President, be careful of love

Chapter 171 My beautiful aunt

Jingyi still goes to Xuanyuanfan's training hall to train every day. Now her skills are getting better and better. It is no problem for one to deal with three men at the same time. Even Xuanyuanfan is surprised by her progress. Only she knows that these progress is exchanged bit by bit with sweat. She can't always rely on others to protect herself.

At present, the situation in A City is calm on the surface, but if you look carefully, you will find that there are often many strange faces on the street. They come from all over the world and are mixed with various accents in the crowd. If they are not sharp enough, they can't feel strange, but today's self I have learned a lot from Xuanyuanfan, and I can gradually see some clues.

For example, now, she finds that someone has been following her.

In order to let the person who followed her show his tail, she deliberately walked to a place with few people, went to a street corner and deliberately stopped there, waiting quietly. Sure enough, the fox who followed her showed its tail.

Jingyi looked at the middle-aged man looking confusedly in front of him with a funny smile.

"Sir, your wallet fell to the floor." Jingyi leaned against the wall, wrapped her hands around her chest, and looked at the man's panicked expression with an expression of watching the play.

The man's slightly vicissitudes face was full of surprise, but his years of experience quickly calmed him down.

"Miss, you're wrong. My wallet is in my pocket."

Is that right? Are you sure?" Jingyi raised her eyebrows and questioned.

The man swallowed his saliva, stood there at a loss, pretended to touch his pocket, and said affirmatively, "Well, I'm sure."

Looking at the man's panic, she felt funny for the first time. The other party obviously looked down on her too much and sent such a seedless person to follow her! The feeling of being looked down upon by others is really aggrieved.

However, in this case, why don't you play with this fool!

Jingyi hooked his finger at the man and motioned him to come over.

The man trembled slightly and asked, "Miss, what's the matter?"

"It's okay. I think you look like a friend. I used to like to joke with him very much. As long as I hook my finger, he will come over as a puppy."

"I'm not your friend." The man hurriedly cleared it.

"I know, because when I hooked up just now, you didn't pretend to be a puppy and didn't stick to me at all! But..." Jingyi deliberately lengthen the ending, looked at the man meaningfully, and deliberately omitted the following words.

"But what's the matter?" The man began to wipe the sweat off his forehead with his hands.

Jingyi suddenly pulled the man's shoulder unexpectedly. The man suddenly did not stand firm, like Jingyi leaning over. The distance between the two was so close that they could feel each other's breathing. The sudden change made the man's breathing rapid in an instant...

Jingyi's eyes were gloomy in an instant, and she asked harshly, "Say, why are you following me? Who sent you here?"

"I, I didn't..." As the man spoke, he looked into Jingyi's eyes and lowered his head with some guilty. He dared not continue to look directly at her sharpness.

Jingyi pushed hard at his knee, and the huge pain made him bend his knees involuntarily, "Ouch, ouch!" The ground screamed.

Jingyi stared at him fiercely and threatened, "If you don't say it, your other knee..."

"Miss, even if you kill me, I won't say it!" Although the man is afraid of pain, he is also very professional.

Jingyi cursed in a low voice, looked forward, and had a secret plan in her heart.

"Look, there are two policemen coming in front of me. If I shout rudely at this time, who do you think the police will believe?" She looked at the man with a smile and looked like he was about to cry, and she was sure that the man would say something, because she felt that the man trembled even more when she heard the word policeman!

It seems that he has a criminal record, or maybe he is a wanted criminal.

"Don't you say anything? If you don't say it, you can call someone!" Jingyi made a posture to shout, and the man hurriedly begged for mercy: "Please, don't shout, I said, I said." The man was afraid that Jingyi would not believe it, so he said two words in a row.

Jingyi raised a bright smile from the corners of her mouth and looked at the man with interest, waiting for his words.

"It was Miss Zhang who asked me to follow you. She is about 20 years old and white, and her skin is as tender as tofu!" As the man spoke, he suddenly showed a look of desire.

Jingyi pinched his arm and reminded him to pay attention to his look.

I have seen such obscene things, and I have never seen such obscene things!

After Jingyi's reminder, the man became serious: "I have told you everything I know! You must keep it a secret for me and don't say I told you!"

"Okay, go, go back and tell Miss Zhang to ask her to come to me directly if she has anything to do. Don't hide like a mouse!"

"Yes, yes!" Jingyi released the confinement of the man, and the man immediately nodded to her with a respectful face.

Jingyi stopped at him impatiently: "Why don't you go? Do you want to report to the police?

As soon as Jingyi's words were said, the man ran away, and there was no trace of him.

