President, be careful of love

Chapter 170 Sky-high Blood Diamond

When she felt Zhang Xinyu's angry eyes, Jingyi felt a little ridiculous in her heart. Isn't she the one who is with him now? What does she have to hate about her ex-wife who is not with him and has no influence?

Maybe jealousy is a woman's nature.

Soon after the iceberg man took her to sit down, the auction began. The auction was presided over by a middle-aged bald fat man. Although he is not pleasing in appearance, he has excellent eloquence and exquisite style, and is very good at driving the atmosphere of the scene. His thick tenatone fluttered above the hall, inspiring people to compete for auction goods, and the atmosphere was lively.

At first, she was a little interested in watching it, but later, her stomach became more and more hungry, and her attention began to be distracted, and all kinds of delicious food appeared in her mind. The iceberg man stared very attentively at every auction item, but did not see which item he was interested in?

Jingyi gently pulled his sleeves and asked in a low voice, "Well, are you coming to watch this auction? Why don't you raise your sign? If you don't do it again, you won't get anything!"

The iceberg man turned his head and looked at her without saying anything, and continued to stare at the auction items on it.

Jingyi was so bored that she had to withdraw her eyes and continue to focus on the auction.

As time went by, the host suddenly raised his voice and announced in an excited tone: "Finally, it's the auction of the last item tonight! This is a rare boutique, 20 carat diamond. The color is very rare blood red, without any flaws, and the texture is excellent. It is made by three experts who work 14 hours a day and spend 12 months to think about it. Look at how perfect the cut is. No matter how you look at it is, you can feel it from any angle. The bright light and fire of the sky!"

Before the host finished the introduction, someone began to bid: "Two hundred million!" The bid was made by a middle-aged man.

Then Lei Shaochen raised the sign: "I'll pay 500 million!"

As soon as this word came out, there was a ripple among the people. This is a bid in 100 million units, with a slight change of a number, which is countless wealth!!!

What makes people breathe more is a man in black, wearing a dense black windbreaker and a pair of black sunglasses, a veritable man in black!!!

And his price is also the most amazing: "8 million!" A glimmer flashed in Lei Shaochen's eyes. Although he knew that there would be many competitors, this price was beyond his ability to withstand! Damn, Grandpa told him to get this blood diamond! At any cost, but a 20-carat blood diamond of 500 million is already its ultimate value! Why did someone still pay 800 million? What does this blood diamond have to do with the blood diamond necklace that everyone scrambled for before?

It is rumored that pheromones put the weapon preparation method into a blood diamond necklace, but what does this have to do with blood diamonds? It's impossible that all the blood diamonds are embedded, right? This is obviously impossible. In this case, does it have nothing to do with the blood diamond necklace? As long as it's a blood diamond?

Also, why is grandpa so tight about this blood diamond? What's more strange is that no matter how he asks, he doesn't tell himself the reason? What on earth is Grandpa hiding from him?

Lei Shaochen frowned tightly and stared at the blood drill.

When the host saw that no one raised the price again, he began to count down: "8 billion once." After saying that, he looked at the next circle of the stage and continued to say, "8 billion twice." Then the eyes circled around the crowd again.

Just as he is about to open his mouth 800 million three times and make a deal.

Suddenly someone shouted, "two billion!" This time, the whole audience made a sensation and looked at the people holding the cards. Jingyi was shocked to hear the iceberg man suddenly bid, 2 billion!!! The iceberg man must be crazy! They only pay 800 million, and you can pay 900 million. Why do you pay 2 billion!!! Do you think it's too much money? If so, you can give her some!

The whole audience's eyes were focused on him, but he was still in a cold posture, as if the person who had just spoken was not him. This matter had nothing to do with him. Instead, Jingyi, who sat next to him, was looked at by so many eyes and felt hot and a little hot. She reflexively turned to Lei. Shaochen looked in the direction and found that he was staring at him, so he lowered his head with a guilty heart. The iceberg man seemed to feel her inner uneasiness and gently wrapped his arms around her shoulder. He didn't know whether his fingers were intentionally or unintentionally scratching on her ** skin, so intimate!

The host shouted excitedly on the stage: "2 billion once, 2 billion twice, 2 billion three times! Deal!" He shouted three times in a row, and there was almost no pause in the middle. It seemed that he was very satisfied with the price. Probably this price was far beyond the price of the owner of the diamond! Otherwise, the host would not dare to make a final determination without hesitation.

