Purple Light Seal Sword Record

Chapter 90 Purple Moon City

Zhang Linyu was too lazy to entangle with these people and simply entered the world. After the reinforcements came, they found that the enemy had already disappeared. He couldn't help but be angry and angry. That night, Ziyue City strengthened its vigilance and the air almost solidified.

When night fell, Ziyue City gradually quieted down, and the army kept walking on the street with sonorous and powerful steps.

However, no one noticed that a shadow cleverly avoided the prohibition in the air and flew over their heads like a silent big bird.

This man is naturally Zhang Linyu. He took advantage of the night and came out of the world and went straight to the residence of the city owner. He ran all the way and came to the most unspeal attic in the city after a moment.

In fact, if he brought people all the way in, he could completely break through the city, but in order to achieve the purpose of the sneak attack and maintain the concealment of the operation, he did not do so.

He hid in a corner and looked into the attic through the window. He saw that the hall was brightly lit. Two men, an old and a young man were standing in front of a map, discussing something.

This old man is naturally Chu Yunnan, the owner of Ziyue City. The young man is his grandson, Chu Fei.

I only heard Chu Yunnan sigh: "Alas... Lord Xuanhuang is now seriously injured and unconscious. Several princes only focus on fighting for power, and no one has presided over the overall situation. Other Xuanhuang is staring at it and trying to reap the interests of the fishermen. The future of this war is not good."

Chu Fei smiled and said, "Grandpa, don't worry, haven't you seen Feiyu Xuanhuang's army only wandering on the border and not going deep into it? I don't think they have the courage."

Chu Yunnan stared at his grandson and shouted, "What do you know? Now nearly half of the troops have reached the border, and the hinterland is empty. If the enemy sends someone to attack us, it will definitely catch us off guard!"

Chu Fei's heart was awe-inspiring and suddenly said, "So that's why you strengthened the garrison in the city!"

Chu Yunnan's face was much kinder and nodded, "Yes, if the enemy wants to attack successfully, he must take advantage of our Ziyue City's teleport array."

Out of the house, Zhang Linyu was secretly surprised. The old man had actually recognized his plan. At this point, his heart was even more murderous, and his body flashed. He appeared in front of the two grandfathers and grandsons and sneered, "Old gentleman, your analytical power is amazing, but now, you can't live!"

Chu Yunnan's face did not change at all, and he said in a low voice, "I had expected you to come back!" With that, he slapped on Chu Fei's Dantian. Chu Fei's face suddenly became ferocious, his nails became longer, like a dagger, and the red light on his body shone. The demonic and dazzling bloodlight instantly enveloped the whole hall. He let out a shocking roar, which was no longer like a human voice.

Zhang Linyu's face changed slightly and said, "You actually sealed a monster in your grandson's body?"

Chu Yunnan said, "Yes, for the sake of Yunguang Xuanhuang, any sacrifice is worth it!"

After saying that, he pushed Chu Fei forward and broke out of the window.

Zhang Linyu shouted, and a bright golden light shot out, forming a light film on the doors and windows of the hall, temporarily trapping Chu Yunnan in the house.

At this time, Chu Fei waved his claws and rushed to Zhang Linyu. Zhang Linyu cut out with a sword, and a light blade pierced Chu Fei's chest. He said that he was temporarily blocked, and he quickly came to Chu Yunnan's side and cut more than a dozen golden sword shadows at his face.

Chu Yunnan hurriedly dodged, but still cut off a finger by the shadow of the sword. Zhang Linyu was about to chase him again, but he heard the strong wind roaring in his ears. Chu Fei roared and bullied him. His sharp nails scratched and pointed out that there were clear scratches in the space.

Zhang Linyu had no choice but to dodge again. Chu Yunnan is the peak of Qi Zhuan Tianxuan, and the beastly Chu Fei is similar to his strength, which is bound to become a bitter battle.

Thinking of this layer, he was no longer in a hurry to kill Chu Yunnan. Yueyun Sword turned into a dazzling pillar of light and stabbed out and went straight to the critical part of Chu Fei.

Chu Fei's claws protected his chest, and the dark red energy formed a light shield, rebounding the moon cloud sword back and blocking the blow.

Zhang Linyu caught Yueyunjian, took advantage of this gap to fly behind Chu Yunnan, and stabbed him in the back of his back.

Chu Fei quietly appeared on his side and took his shoulders with his claws straight from his shoulders.

Zhang Linyu suddenly stabilized his body and retreated. He could avoid this blow. He couldn't help but be shocked. The beastly Chu Fei was completely unconscious and abandoned his grandfather's life.

Chu Yunnan had no complaints. Taking advantage of the fierce battle between Chu Fei and Zhang Linyu, he opened the roof and was about to escape. However, he suddenly found that his feet were tight. After a closer look, he found that his legs were somehow entangled by a dark green vine.

At the same time, there was a dark blue tree beside him, and a human face slowly appeared on the trunk, which was the soul of the moon cloud sword.

