Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 14 Zhang's Swordsmanship

Zhang Ziguang had an impulse in his heart, as if it was a heartfelt desire. His blood was boiling!

Zhang Ziguang couldn't help taking a step forward, and then took the second step, the third step...

With about half a column of incense, he had already walked half a journey. He looked far away and saw a cave at the end of the road, and he could not see it in the dark.

Suddenly, a huge wave hit, and Zhang Ziguang quickly flew up and soared in the air. However, at this time, the lake on both sides continued to rise as if it had been cursed. Zhang Ziguang flew up desperately, but still could not fly out.

In the lake, slender green tentacles appeared one by one, attacking Zhang Ziguang. Zhang Ziguang waved his sword and split it. When it clicked, there was a crisp sound, and the long sword was broken! Zhang Ziguang felt awe of heart and wanted to fall on the road in the center of the lake. Then he made plans. He looked down and couldn't help but stand his hair upside down.

I saw a figure below, which turned out to be the head of the fish, covered with thick fish scales. From time to time, there were fangs on the mouth of the fish, which looked very ferocious.

Zhang Ziguang's face changed, and a true breath shot out. He wanted to explore the monster's cultivation, but to no success. The monster's cultivation could not be detected, which was obviously much higher than him.

Zhang Ziguang was trapped in the heart of the lake. There was no way to heaven and no door to the earth. He was surrounded by green tentacles twisted like snakes. At this moment, a word flashed in Zhang Ziguang's mind: speed!

Zhang Ziguang has a deep understanding of the speed skills of the Jianfeng faction since he was a child, and now his speed is comparable to that of a heavenly master, far beyond his peers.

Zhang Ziguang moved forward quickly and rushed to the cave in front of him. He thought to himself: Now the situation is ambushed on all sides and murderous everywhere. Only that cave may give people a glimmer of life.

After making up his mind, Zhang Ziguang roared, raised the speed to the fastest and moved forward quickly. Behind him, the green tentacles poured towards him like crazy. The monster of the fish head opened two long legs and ran quickly.

Zhang Ziguang was about to be surrounded by green tentacles. He used all his strength, turned into a streamer, galloped out, passed through the small gap between the tentacles, and penetrated into the cave.

He felt afraid for a while and looked back. Those trembling creatures seemed to have scruples about the cave, wandering at the mouth of the cave and did not dare to step into the cave.

Zhang Ziguang felt that his clothes had been soaked with cold sweat. He lay decadently in the hole, gasping for breath. After a long time, he recovered.

Zhang Ziguang sat on the ground and observed the situation in the cave for a while. The cave was dark, the road was winding and winding, and there were countless animal bones scattered beside the road.

At this time, the mouth of the cave has been guarded by countless fierce things, and they are staring at it, waiting for Zhang Ziguang to throw himself into the net.

Zhang Ziguang sighed and walked into the cave, praying in his heart, with despair on his face.

Sure enough, there is a hole in the cave, and the road is folded. Every few steps, you will encounter a hall. In the hall, huge paintings can be faintly seen. Although the oil paint has withered, the content of the painting is still clearly visible: there is a huge wolf shadow hanging in the sky. Under the wolf shadow, a group of people ** It seemed that they were discussing something. Their arms were engraved with a wolf-shaped mark. Zhang Ziguang looked at the mural intensively. The more he looked back, the more shocking it was. Several murals next to them vividly depicted the scene of evil spirits running rampant in the world, harming the people, digging their hearts and lungs, and blood. Splashing, very cruel.

Zhang Ziguang was shocked. In the following scene, a figure stood in the air. He held a bloody fairy sword and looked up to the sky and roared. Below was the limbs of demons.

Zhang Ziguang lowered his head and thought to himself, "There is such a strange person in the world. Why have you never seen it in the classics of the Jianfeng School?"

Suddenly, a cloudy wind roared, and the cave suddenly flew away, and the smoke was filled with sand. Although Zhang Ziguang covered his mouth and nose hard, he was still choked.

In the smoke and sand, two red lights burst in. Zhang Ziguang was shocked and wanted to pull out the long sword to fight the enemy, but he was surprised to find that the long sword in his hand had long been broken into two halves in the battle of green tentacles

In front, two big red lanterns were coming in this direction, and a stinky smell rushed to his face. Zhang Ziguang looked carefully at the front and saw a huge snake shadow in the narrow and winding road, and the two big red lanterns were the two eyes of the giant snake.

