President, be careful of love

Chapter 81 Unrave the Mist 3

In the early autumn night, the clouds are scattered and the wind is clear, and the moonlight covers the earth. On this quiet night, some people sleep deeply and some people worry, and some people dream and others worry.

Chen's apartment. Chen Yitang, who had been sleepless all night, looked at the ceiling and lamented repeatedly. Because of him, Jingyi is now deeply involved in trouble. There was a jackal before and a vicious tiger after him. He is very old, and he is powerless to take care of her. In case he has three advantages and two advantages, how can Jingyi face this sinister society with a child? Originally, she thought that she had finally found her own happiness and found someone she could entrust for life. It turned out that everything was nothing. Nowadays, the media's major events are aimed at Jingyi, stealing money and grabbing love by any means. Maybe he should talk to Lei Shaochen. After all, when he got married, he should have taken good care of Jingyi all his life. Now it's like this. How can he say so untrust as a shopping mall overlord! After made up his mind, Chen Yitang's heart widened, and bursts of sleep came and fell asleep.

At noon the next day, Chen Qing didn't see Chen Yitang get up and sighed gently. Thinking that he fell asleep so late last night, she couldn't bear to wake him up, so she gently went to the kitchen to cook lunch.

Suddenly, I felt something was wrong. Chen Yitang had insomnia before, but he couldn't sleep late. At most, he would be able to sleep until noon. I panicked and hurried to the bedroom. Lifting his quilt, his face was pale and bloodless, but it turned into iron blue. Chen Qing shook his arm in panic and said loudly, "Yitang, wake up, don't scare me." The voice almost cried out.

The person who pushed and pulled** several times did not respond. Chen Qing picked up her mobile phone and called Chen Jingyi in a panic, and her voice was almost trembling: "Jingyi, your father..."

"What's wrong with Dad? Aunt Chen, take your time if you have something to say. Don't worry. Jingyi's heart is also like an ant on a hot pot, but she is a little calmer than Chen Qing, and the more important things are, the more they can't mess up.

"Your father had insomnia last night, and now I don't wake him up." Chen Qing finally came to the point in one breath.

Chen Jingyi was shocked, as if tens of millions of ants were biting her heart, making her lose her mind for a moment. She held the mobile phone tightly, with dense sweat in her hand, relieved her inner shock, and quickly ordered to the other side of the phone, "Aunt Chen, you call 120 first aid immediately, and I'll be there later." After saying that, Jingyi put on her clothes with the momentum of stealing bells. She grabbed the bag on the edge of the bed. Before she could talk to Xiaoyan, she rushed out and went straight to her father's apartment. Jingyi kept watching the time passing by little by little all the way. Her anxious look shrouded her whole body in a sad cloud, and her face was solemn. Keep urging the driver, thinking that it may be necessary for her to learn to drive. The driver will not act according to your mood at this critical moment!

When I rushed home, the ambulance of the hospital had just arrived. Jingyi led the doctor and nurse straight home, quickly opened the door and asked anxiously, "Aunt Chen, how's my father?" After saying that, without waiting for Chen Qing to answer, she went straight into the bedroom and followed by the doctor.

Chen Qing saw her panicked look and followed her silently. The doctor made a simple examination of Chen Yitang and confirmed that it was a stroke caused by high blood pressure. When Chen Jingyi and Chen Qing heard this, their faces turned pale in an instant and they almost stood unsteadily. The doctor quickly directed the nurse to lift the patient up. Stretching, he ordered his family to go through the relevant procedures immediately. Jingyi and Chen Qing did not dare to neglect at all. They even nodded and followed the ambulance to the hospital. When she arrived at the hospital, the doctor pushed the patient into the emergency room and went to go through the hospitalization procedures. Aunt Chen waited worriedly in front of the emergency room and kept walking around the door, saying words in her mouth. Jingyi came back from the formalities. Seeing Chen Qing's appearance, she gently walked to her side, hugged her and comforted her: "Chen Ah Auntie, don't worry, Dad will be fine. How can he be willing to leave us, right? Let's go over there and sit and wait first, ah." After saying that, he helped Chen Qing to sit down on the stool in the waiting room, but Chen Qing was not relieved. After living with him for more than 10 years, the relationship between them had long surpassed love. It was a family relationship with blood thicker than water. No one fell ill, and the other person could not be relieved! After more than ten years, he was like a pillar in her heart, a safe haven in her heart. He was used to relying on each other and supporting each other and hand in hand. Suddenly, he fell down and left her alone. What should he do? How can we live without him?!

After waiting anxiously for an hour, the doctor finally came out of the emergency room with a blank face, shook his head and asked calmly, "Who is Chen Yitang's family?" Jingyi and Chen Qing heard the words and said at the same time, "I am." The two walked nervously towards the doctor. Every step, the tension in their hearts increased. Sometimes the more you are afraid of a result, the closer you are to it, and the more you will suddenly be afraid of knowing the final result.

"Doctor, how's my father?" Jingyi asked first, with an anxious and worried face.

