President, be careful of love

Chapter 109 Fight 4

Lei Shaochen is deploying into the headquarters of international terrorist organizations in the U.S. branch. She frowned coldly and suddenly felt inexplicably uneasy. I don't know what she is doing in the hotel now? Will they run around? It is said that Master Wang and Zhu Shishi have come to the United States. It is very unsafe here. If Jingyi accidentally meets them, it will be miserable.

Thinking of this, Lei Shaochen could no longer concentrate on deploying his work. He said a pause and went out to call back to the hotel. The phone kept ringing but no one answered. Lei Shaochen's uneasiness and anxiety in his heart became deeper and deeper. He went in irritably and ordered Brian to continue to discuss with everyone first. Long Yi will come to replace him later. After saying that, he hurried away and rushed to the hotel.

rushed to the hotel and quickly opened the door. The empty room showed that Chen Jingyi was not here. Lei Shaochen felt the world spinning in an instant. Where can she go alone? Didn't you tell her not to go out? Why is she so disobedient! Lei Shaochen cursed in a low voice and rushed to the branch angrily. He met the dragon wing that had just arrived at the door. Lei Shaochen couldn't take care of so much and said seriously, "Chen Jingyi is missing. Please help me locate her mobile phone immediately."

"Good." Long Yi saw Lei Shaochen's serious face and knew the seriousness of the matter. They agreed. The two immediately went in and opened the tracking system to locate it. As the investigation deepened, Long Yi's eyebrows became tighter and tighter: "Lei Shao, the last place where Jingyi appeared was a church. If I didn't make a mistake, it was an international terrorist organization. The headquarters. After that, we couldn't trace any of her information.

"shi-t!" Lei Shaochen cursed in a low voice, looked at the satellite positioning on the computer fiercely, and half narrowed his eyes. The international terrorist organization actually dared to touch his woman, and he was impatient!!!

Taylor looked at the beauty who fell in his arms, bent down and gently kissed her. She was extremely affectionate and gentle, as if she were a fragile treasure. Her face was careful but full of excitement. Even her eyebrows seemed to be stained with the smell of lust, but the kiss with invitation/desireness was like a drug, and the more it was, the more people were. Fascinated, and finally holding her to kiss obviously could not meet his needs. He gently took her in the direction of the bedroom, put her in the soft big **, and used his thick hand to unbutton her clothes. Every time she unbuttoned her, her mysterious body gradually revealed one point. When he solved it to the third When the button suddenly remembered something, he got up and took out a camera on the bedroom table and took a sharp shot at the beautiful woman. Looking at the photo, the woman in the photo was enchanting and beautiful, white and tender/slippery. Taylor looked at this seductive body through the camera and did not wait to press it, but was rich. He turned around deeply, adjusted the focal length, and then lay down gently, hugged her, slowly put his hand into her chest, and smiled ambiguously at the camera. After "kake", a photo of him and her was born. He gently kissed her forehead and chest, raised his hand to look at the time, quickly pulled her clothes, took out a thick coat to wrap her tightly, picked her up, and walked towards the elevator.

When Jingyi woke up, she found herself in a strange environment and nervously looked down at her clothes. Fortunately, she was still there, but her head was so painful and dizzy. Where on earth was she? She only remembered that she followed Taylor to his house and drank juice. After that, she felt weak and the crystal cup fell to the ground, and she had no memory of what happened after that. With the feeling of dizziness, he struggled to get up, opened the heavy curtains, and looked out. It was a beach. The sight extended along the beach. It was an endless ocean and was uninhabited. What the hell is this place? How did she get here? She endured her inner panic and walked out of the door tremblingly. Every next floor of the stairs, she felt shaky, and her feet were as weak as if they had lost the main bone. "Is anyone?" Jingyi shouted, but answered that there was nothing but her empty echo. In the end, she couldn't walk, and the feeling of weakness made her sit on the stairs decadently. Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps downstairs, and then Taylor appeared downstairs with a smile and asked, "Are you awake? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

"Where am I?"

