President, be careful of love

Chapter 151 Accident

After hanging up the phone, the dragon wing carefully observed the surrounding environment, and finally decided to stay in the small jungle in front of him. At least, at present, the jungle is the best to hide. As soon as he arrived in the jungle, the mobile phone in his pocket rang at the right time.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the strange number on the screen. He hesitated for a long time, and finally pressed the answer button before the other party hung up.

The other side of the phone is silent, and the two sides seem to be engaged in a silent contest, as if whoever makes a sound first loses.

"Long time no see." The other party suddenly said a nonsense sentence.

Hearing this sentence, Long Yi had a hundred questions and 10,000 questions in his heart, but he knew that as long as the other party spoke, everything would come out.

"Who are you?"

"You don't need to know who I am, listen to me and leave this island."

"Uncle Bourne, are you Uncle Bourne?" Long Yi shouted excitedly.

"You'd better get out of here quickly." The other party did not admit the speculation of the dragon wing, but did not deny it.

Long Yi's heart soon came to a conclusion, and the other party must be Bourne!

"I can't! My good friends have been caught by Taylor. I must save them!"

"It's up to you?" The other party suddenly raised his voice, and there was a clear trace of majesty in his tone.

"I'm going to call Black Panther to support."

Black Panther? A black panther wants to save people from the ghost, which is a delusion!"

"Uncle Bourne, you must have a way, right? Just help us! I can't lose them." Long Yi's heart became more and more anxious.

"I can't help you. I'm just one of his experimenters.

"Experimental? What experimenter? What kind of medicine are you developing?

"Yi'er, don't embarrass your uncle. Get out of here quickly."

"No matter what, I won't leave. There are always more ways than difficulties. I don't believe that Taylor can be so lawless. Whether he is a ghost killer or some kind of underworld ruler, I won't give up!"

"You are still so stubborn that you will not hesitate to lose your life! Well, you can't be blamed. You have such a personality because you are like Qinghe. Bourne on the other side of the phone suddenly softened.

"..." Hearing his mother's name, Longyi felt a little stuffy.

"Well, it seems that I owe it to your Long family. Send me the geographical location of Lei Shaochen's detention." Bourne on the other side of the phone seems to have some compromises.

After hanging up the phone, Bourne took out his wallet, took out the small yellow photo from the dark compartment, and stared at it for a long time.

Maybe all this is fate, and it's time to pay it back.

Bern put the photo back in place, took off his white coat, picked up the pistol that had not been moved for a long time from the drawer, carefully stuffed it into the dark bag of his suit jacket, and walked upstairs.

He is as leisurely as walking in the past, walking and stopping, and carefully observing a few wild flowers on the roadside from time to time, but only he knows that he observes the surrounding environment. Soon he found the dragon wings hidden in the woods, and he secretly accelerated his pace towards the forest.

Long Yi also quickly saw Bourne coming from not far away. Although they had not seen each other for several years, his tough posture and vigorous pace were still recognized by Long Yi at a glance.

Uncle Bourne has not suffered the baptism and brilliance of the years at all. There are almost no wrinkles on his face, but he looks bright, but a little worried between his eyebrows.

As soon as Bourne walked into the forest, the dragon wing rushed over, hugged him tightly, and smiled, "Uncle Bourne, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are still so handsome!"

"Bad boy, when are you still smiling like this!"

"With Uncle Bourne, what are you afraid of!"

"Okay, that's it. Hurry up and talk about Lei Shaochen's situation."

"Well, here's the thing..." Long Yi took back his hippie smile and told Bourne the matter seriously.

"Uncle, what do you think we should do now?"

"Wait first, Taylor has never taken action, as if he is waiting for something to happen. By the way, do you know why he captured Lei Shaochen?

"I recently investigated this matter, and I'm afraid it has something to do with a girl named Bella." Long Yi replied.

"Bella?" Bourne repeated these two words, and suddenly seemed to be lost in thought.

"Uncle, do you know anything?" Long Yi asked anxiously.

"It's all more than ten years ago... Were you with Lei Shaochen at that time?

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Taylor is waiting for you."

"Wait for me?" Long Yi frowned thoughtfully and took a deep breath: "What's going on?"

"Speaking about this later, Taylor has a batch of goods to ship to Southeast Asia tomorrow. I guess he will take the opportunity to take Lei Shaochen and the others..."

"What goods?"

"Something more powerful than morphine."

"Then what do they mean with Lei Shaochen?"

"Sell them to some places, and I believe you must have heard about the end!"

"..." Dragon Wing suddenly fell into meditation. After a long time, he waved his fist against a big tree and jumped out of his teeth: "Taylor! You are a bastard! Wait!"

"Don't be righteous! You stay here first. I'll send someone to send you something to eat in the middle of the night, and then take a boat out of here to wait for the small island in the east. I'll let you know the specific situation then.

"Then be careful."

"I will." Bourne patted the dragon's wing on the shoulder.

After Bourne left, Long Yi followed his instructions and waited in the forest. In the middle of the night, someone brought food. After eating, he followed him to a boat. After the other party helped him prepare, he asked him to leave alone in the boat.

When he left, Long Yi looked at the island for the last time with a nervous mood, and always felt something was wrong in his heart. But he can't say exactly where it is, but his uneasiness is getting worse and worse...

Suddenly, he felt sparks under the boat. His instinctive reaction made him have time to think too much and immediately jumped into the sea. He didn't dare to think much. He swam forward desperately and left the boat for only dozens of seconds. There was a loud noise behind him, and there was a raging fire on the sea!

Fortunately, he escaped quickly, otherwise, it would be difficult for him to leave even the ashes at this moment...

It's just that he never thought that the person who framed him in the end would be Bourne.

Hmm, human-faced beast-hearted, not just Taylor...

However, to his surprise, there was indeed a small island not far ahead, or he could go there to rest and make the next decision.