Zhang Ziguang's face turned blue. Although he was very bold, he couldn't help but be afraid when he met such monsters in Jedi. The giant snake appeared in front of Zhang Ziguang with an unknown length of his body and said, "Hello, Zhang's descendants!"

Zhang Ziguang sat on the ground in horror and said, "Oh, my God, what kind of monster is this? Can you spit out?"

The giant snake glanced at him, spit out the snake letter, and said dissatisfiedly, "Well, people look at the snake low. No matter how I say it, it is a snake that has lived for thousands of years. The basic quality of speaking human language still needs to be possessed."

Zhang Ziguang saw that the giant snake was different from the murderer outside the cave, and there was no murder for the time being. His hanging heart was slightly relieved, hugged his fist and said, "I don't know what the senior is called? Where is this place?"

After hearing this, the giant snake was shocked. The snake's eyes were half narrowed, and his pupils contracted. He was shocked and said, "Where, you don't know where this is?" Have you read the instructions of Zhang's ancestors?!"

Zhang Ziguang was confused and didn't know why. He said, "If you go back to the words of the predecessor, it is not intentional to offend to enter this place by mistake. You are not a person of the Zhang family, and you have not read any instructions of Zhang's ancestors. The seniors have mistaken!"

The giant snake roared and made the stone wall next to it tremble. It roared, "Don't pretend to be garlic. If you are not a descendant of the Zhang family, how can you touch the hand-shaped mechanism in front of the lake and come here? If you don't have the unique speed of Zhang's descendants, how can you be chased and intercepted by those fierce beasts in front of the cave? If you don't have Zhang's bloodline, how can you feel my call to come here?

Zhang Ziguang became more curious and explained, "Although my surname is Zhang, it is by no means the son of Zhang you mentioned. In the next family, there is no clan like you said*.

The giant snake's eyes were full of doubt and said, "Kid, are you really not a descendant of Zhang? Then who are you?"

Zhang Ziguang returned respectfully and said, "My name is Zhang Ziguang, a disciple of Jianfeng!"

After hearing this, the giant snake was silent and meditated for a long time: "Do you know a man named Zhang Yufei?"

When Zhang Ziguang heard Zhang Yufei, he couldn't help trembling, with a look of resentment on his face, and said, "I send the hatred between Zhang Yufei and wear the sky together!"

The giant snake roared again and said in surprise, "What? Do you have a grudge against Zhang Yufei? Can the descendants of Zhang's family be disappointing and split up?!"

Zhang Ziguang spread out his hands helplessly and was about to explain, but was interrupted by the giant snake: "Kid, what kind of cultivation do you do?"

Zhang Ziguang replied, "The primary one!"

"No!" The giant snake shook its head, as if with a smile, and said, "You are a beginner!"

Hearing this, Zhang Ziguang's face suddenly changed, and he was worried. After a long time, he replied, "The senior is really good at the eyesight. I admire it!"

The giant snake laughed twice, hoarsely, like a ghost, and said, "You hid so deeply that you almost covered me. Why do you hide your strength?

Zhang Ziguang bit his lips, clenched his fists tightly, and his nails were deeply embedded in the meat and said, "Don't tell me!"

The giant snake shook his head and said, "Well, I have lived here for several years, and I don't understand what's wrong with you Zhang's descendants. When Zhang Yufei arrived more than ten years ago, he told me that he was a single biography of the Zhang family. Now there is another kid who didn't even recognize his ancestors and hide his strength and said that he was a swordsman. It's really Bully the teacher and destroy the ancestors. That's all, that's all I care about. Just fulfill my agreement with Zhang Yunjie!"

Although Zhang Ziguang didn't understand what the giant snake was talking about, he still had a little more respect when he heard the name Zhang Yunjie. He vaguely felt that Zhang Yunjie was the demon-killing man in the oil painting he had just seen.

The giant snake looked at him thinking without saying a word for a long time. He felt anxious, took a breath and said impatiently, "Kid, I don't care whether you admit it or not. It must be the descendants of the Zhang family who can come here. My old snake's task is to give the things they lost to Zhang's descendants!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a slight crisp sound in the hole. Zhang Ziguang looked around in surprise and saw that the oil paintings on the wall were slightly broken, and then peeled off. After the murals fell off, a line of text leaped on the wall. The fonts were regular and the rows were clear. At the beginning of the text, there were four large pieces of gold. Words. Very dazzling: Zhang's sword secret!

End of this chapter