President, be careful of love

Chapter 108 Battle 3

As soon as Lei Shaochen left, Chen Jingyi followed him. She did not follow Lei Shaochen. With her tracking skills, she would definitely be found by Lei Shaochen and taken back to the hotel, so she did not want to follow him from the beginning. A man wandered lazily near the hotel, but her eyes looked at the pedestrians coming and went. She planned to ask someone where the headquarters of the international terrorist organization was. She went there first and maybe she could find something.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on a bench not far away. He saw a man sitting there reading a book. From his appearance, he seemed to be familiar. Jingyi gently walked over, pointed to the other end of the bench, and asked in English, "Can I sit here?" The other party looked up at her and nodded, but when she saw the other party's appearance, Jingyi was stunned and couldn't speak for a moment. She paused for several seconds before shouting excitedly, "Taylor, why are you here?"

The other party looked at her doubtfully and politely replied, "Miss, what did you say?" The other party's face was puzzled and puzzled.

Jingyi is also very strange. Didn't Taylor like to pester her when she was in City A? Why don't you even know her? Is he amnesia?

"Don't you know me? I'm Chen Jingyi. You once operated on me!" Jingyi reminded.

The other party seemed to think for a while and said, "I don't remember who you are, but I'm really a doctor."

"Are you Mr. Taylor?"

The other party nodded.

The name and profession are right, but he is not the Taylor in City A?!

"Do you have twin brothers?"

"No, my parents only have one child."

"I'm sorry, I may have recognized the wrong person. I'm sorry!" Jingyi apologized politely, but the doubts in her heart gradually deepened.

"It doesn't matter." As the other party said, he began to close the book, probably feeling that Jingyi could not read the book and wanted to leave.

Jingyi took a look and asked hurriedly, "I want to ask, do you know where the headquarters of international terrorist organizations is?" Seeing the other party's puzzled look, Jingyi immediately explained, "I'm going there to find a friend." But after saying that, she felt puzzled. If she had friends there, wouldn't it prove that she was also a member of an international terrorist organization?

The other party frowned and said in a little panic, "I'm sorry, I don't know any international terrorist organization. I have something else to do. Let's go first." After saying that, he hurriedly stuffed the book into his bag and fled.

Jingyi curled her lips helplessly and was a little annoyed that she could go to the headquarters of international terrorist organizations to find friends. It's no wonder that she didn't scare people! However, how did the man just now look exactly like Taylor, but vetoed that he was not Taylor? What the hell is going on? Walking forward randomly with doubts in her heart, a beautiful church in front of her attracted her attention and was happy. She had never seen what a foreign church looked like when she was so old. Why don't you take this opportunity to go in and have a look? But when she walked to the church gate and looked at the notice, she knew that the church was not open to the public today. She looked through the fence with interest. It was this look that made her excited in an instant. She had just met a person who looked like Taylor there. Jingyi shouted happily and shouted inside, "Sir, I met you again." The other party turned around and saw Jingyi. He walked towards her happily and said excitedly, "Jingyi, is that you? Why did you come to the United States?"

"Are you?"

"I'm Taylor. Don't you know me?"

"Oh, no, why are you here?"

"I'm here to visit a friend. How about you?"

"I, I'm here for a trip." Jingyi thought for a moment and said.

"Are you alone?"

"No, Lei Shaochen and I will come here together." Hearing Jingyi mention Lei Shaochen, Taylor's eyes half-squinted unconsciously.

"Would you like to sit at my house? My house is nearby. Taylor sent a friendly invitation.

"Now? Will it be too late?"

"No, no, it's still early for us Americans."

Jingyi thought for a moment, agreed to Taylor's invitation and followed him forward.

Jingyi couldn't imagine that Taylor's home was built so beautifully and magnificently, with bricks and tiles full of luxury, finely carved carved pillars, an open and spacious vision, and a whole huge transparent wall with a panoramic view of the scenery outside. Only after walking a block, the scenery was so different!

"Your house is so beautiful!" Quietly sighs sincerely.

"Do you like it?"

"Ye." Jingyi nodded heavily and ran curiously to the French window to look at the scenery outside excitedly, dancing like a naive and romantic girl.

Taylor followed her closely and looked at her in a daze. Suddenly, her eyes fell on her stomach, and a trace of cunning flashed in her eyes.

"Jingyi, would you like something to drink?"

Jingyi was addicted to the beautiful scenery and casually answered, "Okay."

Taylor quietly exited the hall, went to the kitchen next to her, made her a drink, gently shook the ** in the transparent crystal cup, and a cunning smile filled the corners of his mouth. After tonight, she will be his, completely!

After a while, Taylor took the prepared drink to Jingyi. The gentleman said, "Jingyi, this is the fruit drink I made for you. Try it." Jingyi took the crystal cup, sniffed it between her nose, and sighed, "What a fragrant juice. Are you freshly squeezed?"

"Eh, give it a try." Taylor seemed to be a little urgent.

Jingyi gently raised the cup and was about to drink it, but as if she remembered something, she stopped her hand and asked, "I just met a man on the roadside who looks like you!"

Is that right? That may be my twin brother."

"Do you have a twin brother? But he said that he was the only child in the family?

"I have a little time with him. You know, the twins are jealous. He always complains that his parents are good to me and love me more, so he always refuses to admit that he is my brother." Taylor shrugged helplessly and explained.

"Oh, no wonder." It turned out that the brothers were not harmonious. No wonder the other party did not want to admit that they knew Taylor. Jingyi smiled slightly, took a sip of the juice in her hand, and a strong fruit smell filled her taste buds in an instant. "The juice you made is delicious!"

"Hm, isn't it? Drink more." Taylor persuaded quietly,

Jingyi nodded and took another sip. Suddenly, the hand holding the crystal cup became weak. The crystal cup fell to the ground and made a crisp sound. Jingyi felt that she was getting weaker and less powerful. Seeing that she was about to fall down, Taylor reached out and caught it in time. Looking at the beauty lying in his arms, she was proud. Finally, she still belonged to him. He wanted to let Lei Shaochen is jealous and crazy! I even hate him!