into a substance and then broke, and then the thick jade leather armor opened with the sword. In front of the best fairy sword silver willow in the hand of the little bone, it was still fragile like a piece of white paper!


In the brilliant snowflakes sprayed all over the sky, the fairy sword fluttered back with small bones, not to change shape, but to retreat directly. In the eyes of the demons, they only felt a gray shadow in the sky. In front of them, the little bone Ding was already suspended in their formation. The speed was no different from the transformation of the feathering-level strong man.

On the head of the demon army, the blood flowers all over the sky are still floating brilliantly, blocked by the spiritual power of all the demon army.

Xiaoguding had just returned, and then, under the panicked demon army's time to react, the spiritual power in his hand flashed, and the quickly assassinated snow lion demon king and the demon blood sprayed all over the sky were sealed back without any waste, which made the demon army more panicked.

It's just a mysterious clarity, which is enough for them to have a headache. If there is another little bone that seems to be more horrible, how can they not be scared?

In particular, the remaining five-headed demon king shouted and retreated to the demon army camp. The turtle could not shrink, lest it would continue to be assassinated by the little bone. There are 14 feather elite teams such as Che Cang peeping aside, and Cheyi, a god-level killer who frightened them in the early stage, how can they not panic and fear?

Compared with the blood food and some medium and low materials of tens of thousands of practitioners in this small city, these are just things that do not have much effect on their cultivation, and they will not lose their precious lives for these things. What they want to do now is to leave this place as soon as possible. However, the demon army is not the commander-in-chief now, and the other four demon kings are a little unconvinced. It's not good for anyone to take the lead in coming out of this head, which is easy to attract public anger.

Previously, the Snow Lion Demon King had the title of deputy commander, and it was logical to replace the commander in an emergency. When it comes to this group of demons, the deputy commander is far away from the fortress defended over there. If they are not here, it will be a little difficult for them to choose a new commander at this panicked moment.

Fortunately, they all felt the deadly threat. At the moment when they looked at each other, they all saw their own panic. At present, regardless of the tens of thousands of practitioners in the broken city that were already readily available, they all issued orders to withdraw their troops and desperately wanted to escape from this horrible place and escape back to the demon world to stay honest.

The thunder blow just now was so horrible that it scared them that even the previous clarity could not do it, but now a thin and handsome teenager suddenly appeared did it!

As far as they know, practitioners above the feathering level are basically middle-aged people with vicissitudes of life, even old men with white hair and white beards who are about to die, but now the appearance of a teenager really makes them more frightened. Is it because of their recent crazy monster Yuandan refining? Is the elixir promoted? But what kind of strong elixir is this that can upgrade a repairer so quickly?

Everything is unknown, and it is unknown that makes them feel more terrible, so they issued a withdrawal order as soon as the Snow Lion Demon King was stabbed to death.

Under the order, all the demon army that was killing practitioners who were crazy had not noticed the shock here. They continued to bombard the practitioners and turned back in astonishment. They couldn't believe that it was true. They wanted to see several demon kings to send the order again, because this voice was not that of the snow lion demon king on this side.

The snow lion demon king even has demon blood, and now all of them are sealed in the jade box. Of course, 100,000 demons can't be seen.

"The whole army retreats quickly!"

The demon kings must not continue to order this order that they do not dare to believe.


The 100,000 demon army that had been killed was still a little hesitant about the order to withdraw, but there was no Snow Lion Demon King, who was the real commander of the whole army, so they felt some panic. Other demons happened to see it, and they had secretly spread the news quickly and reminded their friends with the art of transmission. Friends, I'm not afraid that the demon king will blame me.

The demon king was embarrassed to mention that the commander-in-chief was assassinated, and the news spread among the demons below. Fear suddenly spread throughout the whole army, extinguishing their fanatical flames and replaced them with extreme fear.

Che Cang felt that this was not enough and said in four directions: "Listen army, your coach, the snow lion demon king has been assassinated. At this time, if you no longer return to the demon world, next time it will be another demon king. When the demon king is killed, and next time it will be all the demon commanders and demon generals... If it goes on like this, until it will continue to offend me. Until all the demons in the realm are killed!"

The clear voice continued to spread all over the broken city that had been bombarded. All the previously excited and inexplicable demons were stunned, and all those who escaped from the dead became ecstatic, bringing them a different feeling.