Finally, Mr. Yang Zhicheng, the owner of the auction items and an antique collector, appeared on the stage in a wheelchair.

The host thoughtfully handed him the microphone and stood aside respectfully, waiting for Mr. Yang's speech.

Mr. Yang took over the microphone and said slowly, "Good evening, ladies and guests. I, thank you very much for your strong support. It was with your strong support that the auction went so smoothly. I have no hobbies in my life, but I especially like to collect all kinds of art treasures. My life's money is spent on this hobby, but I don't regret it. I have got these treasures of the world of fame, which makes my heart full of wealth, and my soul has been greatly enjoyed. It seems to be a feast of life. It is the greatest pleasure of life to have them and taste them. However, not long ago, my family doctor told me that I had cancer. Although it was only in the early stage and there was still a possibility of cure, I needed to cooperate fully with the treatment, so I stayed in the hospital, where I saw countless people suffering from the pain. Their bodies were tortured by the disease and their souls were destroyed. As patients, they are the most painful kind of people in the world. They are disliked by their families and abandoned by society. They suffer far more mental damage than physical torture. I have a very lovely and beautiful adopted daughter. She is a very caring child and accompanies me without regret. I once accidentally mentioned that I would leave all my family property, including these precious treasures, to her a hundred years later. She solemnly rejected my proposal and told me seriously, she said Dad, I have a lot of skills. Even without your wealth, I can still live well, but if you have to leave these to me, it will hurt me. As a result, my life will lose the motivation to struggle and live decadently every day. This life will destroy me and turn me into a spiritual beggar! Dad, these wealth are earned by what you work hard to earn, and you have their dominance. If I were you, I would give full play to their role. For example, how meaningful it is to build a Yang charity fund to help these sick people and get a healthy body again! I think she is right. These treasures have accompanied me through countless happy days, touching their magnificent appearance, and feeling their stories are a very wonderful thing. I am willing to take them out and sell them to those who are predestined to be more appreciated, and these sales For the money sold, I will establish a Young charity fund to help those who suffer from illness. Thank you again! Thank you!"

The applause was thunderous, and people were moved by the collector's kindness. Their hearts were encouraged and infected by his selfless spirit. Even if they did not get the right treasures, it seemed that their inner gains would feel rich by attending such an auction.

People are gradually leaving the field. The shining lights are gradually annihilated, and the formal robbery may have just begun.

The next day, major newspapers rushed to report on this auction, almost praising Mr. Yang Zhicheng's kindness and greatness!

No one noticed how a blood diamond could be sold at a sky-high price.

However, people who really pay attention to this matter are secretly re-examine the problem of blood diamonds.

This includes Jingyi.

After the iceberg man photographed the blood diamond, she had asked him more than once about his intention to shoot the blood diamond. However, the iceberg man used his extreme cold spirit and never mentioned it.

However, no one will be stupid enough to buy a useless diamond at a sky-high price! A man like an iceberg man can't spend so much money to buy a diamond and enjoy it at home! Besides, where can he see the cells of appreciating works of art? I threatened to find a blood diamond before! Obviously, there is another purpose, but what the specific purpose is is really puzzling.

There is one more thing worth pondering at the auction. She saw Hu Linglong at the end of the auction, but at that time she remembered clearly that Hu Linglong did not appear at the venue, but why did she see her sitting in a high-end business car when she left, although she was just in a hurry, but She is very sure that it is Hu Linglong. Anyway, they have a blood relationship, and she can't misread it! Just, why did she appear there?

Is it also for the blood diamond? So why is there only Lei Shaochen, the man in black, and middle-aged men in the whole venue offer prices?

There are more and more questions in my heart, but there seems to be no answer. Maybe there is no answer to these things... Or, the answer is lurking somewhere.

It seems that the iceberg man has not come to her for a long time, and her life has returned to calm. During this period, she went to Zhang Yimo's house to see Xiaoyan, and she didn't look good. Presumably, her life is not easy. The Zhang family is holding a wedding. Zhang Yimo seems to be busy every day as if it has nothing to do with himself. Xiaoyan's heart must be very bitter.

It's just that she couldn't figure out why Xiaoyan was so determined to stay with Zhang Yimo. She wanted to ask several times, but Xiaoyan always hesitated about the situation related to this matter, and she was embarrassed to continue to ask.

Things will eventually come to an end, won't they?