President, be careful of love

Chapter 79 Clear the Mist 1

The two didn't take a car home directly, let the driver turn around and drive towards the place where the famous private detectives were located in the city. They didn't believe that they couldn't dig out her hidden secrets through the most famous private detective in China! Standing in front of the famous Tongtian Grand Xiamen in A City, he walked leisurely, ignored the many conference room offices, walked directly to the most decorated room, and slightly greeted the beautiful woman at the front desk. After receiving Xu Yun's nod from the front desk, he continued to move forward.

Xiaoyan followed tremblingly and asked nervously, "Jingyi, when did you know the people here?"

Jingyi smiled and said, "Do you still remember Xuanyuanfan, the computer master I mentioned to you before? The whole building here is his. After graduation, he was forced to take over the ancestral industry and run this well-known domestic detective company. In recent years, he has become the number one detective company in China. In Tongtian, there is no considerable mystery. As long as they take over, the truth will come out.

"Do you mean Xuanyuanfan, who has been in the tea tasting elective course with you for two sessions?" Xiaoyan's face was stunned. He didn't expect that the demon was so*! At that time, Xiaoyan accompanied Jingyi to a class. He saw Xuanyuanfan sitting next to Jingyi with a serious and meticulous smile, but Xiaoyan couldn't help talking to Jingyi. Next to him, he always stared at her coldly. After several times, Xiaoyan had no choice but to list him as a human being who could not be deeply friends with. First, facing such a cold face, I felt that it could cool down in an instant without air conditioning in summer. Thinking of this, her body couldn't help trembling. In the middle of the class, she could no longer hold back this dull atmosphere and could no longer raise her interest in this course. Originally, she just listened to Jingyi's praise of this lesson. It's a lot of good, so she came to join in the fun. Now she is sitting next to such a cold god, just think about it. She would rather not listen to this shabby tea class. Anyway, she doesn't like to drink tea. She is not a literati who likes to dance and play with ink. Why should she pretend to be such a gentle behavior? She is still free and lively as the wind. Cool things are suitable for her.

Since then, Jingyi has mentioned this character to her from time to time. Xiaoyan just listens to his story from Jingyi's mouth. That's all. I didn't expect that after a few years, they would have another chance to meet. It's really rare. I don't know what the people who avoided in those years have become now? Shouldn't it still be such a cold monster? The sincere sentence is a little cold. It is really charming for all sentient beings. Single eyelids, phoenix eyes, straight eagle hook nose, and cool thin lips. All of these seem to be distinctive when viewed separately, but when combined, they are more attractive and handsome. Xiaoyan has sighed in front of Jingyi many times after the event: Such If the beauty had more expressions, how colorful the seductive red phoenix eyes would be. Unfortunately, there is a pair of good skins, and the heart is cold, transparent and unapproar!

Looking back, Xiaoyan calmly saw Jingyi nodded heavily, following Jingyi with a little curiosity and a little fear.

Maybe she didn't understand that it was actually not cold, but hostile. However, now Xuanyuan Fan has already had a heart, so they met again and the atmosphere was harmonious. His hands and feet are full of generals. The staggering and deception in the mall have long let him practice the posture of Mount Tai before the collapse without changing his color. A faint smile hangs the corners of his mouth, which makes people feel like bathing in the spring breeze and putting down their prejugatives. Put down your guard and talk to anyone. This day's business is increasing day by day with his exquisite mouth, which can stand in the increasingly competitive market. It is the strength and meticulousness of his heart that wins thousands of miles a day!

So seeing Jingyi again, the dark waves in his heart had already been suppressed by him, leaving only the shallow gentle smile at the corners of his mouth, and her eyes were so restrained that there was no fluctuation at all, as if she was just one of his guests, friendly and modest, listening to them telling the story. Finally, she raised her eyebrows and responded confidently and arrogantly: I will definitely give her a satisfactory result within a month. Please wait for good information!

When she came out of Tongtian Building, Jingyi followed Xiaoyan to the pet hospital. Just at Lei's house, she only cared about fighting with Zhang Xinmeng and forgot to help Tongtong bring the medicine back. When she went to the hospital, everyone looked at Jingyi with a hostile and even cold eyes, as if she was an irresponsible and even cruel owner, who abused the cat in her arms like this. An aunt with a lady dog still muttered angrily: "Since you don't have the intention to raise small animals, why do this? I decided to be rude to such a little kitten at any time. How can a small life bear this kind of torture? If it is to be left abroad, it is a crime of abuse and can't raise animals for the rest of your life!"

