Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 5 Level of Cultivation

Shangguan Mu took Zhang Ziguang back out of another courtyard. It can be said that the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the scenery is pleasant, the grass is spread on the ground, the cranes are flying, the mountain flowers are full of flowers, and it is indescribably quiet and elegant. Shangguan Mu gently woke up Zhang Ziguang and said, "Why don't you worship your teacher?"

Since Zhang Ziguang had fallen asleep when Shangguan Mu arrived, he was very strange to the man in front of him. Shangguan Mu shrank the situation just now, and Zhang Ziguang knelt down and kowtowed.

After kowtoing seven or eight times in a row, Shangguan Mu asked him to stop and gave a cold lesson: "If you kowtow to your teacher, three will do it!"

Zhang Ziguang hummed and suddenly remembered the scene of the former apprentice learning from the neighbor's carpenter's house. He couldn't help feeling uncomfortable and wanted to cry, but seeing the man in front of him look serious and meticulous, he put up with tears again.

Shangguan Mu knew that he had suffered such a great change, and he was in a restless mood. At present, he stopped talking. After a while, he saw that his mood had eased down before he said, "Apprentice, today I will teach you the first lesson to practice the fourth level of truth!"

When Zhang Ziguang heard that the master was going to teach, he restrained his sadness and asked, "Master, what is the fourth level of cultivation?"

Shangguan explained slowly: "People who cultivate the truth can be divided into four stages according to their strength: prefecture level, air level, sky level and mysterious level! The prefecture level can be subdivided into three classes from small to large: the underworld level, the mysterious level, and the divine level. The empty level can also be divided into three levels, namely: the broken empty level, the empty level, and the broken empty level! As for the mysterious master, it only exists in ancient records and has now disappeared.

After listening, Zhang Ziguang was curious and asked, "How can you be a prefecture-level true person?" What kind of level can be regarded as an empty-level trueist? Why didn't you mention the sky level just now?

When Shangguan Mu saw that the child was easy to learn, he was happy and explained more patiently: "It's hard to say a heavenly thing. I will explain it to you in detail later. As for the standards of prefecture-level and air-level... Absorbing the aura of heaven and earth by your own strength is the standard for prefecture-level practitioners. The stronger the ability to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, the higher the level will be. The standard of air level is the integration of human and soldiers. Only by exerting the ability of weapons to the extreme can we achieve something in the air level field. The ancestral magic skill of our Jianfeng School, Tianjian Break, is divided into four levels of cultivation, which is divided into four levels: human, realm, enlightenment and immortal. The three-level Xuangong of man, realm and immortality is applicable to the three-level practitioners of earth, air and sky respectively.

Zhang Ziguang was a little confused and asked, "The cultivation level is divided into three levels, and there are four levels for the sword to break?"

Shangguan Mu sighed, "Good question. Originally, the Tianxuan Taijigong of my sword front school was only divided into three levels: people, realm and immortals. However, since ancient times, from the empty realm to the heavenly realm, it has been a threshold that is difficult to cross. Some masters of the top of the empty level have spent decades and it is difficult to understand the mysteries of heaven, so seven A few years ago, the extremely smart and talented disciple of this school summarized her experience when she was about to enter the heavenly level, showing a way for those practitioners who struggled between the empty level and the heavenly level. This is the "enlightenment" in my Tianxuan Taiji skill. After the birth of this skill, the number of heavenly masters of our Jianfeng faction has greatly increased, from more than 20 in the past to more than 50, and the number has doubled!"

Zhang Ziguang nodded and said, "Which person who created the Xuanzi skill is really powerful? Is she an elder of the Jianfeng School?

At this time, Shangguan Mu's face showed a strong contempt and disdain, saying, "This man is deeply rooted, conscienceless, bullying his teacher and destroying his ancestors, and is no longer a disciple of my sword school!"

When Zhang Ziguang saw that Shangguan Mu's face was full of hatred, he was a little embarrassed, so he cleverly changed the topic and asked, "What kind of realm are you, master?"