After a few breaths, the inside news has almost spread all over the army. In addition, Che Cang and other clear and strict warnings have brought the whole 300,000 demon army into the abyss of fear and dared not covet the blood and food of the practitioners in front of him.

Even the demon king, whose cultivation is several times stronger than them, wants to escape, and several of them dare to stay here.

Under the withdrawal order, the 300,000 demon troops in charge of locking outside the city slowly gathered and retreated. Ten of the demons in the city retreated quickly and dared not stay here. They gave up this prey at their fingertips, which was the booty they got after half of the attack.

Only 16 feathered practitioners (at least 16 feathered practitioners in the eyes of ordinary demon armies) scared back a whole 300,000 demon army, and the deterrent power is not great.

When the demon army retreated, Che Cang and Xiaoguding and others stood in mid-air and watched silently, and did not assassinate the demon king and the demon commander again, which temporarily relieved several demon kings.

Unfortunately, Che Cang did not intend to let them go and continued: "You demon kings remember. After going back, tell the other demon kings that if the demon army dares to stay in the cultivation world again, several of the demon kings whotong army will kill a few first until they kill all the demon armies!"

This momentum is domineering and deterrent!

Originally, it should belong to the exclusive enjoyment of the recently popular demon army, but now it has become the demon king of the frightened bird. How can there be such an idea, how dare you take into account your face in front of the demon army, and only think about whether you can save your life and escape from this nightmare place as soon as possible.

A group of practitioners in the city cried with joy, and more knelt down and kowtowed on the ground, thanking Xiaoguding and other elite teams that suddenly came to save them from the danger of their lives. Some people were busy swallowing elixir to save the poison they had taken, some were saving their injured relatives, and some were losing their loved ones. He cried dimly and didn't care to thank the strong people such as Che Cang.

Che Cang and others hung in mid-air and did not care about the practitioners below. It was not until the 300,000 demon army in the induction really went far away that they breathed and said to the monks in the city: "Exterminate the demon army and rescue their companions. This is the duty of all the practitioners in the cultivation world. You don't need to thank them. You still need to rescue the wounded as soon as possible. Get it out."

Within the prohibition of the array, Che Cang sincerely praised: "Xiyuan, I have to say that your assassination is more powerful than your Uncle Cheyi. If it were me, I'm afraid it would be difficult to resist your fatal blow!"

The rest of the feathered old guys nodded with the same feeling.

"Not to mention you, who here dares to avoid that desperate blow?"

Zhengang is most concerned about the final belonging of the demon king who was killed. He smiled and said, "Che Cang, your Sihai Cang Pavilion has doubled its talents recently. You don't have to participate in the competition for this demon king elixir, right?"

Che Cang shook his head and scolded with a smile, "Well, you bald old man! Most of these demon kings were killed by my disciples of Sihai Cang Pavilion. On the contrary, you said that you would not let us participate in the heavenly election gambling, which is really unreasonable!"


Che Cang and others are no longer in charge of the disabled people in the city, and the city owner and others deal with these things.

Finally, he returned to the commander's camp on the other side of the fortress and decided to bet on the ownership, which did not rule out the winner who won the two demon king Yuandan last time. The final result is that Sihai Cangge is not available, but what Qianqi Temple Zheng Gang wants is still not available, and it is won by the Ye family, which has the least feathered strong among the four giants today.

On the monk's side, after Xiaoguding's new killing of the demon army commander and successfully scared off 300,000 demon troops, drove away many of the previous sadness and depression, and regained his excitement.

The second line of defense established by the original repairer, in a fortress camp occupied by the demon army, more than a dozen demon kings are discussing whether to retreat or not.

One side of the main battle and insisted on staying here. The demon king who participated in the war retreated and had different opinions. After a fierce debate, it was difficult to unify their opinions. Nearly half of the demon kings directly set out and returned to the demon world, leaving the demon army under his subordinates alone.

Some demon kings withdrew first, and the demon army that had been bombarded by the repairer's fortress and spiritual power dispersed and returned to the demon world one after another.

Other demon kings dare not stop them with a strong ban. Most of the demon army chose to return to the demon world. Seeing that the general trend had gone, they could only order the troops to withdraw. Just by staying, it was not enough for the repair army to fight back.

At this point, the second invasion of the demon army, which lasted for more than half a year, once again returned to the boundary road in this aggrieved way, and temporarily returned a clean world in the cultivation world.