President, be careful of love

Chapter 179 Pornographic Incident

Time seems to condense at this moment. Outside the door is a good friend of a college classmate for four years, and inside the door is a domineering and unreasonable iceberg man. At this moment, she is like a meat sandwich in the middle, unable to advance or retreat. However, it is not her usual style to let him take advantage of her. A pair of thin feet are almost milk. Kicking his knee, hum, little man, I don't believe you can stand it this time! But when she saw the cold face of the iceberg man's unchanged face, she was completely defeated by the man, and her heart wailed, and there was a desolation that had nowhere to stretch out.

Her eyes became more and more resentful, and her round eyes burst into flames, as if to burn the people in front of her to ashes. No, there is no ashes left. It's too dark and too difficult to handle. She should annihilate him in one fell swoop to eliminate future...

These are just her imaginations, but the reality is another scene:

The iceberg man took advantage of her and was not afraid to come to her temples. He whispered softly like a lover's grinding, but the words he said were extremely cold. At first, the cold air was like a thousand-year-old ice, gradually penetrated into her skin layer by layer to the bone marrow, which made her tremble, but she was His words were so angry that he gritted his teeth.

He said, with my actions, I can guarantee that you will give birth to his evil seed in A city safely!

She knew that he had this ability, but how did he know that he was pregnant? Jingyi half squinted her eyes and looked up at his eyes. The narrow red phoenix eyes were very beautiful. Such eyes should have been charming, but she felt that it was like a deep pool without bottom, revealing a dangerous atmosphere. Just looking at it, her body was full of chill.

She couldn't help shivering and pushing away his imprisonment.

"I promise you." The four faint words seemed to exhaust her whole body's strength. Seeing that the corners of his mouth rose slightly because of this satisfactory answer, she was so angry, but as soon as her eyes touched Che Enjun outside the door, her heart suddenly tightened. A pair of bright eyes gradually faded, and something seemed to collapse in her heart, but she could do nothing Li, Enjun, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. She said over and over again in her heart. A pair of weak hands were held vigorously by him, but because of the hot temperature, her palms were sweating.

"Why? Why did you deceive me!" Che Enjun rushed to him out of control, and his eyes turned red. His unparalleled and beautiful eyes were full of water vapor at this moment. They were sad, painful, and desperate. A variety of complex emotions were intertwined, making the beautiful brilliance of the past instantly fade, leaving only empty confusion and resentment.

The man who let Che Enjun return to A City ended up abandoning him so cruelly.

Jingyi felt a little blocked and raised her head, but she couldn't say anything.

The iceberg man frowned tightly and held her hand slightly loosely, but only a few seconds, he clenched it again.

"No reason, I'm just tired." He looked calm and waveless, but Jingyi clearly felt the dampness of his palms.

In front of love, everyone is a master liar. Some people lie for their loved ones, and some people lie for themselves. What is he for?

And he, accompanying him to play this absurd scene, hurt a man with affection and righteousness all over his body. Deep down, she hates such herself, hates her powerlessness, and hates her bullying. If she can, she wants to live freely, dominate her fate and her life.

Even if you can't live freely, at least you can be happy and comfortable!

Even if you can't be a savior, at least you can be open-minded!

As it is now, it is difficult to deal with it.

Until she lay at home, she couldn't forget Che Enjun's meaningful eyes, not hate, but it hurt her more than hate. It's not complaining, but it makes her feel more guilty than complaining. If possible, he would rather blame her, scold her, and revenge on her regardless of everything.

But he didn't do anything. He just turned around faintly, laughing and allowing tears to flow freely: "You will definitely regret it!"

You will regret it.

You will regret it.

You will regret it!

These seven words echoed in her mind like a spell, making her heart feel like being blocked by heavy shackles.

Later, she couldn't resist the intrusion and fell asleep. This sleep until 9 a.m. the next morning, she was still woken up by a continuous mobile phone ringtone. The cheerful ringtones made her irritable. She really couldn't stand the harsh noise. She thought about changing to a quiet and melodious ringtone in her hand in bed. There was a burst of ** on the side, with his eyes still half narrowed and half asleep.

She muttered to the phone, "Hello, who?" The tone was lazy, which made the other party crazy.

The other side of the phone frowned: "You haven't got up yet? If something big happens, you can buy a newspaper or go straight to the gossip forum! You were secretly photographed as the protagonist of the pornographic photo.

Her little head is semi-clear: pornographic photo of the protagonist? When did it happen? She doesn't remember which hero she took a pornographic photo with!

