President, be careful of love

Chapter 56 Forgive

Are you thirsty? Shall I pour you a glass of water?" Lei Shaochen gently asked for her opinion.

"Yes, okay, thank you." Jingyi smiled gently.

"You have become my wife, and you are so polite!" Lei Shaochen shook his head helplessly.

"..." Jingyi couldn't help but be speechless.

"Hey, uncle, I just woke up. Don't flirt with the sick number!" Protested in a low voice.

"Good boy, drink water, take your time, don't pull the wound." He carefully tasted the water temperature with his mouth, gently moved the cup to her mouth, and slowly tilted it to let the water slowly flow into her mouth. The mouth that has not drunk for many days is like sweet dew. The gentle water slowly flows through the throat. The whole person is like a small plant in the desert. When encountering the clear rain, life seems to bloom again, and the blood of the whole body boils again. "It feels good to drink water, eat and live." She grinned and sighed sincerely.

"Idiot, will you know that you are happy to live? Why did you push so hard into the pile of bullets in the warehouse!" When he mentioned this, his heart couldn't stop tightening.

"I don't have it!" Gently curled his lips and denied it.

At that time, she seemed to have feelings and felt that the bullet would definitely pass through them. Her heart couldn't help but panic, and her hand unconsciously pushed him away. A simple action had betrayed her heart. Perhaps in the depths of her heart, she loved him so much that she would rather die and live, and she would rather suffer and let him suffer. Happiness, I would rather hurt him than be happy and fall in love with someone. As long as he is fine, it will be her sunny day...

I shaved her handsome little nose affectionately, spoiled her with a little irritation, and said, "Don't do this again!"

"Of course I won't. It hurts here." After saying that, he pointed to his chest and his mouth pouted slightly.

"Honey, when you recover, let's go on our honeymoon and talk about where you want to go?" Lei Shaochen suggested.

Jingyi heard this, and her face was full of surprise. Her little head tilted aside, showing contemplation. She thought for a while and said, "Why don't you leave it to Mr. Lei to arrange it?"

"Children, don't talk nonsense. What is a chicken? Are you willing to admit that you are married to a chicken?" Lei Shaochen's face darkened.

Jingyi covered her mouth and smiled. She neither denied nor admitted it. When Lei Shaochen saw that she was so flat and pretended to beat her, Jingyi deliberately whispered, "Oh, murder of her own wife, someone is coming."

"Dongdong, Dongdong." There was a knock outside the door.

Oh, my God, why is it so effective? Isn't it that your own shouts spread outside? Someone came to rescue so soon? Jingyi immediately silenced and pointed to the door, hinting that he would open the door. Lei Shaochen quickly leaned over and kissed her little cheek before reluctantly getting up to open the door.

When he opened the door and saw the person standing outside the door, Lei Shaochen's face darkened in an instant. Ni Anyun greeted him with a smile: "Lei Shao, I haven't seen you for a long time. Congratulations on finally getting married. Jingyi is injured. Let's come and visit." After saying gently, without waiting for Lei Shaochen to react, he dragged Ni Anjie behind him in. Ni's father and mother followed behind, Liang Haojie's palace.

"Jingyi, knowing that you woke up, we will come here immediately. I'm really sorry for your injury. We will come here to sincerely apologize to you." Ni Anyun pushed her sister behind her and motioned her to speak.

Ni Anjie stubbornly turned her face to one side and hummed gently.

When Ni's father saw this scene, he couldn't help saying angrily, "unfilial daughter! If you do something that humiliating to me, don't admit your mistake to others quickly!"

"I didn't do anything wrong!" Ni Anjie muttered in a low voice.

"You haven't done anything wrong yet! Are you going to make me angry to kill you?" Ni's father pointed to Ni Anjie angrily and scolded, and his face turned red because of anger.

Ni Anyun filially patted his father on the back and comforted him, "Dad, don't be angry, take care of yourself." Turning around and saying to Ni Anjie with a little anger and majesty, "Jieer, don't be stubborn, you should admit your mistake if you do something wrong!" Don't you forget that you almost killed Jingyi and even Shaochen? Dad has taught us since childhood that we can compete fairly with others, but we can't be insidious. We can't ignore other people's lives in order to get what we want? Do you still remember that when we were a child, our neighbor Quan Yuanyu pushed you down in order to take away your toys and pushed you down. What did you say when your hands and feet were scratched? Don't be as bad as him in the future. It hurts to fall down. Do you want to be a lovely and kind princess? But now, you almost lost your life to Jingyi. She is not only painful, but also dangerous. Ni Anyun said that there was a little emotion in her heart at the end. Ni Anjie in her childhood was so pleasant and cute. Why did she do such a thing when she grew up?

