President, be careful of love

Chapter 2 The First Encounter

Just as Chen Jingyi danced and enjoyed the quiet beauty, the two men in the distance pointed pistols at each other, as if they were going to kill each other the next second, but when they saw an uninvited guest suddenly broke in here, and the resentment of killing each other was transferred to her. When the excitement passed, such a horrible scene suddenly appeared in front of her. Chen Jingyi's brain seemed to be stuck and didn't know how to react. Her mouth also turned to an O-shaped shape with the shout of surprise. She was stunned for a few seconds. Chen Jingyi's brain immediately ran over and desperately thought about what to do if she At this time, tell the other party, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to break in. I didn't see anything. If you continue, will the other party let her go? Maybe as soon as she turned around, the other party would shoot her to kill her. This method doesn't work. Oh, by the way, as I have discussed with Ji Xiaoyan before, if she encounter irreversible bad luck, she will pretend to faint. Thinking of this, the corners of her mouth can't help bending up an arc, and then pretending to faint slowly. .

It is said to fall down, but in fact, it is to lie down slowly. She thought her performance was seamless, but Lei Shaochen and Long Yi looked at each other and didn't know what trick the little girl was playing. So they all maintained their respective postures in shock to see what the funny girl was doing. Or what action she wants to do to attract their attention, compared with those women who pretend to be extremely shy but extremely seductive, this girl is quite interesting and bold enough to dare to come up when she learns that she has been cleared.

Chen Jingyi secretly opened half of her eyes to look at the two people who had just confronted, but found that the situation was still so terrible. She was afraid that the other party would find her, so she quickly closed her eyes again. I'm thinking about whether the other party is observing whether she really faints or not. She must be a weak woman who can't fight against them now. Let's relax and pretend to faint. When they find that she is really dizzy and can't see their illegal behavior, they will naturally let her go, and her life can be saved. . Thinking about this, she began to relax. In addition, after taking the train all day, she actually breathed evenly and fell asleep.

"Lei Shao, this woman won't fall asleep, will she? There has been no movement for so long." Long Yi finally opened his mouth to break the silence and put down the robbery.

"Who knows what tricks this woman is playing, pretending." With that, put away the pistol. Let's go. After saying that, he walked to the elevator alone.

"Lei Shao, the speed of drawing our guns is still tied this time. I look forward to your breakthrough next time! Because I won't let you next time." Long Yi turned the pistol proudly.

"Well, if that woman hadn't suddenly broke in just now, I would have been stunned and have won you long ago. What a damn woman." Lei Shaochen cursed lowly.

"Are we leaving like this? I don't think that woman is pretending to sleep. Wouldn't it be good for us to leave like this? At least take her to bed for recreation. Look at her long black hair, coupled with a standard melon seed face and a white skirt. If I were a few years younger, I would definitely chase her and have a pure first love with her..." Dragon Wing said with YY's expression.

"Long Shao, don't be so shameless, do you still have your first love? You have no first love when you go to kindergarten. In addition, looking at the purer women, in fact, you don't know how many people have been taken. Haven't you seen the girls in the Night Rose Club? Which one is not extremely pure? I believe you know better than me. Lei Shaochen responded to the dragon wing dissatisfiedly.

"Well, I know that no woman in this world is simple, lovely, beautiful and kind, except your dream." Long Yi casually muttered such a sentence, but did not expect to mention Lei Shaochen's emotional injury.

Lei Shaochen's eyes dimmed and he no longer spoke. Long Yi knew that he had said something wrong and did not say anything. Both of them began to be silent. At the moment they turned around and stepped into the elevator, a shining meteor fell from the sky.

"Miss, wake up, why are you sleeping here? Are you all right?" The aunt who came to clean up early in the morning took a lot of effort to wake Chen Jingyi up. She opened her big eyes and looked at the surrounding environment in a daze. Suddenly, she woke up. It turned out that she fell asleep in the wishing hall, and the scenes of last night came back to her mind. Thinking of the two men, Chen Jingyi immediately grabbed the cleaning aunt's hand in panic and eagerly asked, "Auntie, was there any murder here last night?"

When the cleaning aunt heard the girl's nonsense, she thought she had a fever, so she said, "Girl, what are you talking about?" Do you have a cold and fever? Go to see a doctor. How can you sleep here? Although it's summer, it's quite humid here at night. Girls must keep warm when they sleep and don't catch a cold. After being said by the cleaning aunt, Chen Jingyi knew that she was misunderstood. She immediately stuck out her tongue, got up, said goodbye to the other party and left, but she was happy. It turned out that there was no shooting last night, but on second thought, if the other party killed, she would definitely clean up the scene. Should she go to the police? After all, it is a human life. But I was still a witness last night. If I report the case, will the murderer kill himself? Otherwise, he will go to prison. Think about it, I'm just here for a graduation trip, and it's not worth it. Thinking about this, I have to comfort myself by reading today's or recent newspapers. If there is a murder, I must come to testify and not let the murderer go unpunished.

After taking the elevator downstairs, Jingyi immediately called Ji Xiaoyan, but her mobile phone responded that it was still mechanical and it was inconvenient for the other party to answer the phone. In desperation, Jingyi had to take a taxi back to the hotel first. Opening the door, I saw Ji Xiaoyan sleeping with a quilt, but his body kept trembling. Is it possible... A bad idea flashed in Jingyi's mind and immediately ran over.

"Xiaoyan, what's wrong with you? Are you all right? Don't scare me." Lifting the quilt and seeing the tears on Ji Xiaoyan's face, he probably had been crying for a long time. His eyes and nose were red, and his nose was still running.

"He didn't want me. He said he was just playing with me. Even if I said I slept with him, he didn't want me. He said I was shameless and wanted to pester him. I didn't, I really didn't. Four years, I have loved him for four years, how can he... Jingjing, do you think I'm too active to scare him? I... But I will get married in half a year, and my parents have decided to marry... I..." Ji Xiaoyan cried and said, but later, the more he said it, the more sad he became, and he couldn't even say a complete word.

Seeing her friend's appearance, Jingyi didn't know what to do, so she had to take Xiaoyan in her arms, patted her on the back and said, "Good boy, don't cry. It's not beautiful to cry again. Our words are so excellent and beautiful. It's his loss that he doesn't like it. Don't we care about his second-hand goods? Right? In addition, you will get married in half a year. If you don't like him, we will escape until our beautiful Miss Yanyan finds Prince Charming.

Really? Can I escape from marriage? Ji Xiaoyan stopped crying when he heard the escape from marriage.

Seeing that Xiaoyan finally stopped crying, Jingyi had to follow her words and nodded heavily.

"Then you have to help me then!" As if he didn't believe it, Ji Xiaoyan added another sentence.

Later, she comforted Xiaoyan for a while. Probably after a night of tossing, Xiaoyan finally fell asleep.

Jingyi gently packed up her luggage. This place must not stay any longer to avoid stimulating Xiaoyan.

When Xiaoyan woke up, Jingyi had booked the ticket and packed her luggage. She did not object to telling Xiaoyan her plan, so the two returned to City A with their luggage. This tortuous graduation trip has come to an end, but some things have just begun.