Although she didn't get a specific name from the man, as soon as the other party said Miss Zhang, she immediately thought of Zhang Xinyu's disgusting face! Unexpectedly, she had no grudge against her, but she came to trouble her again and again! Don't think she is a fool. She just made it clear that the man still has a ten-centimeter-long knife in his pocket. If he hadn't been more capable than him, I'm afraid he would have done it long ago. How could he be as submissive as just now!

Zhang Xinyu, we are big! Originally, people didn't offend me, but I didn't offend them! Now you have taken the initiative to provoke me. I clearly warned you not to provoke me. Now you dare to ignore my words and want to take my life. If she stands by like this, I'm afraid that one day this life will be in security!!!

She, Chen Jingyi, even if she doesn't want to live, it's not your turn, Zhang Xinyu! If Zhang Xinyu can afford to move, you have to pay the price!

There was a sneer at the corners of her mouth, and the cold breath spread over her body until it penetrated into her blood... Be a part of her.

Split line...

Today is the first wedding anniversary of Liang Haojie and Ni Anyun. The Liang family villa in the suburbs is now holding a grand celebration ceremony. As the interim chairman of Kaitu Enterprise, Chen Meili, the eldest aunt, naturally has to attend this kind of mating reception, and as the future heir of Kaitou, how can the aunt let go of the opportunity to bring her to meet her uncles and elders?

Jingyi was very reluctant to attend such an occasion. Originally, she thought that Kaitu had an aunt to take care of it alone, so she could completely ignore it. However, she didn't expect that her aunt always took her to various banquets intentionally or unintentionally. Every time, she persuaded her earnestly and repeatedly stressed that Kaitu's future will always rely on her to take care of it, saying that her father's painstaking efforts cannot be destroyed in her hands!!!

Her ears are about to hear such words! She always has a sense of powerlessness in business management. Although she had * for a period of time in the early stage of her father's hospitalization, she was also driving ducks to the shelves and doing tremblingly. Now that her aunt comes back to manage it, she doesn't want to interfere at all, and doesn't her aunt have a son Zhao An? He should graduate this year, right? Let him come back then...

Put on a gorgeous red chiffon skirt, Jingyi looked in the mirror and said to her aunt who was wearing makeup, "Auntie, Ann is about to graduate, right?"

Chen Meili's hand paused and said, "You don't want him to come to manage Kaitomon for you!"

"Auntie, why do you say so much? They are all a family..."

"Hey, Jinger, you don't know at all. An'an has the same temper as his father. The more you let him do, the more he will not do it. Moreover, he is a director. You ask him to come to manage the company. It's so unreliable!"

"You shouldn't have promised him to study as a director at the beginning. How difficult it is to shoot now. In the sun and rain, you have to go to the mountains and snowfield to shoot in such a harsh environment. Are you willing to give up?"

"What can I do if I don't want to give up? He completely inherited your uncle's character. He likes to do art, and his bones are full of romantic cells. You don't know, at home, I am always criticized by them for not having artistic thinking and only having money in my heart! Humph, it's really two father and son who stand and talk without pain. If I hadn't made so much money, where did they get money to do art?"

"But my uncle is very good! It seems that he won the Best Music Producer Award some time ago! And which singer he trained is not popular all over the world! Auntie, you should be proud of your uncle!!!"

"Humph, that's now. You don't know how hard the days were when he just started!!!"

Once you open the clip, your aunt's words begin to talk endlessly...

Jingyi quickly ran to her, hugged her neck and acted coquettishly: "Auntie, I know, but now that my uncle is so popular, you should be happy!!! By the way, when will he come to City A?

"When An'an graduates, they will come back together."

"Really? Don't you leave in the future?"

"Look at your promising!"

"Eh, I like Ann the most. With him, I feel like I have a brother! He is handsome. What a face to bring out!!!" Jingyi has a hippie smile on her face.

When she was a child, during the summer or winter vacation, her aunt would bring An'an to stay for a period of time. At that time, she was the happiest moment. An'an was like her brothers and sisters, living together, playing games together, playing pranks together, going to the amusement park together, countless joys...

In the days of An'an, loneliness will be locked up, and happiness will wander freely...

"Yes, auntie, gossip. Has Ann talked about his girlfriend?"

"That boy, don't mention it, my girlfriend changes as fast as changing clothes! One quarter, I brought back a rock and roll player. I chatted with your uncle and thought about rock and roll at home every day, and almost shook the roof of the house!!!"

The aunt said that her uncle was always full of righteous and indignation, but a faint happiness surged in Jingyi's heart. She knew that it was because of his love and spoiling tone.

And after all, she was not as lucky as her aunt, to meet a man who made her marketable, vulgar and indignant! And what else did the man she met bring her besides the injury?