Ni Anjie listened quietly, stared at Jingyi tightly, stunned for a long time, shook her head and said, "Sister, stop talking, I know I'm wrong. Maybe I was blinded by my jealousy. From childhood to age, as long as I wanted, my parents would try their best to give it to me, so I thought that as long as I wanted it, my parents would give it to me, but when I proposed to marry Lei Shaochen to them, my father did not help me and let me fight for it by myself, so I fought for it in my own way. Maybe I'm really wrong. Although I have a good impression on him, maybe I don't love him, but at the encouragement of others and under the vanity of the audition, I have no idea to go to the doctor in a hurry to make today's cup of bitter wine. Jingyi, I'm sorry. Speaking of the end, Ni Anjie sobbed and did so many things against the law and morality for a person who did not love her. It was not until her sister's words that she reminded herself that she used to be clearly loved and hate, cute and friendly. How could she suddenly become even know herself! Such a self even made her feel disgusted and hateful.

"Ni Anjie, don't be so sad. It's good that you realize your mistakes. There is still a long way to go in life. Even without Lei Shaochen, you can live a happy life. I believe that in the near future, you will definitely meet your own Prince Charming." Jingyi looked at her sad face and felt embarrassed, but she couldn't help saying comforting words.

"You all go out and let Jingyi have a good rest." Lei Shaochen's unwarmly eviction order. For the sake of Zhang Yimo's sister-in-law, he can let her go, but it doesn't mean that he will forgive her!

"Yun'er takes her parents back to have a good rest first. An Jie, you have to be clever in the future. Don't make your parents angry anymore, you know? As my sister goes back to reflect, leave the rest to me. Liang Haojie saw that Lei Shaochen issued an eviction order and walked to Ni Anyun and said euphemistically.

"Ye." Ni Anyun nodded gently, motioned to Zhang Yimo, helped his father, and the group left the ward.

After seeing them go out, Liang Haojie said to Lei Shaochen, "Lei Shao, I owe you a favor. Jingyi's medical expenses include the prenatal examination expenses of future children and so on. We are all inclusive. Jingyi, thank you for your generousness. I, Liang Haojie, will remember them one by one. If you need me in the future, I will go to Daoshan. The sea of fire is also in full swing. His tone was full of sincerity.

"Liang Shao, we won't want you to go to the mountain of knives and go down the sea of fire. I have nothing to do. You can go out and see them off." Jingyi said with a slight smile.

When Liang Haojie left, there were only two of them left in the ward.

"Shaochen, don't be angry anymore. Since they have admitted their mistakes, forgive her." Looking at Lei Shaochen's dark face, Jingyi persuaded him coquettishly.

"Idiot, she made you like this, and you still help her say good things!" Lei Shaochen said with a gloomy face.

"She may have been seduced by the big tiger to do such a thing. Anyone who has no fault can know what is wrong. Buddhism has a cloud, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha! You should also put down your hatred before it rises!" Jingyi said with a soft smile.

"I'm starting to say something wrong again. OK, I'll listen to you! Don't argue with her anymore, but you have to give me some benefits. He looked at her treacherously.

Jingyi looked at his hot eyes, her body trembled involuntarily, and stared at his deep eyes slightly angrily: "Colored ruffian, I just climbed down from the line of life and death, you..."

Lei Shaochen looked at her lovely surprise and laughed cheerfully: "It turns out that you think more than me. I don't think so much at all. I mean to accompany me on my honeymoon."

Jingyi looked at him speechlessly and was fooled by him again! It seems that I am getting more and more stupid when I meet him. He sighed dejectedly and muttered, "It's all bad for you! Bad guy!"

"Well, don't be angry, be careful of the wound, and be good. I won't make you angry in the future. Tell me where you want to spend your honeymoon." Lei Shaochen coaxed her lovingly for fear that she would pull the wound apart too much.

"Yes, I don't know. I want to see beautiful women. Where do you think I can see them?" Jingyi deliberately stared at him with a smile, his eyebrows flying up, with a little teasing look.

"..." Lei Shaochen was directly stunned by her words and stared at the people in front of him. He couldn't believe it. After getting acquainted with her, he was like a different person and often made fun of him. He provoked his desire to conquer and fell into it stupidly every time. He said something stupid to her. Since he met her, he completely degenerated to her. The "ruffian" in the middle.

"You are a beautiful woman. It seems that you don't have to go out on your honeymoon. You can realize your dream by looking in the mirror directly at home." Lei Shaochen raised the corners of his mouth playfully and replied.

"Really! Since I am a beautiful woman, you have to love it well. You should know that beautiful things are always hot, and many people like them. Jingyi sneer at each other.

"Well, it makes sense. I will turn her into a little girl, put her in my pocket, and take her with me every day, so that people who cove of her can't find her. Oh, don't show such a cute and grateful look. Just know that your father-in-law is good, just wait for her. You don't have to be affectionate and embrace." Lei Shaochen looked at her like a little girl and couldn't help teasing her.

"Uncle is an uncle, full of bad thoughts, arrogant and narcissistic! Not good!"

"I'm Uncle Grey Wolf, I'm coming to eat your sheep!" As Lei Shaochen spoke, he stretched out his hands to reveal the appearance of a wolf, and deliberately "roared" a few times. The vivid appearance made Jing Yi smile gently. He was afraid that he had to pull the wound. His little face was red and red, like the afterglow reflected in the sunset, which was bright and beautiful.