President, be careful of love

Chapter 131 Escape 6

Jingyi also followed the priest step by step and said a few words to him from time, which was nothing more than asking him about some life and other matters here. The priest occasionally answered a sentence or two, but more was silent. His two sword eyebrows frowned tightly, as if he had something on his mind, and seemed to be a little displeatheir of her noise. Joy.

Later, Jingyi was also bored and stopped talking and followed him closely. Since breakfast, they have been turning left and right around these winding paths, almost making people dizzy. Although the priest intended to slow down his pace, the pace was still for her naturally petite. It was a little big, which made her a little out of breath.

Suddenly, the priest stopped in front of a small mound. He stared solemnly at the small mound, and his dark face was clearly stained with some sadness and pain. Jingyi looked at him and looked at the small mound, and suddenly realized that this was a tomb, but slightly simple. Looking at his expression, it should be his beloved, right? Looking at his solemnity, she stood quietly behind him and felt his sadness. Finally, her eyes fell on his tightly wrapped arm, but her eyes rippled with a little guilt for no reason. She lowered her eyelids and didn't know what she was thinking, and she seemed to be a little sad.

It seems that a long time has passed before the priest took back his thoughts and remembered her behind him. Seeing that she frowned tightly, as if something was on her mind, he whispered to her, "Let's go." He walked forward without looking back, and Jingyi came to her senses and trot to keep up.

The road seemed to be more and more difficult to walk, and her face became more and more unnatural. The bean-sized sweat hung on her forehead, and her bangs were almost sticky and clinging to her forehead. It was unprecedentedly uncomfortable. Only then did she remember that she had never taken a shower since she came here. At this moment, she smelled it carefully and there seemed to be a bad smell on her clothes. She asked, straight to her nose. She curled her lips helplessly, frowned, and ignored the uncomfortable feeling brought to her by this idea.

"It's here." The voice of the priest sounded coldly in the air. Jingyi stopped and looked at the scenery in front of him, with indescribable surprise! The dense jungle, the towering trees are green, and the sun pours down through the dense leaves and falls on the sparkling water waves of a lake. The lake is clear and sparkling, and it seems that you can see the smooth and shiny pebbles at the bottom of the lake. Here, this moment is really beautiful! She sincerely sighed in her heart. At this moment, the sticky skin seemed to be fantasizing and jumping, as if she had felt the clear coolness. Jingyi unconsciously swallowed her saliva, suppressed the tension in her heart, and asked, "What are we going to do?" After saying that, a pair of dark but shining eyes looked closely at the priest, and their eyes were more or less hot with thirst.

The priest looked back at her and said unwarmly, "Clean."

The two simple words are very pleasant to hear, but it is a little difficult. This is an open-air pool. If she takes off her all her clothes here, won't be seen by him and she won't suffer losses? No, she is Taylor's wife. She should abide by her job as a wife and not let other men see her body. Thinking of this, he lowered his head in embarrassment, and the previous joy and joy were gradually replaced by disappointment and loss.

The priest felt the change in her heart, and there was a sense of helplessness in her heart. Does he look so unkind? This little woman...

"You clean it by yourself. I'll go over there to do something and come back in half an hour." After a pause, he seemed to remember something and added, "This is a forbidden place, and no one else will come in." After saying that, he didn't look back and walked forward.

Looking at his back disappearing into the jungle, Jingyi was relieved. She took off the clothes stained with dirt and dirt, leaving only the two closest clothes, and jumped like a lively fish jumping into the water. The coldness of the landscape immediately touched her skin, making her whole body begin to relax. She closed her eyes. Quietly enjoy the comfort and freedom that belongs to her at this moment. After a while, she opened her eyes, held her hands, and scooped up water and splashed on her face. Several times, the dirty color on her face was completely cleaned, revealing the original cleanliness and whiteness. The long eyelashes are stained with a little water, which has the beauty of watery hibiscus. She raised the corners of her mouth happily, stretched out her slender and white arm, and watched the jumping sun pour on it. It was shining and flashing. The small drops of water on her arm reflected countless small rainbows. She laughed gently for the natural and wonderful natural scenery, the magical and magical beauty.

After enjoying the picturesque beauty of this scene, she dived into the water like a fish, swimming freely, and gave full play to her swimming talent. She didn't know if she had learned to swim when she was a child, but she just knew how to swim, just like an innate talent. She naturally understood and interpreted it perfectly beautifully. When she was tired of swimming, she stopped, grabbed her long straight hair with her small hands, pushed them aside, and cleaned them slowly. Suddenly, her thighs seemed to have been hit by something. It was itchy. She lowered her eyebrows and looked at them quietly and found that it was a small group of nearly transparent fish, about the size of her little thumb. She swam happily, and a few lively and naughty little fish swam tentatively on her thighs, pondering them from time to time, as if they were full of fun. Jing Yi was soft by them and giggled, and the crisp laughter echoed above the square pool water, clear and touching.

