Zhu Xian

Chapter 43 Heavenly Book

I saw Biyao kowtowed three heads solemnly and devoutly. Then she stood up and glanced at Zhang Xiaofan. He saw that he was standing there motionless, frowning, but he didn't say anything. He said lightly, "Let's go!"

When Zhang Xiaofan was walking in with her, he was a little close to the woman in his heart in the tunnel, but when he saw these two evil gods at this moment, he immediately remembered the difference between the sects and the teachings of the teacher since he was a child. Naturally, his expression became cold. He nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

Baguio glanced at him and walked deeper. Zhang Xiaofan followed her. This time, he didn't go much and entered a spacious place again. But this place is not decorated like the stone room outside, but a cave with stalactites hanging upside down. There are all kinds of stalactites in the cave, and the colors are also colorful. In front of the two of them, there is a huge monument at the mouth of the cave, and the dragons are flying and phoenixes are engraved with

Each of these ten big words is almost half the size of a person. The writing is ancient and clumsy, and the writing is vigorous. Go straight to the dragon and snake, and there is a tendency to come out head-on and roar in the sky.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't matter at first sight, but after staring for a moment, he suddenly felt dizzy, and he couldn't help taking a step back.

He was shocked and quickly calmed down, but when he saw that the word was still on the tablet, he did not move at all, but the courage was really scary.

Zhang Xiaofan was surprised. In a blink of an eye, he saw that Baguio had bypassed the monument and walked to the depths of the cave, so he also followed. Bypassing the stone tablet, I saw that behind it, there were strange-shaped stalactites everywhere. The two of them circled around the stone forest for a while. Baguio, who was walking in front of them, suddenly stopped and shouted softly.

Almost at the same time, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly found that the fire stick he used to fix his arm suddenly glowed with a strange light, especially the bead in the front of the fire stick, which lit up an unusual blue light, but this time it was soft, just like an old friend and an old acquaintance that he had not seen for many years. Inexhaustible thoughts and nostalgia.

Zhang Xiaofan looked forward in surprise. His eyes passed by Baguio. He saw the scene in front of him that surprised Baguio: the bottom of the cave was a smooth stone wall, and there was a tunnel on both sides of the stone wall leading to unknown places, but under the stone wall, it was a bluestone platform with a skeleton on it, in Sit there quietly.

And the bead on the fire stick, at this moment, there is a soft blue light on the skeleton.

Baguio stood in front of her and did not notice the change of Zhang Xiaofan's strange expression and the burning stick in his hand. After the initial shock, she quickly calmed down.

After all, she is a member of the Demon Sect, and how can she be afraid of a skeleton? She stepped forward and looked carefully, but she didn't see anything unexpected. She turned her head and smiled at Zhang Xiaofan and said, "Maybe this is the black-hearted old ghost who shocked the world 800 years ago!"

Zhang Xiaofan naturally had no good impression on the people in this demon religion. He hummed and said, "Let's find out if there is any way out, right?"

Biyao glanced at him, squeezed her mouth, and said, "Find it yourself!"

Zhang Xiaofan was stunned for a moment. He couldn't pull down. He hummed and turned around and walked into the tunnel on the left.

Within no two steps, he shook his head at himself secretly and felt that he was so restless in the face of the demon woman. When he was stimulated, he reacted so much. I was afraid that she might be laughing at her eyes at this moment.

But on second thought, since he stepped out, it was impossible to turn back. After a few steps, there was no movement behind him. It seemed that Baguio did not keep up. Zhang Xiaofan somehow seemed to be a little frustrated, but then he secretly scolded himself "unseemless", cheered up and walked carefully to the depths of the The tunnel where Zhang Xiaofan is now is no different from the road when he came from outside, but it is much deeper and quieter. Looking at it from a deep distance, it is almost dark, and the road seems to be relatively long. I really can't figure out how those people in the magic blood refining hall started such a huge project.

After walking like this for a long time, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly found that the front of him gradually lit up. He had three heats in his heart and accelerated his pace to walk forward. He saw a soft light emanating from the end of the road ahead, which was extremely clear in the dark, like gentle tentacles, ** the people of the world.