Jingyi walked straight inside with Tongtong in her arms. How could the cold words of these people hurt her, but Tongtong in her arms was hurt like this. Everyone who saw it sympathized and looked at it tremblingly for the first time. If you want to look at it again, you really have to weigh a little bit in your heart. Do you have this courage!

The doctor quickly prescribed the medicine. Jingyi took the medicine and quickly left the pet hospital. Tong Tong in his arms could no longer stand the tos and turn. He had a good rest. Maybe his foot injury would heal quickly. Thinking about this, he couldn't help but speed up his pace.

When they returned home, Jingyi and Xiaoyan didn't have time to enter the door. They saw a large circle of people at the door, three floors outside, like the scene of watching art on the ancient streets. They squeezed inside completely unknowingly and wanted to find out. Suddenly, a man holding the camera shouted, "Chen Jingyi is there." ." Everyone raised the camera to her one after another, and the flashes flashed together in an instant, which made Jingyi and Xiaoyan's eyes unable to open. Jingyi's heart sank: What's going on? Why is the camera aimed at her and Xiaoyan? Is there any gossip circulating? However, the Qing man was clear. She didn't do anything wrong in her life, and she didn't knock on the door in the middle of the night! He quickly regained his expression, stared at a group of reporters fiercely, and asked loudly, "What are you doing?" Don't you understand that the community is a personal space and can't break into it?

The reporter showed a contemptuous sneer and asked sharply, "Miss Chen, I heard that you stole the Lei family's property and were driven out by the Lei family. How do you explain this?"

Jingyi snorted coldly in her heart that the Lei family would never make this matter public, not to mention that the situation was not clear. It seemed that it was Zhang Xinmeng's woman who got in the way and secretly caused trouble! Jingyi guessed this and smiled: "This reporter, I don't know where you got the news, but I'm sorry to tell you that this is purely a born out of nowhere. If you don't believe it, you can go to the Lei family for verification. Don't spread rumors here. The Lei family is not a role you can afford to provoke. ."

The reporter was stunned. Obviously, he did not expect that Chen Jingyi would move out of the Lei family, and every sentence went straight to their pain. In A city, who didn't know that Lei Shaochen's fierce behavior could not be provoked. It was simply a desperate act to catch lice on the tiger's head. If you don't pay attention, you can hang your life on the line. Not to mention standing in A city, even if It's a problem to live. Who recruits people blocked by Lei Shaochen to ask which unit dares to invite? Who would be stupid enough to offend Lei Shaochen with money? After thinking about it, he was still timid and held a wait-and-see attitude.

Other peers saw that Chen Jingyi was not as weak and kind as the gossip, easy to bully and had no opinion, and calmed down in an instant. After a period of silence, a middle-aged female reporter with black-framed glasses pushed the frame, raised the microphone in her hand, and asked fiercely, "We got the news that Lei Shaochen's first girlfriend has After returning to China, I still live in Lei's house. Miss Chen, what do you think of this problem? Their old feelings are blazing. What's your intention in the middle?

In a silent voice, the clear soprano obviously raised everyone's attention. Although this is only gossip, it is very wide-ranging, and they dare not dare to ask easily. They just ask questions about this incident. They didn't expect this female reporter to be so brave and sharp, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, Tiger Mountain Tour! If you accidentally touch Lei Shaochen's bottom line, it must be another bloody storm. However, everyone obviously underestimated the female reporter's*. She is not affiliated with any media in China. She is a little-known international terrorist. She pretended to be just to accept the request of her friend Zhang Xinmeng and act as a reporter for her. Now that the Internet is so developed, she will find a website to publish it. I don't believe that the sensational effect will be worse than that of large networks!

Chen Jingyi quietly stared at the female reporter who asked this question, was slightly silent for a few seconds, suppressed the waves in her heart, and covered up the panic in her eyes with a stern look. Yes, she was panicked. As long as Lei Shaochen was involved, she could not calm down. He exhaled gently and said slowly, "She did come back, but what I can tell you for sure is that Lei Shaochen and I are a legal couple and are protected by the law. All acts that violate the law, that is, morals, will be rejected and despised by people. We should correct ourselves. , correct your outlook on life and values, and be a good citizen who is legal and disciplined. That's all for me. If there are no other questions, I want to step down first. Thank you. After saying that, Jingyi ignored the obstruction of some reporters and walked to the small apartment with Tongtong in her arms, leaving a stunned reporter.

Seeing that the protagonist has left, everyone put away their tools and rushed back to write a manuscript. This first-hand information will be pioneered by others, and this month's bonus has been ruined again! In an instant, the door of the small apartment restored its former calm, as if all this were just floating clouds, the wind and clouds dispersed, the clear sky was clear and cloudless, and the white sky seemed to be as clear as a mirror.