A faint pride appeared on Shangguan Mu's indifferent face and said, "Before answering this question, the master will first tell you about the heavenly realm. The heavenly realm is divided into four levels, cave heaven level, crossing the sky level, Qitian level and destroying the sky level! And I am in the stage where I want to cross the heavenly level!"

Zhang Ziguang was confused by the cultivation level of this level. After a long time, he realized something and asked, "Master. Why are the prefecture level and the empty level divided into three levels, while the sky level is divided into four levels?

Shangguan smiled faintly, with deep eyes and endless longing. He said, "The teacher is trying to explain this problem to you. About thousands of years ago, 33 heavenly masters were born in the Western demon realm, collectively known as 33 demon kings. These people planned to invade the vast Jiangnan region of my country and destroy them in one fell swoop. All major sects in the south of the Yangtze River expand the territory of the demon realm.

The Jiangnan region is a place of outstanding people. The leaders of the famous practitioners in the south of the Yangtze River are the top ten scattered people. Ten people are sworn brothers, all of whom are heavenly masters. When they heard about the plot of the 33 demon kings, they invited the heavenly masters in the south of the Yangtze River to prepare to intercept them in the nest of the 33 demon kings. It is also a shame that the top ten scattered people are very disgusted with our righteous sect. The righteous sect is eager to join, but they are ruthlessly rejected by them. In this way, the ten scattered people, led a group of heavenly masters wandering around the world, about 40 people, and went to the nest of the 33-year-old demon king!

But when they arrived, they found that all the 33 demon kings were dead, and the bodies were piled up at the door of their nest. Each of the 33 people had a fatal wound, and they were all killed by one move!

Zhang Ziguang's face changed and exclaimed, "One move will kill you!?"

Shangguan Mu nodded and said, "Yes, they are all killed in one move. The ten scattered people felt that there was something different, so they left the following people outside the door. They went to the old nest to explore. Not far away, a man in gray stood with his head held high, and the sword in his hand was dripping with blood. The ten scattered people guessed that this person must have killed 33 demon kings, so they attacked him indiscriminately, but without waiting for them to pull out their swords, a stream of blood gushed out, and the middle finger of the left hand of the ten scattered people was cut off raw. The top ten scattered people were very panicked. They knew that their death was approaching. They said that some of the top ten scattered people could not live together, but they could die together. After hearing this, the man in gray took the initiative to apologize to the top ten scattered people and explained his identity. It turned out that this person was Huo Xiangtian, the great disciple of Shushan, who was ordered by his teacher to intercept 33 demon kings!

Because many of the top ten scattered people are in the realm of Qitian, Huo Xiangtian's strength has obviously exceeded the realm of Qitian, but he does not have the magic power of the legendary mysterious realm. Therefore, under the initiative of the top ten scattered people, there is another level in the realm of heaven, which is the realm of destroying the sky! The realm of destroying the sky has only been reached by Huo Xiangtian since ancient times. Therefore, the so-called realm of destroying the sky was specially added for Huo Xiangtian!

Zhang Ziguang looked admiring and asked, "Master, how can I reach the realm of destroying the sky?"

Shangguan Mu solemnly replied, "Through cultivation, cultivation requires both talent and hard work. Only those who work hard and have common talent will enter the heavenly realm. Cultivation in the heavenly realm is full of difficulties every step forward. Not only do they have to rely on their own efforts, but also have certain opportunities. Therefore, those who reach the realm of destroying the sky have known since ancient times that there is Huo Xiangtian alone!

Zhang Ziguang's blood was boiling. He clenched his fist and said in a tender voice, "I want to be the second person!"

Shangguan Mu smiled and said, "If you have good qualifications, you can work hard. As long as you work hard, you can break through the prefecture-level realm. The empty level requires both qualification and hard work, and a good magic soldier is also very helpful to you. That's all for today. I will get up early tomorrow and teach you how to practice. Work hard!"

After saying that, Shangguan Mu flew in the direction of Xuanyang Hall. Zhang Ziguang carefully recalled what the master had taught just now, and then couldn't help thinking of the bloody moon night, with a cruel smile hanging on his young face... The end of this chapter

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