Zhang Xiaofan took a deep breath and stepped into the light.

When Baguio watched Zhang Xiaofan's figure disappear into the tunnel, she was stunned for a moment and her face sank. Her father is a powerful figure in the magic religion. Since she was a child, she has been like a princess. No one dares to disobey her.

Unexpectedly, she was in a desperate situation today, but she met a young and short-tempered guy in the right path, and she couldn't help but be angry.

Speaking of which, Zhang Xiaofan was also a kind teenager when he was in Qingyun Mountain. Why did he bump into each other when he was with Biyao? Except for the opinion of the door, I'm afraid he couldn't explain it clearly.

Of course, Biyao didn't know these things, but Zhang Xiaofan couldn't get along with her several times, but he really saw it in his eyes and felt uncomfortable. But at present, both of them are in the Jedi, and it was not easy to teach this boy a lesson. He had to hum and remember it in his heart, but let But it is absolutely impossible.

Seeing that she had little thought, she turned around and walked into the tunnel on the right.

After a few steps, Baguio felt that this was a road similar to the outer tunnel, but there were fewer luminous things on both sides of the stone wall, making the tunnel a little dim.

Fortunately, the road was not very long. Soon Baguio came to an end and stepped into a stone room again.

This is a medium-sized stone room, with many shelves on one side and a pile of garbage on the other side, mostly iron tools, such as knives, swords, guns, etc., most of which are damaged. The more obvious purpose is to throw an axe at the top at will. The whole body is iron, which is quite huge and complete. It looks like an iron cast.

After looking at it twice, Baguio was not interested. She turned to those shelves and took a closer look. First of all, there was a look of joy on her face, but soon she couldn't help changing to disappointment.

I saw that there were labels on the shelf. Some of the words on it had been blurred for a long time, but there were still some words that could barely be seen clearly, but they were all heartwarming. They were all names such as: "Five Mountain Halberd", "Watching the Moon", "Ren Cone" and so on.

Baguio grew up in the magic religion since she was a child, and her father is an ancient and modern genius. He has a lot of family knowledge. Naturally, he knows that these are the first-class magic weapons and secret treasures in the magic religion. Why don't you like them? Unfortunately, on these shelves, most of them have labels and no objects, and they are happy.

She sighed, but she was still lucky. She looked over these shelves and saw that each shelf was empty. Maybe the emperor lived up to his heart. He actually found a small iron box for her in the last grid, but there was no label on the shelf, and he didn't know what was inside.

There was a burst of joy in her heart. She carefully stretched out her hand and picked up the box. She felt that her hand was quite heavy. She shook it gently a few times, but there was no sound.

Baguio meditated slightly, and then put the iron box on the ground, took a deep breath and was on guard. With a wave of her right hand, the white light in the stone room suddenly rose, and a jade-like flower suddenly appeared in the air, emitting a faint fragrance.

Baguio looked solemn, his right hand turned over, and the small flower standing in the air was shining brightly. It flew above the iron box, and the white light enveloped the whole iron box.

Then Baguio carefully stretched out her hand to open the small box. As soon as she pressed the lid of the iron box, Baguio felt that the box did not seem to be unlocked. She frowned, and her eyes were more wary. She bit her teeth and opened the lid of the iron box cruelly.

Then he only heard a soft sound. Before he could see what was in the iron box, a black gas came out first.

Baguio's face changed greatly, and it almost turned over like an electric shock, and the white flower above the iron box immediately rushed down. The black gas was suddenly covered by the white light, but several impulses could not come out. After a moment, the black gas gradually shrank, and the jade-like white flower gradually turned black, which actually sucked Go in.

Until the black gas completely dissipated, Baguio also waited for a long time before coming over. She stared at her little flower. Her father spent a lot of effort to refine the treasure "sad flower" for her. At this moment, the original white jade-like petals had completely turned purple and black, and it looked a little ferocious.

Baguio's face changed slightly and she whispered, "'Ancient corpse poison'! The black-hearted old ghost is really black-hearted, and he actually refines this kind of thing!"

She cursed the black-hearted old man of the demon religion in a low voice, and put her eyes into the iron box.

It's very simple. There is only one thing in a small iron box: a golden yellow color, a small bell intact like prayer.