"Our home."

"Our home? What do you mean by that?

"It literally means."

Jingyi unconsciously pulled her clothes and asked nervously, "What do you mean?" His eyes were full of panic and uneasiness.

"I mean, we got married last night, and this is the marriage certificate I just applied for!"

"You... Strong/rape/me?" Jingyi asked uneasily with trembling lips.

"We are already a legal couple. Where did we come from?

"You, let me go!"

"Honey, don't do this." Taylor leaned over to Jingyi as he spoke. Jingyi looked at him in horror and shouted, "Don't come here!" Don't come here." Taylor approached her step by step as if she hadn't heard it, and then leaned over like a wolf and pressed Jingyi to the stairs. She kissed her hungrily and Jingyi kept resisting, but she was weak and weak. She was not Taylor's opponent at all. After a while, Taylor completely imprisoned her, and the rude kiss gradually became gentle. Extremely provocative, Jingyi suddenly felt waves of nausea, a burst of dizziness, and fainted all over.

Taylor frowned unhappily and gently picked her up, thinking that maybe it was time to change the side effects of this drug. The side effects of this drug were too big. He suddenly thought of something in his mind and smiled proudly. It seemed that this little beauty could not escape the palm of his hand! After placing her, she immediately arranged to make the medicine, and then injected it into her blood with a syringe. About half an hour later, Jingyi woke up from a burst of heat, but felt as if she was on fire, which was frighteningly hot. She kept pulling her clothes, moaning painfully and twisting her hot body. , his eyes suddenly glanced at Taylor, who was sitting aside, and his whole body cooled down in an instant. "What on earth did you give me? Why am I so uncomfortable?"

"Nothing, my little beauty, you are too cold. I just injected you with a little stimulants and aphrodisiac. How about it? Do you want my kiss and touch now?" Obscene and lustful appearance, where is the previous friendliness and intimacy?

Jingyi looked at him coldly, endured his inner suffering, and said contemptuously, "Even if I die, I won't let you succeed!"

"How can I be willing to let you die?"

"Why did you do this to me?"

"Lei Shaochen owes me."

"Since he owes... I owe... Yours, you should ask him." The whole body is getting hotter and hotter, and almost every sentence is groaning.

"No, no, it's more suitable for you to return it." After saying that, Taylor gradually approached her and stretched out his hands to unbutton her. Jingyi tried her best to protect the clothes in front of her to prevent him from succeeding. But after a while, the hot breath surged into her forehead. She had no strength to resist Taylor at all, and her whole body became soft. Taylor gently put her hand on her chest, which provoked her to ** again and again. She knew that the medicine worked, and she could no longer resist such a strong medicine. Now There was a panic in my mind, but my body was getting hotter and hotter, and I was more and eager for his touch, hoping to go deeper and deeper. Taylor slowly put her hand into her chest, gently rubbed her two fullness, and then gently unbuttoned her and held her abundance in her hand. The other hand slowly moved down to the inner side of her thigh and touched it gently, if nothing, which made her feel light. Lightly coquettish/breathing.

"Honey, do you still want it?" Hearing Taylor's voice, Jingyi suddenly woke up. She actually understood his words!!! In an instant, humiliation and anger occupied her heart and kicked his important parts with all his strength. Taylor immediately jumped out of bed in pain, covered the place and kicked his breath. The pain passed for a while, and then hurriedly fled.

When he saw him leave, Jingyi breathed a sigh of relief, but the tense nerves relaxed, and the unbearable heat surged up again, and his whole body seemed to be on fire. Burning? Yes, if you want to put out the fire, you have to water it. Thinking of this, she struggled to get up and run to the bathroom in the bedroom. She turned on the faucet and rushed to her body. Until she trembled with cold, she stopped and dried her body and returned to **. As soon as she lay down, another dry heat floated up. This repeated and over and over again until dawn. Go to sleep tired...