President, be careful of love

Chapter 3 What happened to Dad's company

As soon as she got off the plane, Chen Jingyi received a phone call from her father Chen Yitang.

"Jinger, why does your mobile phone keep turning off? You go home right away. We're moving." Before Jingyi could ask what had happened, her father hung up the phone. A bad feeling permeated her heart and felt that something might have happened at home.

Although her mother died when she was very young, she had not begun to remember at that time. From the day she was sensible, her father loved her extremely, both as a father and a mother, and managed the company. When she was eight years old, her father fell in love with Aunt Chen. Originally, he planned to get married. On the one hand, it was convenient to take care of her, and on the other hand, she could have multiple companions. However, at that time, she was ignorant and cried and objected. Later, her father never mentioned remarriage again. Even if she hinted to her father several times, Dad thought he didn't understand. Muddle through.

I rushed home and saw my father packing. Jingyi hurriedly asked, "Dad, what's wrong?" Why do we suddenly want to move?" She has lived here since she was born. How could she suddenly move away?

"Jingyi, Dad, I'm sorry. There was a problem with a project in the company, and the money for the project was stolen. Now I need money to turn around, so..." Dad's explanation made Jingyi understand a general idea.

Dad's "Keitu Real Estate Company" was founded by him. In addition to putting most of his life on her, he has invested all his energy in this company. Now there is a crisis, let alone selling the house. Even if he sells all the valuable things, Jingyi will have no objection, let alone himself now. There is also a stable career. Although I can't help my father much, at least I can survive without relying on my father. Maybe I can help my father.

Thinking of this, Jingyi asked Yi Tang, "Dad, how much does it take to make up for this project?"

"Jinger, you don't need to worry about your father about the company's affairs. Dad has his own way to solve it. Hurry up and pack your luggage."

Jingyi obediently went to pack her luggage, but she couldn't help worrying about her father. If she had no choice, how could her father have sold the house she had lived in for decades?

Sure enough, the day after moving, Jingyi learned from the news that her father's company had been plotted because of poor employment. The person in charge of the project with the escape not only stole the money, but also bought a batch of problematic steel bars when the project started. The first phase that has been built and sold is used for this batch of steel bars. Now it has been found that the whole project is not only a problem of shortage of funds, but also needs to be inspected by relevant departments. When all the procedures are completed, the project can be restarted, and this process will take at least three to four months, which is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the real estate market. Not only will the company's image reputation be seriously affected, but the customer's check-out needs a lot of funds to maintain, and the board of directors needs to be reasonable. Explain, the report predicts that if Kaitu can't get through the crisis this time, it may face a sharp decline in the company's stock price. If it is serious, it may go bankrupt. Kaitu, which used to be a strong side, finally failed to complete the myth.

After moving to a smaller apartment with his father and completing the rental procedures, Jingyi returned to school and Ji Xiaoyan sat sullenly in front of two computers, dealing with the backlog of online orders in the past few days.

Tongtong, a kitten adopted by Ji Xiaoyan two years ago, is lying quietly on Jingyi's lap and sleeping soundly. Speaking of this cute kitten, Ji Xiaoyan picked it up in a noisy market when they just rented a house as an online store two years ago, that was the summer vacation of their sophomore year. At that time, poor Tongtong was thrown away as soon as she was born, and Ji Xiaoyan, who was full of love, brought him back. However, the lazy Ji Xiaoyan's love only spread for a week. A week later, he left the responsibility of supporting Tong Tong to Jingyi. Over time, the cat fought with Jingyi. At this time, every time, every time he saw the cat making out with Jingyi, Ji Xiaoyan was furious. Once, the cat refused to let her hug him, and she insisted on forcibly hug him. Tongtong actually stretched out her sharp claws and grabbed a few scratches on Ji Xiaoyan's arm. From then on, Ji Xiaoyan saw that it interacted with Jingyi and muttered that it was an ungrateful guy.

The two of them finished confirming the order and setting up the delivery, and began to pack the goods separately according to the order. The small store they run is a relatively comprehensive girls' supplies store, including special clothing, bags, accessories, and some creative gifts. When they encounter special festivals, they will also enter some relevant gifts or holiday supplies in advance. Unexpectedly, they have made a lot of profits in the past two years, and they are almost completed among their classmates. There were two rich women, so neither of them looked for a job when they graduated and planned to continue to expand their store.

After they packed it, Ji Xiaoyan went back to his room and took out a bank card and handed it to Jingyi. "This is the money I have earned in recent years and some pocket money given by my family. I haven't spent it all on this card, almost 60,000 to 70,000 yuan. You can use it first, and our public money card. You can also take the money there first. Give it to my uncle to see if he can help.

Listening to Ji Xiaoyan's words, Jingyi's eyes couldn't help but turn red. Although Ji Xiaoyan's money may not be very useful at all, as a good friend, he did not hesitate to lend a helping hand when he needed help, and his heart was really moved.

Jingyi endured the tears that were about to fall, hugged Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Xiaoyan, thank you, but this little money is not helpful to my father. Let's keep our money first. If it really doesn't work, I'll find another way."

Ji Xiaoyan also wanted to persuade Jingyi to take over the money, but seeing her firm eyes, Ji Xiaoyan had to change his words: "Well, if you have difficulties, you must tell me that I don't have enough money, and you can borrow it from my father. Don't worry too much, okay?"

Jingyi's tears finally couldn't help falling. Ji Xiaoyan saw Jingyi crying and remembered his experience. He couldn't help but feel sad and shed sad tears. The two girls hugged quietly and comforted each other, but also drew the strength from each other to continue to live.