President, be careful of love

Chapter 204 Round Mountain Resort Case 2

"Grandpa, why does this typhoon occupy the fourth point?" Jingyi said the problem inexplicably.

Ye Hongwen looked at her with a faint smile and did not answer her questions directly.

Jingyi wanted to ask him carefully what he meant. Unexpectedly, Zhou Mechanics, who made the call, happened to interrupt: "Mr. Chen, I have explained what you ordered. What else do we need to do now?"

Jingyi pondered that the points just mentioned by Ye Hongwen are very important and must be implemented, but before that, she has to make a phone call first.

After making up her mind, she picked up the phone and dialed out.

The bell on the other side of the phone kept ringing, and her heart followed the sound. Her heart was silently praying that she must answer it quickly. She was not sure whether she still had the courage to call for the second time until she hung up. Just when she thought that the other party would not answer, her heart kept sinking, almost to the bottom of despair, a voice suddenly came from the other side of the phone. Just this sound...

is a clear female voice. Jingyi carefully identified it and guessed that it should be Zhang Xinyu on the other end of the phone. There is inexplicable strangeness in my heart. Shouldn't this Xinyu stay in the United States at this moment? Did Lei Shaochen accompany her to the United States?

"Hey, who the hell are you? Why don't you talk?" Zhang Xinyu, who was on the other end of the phone, obviously lost her patience in the face of a long silence and launched a fire towards her on the phone. From the sound, this anger is not small!

"I'm the team leader of the design department of Kaitu Company. Please connect me with Mr. Lei Shaochen, the president." She took a deep breath and did not intend to disclose her identity. Since it was a business, it was a business.

"Keitu Company? Sorry, we are not here. Please call again tomorrow!"

Zhang Xinyu's childish answer made Jingyi feel funny. Because she knows the relationship between Kaitu Company and her, she is so lazy at this moment. How does she know that such a rude answer will not have a negative impact on Huban Company? Should I say she is naive or brainless?

The corners of her mouth were coldly mocking: "I'm sorry, please help me tell you, Mr. Lei, and let him call me back as soon as he has time. Otherwise, I can't guarantee whether the delay will cause a fatal blow to the future of the Tiger Class. Goodbye."

After Jingyi finished speaking, she hung up the phone decisively without waiting for the other party to reply! There is really nothing to say to a reckless and wayward girl like Zhang Xinyu. As the saying goes, there are too many words!

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xinyu put the phone back to the edge of the bed in the bedroom. At this time, Lei Shaochen's voice rang coldly behind her and almost scared her to death.

"Well, well, I see you're taking a shower, and your mobile phone keeps ringing..." She trembling her lips to explain why she answered the phone.

"Didn't I tell you not to touch my mobile phone?" Lei Shaochen's gloomy face looked at her slightly angrily, then walked past her side blindly, walked around the edge of the bed, picked up her mobile phone, opened the screen and looked at the call record. When she saw the string of phone numbers clearly, an inexplicable surprise surged in her heart. She took the initiative to call herself? He walked quietly to the window and dialed the number back.

The phone was answered in a while.

"You just called me?" He asked.

"Hm, the main building of Yuanshan Resort collapsed before the typhoon landed. Do you know about this?"

"I haven't reported it to me yet. What?"

"Huban believes that it is the design problem that will lead to this catastrophic accident. I think that before the matter is clearly investigated, I hope that Huban will not inform the public of this arbitrary statement in front of the media?" Now there is a request for him, and his voice is a little weak, revealing the breath of pleading. It's rare to be as stubborn as her and whisper like her.

There was a strange feeling in his heart, like sympathy and pity.

He really wanted to tell her that he would try his best to help this, but when the words came to his mouth, he thought of her and Ye Lixin, and a jealousy filled his mind. When he finally said something, it was already cold.

He said that this is a problem to be solved by the board of directors of Huban, and he will not intervene.

"You are really as cruel as I expected..." She muttered in a low voice, as if to say to him on the other side of the phone, and as if she were talking to herself. Such a sad voice sounded heartbreaking. His heart twitched involuntarily, and there was a faint pain.

"Maybe you should give up Kaitu. Now you don't need to rely on Kaitu to survive. You know, your husband is Ye Lixin, the grandson of Ye Hongwen, who is extremely rich." He said this sourly, and probably he didn't even realize how much cynicism was hidden in his words.

Since you are not going to help, thank you still! Goodbye!" She hung up the phone tiredly, turned around and walked into the bathroom. In the mirror of the bathroom, she looked at her slightly red eyes and the tears there. She smiled more than cried.

