President, be careful of love

Chapter 136 Reunion

"Bella, come here." Taylor's tone improved a little.

Seeing Taylor's anxious appearance, Jingyi struggled to leave Lei Shaochen's arms. Sir, put me down quickly, or I won't be polite."

"Jingyi, I'm Lei Shaochen. Have you forgotten?"

"I'm not Jingyi!" Jingyi's tone began to be a little annoyed. Why is this man so strange? Be sure to say that she is Jingyi, but she is Bella! After struggling, Jingyi's arrogance became higher and higher. Finally, she had to grab his left arm and bite it down fiercely. Lei Shaochen's arm hurt and loosened slightly. Jingyi took the opportunity to jump off his arms and walked towards Taylor. Taylor saw this and immediately walked towards her quickly. As soon as the two met, they hugged each other tightly. Up.

For a long time, Taylor stretched out his hand and stroked her face and said affectionately, "Bella, my Bella, it's okay, it's okay."

"Hmm." She gently snuggled in his arms and echoed.

The posture of male and female beauty made Lei Shaochen's hands unconsciously pulled in, and the joints were slightly white.

"Taylor, I didn't expect you to be so despicable and loved. Don't think that your tricks can be hidden from everyone." Lei Shaochen's voice sounded coldly and successfully drew everyone's attention.

"My trick? What's my trick? She's my Bella, Lei Shaochen. Don't slander me. Taylor unconsciously tightened the hand holding her after saying that.

"I don't know what you did to Jingyi, but she is the woman I'm marrying."

"That's Chen Jingyi, but she's not Chen Jingyi. She's Bella. I think you'd better investigate clearly."

"I think I have investigated it clearly." Lei Shaochen sneered and stared at Chen Jingyi, as if he wanted to see something strange from her face, but the woman was as innocent as if she didn't know him, as if they had never known him, but he would not be confused by these illusions and synthesize all the information. He was very sure that she was Chen Jingyi, the feeling that she had just hugged her, the familiar smell that came out of her body, and everything was kissed perfectly. She, not his woman, who would she be!!!

If Taylor hadn't returned to the United States halfway and was inadvertently traced by him, I'm afraid he wouldn't have found here in his life. Maybe God still can't bear to break them apart.

"Jingyi came to me. He is the demon who took you away. Don't be tricked by him." Lei Shaochen sank his face and said to Chen Jingyi.

Jingyi raised her eyes to look at Lei Shaochen, and then at Taylor, frowning tightly, and her eyes were full of puzzlement and confusion. Who is she? Is it Jingyi in his mouth or Bella in his uncle's eyes? She thought deeply and wanted to sort it all out, but no matter how much she searched her brain, she couldn't find the answer. She couldn't be sure whether she was Jingyi or Bella. She crawled uneasily in his arms, but moved slightly, as if to cling to his support, and as if she began to doubt and doubt him and eager to leave his imprisonment.

Just as the two teams were arguing, suddenly a * was thrown into the middle of them. The "chi" sound reminded them that this * was about to explode. Everyone immediately reacted and fled desperately to the side. The huge loud noise followed by thick smoke, Zhou The surrounding environment is confused. After several minutes, the thick fog dissipated. When Lei Shaochen looked at the things around him clearly again, he found that Taylor and the others did not know when they left the jungle without a trace.

This is only a few minutes away, presumably they won't go far! Chasing!

But even if they turned the whole island, there was no way to find their trace, and during this period, they were not often attacked by the indigenous people. Under such circumstances, they had to leave the island, but when they left, he still stared reluctantly at the isolated island, a pair of blood. The red eyes looked a little ferocious and gloomy because of anxiety and resentment, and the reluctant eyes finally dimmed with the distance and finally disappeared.

Jingyi, wait for me, I will definitely save you!

Returning to the United States, Lei Shaochen immediately began to investigate Taylor's whereabouts, but everything fell into an impasse as before. He sent people again to secretly observe the situation on the island, but there was no trace of them, as if all this was just a flash in the pan.

Lei Shaochen fell into the madness of searching again. Zhang Yimo occasionally appeared to accompany him for a while. Long Yi and Hao Yidong did not pay attention to this aspect at all and tried their best to cultivate the power of the panther. However, for the blood diamond, they found Lei Shaochen several times to ask whether it was true or false. Lei Shaochen just didn't say anything with sloppy eyes. When they asked the truth, they were not interested, but they couldn't figure it out. When Lei Shaochen also began to have secrets with them, the brothers who once advanced and retreated together, because of a blood diamond, because of a woman, they were no longer as close as before, so talkative, or even Some alienation.

