Zhu Xian

Chapter 42 Blood Dropping Hole

Zhang Xiaofan didn't expect that Baguio would have such a big reaction. He was shocked by her and pointed to the top of the cave and said, "There are a few red stones there..."

Baguio immediately approached and looked carefully at the top of the cave. Sure enough, through the beads of water, there were seven and a half palm-sized red stones on the stone wall of the top of the cave. The stone texture was the same as the stone next to it, only the color was different.

Seeing that Baguio looked nervous and focused on the stone wall of the cave, he was also quite curious. He stood up and looked there. He saw the seven red stones on the top of the cave crookedly on the top of the cave, which looked like a strange spoon shape.

Especially the color, I don't know how many years it has been washed by water in this cave, but it is still as red as blood. Even when crystal beads of water flow through these red stones, they are reflected as red as blood, and then dripping down, like blood dripping from the top of the cave. However, once away from those red stones, these beads of water will return to their original transparency.

Looking at this, he suddenly heard Baguio beside him saying, "Blood hole, blood hole, blood dripping... Ha!" Biyao suddenly looked happy. She patted Zhang Xiaofan hard with her right hand. Zhang Xiaofan's face suddenly turned white. The power of this palm was really light.

Zhang Xiaofan was furious and was about to ask, but when he saw the woman smiling, he didn't care at all. He looked excited and said, "Well, you black-hearted old ghost, you actually built a blood hole in such a place. No wonder we have found it dozens of times in the past 800 years and can't find it." Zhang Xiaofan was surprised, but he thought about it in his mind, and then thought of Biyao, who had asked herself about the "blood hole" when they first met. He suddenly understood, snorted and said, "Demon evil way!" Biyao was in a good mood at this moment, and she was not angry. She smiled and said, "I'm a demon, so what? I would like to thank you for helping me find this place!" Zhang Xiaofan was even more reluctant to the boss, especially when he saw Biyao's more and more beautiful smile at this moment. He didn't know where a nameless fire came from deep in his heart. He only felt that he had inadvertently helped the demon witch. He was afraid that he would be punished if he would be known by the elders in the future

But as soon as I thought of this, I immediately remembered that I couldn't even go out at this moment and thought about what would happen in the future. I was immediately discouraged and sat down without saying a word.

Baguio is very happy at this moment and doesn't care about Zhang Xiaofan's inexplicable look at all. The magic religion has a long history, and there are many factions in the sect. There are many, and there are ups and fall from time to time.

The blood refining hall where the black-hearted old man was located 800 years ago was known as the first faction of the demon religion at that time. It was strong and masterful. The black-hearted old man himself was the ancestor of the true Tao. However, the years changed, and there were several battles with the righteous road. The blood refining hall gradually declined and was replaced by other factions.

In today's world, the four major factions of the Demon Sect stand side by side, namely, Hehuan School, Wandumen, Changsheng Hall and Ghost King Sect. However, when it comes to the prosperity of momentum, it is incomparable to the blood refining hall when it was in those years.

In the magic religion, for the past 800 years, it has been said that after the war of demons, although the main leaders of the blood refining hall were all killed in the battle, there are many secret magic weapons collected in the secret called "blood hole" under the "Thousand Bat Ancient Cave" where the blood refining hall is based.

In the past 800 years, I don't know how many people in the magic religion have secretly stolen the ancient caves of ten thousand bats, and even the dead spirit abyss have been searched all over, but they have returned empty-handed.

Although Baguio herself is young, she is already an important figure in the "Ghost King Sect", one of the four major factions. This time, such a dangerous place as the "Dead Abyss", has been entrusted by the Ghost King Sect. Now, in the past 800 years, countless predecessors can't find the things they can't do. In front of her, how can she not be happy? For a moment, she completely forgets that she is in the Jedi.

Biyao was happy and stared at the top of the cave. Then she rose up and carefully reached out to touch the red stones, but felt that the tentacles were cold, but they were no different from the stones next to her. She gently knocked on these red stones again, but there was no response. At this time, in addition to excitement, she looked a little more nervous.

She then pulled, knocked, lifted, smashed and pulled. All the methods were used, and every red stone was touched, but everything was as usual, and nothing strange happened.

Zhang Xiaofan looked below and was happy. He couldn't help laughing and said, "I don't think this is a blood hole at all. You guessed it wrong!" Biyao had no choice but to fall to the ground and stared at Zhang Xiaofan fiercely, but there was no doubt in her heart. Was it really wrong?