After a long time of practice in the world of Ruoxu, the soul of Yueyun Sword has been instructed by Yue Tianjian. The strength is comparable to the peak of Liu Zhuan Tianxuan, and it can completely delay Chu Yunnan for a period of time.

Chu Yunnan did not expect that Zhang Linyu had any helpers, so he had no choice but to fight. On the other side, Zhang Linyu and Chu Fei fought against each other. The first three styles of Zhang's swordsmanship have all been useful, but they still can't break Chu Fei's defense.

The next moment, Zhang Linyu flew back a distance. The moon cloud sword burst into a thousand feet of golden light, sweeping out. The light of the sword seemed to fall and pour down. In a blink of an eye, the whole hall was shrouded in golden light.

The first type of swordsmanship, the sword rain is bright!

Brush! Brush!

With a sharp wind, the golden sword rain fell from the air. Seeing this, the soul of the moon cloud sword hurried back to the moon cloud sword. How could Chu Yunnan withstand such an attack? He held his head and wail in the sword rain. Before long, there were large burns on his body.

Zhang Linyu smiled coldly and looked back at Chu Fei. He saw a translucent air mask on his body, which wrapped it up and blocked all attacks.

Zhang Linyu said, "Chu Yunnan, your grandson had a chance to save you, but he chose to let you die!"

Chu Yunnan is bruised at this moment, and the critical part has been penetrated by the sword. He is as angry as a silk and said, "I don't regret it, because I believe that my grandson can kill you!" After saying that, he fell to the ground and lost his breath.

Chu Fei seemed to notice something. He patted his palms and shot out two bright energy beams of light. Zhang Linyu hurriedly waved the second sword shadow that broke the sky sword floating to block it. He saw dozens of feet of huge golden sword shadow split down, and the power of time suddenly became disordered. The immortal's body shape was erratic and dodged left and right, but four swords But the shadow surrounded her, blocked all her way and imprisoned the space.

Two sword shadows broke Chu Fei's beam of light, and the other three came to his head. Chu Fei could not avoid it. Although his current strength was similar to Zhang Linyu, he did not have any decent moves except for his brute force, so he was restrained everywhere.

Feeling that he was in a deep crisis, he roared in a low voice. A virtual shadow of a pangolin appeared above his head, holding a wooden stick in his paws, and swept towards Zhang Linyu. The overlapping sword shadows almost filled the whole space. Three sword shadows collapsed in an instant. At the same time, his body fell to the ground and fainted. The past.

Zhang Linyu said lightly, "No wonder the defense is so strong. It turns out that the body is this kind of beast!"

The pangolin roared, and the long stick waved out again, like endless waves, one wave higher than another.

Zhang Linyu was not moved, but he was worried that he had left for too long, and the heart of the Tianhu Guard was unstable. He directly used the seventh sword of the sky-breaking sword to roar in the wind and snow. The moon cloud sword rose in the wind and instantly grew into a huge golden sword of dozens of feet. The giant sword suddenly danced, and an energy storm swept out. The walls in the hall Suddenly, there were cracks, and all the decorations turned into powder in an instant.

The pangolin greeted it like crazy, and the long stick it held was suddenly torn into several pieces and fell to the ground. Zhang Linyu's sword formula suddenly changed, and the energy storm suddenly dispersed into countless ice. In a blink of an eye, it condensed into countless ice swords. The top of each ice sword was surrounded by purple-black gas, which was unexpectedly violent. With Zhang Linyu's violent shout, the ice sword stabbed the pangolin like a storm, easily piercing his defense and destroying his body.

This situation lasted for about a long time before it stopped. Zhang Linyu took a deep breath, looked at the mountain made of ice piled up on the corner of the wall, smiled indifferently, flashed and disappeared.

He searched the whole attic and found a token. He changed his appearance, took the token to the gate, and ordered the guards to open the gate. Sure enough, the guards followed his words and deeds, and the gate opened suddenly.

Zhang Linyu flew out of the city and found that the rest of the team had also arrived. The Sky Fox Guard was all there. They disguised themselves and unconsciously came to the next planet, Zihua Star, through the transmission array.

Zihua Star, a very special planet, is full of endless desert, and the other side of the desert is where the transmission array is located.

The poisonous sun shone on the earth. Zhang Linyu took the Sky Fox Guard through the rolling sand sea. They advanced for more than half a day. At this moment, the twilight was low, and the yellow sand under his feet was vast, extending to the end of the sky. The sand dunes undulated, rolled up yellow dust and smoke in the wind, and a round red sun fell. The afterglow shines on the vast desert.

Zhang Linyu waved his hand, and everyone sat down cross-legged to rest. They saw a golden sea. Except for birds occasionally passing through the sky, it was rare to see other creatures.

Along the way, you can see the white bones of livestock covered with sand from time to time, with unknown insects crawling on them and enjoying their dinner.

Although it was dusk, there was still a hot breath in the wind. The yellow sand under his feet emitted a huge heat wave accumulated during the day, making the group like falling into a copper furnace.

At this time, Ruo Xuzi came to Zhang Linyu's ear and whispered, "Master, it is not shown on the map of our place. Maybe we are lost!"