President, be careful of love

Chapter 30 Broken Glass Heart

Back home, she was very tired after a day of taking a shower and planned to lie down for a while, and then go to lay the sheets for him. As a result, she fell asleep soon after lying down.

He, who was waiting for her to lay the sheets in the room, looked at Qiushui and couldn't see her. He couldn't sit still and run to her door. He knocked on her for a while without responding. When he opened the door, he didn't expect that the woman would fall asleep. From his perspective, she was wrapped in a white bath towel and had not had time to change her pajamas, revealing most of her legs. Her slender shoulders were exposed, and her eyes moved down. Because of sleeping sideways, the spring light in front of her chest could be seen at a glance. Seeing this, Lei Shaochen suppressed the strangeness in her heart and gently walked over. , helped her cover the quilt, took off her clothes and lay next to her, hugged her with both hands, and soon fell asleep...

When she woke up the next day, Lei Shaochen found that she was tightly hugged by her. She wanted to get up and was afraid of waking her up, so she had to let her hold her. About half an hour later, she woke up from sleep and saw her face in front of her. She couldn't help but be shocked, "You... I'll make the sheets for you right away." After saying that, she planned to get up, but after a night of pulling, the bath towel had already become loose. As soon as she stood up, the bath towel slipped down. She shouted and immediately grabbed the quilt on his body and wrapped herself. Lei Shaochen saw that she was so shy, she couldn't help but to amuse her: "Honey, don't cover it. I've seen it for a long time. Don't make such a fuss. They think how powerful I am!"

Jingyi was ashamed and angry to hear him say this, but now there is no way to argue with him. She took the clothes from the wardrobe with the quilt in her arms and went into the bathroom.

After getting dressed and coming out, Lei Shaochen has also returned to his room. Chen Jingyi went to the kitchen to get a bag of milk and began to take out his notebook to process the design draft. I was busy until noon, and it was not until there was a grunt in my stomach that I remembered that it was time to have lunch.

He knocked on Lei Shaochen's door and went in. He saw him holding the computer and reading some documents. He went over and asked him, "What do you want to eat for lunch?"

Lei Shaochen looked up at her and said, "You eat first. I may go out later." Chen Jingyi went out with a sigh.

Thinking that he didn't eat anyway, and he didn't have the heart to cook it himself, so he ordered two McDonald's takeaways, thinking that if he was hungry, he could eat it later, and don't rob her again.

After the takeaway was delivered, Chen Jingyi did not disturb him to finish eating alone, so he continued to be busy with the design work. After a while, the doorbell rang. Jingyi thought it should be looking for him, so she didn't get up to open the door, but he didn't seem to hear it and let the doorbell ring all the time. Jingyi couldn't ignore the sound in her heart, so she ran out to open the door. Seeing that it was Hao Yidong, Chen Jingyi politely greeted him and turned to the master bedroom called Lei Shaochen. The clever Tongtong saw the stranger and followed her step by step. As soon as Lei Shaochen stepped out, Tongtong hid in his room. Thinking of what happened last time, Jingyi immediately ran to catch it, but Tongtong seemed to catch it with her and kept running to prevent her from grabbing it. Under her pursuit, Tongtong also jumped to Lei. On Shaochen's computer keyboard, Chen Jingyi was afraid that it would damage Lei Shaochen's computer and hurried to check it. As a result, she saw a video of a girl and Lei Shaochen playing at the seaside. The girl ran very mischievously on the beach and said as she walked, "Haha, you can't catch me. You lost."

I only heard Lei Shaochen say, "Little Y head, I will catch you soon. If I catch you, you will be punished." Then hold the camera and run in her direction...

Chen Jingyi's body was shocked and knew that the girl might be Zhang Xinmeng. She seemed to be fascinated and wanted to know more about them. She opened the folder in the video with trembling hands. The photos inside poured into her. They were all their intimate and sweet photos. All these photos stabbed her. Eyes, I don't know when, tears can't stop falling...

Drying away her tears, she quietly walked out of his room with Tongtong in her arms. Seeing him in the living room, she quickly resisted walking over, and then locked herself in the room, allowing tears to flow down freely... Rearu her strangeness, Lei Shaochen was shocked and remembered that he had no relevant computer. He understood a little in his heart. He hurriedly said a few words to Hao Yidong and sent him away, and then planned to go back to turn off the computer and then see how the little woman was doing.

Back in the bedroom, I clicked on the computer screen and saw that the video had been turned off by her, and there were only the files he opened in the taskbar. Lei Shaochen panicked and moved the mouse to the E disk. Lei Shaochen's brain banged, and there seemed to be a heavy blow in his heart. All the photos and videos in the E disk disappeared. He checked the rest of the disk in a panic, but it still didn't. At this time, anger completely occupied his brain and could no longer control himself. He strode to Chen Jingyi's door and knocked hard. Chen Jingyi didn't want to see him at this moment, but his knock was getting heavier and heavier, as if she was going to break the door. She only After drying her tears, she opened the door, but she didn't expect that Lei Shaochen slapped her heavily before the door was fully opened. She didn't expect that he would do this. She stepped back a few steps, and her face was suddenly hot, and the bright red fingerprints climbed up her cheek. I don't know whether it was because of pain or heartache that she couldn't stop flowing down. With doubt, Jingyi choked and asked, "What mistake did I make? What reason do you have to hit me?"

"You don't have to install the photos and videos on my computer. Do you dare to say that you didn't delete them? You know that I didn't marry you because I love you, and you also know that I only have these videos and photos left with her. Why, why did you do this!" In the end, Lei Shaochen couldn't help clenching his hands.

"If I said I didn't delete it, would you believe it?" Chen Jingyi said this quietly. She just looked at them and didn't delete them. Really, why did he wrong himself? Even if he didn't love her, it doesn't mean that he has the right to wrong her!

"You didn't delete it, but you said you didn't delete it! You are the only one in the room. Who else will there be besides you? I didn't expect you to argue at this time, Chen Jingyi, a woman like you is more shameless than a woman sold outside! It's still cheap!" Lei Shaochen, who was in a state of anger, just wanted to vent his anger and didn't notice how unpleasant his words were.

Chen Jingyi listened to every word. At this time, she was not so sad. If a man can compare you with the woman sold outside, there must be no place for her in his heart, then why should he show weakness in front of her again, which will only make him look down on himself. Thinking of this, Chen Jingyi said loudly, "Yes, I'm shameless. I'm cheap. I don't deserve your Mrs. Lei, and I don't care. I deleted the video. How about it? She is dead. Is it interesting that you still miss her so much? If you want to love her, you can go to the funeral! How cowardly you are living so meticulously!" Before Jingyi's words could be finished, Lei Shaochen slapped down again, and at this moment, her face was covered with blood. Chen Jingyi smiled with tears: "Haha, good play, Lei Shaochen, I saw you clearly today, and we have terminated the marriage contract! From now on, let's clear each other!"

"Get out, get out of here, as far as you go!" Lei Shaochen had a gloomy face and pointed to the door angrily and shouted at her.

Jingyi walked into the room, hugged Tongtong, passed him, and stabilizing his trembling body and dizzy head step by step and walked out...