President, be careful of love

Chapter 180 Face-to-Face

"Are you all right? In fact, this is just one of the reasons why I came to you. Xuanyuan Fan looked at her as he said, worried that the next words would stimulate her more, and he hesitated.

Jingyi nodded: "It's okay, you can say it." Since it's coming, let the storm come more violently.

He looked at her look and made sure that she was fine, and then continued to say, "Twenty years ago, there was a secret document called Extreme No. 1 in A city, which was funded by foreign countries and A City raised a secret fund to build a warlord base. Few people learned about this incident that year, but they participated in it. They are all dignitaries or rich and powerful figures, including those who were killed at Liang's banquet a few days ago. According to reliable information, most of the funds raised that year were used for the construction of warlord bases, and a considerable number of funds disappeared secretly.

Jingyi doesn't understand. What does this secret document have to do with her? She heard it in a cloud.

"What's the meaning of what you told me about this?"

"The management of the funds was handled by a man named Hu Zhiqiang. He was the deputy mayor of City A at that time and was responsible for the construction of the warlord base. However, not long after, someone reported that he had embezzled a secret fund, so he received an investigation from the organization and was imprisoned. Strangely, he had not had time for trial. He died suddenly in prison because of a heart attack. That's the problem. First of all, how can a healthy person die suddenly for no reason? Secondly, he was honest and conscientious during his tenure, unlike a person who would embezzle public funds. Again, he also has a very good girlfriend named Chen Mickey, who is your aunt.

"Chen Mickey is my second aunt, but I heard from my family that after she graduated from college, she turned against her family and ran away from home. Since I can remember, my family rarely mentioned her. Only once or twice I heard my aunt accidentally mention that she had a twin sister. I asked again, but my aunt just shook her head lonely and refused to say more.

"She is now in City A. Grandpa said that she did the Liang tragedy.

Xuanyuanfan's words reminded Jingyi that the figure she saw in the flower garden on the night of the banquet and the face she took off the mask were the same as her aunt. If that person is really Chen Mickey, then all this can be explained. Just why did she come back after so many years? Why kill those dignitaries? And Xuan Yuanfan's grandfather and aunt seem to be well understood the reasons for all this. If these mysteries can be solved, will the secret of the blood diamond come out? She remembers clearly that in the cafe in Dadong Mall, at the end of the conversation between her aunt and a man, she mentioned the blood diamond and the bright star of the auction. Yes, they also mentioned a person named Qinghe.

"Do you know Qinghe?" Jingyi looked at Xuanyuanfan eagerly.

Xuanyuanfan was a little puzzled about her question, but still answered truthfully: "She is my mother's sister, that is, my aunt, but she passed away more than ten years ago. Why did you suddenly ask about this?" His suspicion suddenly rose and he was a little alert to her problem. This matter has been so long that he has forgotten the existence of his aunt. Since his aunt's death, the family's contact with the Long family has gradually decreased. Until now, there is basically no contact. Only on the anniversary of his aunt's death, his mother will go to the Long family. However, over the years, Long Zhexiang has been quite dedicated. He has neither married nor looked for a lover, and has devoted himself to taking care of his winery business.

Listening to his words quietly, she smiled faintly and shook her head, as if she had answered him, and seemed to be at a loss. She didn't know why she asked these questions, but she felt faintly uneasy. So many things are connected, stirring/making people panic, and I always feel that something is going to happen.

For a moment, the two of them didn't talk, as if they were thinking about their own thoughts, or as if they were waiting for each other to speak.

"How does your grandfather know these things?"

"Can you get in touch with Chen Mickey?"

There was half a silence, but the two of them happened to make a sound at the same time. Jingyi smiled and said, "You say it first."

"Can you get in touch with Chen Mickey?"

"I'll try."

"Hm, what do you want to ask?"

"How does your grandfather know these things?"

Xuanyuanfan hesitated for a moment, cleared his throat, and said slowly, "Grandpa, I should have participated in the incident that year. I have accidentally read the relevant documents." Speaking of this, Xuanyuanfan's eyes flashed a little, and there was a trace of uneasiness in his eyes. He must know something about the Extreme No. 1 document, but he didn't say anything, and she didn't want to ask, so she let him continue to narrate:

"In addition, Grandpa occasionally asked me to investigate some information to sort out some things, but Grandpa did not allow me to delve into it and stop every time I went to the key place. Recently, he asked me to pay close attention to the dynamics related to blood diamonds, including Yang Zhicheng and the buyers of blood diamonds who auctioned last time.