Actually, I expected that he would not help before I called, did I? But why are you still looking forward to it? Why do you think of him at the first time you encounter difficulties? However, he is no longer the object she can rely on, not the warm harbor when she is tired...

Since you have nothing to rely on, then rely on yourself! Try your best. As for whether the final result can save my father's life, it depends on whether God is willing to help himself.

When she came out of the bathroom, she had returned to her original state and could not see that her eyes were red at all. She calmly picked up her mobile phone and broadcast the phone to Xuan Yuanfan, asking him to help her investigate several employees of the company's design department and the construction site of Yuanshan Resort, thinking that maybe she could get some clues from here.

When she finished this, she suddenly remembered the matter of Xiaoyan, and Ye Lixin! She went to the window and opened the curtains. Looking out through the hazy glass, she could faintly see that the big trees outside swayed vigorously with the wind, and the heavy rain rose one after another and rushed around with the strong wind! Knocking on the window, making a dense sound, as if someone has been knocking on the window with a sharp weapon. She always has an illusion that the window will be broken by these strong winds and raindrops, and then the strong wind will roll in and take away all the people and things in the room, just like the tsunami she encountered before, which was rapid and hot. Lie, swallow them up in the sea...

The feeling of sweeping everything in an instant is really terrible. Since that terrible encounter, she has encountered similar storms many times in her dreams, and the strong wind blew fiercely on her. She had nowhere to escape and powerless to resist. Just like that, she was swept away by the strong wind and floated towards nothingness. To the unknown...

Every time she woke up, she always broke out in a cold sweat... Thinking of this, her body couldn't help but tremble, and her hands crossed and wiped her arms, as if to drive away the cold in her heart.

"There is a typhoon outside, and the indoor temperature drops. You need to wear an extra dress to keep warm." Zhou Mechanics thoughtfully put Ye Lixin's coat on the sofa on him.

She turned around and smiled at him: "Thank you!"

Zhou Mechanics was embarrassed to scratch his head and smiled shyly: "You're welcome. By the way, why don't you see your husband at home with such a strong wind?

When he mentioned Ye Lixin, Jingyi was suddenly shocked, as if he had missed a beat. The eyes slowly linged with a look of worry.

"It's all my fault. Let him go out at the last minute." She looked out of the window confusedly.

"Don't worry, maybe he has already arrived at his destination? If you are worried, you can call and ask."

"That's true. Look at me. I'm just worried and forgot to call!" Zhou Mechanic's words reminded her, but why didn't she think of this before?

She picked up her mobile phone and was about to dial the phone when Ye Hongwen's voice came over: "Jingyi, don't worry about that boy. If he can't even avoid this little wind, then he will live for nothing. Come here and sit and talk to grandpa! Mr. Zhou Mechanics, could you please go to the kitchen to cook dinner for us?

Zhou Mechanics replied respectfully, "Okay, I'll go now."

Looking at Zhou Mechanics listening to Ye Hongwen's words so respectfully and obeying him, there was a trace of strangeness in her heart, and she always felt something wrong?

However, before she had time to think deeply, she had already sat opposite Ye Hongwen.

She looked at Ye Hongwen casually, and then remembered that his legs seemed to be able to walk freely?

"Grandpa, your leg..."

Ye Hongwen gently patted his thigh and smiled, "How do you think I can walk with this leg? My legs are not disabled, but I'm old and not suitable for walking for a long time, so when I'm at home, I like to sit in a wheelchair and be served by servants. I didn't expect you to misunderstand!"

After listening to Ye Hongwen's explanation, she became a little embarrassed and misunderstood that others were lame, which was not a decent thing after all. Fortunately, Grandpa Ye did not care about her.

"Grandpa, you asked me to grasp Li Xin's heart and live a stable life with him, but I don't feel confident that I can do this." She was hesitant and hesitant.

If she hadn't met Lei Shaochen and fell in love with him first, maybe she would have followed Ye Lixin to live. However, now there is a Lei Shaochen among them, with too many problems. She really doesn't have the confidence to meet her grandfather's requirements, not to mention that she can't even grasp her own heart, and how can she catch it. What about living in a man's heart?

Grandpa may not know the story between them, thinking that they also have feelings to get married to live together. In fact, it's not. They are more about taking advantage of each other!

"That's probably because you don't love him enough. In the end of this game, Li Xin will lose badly. Here, I just ask you a little bit. I hope you can help Grandpa in the end. You don't need to go against your conscience to help him get anything, but at least, please give him a way to get away from this matter. If you can promise Grandpa this, Grandpa will help you settle the case of Yuanshan Resort!"