I thought about a round of small words: secret photos, pornographic photos? Suddenly sitting up from **, the hand holding the mobile phone trembled a little. Isn't it the time when he was shaved by the Wild Rose Club? Thinking about that night, the ** scale, the confused breath, the lingering heat, her heart was cool. If the scene is rectified and reported in the newspaper, she will not have the face to hang out in this city.

"What's wrong with you? Won't you be scared? Hurry up and have a look." Xiaoyan urged on the phone, and he couldn't help but be a little worried.

She decisively threw the phone to **, picked up the notebook on the headboard, turned on to a gossip forum in a panic, and found the post effortlessly.

The secret history of divorce of a rich family in A city will definitely shock you! Don't regret it! With the heroine's pornographic photos)

Less than ten hours after the post was posted, the number of hits actually reached one million. Looking at this amazing number of clicks, her little heart trembled: Is she also popular?

Clicked on the content and read it carefully. The big stone pressed in her heart slowly relaxed. She patted her chest in shock. It's okay. It's a false alarm! It's just yesterday's kiss. However, the content of this post was a little excessive. The poster "inexplicably" claimed in the post that she was kidnapped by a gangster during her marriage with Lei Shao. She was brutally humiliated and put on Lei Shao one green hat after another. Lei Shao endured humiliation and detained her many times, but she was promiscuous and had feelings with the underworld brother. At the same time, he hooked up with a man of an entertainment star car and a restaurant owner. Lei Shao couldn't bear to divorce in the end. After the divorce, she dated the owner of the restaurant and was bumped into by another man in the car. "When talking about this paragraph, it was accompanied by a picture. In the picture, the iceberg man bent down and kissed her, while Che Enjun stood at the door sadly.

After reading these text pictures, she was like a thunderbolt, and her brain was short-circuited in an instant. Staring at the words sadly, she couldn't recover for a long time. Her bright eyes slowly dimmed. Although the content of the "inexplicable" post was exaggerated, some of the content was really happening, just like the part of being kidnapped by the underworld. She was once kidnapped by Taylor for a period of time and lost by him. There were some intimate actions in the memory. Only she and Lei Shaochen knew about this matter. She didn't even say it carefully. How did she know "unexplicable"?

She sat down with some boredom** and fell into meditation. The phone kept ringing over there. She glanced at the caller ID. It was a fat girl. Thinking of what happened yesterday and Che Enjun, her heart ached. She picked up her mobile phone with a tired look and had to face it. She took a deep breath and pressed it to answer.

"Honey, you finally answered the phone! Today's newspaper..."

"I'm fine." Before the fat girl asked, she took the initiative to answer, "You don't have to worry about the news. I will deal with it properly. I want to ask you for something."

"Okay, no problem."

"Please apologize to Che Enjun for me. I have no choice but to suffer. However, I can't tell you the specific reason now. Please let him believe me and trust Luo Xiu! Some things are not what he imagined.

The person on the other side of the phone had a brief pause. After a moment of hesitation, the fat girl sighed gently: "Che Enjun will return to South Korea tonight, the 7 o'clock plane, Zhengdong Airport."

"Okay, I know. You should accompany the boss on a business trip. Don't worry about me. I'm fine.

"Bear care."

"Bear care."

With a heavy care, the relationship was instantly estranged. They did not say goodbye pretentiously, but she knew very well that Che Enjun's fault was her. No matter how you choose, it seems to be the wrong ending. Will her life really be so sad? Maybe this child really shouldn't be wanted, right? She gradually moved her compassion. Perhaps, as Yang Yidan said, she did not deserve to have his children, so God would try his best to take them back. She sighed gently and felt.

The phone rang again. It was Xuanyuanfan. Before she could speak, Xuanyuanfan said anxiously, "Come to the training hall quickly, right away!"

will make Xuanyuanfan's tone panic. What is anxious in his heart must be a big event. Jingyi is not in the mood to ask again. She hung up the phone and took a taxi directly.

"What are you talking about? Did Zhang Xinyu ask someone to write this news? Xuanyuanfan saw the news early this morning and felt a little strange. He immediately dispatched several staff to investigate. He didn't expect the clues to be obvious, and soon found Zhang Xinyu's head.

Knowing that it was Zhang Xinyu's ghost behind his back, Jingyi felt even more painful. The small heart seemed to be inserted with thousands of thin needles, dripping with blood. If it weren't for Lei Shaochen, how would Zhang Xinyu know these things? Thousands of calculations, but they didn't calculate that it would be him who stabbed her in the back.