In the next two hours, Zhang Xiaofan sat on the ground and looked at Biyao, a girl in water and green clothes. She frowned, paced back and forth, thought hard, and from time to time to use new methods to deal with those red stones, but all of them returned without success.

Looking at it, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly felt that he had "cooed" twice in his stomach, but he was hungry. He reached into his arms and wanted to take some dry food with him to satisfy his hunger. Unexpectedly, it was empty. He thought that most of the time he had just fallen into the water and accidentally lost it. At this moment, I was complaining bitterly. At present, I was hungry, and there was nothing to eat in this cave. The water in the small pool in front of me was very clear, but it was so clear that I didn't even see a small fish and shrimp.

Seeing that the hunger in his stomach was getting heavier and heavier and more uncomfortable, Zhang Xiaofan had nothing to do, so he had to drink a sip of water, but it was completely impossible.

He sighed miserably. It seemed that he was afraid that he would starve to death here.

At this time, Baguio didn't feel hungry at all. Her whole thought was on the seven red stones, but after a long time, she got nothing and sat down, but her eyes were still looking at the red stones, stunned.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at her like that and couldn't help reminding her, "What's the use of that? If we don't want to go out, I'm afraid we'll starve to death here first." Biyao moved for a moment, and then she seemed to remember that there was a little disciple in the right path beside her. She turned her head to look at him and suddenly said, "Are you hungry?" How could Zhang Xiaofan lose face in front of her? He immediately raised his head and said, "No." Coo-coo, coo-coo," his stomach seemed to be against him. After he finished speaking, he shouted twice.

Biyao couldn't help laughing. Zhang Xiaofan's face turned red and he had a great feeling. He couldn't wait to get a seam in.

Biyao smiled twice, but took out a piece of dry food from her arms and handed it to Zhang Xiaofan. She said, "I think you'd better help me think about how to open the door of this blood hole quickly!" Zhang Xiaofan snorted and turned to the beginning. He didn't look at the dry food. He said categorically, "You think a piece of dry food can buy me, delusion!"

Baguio was stunned for a moment, turned his eyes, and then smiled and said, "You're wrong. I mean, we are in the Jedi at the moment. If there is no way out, we really have to die here. But there is a blood hole in front of us. If we find out where the hole is, there may be another way out!" After listening to it, Zhang Xiaofan thought about it, but there was some reason. In order to survive, it was a way out to find this blood hole first, otherwise he really had to wait to die.

But he was quite stubborn. He ignored the dry food handed over by Baguio. He stood up and looked at the red stones again. Baguio was not angry. He just looked at his figure, smiled, stood up and looked at the top of the cave.

The seven red stones arranged like spoons are in the stone wall of the top of the cave. Except for the red color, they are no different from the surrounding stones. Zhang Xiaofan looked at it for a long time, but he didn't get anything at all. He wanted to knock them one by one, but when he thought that Baguio had not tried any

From the beginning, the two people looked up and then sat on the ground tired. Later, Zhang Xiaofan simply didn't care about any etiquette. The person who died was just like that. He actually lay on the ground and looked at the top of the cave. I don't know how long it took, but he still didn't find anything. In the end

I don't know how long it took for Zhang Xiaofan to wake up. When he opened his eyes, he saw that Baguio was still staring at the seven red stones with bright eyes.

Zhang Xiaofan also had a little admiration for the woman at this moment. He sat up and didn't expect his body to move. Suddenly, his stomach cooed again. It seemed that he was so hungry that he didn't give his master face at all.

There was no other sound in the cave except the sound of dripping water. The sound of "coo" sounded here. It suddenly came into Baguio's ears and turned his head and looked over.

Zhang Xiaofan was almost ashamed. This man could die, but his face could not be lost. He immediately turned his head to the other side and didn't look at Baguio, but he still felt a fever on his face. He laughed dryly and walked to the edge of the small pool to drink some water to relieve his hunger and thirst.

I'm afraid that the clear water in this pool is all mountain springs gushing out of the ground. In addition to the cold, it is clear and refreshing, and it seems to have some sweet taste, but Zhang Xiaofan took two sips, and the feeling of hunger in his stomach is even stronger.