"The patient has a stroke and has no signs of sobriety for the time being. We can only observe for a period of time. As for when to wake up and the situation after waking up, we are not sure. The result is likely to be optimistic. Please be mentally prepared." The doctor said flatly.

As soon as Chen Qing heard this result, she fainted directly. Fortunately, Jingyi stood next to her, pulled her in time, and walked to the hospital bed with the help of the doctor. This originally happy family was turned upside down by an outsider and could not start a family. Those Jingyi didn't have time to tell her father. I don't know if there is still a chance to say it!

Settling down Chen Qing, Jingyi went home and took a few sets of clothes to change and lived in her father's small ward. It was half a month. For half a month, her father was still in a coma and showed no sign of waking up. Fortunately, it didn't get worse. As long as she is alive, she will have a chance to live. Jingyi From time to time, I comforted myself and Aunt Chen Qing like this. Chen Qing was hit hard and worried all day long. Later, she gradually accepted such a result and simply drove Jingyi home. Her father's company also needed someone to take care of. She was the only child at home, so she was responsible for it without any suspense. She had to bravely face the difficulties. A lot of things needed to be learned. She While busy with clothing design, while dealing with the affairs of Kaitu Real Estate Company, he can be said to be anxious and physically and physically exhausted. In the face of the company's aggressive, relying on the old, young and energetic all kinds of questions, despised and even unconvinced, Jingyi put away his usual hip-hop, deliberately put up his face to show majesty, and kept learning, no Although there is no way to suppress all people and subdue all hearts, it also makes her father's company stabilizing step by step, and she also gradually grows and matures in the process.

On this day, she was processing documents in her father's company. Zhou Mechanic, her father's assistant, came in with a worried face and motioned him to sit down. Zhou Mechanic knew that Jingyi's temper did not care about sitting down, and then slowly said things.

Originally, the Yuanshan Resort development project cooperated by Huban Company and the fat man Zhao Linian's Weir Design Company. Due to the accident and serious injuries, Zhao Linian's company's two main forces in charge of design were seriously injured and were unable to continue to work and resign. At present, Will Design Company has no way to come up with a suitable design plan for the time being, so Huban intends to In cooperation with Ketu, as long as Ketu can come up with a reasonable preliminary plan in just one month, the contract treatment originally signed with Will can completely increase the profit by another 5% for Kaitu.

This is a big**, plus 5% profit! The original sweetness is a lot, plus a 5%, how unmovable it is. The senior management of the company knows that Chen Jingyi is the wife of Lei Shaochen, the leader of the tiger class. Such cooperation is simply a perfect match! Kaitu is sure to only earn money! No matter how powerful Lei Shaochen is, no matter how shrewd he is, he won't give his father-in-law the idea of making money. So the opinion of the company's senior management is to sign!

Jingyi thought deeply and asked Zhou Mechanics: "Do you think we should sign it?" Does it seem very nervous to come up with a preliminary plan in a month?

Zhou Mechanics nodded and said, "Time is indeed very tight, but this is the best opportunity since you took office. If you seize it well, you can build prestige in the company!" Otherwise, I'm afraid that if you continue to manage the company, some people will not accept it. At that time, there will be internal and external worries, which will be very detrimental to the development of the company.

Jingyi listened carefully to Zhou Mechan's words and nodded gently. His analysis was very reasonable, but one thing she was very surprised. How could Lei Shaochen think of cooperating with Kaitu? With his personality, he should not choose Kaitu. Although Kaitu has a deep foundation, the current Kaitu is not stable under the management of Jingyi, and may even disintegrate at any time. At present, it is mainly supported by Chen Yitang's previous orders. If these projects are slightly careless, she may make a mistake. The whole game was lost. At this time, hand over such an important design task to Kaitu? What on earth does he think? Or is there any conspiracy in it? Jingyi unconsciously thought too much, because now she and Lei Shaochen are like two parallel lines that have no intersect and no connection, as if they are strangers. If it weren't for the fact that there was a child in her stomach, she would have doubt whether they had been intersection. When it comes to the child in her belly, Jingyi had to feel relieved that she had been pregnant for so long, except for that one. She vomited so much that she never encountered any discomfort again. She should eat, sleep, and do whatever she should do every day without being affected at all. It seems that this is a worry-free baby.

Thinking about it, Jingyi pulled the corners of her mouth helplessly, restored the spirit just now, and said, "How much time does the other party give us to think about it?"

"Two days."

"Okay, I know. Let me think about it carefully and get back to you tomorrow."

In the Tiger Class Company.

How's it going? Did they reply?" Lei Shaochen asked his assistant Su Yan anxiously.

"Not yet."

"Is Huasheng back from Singapore?" Lei Shaochen asked casually.

Huasheng is his male assistant. Originally, he should have gone to Singapore for inspection. Later, he didn't leave, so he was assigned there. Who knew that there was something wrong there? This trip lasted for half a year, and Su Yan's work in City A was more burdened. Fortunately, her ability is very good. Sex, a person still does things without leaking water, which is also where Lei Shaochen has always praised Su Yan!