The priest estimated that the time was about the same. Thinking that the woman should have been cleaned, he walked back in the direction of the pool, but he happened to see her playing with the group of small fish. The clean sun sprinkled on her face, her body, so white, and the shoulders exposed to the water were in the sun. Under the shine, the crystal luster made her look more and more touching. The looming crisp chest, under the ripples of the water waves, faintly revealed the curve of the woman, which was extremely beautiful. His eyes suddenly became hot, quietly turned around, took a deep breath, hidden the desire in his eyes, and stood quietly like that. There, listening to her crisp laughter, a trace of reluctance suddenly flashed in my heart, and perhaps it was more appropriate to say that attachment was more appropriate. However, all this cannot be decided by him. After today, she will eventually embark on her return journey. This is the rule of their clan. No one can disobey, and no one dares to disobey.

Time is quiet, and she is as beautiful as a fairy.

When she went ashore to look for her clothes, she found that the place where the clothes were originally placed. I don't know when they were replaced and turned into a set of silk white yarn, with a soft texture. The moment she touched the skin, it was as cold as the water just now, making the skin Incomparable comfort. Although it is a long-sleeved design, it is not hot at all when worn on the body in this hot summer, but extremely cool. The design of the gauze is opaque, and a long belt around her waist makes her waist graceful. When she put on her clothes, she found that she didn't know when the priest had stood in front of her. Jingyi was first shocked, then her little face turned red and hot, opened her little mouth, and said in surprise, "You, you, you are... When?"

"Don't worry, I didn't see anything." The priest obviously knew her thoughts. His eyes looked at her coldly, and his tone seemed to reveal a little impatient, but only he knew that his eyes were hot and amazing! I didn't expect that after the cleaning, she was so pure but so seductive. However, after tonight... What will she become? Thinking of this, his eyes unconsciously dimmed.

Jingyi saw that his expression had changed again and again. She thought that it was her own misunderstanding that made him unhappy. She pouted and said, "Well, I misunderstood you. Shall we go back?"

The priest nodded and walked one step ahead. Jingyi followed him step by step. After walking for about an hour, she began to breathe a little, but the priest was still walking vigorously, and she began to be a little unable to keep up with his rhythm. So he simply found a clean place to sit down and shouted at him as he was moving forward: "Oh, I'm tired and can't walk."

When the priest heard this, he was stunned for a moment, went back to her, and then said, "Then let's take a break." After saying that, he sat down next to her. From a distance, the two seem to sit side by side, but if you look closely, the distance between them is about half a meter, not far nor close.

"Where are we going now?" She asked gently. After observation, she found that their path was different from that in the morning, so they did not want to go back.

"You will know when you arrive." It's still a cold look.

"Hey, has anyone said that you look like an ice sculpture?"

When the priest heard this sentence, he was stunned at first, and then seemed to fall into a period of meditation. A dark face seemed to be frighteningly blue at this moment.

Jingyi stuck out her tongue and said, "I said something wrong when I didn't say it."

"It doesn't matter. You are not the first person to describe it."

Jingyi was happy. It turned out that someone was so consistent with her ideas!

"However, the last person who said that about me died in the end." The priest suddenly said this sentence, which made her creepy in an instant!

"Shouldn't you give others just because of this sentence..." She really didn't dare to say the following words, but she stretched out her hand and cut her neck, which meant killing people.

The priest stared at her unhappily and then slowly said, "Actually, she is my wife." After saying that, his expression dimmed, and his eyes seemed to be full of sadness. He turned his head and reached out to wipe the corners of his eyes. Jingyi's heart was hot, and she clearly saw the crystal in his eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Let's go."

"How did your wife die?" Although it was his sadness, she couldn't help asking.

"Once, there was a ship sailing in the sea and encountered a storm and was stranded here. We warmly entertained them, gave them food, prepared ships, and picked them up and left. However, half a month later, they returned with powerful weapons, robbed our tools, wine, food, and even ethnic groups, saying Take it back to study. And my wife is in their ranks... At that time, she was still pregnant..." Speaking of this, the priest cried.

Looking at his sad look, she suddenly understood their previous attack. In fact, they were not malicious, but the grief once made them have to guard against it.

Enthusiastic, friendly, heartfelt, in exchange for betrayal, hatred, looting, and robbery.

The heart must have been seriously injured! If you haven't loved them, maybe that heart won't be hurt for a long time after losing it.

Jingyi gently stretched out her hands, hugged him, and whispered, "I'm sorry." Although it's not her fault, they owe them apologo. About life, it is about love.

The priest took back his sadness, but there began to be an imbalance in his heart. She was a good person, but her fate...