Baguio was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that such a rare and highly poisonous thing as "ancient corpse poison" was put in the iron box, and she was just guarding such a small bell. She looked left and right, but she didn't see anything strange. She meditated for a moment and slowly stretched out her hand to

"Ding Dong".

A crisp sound, like echoing in people's hearts, sounded in this secret stone room that had been quiet for 800 years.

Biyao picked up the bell, but saw that the heart of the bell was exquisite and meticulous. A thin iron cable was tied to the bell. With a slight shake, the heart of the bell gently hit the body of the bell and made a sound again.

"Ding...Ding Dong."

In the eyes of Baguio, she likes the girl's heart very much, and the disappointment just now has also diluted a lot. Now she checked it carefully. There is really nothing strange, as if it is an ordinary exquisitely made bell.

However, the black-hearted old man's collection is so mysterious and cautious that this bell must be extraordinary. Ask your father when you have a chance to go out.

When Baguio thought so, she calmed down, but looking at the little bell, she liked it more and more. She tied it to her waist and turned her body. As expected, she made bursts of crisp bells, which was very pleasant to the ear. Biyao was very proud and nodded repeatedly.

After that, she carefully checked the stone room, but there was no harvest. She even checked the pile of garbage, and there was nothing worth paying attention to, let alone any way out.

After finishing her work, Baguio slowly stood up to see what was going on with the silly boy.

Before walking out of the stone room, she finally looked back and saw that the stone room was still messy. After the pile of garbage was turned over by her, it was even more chaotic. All kinds of weapons were thrown on the ground, and the big axe was thrown in the corner of the wall at will.

After that, she walked out of the stone room.

The tunnel on the left hand side that Zhang Xiaofan just entered was much longer than the road on the right hand side of Baguio's entry. Baguio walked for a long time before she saw the light, but the situation inside was still unclear, but somehow there was no movement inside. There was a faint worry in her heart. This Moton medieval monster There are so many things to endure, which are weird and unpredictable. Will it be...

She subconsciously accelerated her pace and walked into the stone room. After a closer look, she was relieved. Zhang Xiaofan was standing in the stone room, looking at the stone wall and stunned.

Biyao breathed a sigh of relief, and then carefully observed the stone room. The stone room was much bigger than the stone room she had just arrived at, but it was empty and there was nothing. But on the hard stone wall of the stone room, it was engraved with dense stone words. Zhang Xiaofan frowned at this moment, and it was exactly these things.

Baguio frowned, walked forward and looked at it. Her face suddenly showed joy. At the beginning of the whole stone carving, only two words were engraved.

Heavenly book!

"Heavenly book, this is a heavenly book!" Baguio couldn't help cheering.

Zhang Xiaofan's body was shocked, and then he found that Baguio came to his side, but his attention seemed to be only on her words: "Heavenly book? Do you know what this book is?

Buio stared at him and said, "How could I not know that this 'book of heaven' is a classic of our holy religion. From ancient times to the present, the magic power of all the disciples of the holy religion has been understood from this heavenly book."

Zhang Xiaofan's body shook again, and his face was very confused. He turned his head and stared at the stone carving on the wall. After a long time, he whispered, "No, it's impossible!"

Baguio's face darkened and said, "This is the classic of our holy religion, but it is the top secret of my Tao. Didn't you say that we are evil spirits? Why are you still peeking?"

Zhang Xiaofan didn't seem to hear it, and there were only those words engraved on the wall in his eyes.

"Heavenly Book · Volume I"

The creation of heaven and earth is called the time of chaos, ignorance is not divided, the sun and the moon contain its brilliance, the heaven and the earth mix their bodies, the whole body has changed, and the turbidity is the Chen.

Heaven and earth can last for a long time, so they don't live on their own, so they can last for a long time. However, everything in the world has its appearance. All sentient beings are addicted to me, the appearance of people, the appearance of all sentient beings, and the appearance of longevity. They think that for the sake of the people, the heart is born with three poisons, three fears and three horrors. It can't be long.

The celestial phenomena have no punishment, and the Tao has no name. Therefore, it is said that those who have no self, no one, no sentient beings, and no longevity are the light. Hold the right path, the inner body is self-right, and heaven and earth take the foundation as the heart.