After all, water can't be eaten as food. Zhang Xiaofan sighed and looked at the water in a daze, but he saw the drops of water dripping from the stone wall at the top of the cave, into the surface of the water, rippled layer by layer, and floated out in circles. And under the water, his haggard face was reflected, slightly red...

Slightly red?

Zhang Xiaofan suddenly realized that the reflection in the water would appear red. He hurriedly looked at it. Sure enough, he saw a few red spots on his face reflected in the water, but then he found that it was wrong. After a closer look, he looked up at the stone wall. It turned out that the red stones on the stone wall of the cave were reflected Only when it overlaps can this happen.

Zhang Xiaofan was relieved, but at this time, his heart moved, took a step back and stared at the water, but when he saw the water ripples, the reflection of seven red stones slowly emerged in the pool. Because of the reflection, at this moment, their arrangement is no longer the strange shape of a spoon, but a little like a person's palm.

Zhang Xiaofan stood still and didn't say anything for a moment. At that moment, he suddenly hesitated, as if he suddenly felt that he had stood at an intersection and didn't know where to go?

The feeling flashed away. He turned around and turned around: "Hey!" Biyao was still looking at the stone wall overhead and casually said, "I don't ask for hello. This is what you said when you met me at the beginning." Zhang Xiaofan suffocated, and the words that had reached his mouth were almost poured back, but somehow, he looked at the woman who looked a little light, but he had extraordinary endurance and said, "What's your name?" Baguio turned her head, smiled and said, "My name is Baguio."

Zhang Xiaofan read a few words in his heart, shook his head and said, "Come here and have a look!" Biyao was slightly surprised. She stood up and came over and said, "What?"

Zhang Xiaofan pointed to the surface of the water, and Baguio leaned over and saw the water ripples on the surface of the water, but after concentrating, she slowly saw the reflection of the seven red stones like palms in the water.

Buio shook her body, turned around quickly, and said, "This is..." Zhang Xiaofan shook his head and said, "I also saw it by accident. Maybe not..."

Before he finished his words, Baguio said, "Anyway, we have to try." Without talking nonsense, he stepped into the water with a bang.

Zhang Xiaofan was shocked. In a moment, the dripping drops of water had wet Biyao's clothes, but she didn't care at all, just held her breath and waited.

The scattered water because she stepped into the water gradually calmed down, and Baguio quietly waited for the reflection of the seven red stones to reappear in the water. Zhang Xiaofan looked up from the shore and saw the pearl-like crystal beads of water falling gently from the air, falling on the beautiful woman's hair, shoulders, and on her face and clothes.

Transparent and clear drops of water slid down from her dark hair and slowly flowed through her snow-white skin, as if even her face was beautiful and almost transparent.

Zhang Xiaofan suddenly became crazy. He only felt that the sound of the water in the cave suddenly went away. In his eyes, there was only the beautiful woman standing in the water like hibiscus in front of him, with touching beauty.

The reflection of the seven red stones slowly emerged, like a palm, quietly floating and sinking in the water. Baguio looked at the position, slowly stretched out her right hand, pressed it down in the palm of her hand.

Her jade-like hand passed through the gentle water wave and stretched down. The reflection of the red stone in the water floated quietly, and the waves on the water were shining. I don't know where the light came from, shining the beautiful woman's face slightly.

The pool was very shallow. Baguio's hand quickly touched the bottom of the pool. There was a thin layer of sand and stone spread at the bottom of the water. At the tentacles, Baguio felt that there were five slightly protruding places under her hand, and the five fingertips of her palm. She was overjoyed and brushed gently with her hand. Sure enough, under the sandstone, there were five small stones embedded in the ground, faintly red light.

Baguio didn't think much more. He pressed down with five fingers, and then looked up.

There was no movement at all.

The joy on Baguio's face suddenly condensed. Her eyes connected with Zhang Xiaofan on the shore for a moment and turned back.

Zhang Xiaofan just wanted to say a few words of comfort to her. Suddenly, she saw Baguio seem to remember something again. She stared at the water and searched carefully near the reflection of the other two red stones. Sure enough, she found two small stones. This time she seemed to be nervous and carefully put her left hand. Press it up, and then press the seven small stones at the same time.

There was a moment when Zhang Xiaofan and Baguio thought they had failed again. There was silence in the cave, and there was no other sound except the sound of dripping water.

However, just after they waited for a long moment, a harsh but heavy "cry" sound sounded in the cave.