Half a month later, Lei Shaochen received the news that his grandfather was seriously ill and hospitalized, and had to give up pursuing his elderly grandfather in the United States to take care of his elderly grandfather. Finally, at his grandfather's earnest request, he promised to stay in A city, but soon after, he received the news that Zhang Xinmeng was seriously ill in the United States and set foot on the United States again.

Just seeing her again, she has lost her previous freshness and beauty. Her face is so thin that she can't see flesh and blood, leaving only dry and empty eyes.

"How are you?" Looking at her flat abdomen, he paused for a moment and then asked, "Child, are you still there?"

Zhang Xinmeng smiled sadly and felt sad. What he cared about was only the child in her belly. Perhaps human nature is selfish. He gave her harm, and she can't generously repay the noble. He deprived her of her last fantasy, and she didn't want to give him the last perfection. Her dry lips opened gently, and the last words were just a soft sentence: "Child, no more."

Lei Shaochen didn't think much when he heard this sentence. Child, he didn't expect anything in the first place. Even if he lost what he didn't expect, there must be nothing to be sad or sad about.

It's just that he stabbed her with such an indifferent posture, the broken heart. No matter how strong she is, she kills countless people and does all kinds of bad things, but in the final analysis, she is just a woman, a woman who longs for happiness, sweetness and love. It's just that she knows that she is no longer qualified to talk about love, which is an unattainable luxury for her.

Ten years ago, when the doctor told her the news of the thunderbolt that she was born infertile, she may not have lost, but when she knew that Lei Lele knew the news and planned to inform Lei Shaochen about it, she angrily designed to push Lei Lele into the abysss of death, but she did not get on the car. Instead, she sent her parents on the road of no return, and she knew that everything was irreparable.

However, she didn't expect that ten years later, when she heard the news that he was going to get married, she was heartbroken. She resurfaced and listened to Taylor's words and dressed up as a woman who won his sympathy. However, she could pretend to be wronged and pity. , but there is no way to hide everything. Her unclean identity is exposed. Her conspiracy and tricks must not be difficult for him to find out. How can a man tolerate deception?

Taylor told Lei Shaochen in a text message that she only had half a year's life. She thought it was just a joke and a means to deceive him. Unexpectedly, she never thought that the medicine Taylor gave her was not vitamins, but drugs that caused kidney failure. In less than half a year, her body was eroded. Now, even the most powerful doctor can do nothing!

She is unwilling!

"Shaochen, it's Taylor, all this is Taylor's conspiracy!"

"What?" Lei Shaochen asked again doubtfully.

"I will become like this because of Taylor, who has a deep hatred for you!" Zhang Xinmeng muttered. Once, Taylor talked to her. He said that the person I hate most in this world is probably the man you love deeply. At that time, she thought that he was a little affectionate to her, so she was jealous of Lei Shaochen, but later, she wanted to entrust herself to him, but he resolutely refused!

"You mean Taylor made you like this?" Lei Shaochen suddenly grabbed Zhang Xinmeng's arm and asked nervously.

"I became like this because I took a drug he gave me, which can cause kidney failure, and he told me that it was just an ordinary vitamin tablet! Perhaps, everything is my fault. If it hadn't been for regaining you and blindly listening to him, there would have been such a bad result as today!" In the end, she burst into tears.

"Don't be sad. The doctor will find a way to cure you. Don't think so much. It will be all right." Lei Shaochen stretched out his hand to help her wipe away her tears. For a long time, he asked, "How much do you know Taylor?"

Zhang Xinmeng shook her head blankly, nodded, and said calmly: "I met him in A City more than ten years ago. It was a very chance. Later, we became friends. He once stayed in China for a period of time. We often played together. He was versatile and knew everything, but later he When we returned to the United States, our contact gradually decreased. Later, when we met him in the United States, we became friends again. But he never talked about his professional identity. All I know is that he once had a very loving girlfriend. Later, he seems to have committed suicide after being hurt. He has never forgotten his ex-girlfriend and has not married yet.

"Jingyi, he took it away." Lei Shaochen inserted a sentence derately.

"How could this happen? Isn't it enough for him to harm me and not even let Jingyi go?" Zhang Xinmeng was obviously surprised by the news. She just got the news that Jingyi had disappeared, but she didn't expect it to be Taylor. Why did he arrest Jingyi?

"I don't know. Jingyi seems to have lost her memory and doesn't remember me. Taylor said that she was Bella, not Jingyi, but I know Jingyi."

"Bella?" Zhang Xinmeng frowned, paused for a moment, and continued, "His ex-girlfriend seems to be called Bella. Once he drank a little high and muttered Bella, Bella."