The buyer of blood diamonds, the iceberg man?

At this point, Xuanyuanfan looked into Jingyi's eyes: "That's why I came to you."

It turned out that the iceberg man bought a sky-high blood diamond, and his identity was mysterious. They happened to see their "sexy photos" in the newspaper, and more coincidentally, she was the heroine of the pornographic photos. From the degree of intimacy, she must know the identity and information of the other party.

However, Xuanyuanfan was really wrong. Her understanding of the iceberg man is limited to his owning of a non-Korean restaurant, superb unlocking skills, and of course, the cold face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

She lowered her head with some embarrassment: "The relationship between us is not what you think. In fact, I don't know much about him." She felt embarrassed and didn't know much about it when she said this? But who would believe such an intimate posture and such an ambiguous action? Even she felt embarrassed when she saw it herself! Sometimes, I have to admire the sneaker in my heart, who actually took them so photogenic. In the antique building, the posture of hugging and kissing is so beautiful, like a pair of loving people, sweet and right, which is a little more fresh and natural than those luxurious and exquisite wedding photos.

After leaving Xuanyuanfan, Jingyi stood by the roadside and waited for the car. The wind blew her long hair slightly, and a few long hair blew on her cheeks. She stretched out her hand and naturally pinned them behind her ears and continued to stand by the roadside. At this time, it was not easy to take a taxi at this time, but she didn't want to go forward, as if she stood there angrily. Li, looking at the traffic coming and going, the bustling flow of people, he competed with himself.

"A get in the car." A top Ferrari sports car parked next to her, and the window rolled down. It was the iceberg man's icy face. Jingyi turned his head angrily and was unmoved. The resentment in my heart seemed to have found a landing point, and my eyes became colder. The iceberg man doesn't care. He is always so deserted and doesn't seem to be moved by anything. I really don't know how can Che Enjun like such a cold and ruthless person at a glance and follow him so far?

"Don't you want to solve the peach affair between you and me?" In a word, it was not light or heavy, but it came to her heart. Her heart was stunned, and the next second, she reluctantly pulled the door and sat in the co-pilot.

"Say it, how to solve it!" She was so angry that she didn't even want to look at his face. She looked coldly through the car window and looked at the changing scenery passing in front of her eyes, but it was like a vague and abstract painting. It seemed that she could see everything, but she could not see anything clearly and was hazy.

"It's solved."

Jingyi withdrew her eyes and looked at him puzzledly. She thought angrily that since it had been solved and cheated her into getting on the car, she was really a completely hateful villain. Looking at her eyebrows, she was as handsome as anything, but unfortunately she had a good skin, but her heart was extremely dark. If color can represent a person's heart, his heart must be dark!

Hate is back to hate, but the words still need to be made clear.

"Now that you have solved it, it's just right to take me home."

"Not now. I have to do something else."

Jingyi never thought that what he said would go to the mayor's house to plead guilty.

What she didn't expect was that Lei Shaochen was also in Zhang's house at this moment!

The atmosphere at this moment makes her angry and embarrassed. He felt awkward wherever his hands were placed. Probably he felt her uneasiness. The iceberg man took her hand thoughtfully, and his fingers were intertwined, warm and ambiguous. Although she hates him, her heart is inexplicably grateful for his small behavior. In front of Lei Shaochen and Zhang Xinyu, she doesn't want to act sad. What can show her happiness more than getting the heartache and love of a man? She pretended to look at him affectionately, and her round eyes were foggy. He just smiled faintly, gentle and elegant.

"Mayor Zhang, did you watch the news today?" He withdrew his warm eyes and looked at the crowd with sharp eyes.

Jingyi sighed in her heart that this man was free, but others didn't know it, but she knew it. The warmth she had just showed to her was just a play for everyone. The gloomy and coldness was the expression he should have. Just like at this moment, his eyes were ble and cold, and his jewel-like eyes were extremely bright. The brilliance makes people shudder.

"..." Mayor Zhang didn't know what he meant by asking. He was stunned for a moment and waited for the following.

Jingyi secretly observed the mayor's expression and couldn't see his strangeness, thinking that he must not know the little movements behind Zhang Xinyu. In this case, why did the iceberg man aim sharp at him? He must have another plan this time, right?

Unconsciously, he became his pawn again. This man hides really deeply. Except for Lei Shaochen, I'm afraid that the man here is not his opponent. These people are not calm enough for him to be cruel enough. When they meet on a narrow road, the brave win, and those who are fearless and desperate will often be the final winner. They are distracted and rational enough that no obstacle can stop them from moving forward.