Therefore, in the earth, it is the heart of heaven and earth.

Therefore, there is no reality.

Therefore, heaven and earth are allowed to be natural, and nothing is done.

If the old thing does not exist, it is not enough to be prepared!

......(Note 1)

Baguio snorted. She wanted to be angry, but when she thought about it, she didn't say anything. She also looked at the wall. After only a few words, she only felt dizzy, and she also admired Zhang Xiaofan. He actually read such a bitter text.

But when he turned his head and looked at Zhang Xiaofan, he was slightly surprised. His face was full of pain and confusion, and his whole body trembled slightly and indescribably strange feelings.

In fact, for anyone in the world, I'm afraid there is no Zhang Xiaofan's excitement at this time. This "Heavenly Book", known as the classic of the Magic Sect, read in Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, almost every word is like a knife, which pierced the bottom of his heart. Even when he was a child, he found that the Qingyunmen Taoist Cultivation Method was completely opposite to the "Dafan Prajna" practice of the Buddhism handed down It's hundreds of times bigger.

From this text, he suddenly found that the Taoism and Buddhism, which he had secretly thought since he was a child, had a faint tendency to return to the same way here. Even so, even if he was surprised, he could still accept it, but then looked at it, his face gradually turned pale, because in this so-called "Heavenly Book" of the magic religion, he found a big secret.

There are all kinds of magical powers and strange methods in this demon religion, which are extreme and special, but above the root, it is in this "heavenly book". Taoism pays attention to the nature of nature, and Buddhism pays attention to the understanding of self-nature, but in the book of heaven, it seems to be comprehensive, not only Taoist thought, but also the Dharma of Buddhism.

For another person, such as Baguio, I naturally have no idea after reading these words. I always thought it was the great magic power left by my ancestor, but in the view of Zhang Xiaofan, the only one in the world who knows the truth of Taoism and Buddhism, this matter is terrible.

An idea that has never been seen before, lingeringly haunted him.

What exactly is right?

He couldn't help looking at it. His face was pale and his mind was turbulent, with fanaticism and strange curiosity and thirst. He only felt that a big secret was in front of him, but he could never touch it. He couldn't see it, but he attracted himself more and ran to that purpose.

It's just that there is a little fear in his heart. Is this right?

Biyao looked at Zhang Xiaofan for a long time and saw that he was still absorbed in looking at the stone carvings on the wall. His expression was strange. It seemed that she had completely forgotten that she was standing next to him. She was angry for no reason and snorted coldly. Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaofan turned a deaf ear and nothing happened.

The corners of Biyao's mouth were squeezed, and she was very angry, but somehow she didn't want to teach this person a lesson. He turned around and walked out. Before leaving, she stepped on her footsteps vigorously. Unfortunately, the fool still didn't respond at all.

Baguio walked out of the stone room angrily and returned to the stalactite cave. She sulked at the skeleton. Originally, she thought it was nothing, but when she looked at the boy, she didn't like it. The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. Looking at the originally beautiful "sad flower" at hand .

She pointed to the skeleton and said angrily, "You old ghost, you have to harm me after 800 years of death, so that my jade flower has become... become..."

Without a word, Biyao's liver fire became bigger and bigger, not to mention, with a wave of the sleeve robe, the "sad flower" flew out and turned around the skeleton back. After a moment, he only heard the sound of bone cracking in his ears, and at the place where the "kake" sounded, the skeleton fell down in

After taking action, Baguio's anger slowed down a little, and she couldn't help but regret it. She didn't know where she got so much anger, but in a blink of an eye, she was surprised. It turned out that there were still a few lines of words on the stone wall covered by the skeleton just now. She hurried over and

The bell swallows, the flowers wither,

The figure is getting thinner and thinner like frost.

Deep bitterness, a lifetime of bitterness,

Infatuation is only for ruthless suffering.

Note 1: The bibliography of this general outline: "The Tao Te Ching", "The Diamond Sutra", "Tan Jing", "Jin Shu · Ji Zhan Zhuan", "Zhou Yi Fu Gua Yi Zhuan Zhuan Zhuan", etc.