Biyao and Zhang Xiaofan looked at the same time and saw that behind the water curtain, the once seamless and hard stone wall actually retreated in. Although it was slow, a new hole was finally revealed.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the opening of the secret hole in a dazard. He was a little excited and afraid, but in his heart, as if he did not want to admit it himself, he was still a little curious.

What will be in the important land of demons in the past 800 years?

Biyao slowly walked up to the shore and stood beside him. Her eyes were full of smiles. Zhang Xiaofan looked at her, but saw that her skin was like snow and unparalleled, and there were crystal beads of water on her face slipped gently and fell down, almost like hitting her heart.

He shook his body and didn't dare to look again. He turned his head and whispered, "Congratulations."

Baguio seemed to be stunned, but the smile in his eyes was not reduced at all, and her voice seemed to be a little gentle. She said, "It's all your care." Zhang Xiaofan, somehow, his mouth was a little dry and his face was a little hot. He took a step aside, subconsciously moved away from the woman, and said, "Then why don't you go in and have a look?" Biyao looked at him and suddenly smiled and said, "You seem to be a little afraid of me?"

Zhang Xiaofan immediately shook his head like a rattle and said, "No, no..."

Biyao looked at him for a long time and nodded, but there was still a smile on her face and said, "Then let's go in together!"

Zhang Xiaofan was shocked, hesitated for a moment, and said, "No, it's not good. Is this the place of your magic religion, or yourself..." Baguio snorted and said, "If there is a way out, do you refuse to go in?"

Zhang Xiaofan was stunned for a moment, grabbed his head and said, "That's true, then let's go!"

Biyao smiled, nodded, stepped into the water again, passed through the water curtain, and walked into the hole. Zhang Xiaofan hesitated for a moment and finally followed.

This is a deep tunnel. There are obviously fewer luminous things on the stone wall on the side of the cave than on the outer channel. Although the road can barely be seen, it is very dark.

Zhang Xiaofan and Biyao left very carefully. After all, this is the first time in 800 years that someone has been here. No one knows whether the old monsters in the blood refining hall will leave some particularly powerful prohibitions.

Along the way, it was peaceful, and nothing unexpected happened. It was just that the passage was quite tortuous, deep and long, and slowly went up. Zhang Xiaofan was thinking rudely that he was afraid that he and Baguio had reached the center of the mountain at this moment.

He was thinking about it when Baguio, who was walking in front of him, suddenly stopped and whispered, "It's here."

Zhang Xiaofan's heart jumped and looked forward. At the end of the tunnel in front of him, a bright light shone over, where a large stone room was faintly seen. The two looked at each other, and Biyao stepped forward first and walked there.

Gradually approaching, the two of them also saw the situation of the stone chamber. The whole stone chamber is round, and the tunnel is in the middle of the stone chamber. Opposite it, there is actually a passage extending inward. It seems that this is not the only end.

On the left side of the stone room, there are two huge stone statues, one with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, standing with a smile, and the clothes are carved as lifelike as the wind, but a little like the Buddha's Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The other one has a completely different appearance, ferocious and fierce, with black-faced ghost horns, eight hands and four heads, and even a trace of fresh blood on the mouth, which makes people shudder.

In addition, in front of these two statues, there is a stone table, an incense burner on it, and several bags of incense candles are placed next to them, which are all covered with dust. It is estimated that there has never been incense in the past 800 years.

As for the other end of the stone chamber, there are only a few futons, thrown on the ground at will, and there is nothing else.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at his eyes and was surprised, but he saw Biyao's solemn look. He stepped forward to pick up a futon, shook off the dust and put it in front of the stone table of the statue. Then he picked up the incense candle on the table, hit it with the flint in his arms, inserted it into the incense burner

In the stone room, but when she saw the light smoke floating slowly, she crawled on the ground.

Zhang Xiaofan stood behind her and heard her voice echoing in the stone room.

"The Our Lady of Youming, the King of Tianshaming, and the 43rd generation disciple of the Holy Sect, Biyao sincerely visited. The holy religion has been in trouble and has been declining for a long time. Countless religious people, in order to promote the holy religion, the former servants and successors. May the Holy Mother King have pity on the world, give me well-being, rejuvenate the Holy Religion, transform all sentient beings, and ascend to the world of immortality and joy!"

After thinking about it, Zhang Xiaofan understood that these two statues were probably evil gods worshipped by people in the demon religion. He couldn't help sneering, turned his head and no longer looked at them.