President, be careful of love

Chapter 113 Conflict

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, Jingyi's mobile phone rang. She picked up her mobile phone and took a look and stared at the two little ghosts with warning: "Eat well first, mom will answer the phone." After saying that, he left the table and went to answer.

"Jingtian, it's me." She said to the other end of the phone, still frowning, glanced at the figure on the table from time to time, squeezed her lips gently, and listened carefully to the words on the other end of the phone. After a long time, she gently opened her red lips and said lightly, "Okay, I will send the information tonight. I will consider the matter of returning to the chief designer of the Mousse branch."

After hanging up the phone, she stood in front of the window holding her mobile phone, thinking about Right Jingtian's words, and her eyebrows subconsciously tightened. Does she really want to go back to the Muse branch, that is, City A as the chief designer? City A... Thinking of that place, the place where she has lived for 22 years, her heart couldn't help tightening, and the position of her left chest was faintly painful.

When she left City A five years ago, she was injured all over, and the loud explosion seemed to be still coiled in her mind. The time of the cave explosion was carefully designed by Ye Lixin. But he calculated a lot, but he didn't count that she would return.

When she lay with a high fever and blurred flesh and blood, she clearly felt that this ruthless man really cared for her and cried for her. The tears that fell on the back of her hand were slightly cool and wet, moistened her heart, and also shocked her strong will to survive.

After a long year, she underwent skin changes and cheek skeleton reorganization. Now she has changed her appearance and is gorgeous. Coupled with living in the United States for a long time, influenced by the fashion trend here, the whole person has taken on a new look, and both the dress style and temperament have become very different.

The original long straight hair turned into a burgundy wave long curl, which was enchanting and luxuriously exuded to the back. The eyes were painted with a faint eyeliner. The momentum was amazing. The red lips were shining, and the small earlobe was pinned with golden flower hollow earrings, which was magnificent and beautiful. This kind of beauty is thrilling, seductive, and calmed down with confidence. Between a smile, he showed a determined domineering spirit. She is well-known. Her designed clothes have already been moved to fashionable booths, and clothing conferences have been held one after another. Everyone in the fashion industry knows that Janechen is Chen Jingyi. This time, Mousse wants to broaden the Chinese market, so Janechen's summer clothing press conference will be held in the Mousse branch of City A. Naturally, as the main designer, she cannot be absent.

She will go back to that hot soil after all.

Withdrawing her complicated thoughts, she moved her eyes back to the table and slowly walked back. The two children had left the table after dinner. She sat down and ate a few bites casually, then ordered Aunt Li at home to clean up the dishes and chopsticks, and then quietly went upstairs alone, stood quietly at the top of the stairs for a while, and heard modesty. A deliberately low voice came from the room. She smiled and pushed the door in.

As soon as she entered the room, she immediately felt four sharp eyes shooting at her.

Chen Ziqian shouted angrily, "Mom, come in and don't knock on the door!" Not polite! Humph!"

Jingyi was slightly stunned, thought about it, smiled faintly, walked to them, and slowly sat down: "Qianqian, Chenchen, are you still angry with your mother?"

The two children pouted, turned their heads awkwardly, and hummed coldly.

"However, this time my mother did nothing wrong. What was wrong was between you two. Remember that my mother said that if you want to be an honest child, your nose will grow longer and then become a monster!"

"Mom, that's a fairy tale. It's a lie to children. We are not three years old!"

Jingyi's face stiffened in an instant, and she shouted painfully: You are not three years old, but you are only five years old!!! The five-year-old child's mind is more sophisticated than her. Whose gene is this inherited? God, earth! She resisted the impulse to beat people, stabilized her mind, adjusted the stiff muscles on her face, and abruptly squeezed out a smile: "However, in my mother's eyes, you are my mother's baby. You secretly ran out to film. What if you meet bad people? Do you know that there are many child traffickers outside?

Chenchen glanced at Jingyi: "Mom, aren't we all right now? There are not so many bad people in this world. Even if we meet bad people, Qianqian and I will not be captured!"

"That's it! Unfounded worries!" Be humble and agree with the Tao.

"Then there will be no danger in filming, kid bodyguard? That's the action scene. In case of a mistake, do you know how serious the consequences are? Just thinking about it, she feels scared. Are these two children too lawless? It seems that this incident should not be underestimated. We must frustrate their spirit, otherwise it will be more difficult to teach in the future!

Thinking of this, she deliberately raised her face and stared at the two of them fiercely. Chen Chen lowered her head with a little guilty, and then looked at modesty, which was still domineering.

"..." Jingyi still wanted to say something, but at this time, the phone rang again, but she had no intention of answering it. She let the phone keep ringing and stared at the two coldly. For a long time, she announced domineeringly, "Everyone writes a self-criticism tonight. Don't want to go out if you can't see the self-criticism tomorrow morning!"

walked back to the bedroom and pressed the number just dialed, and his tone unconsciously softened: "Zhifei." She whispered softly to the other end of the phone, but stopped talking.

"What's wrong? Did the two little ones make you angry again? Long Zhifei asked softly at the other end of the phone.

Jingyi sighed gently: "Oh, these two guys are about to drive me crazy! Do you know that they secretly went to film behind my back! What's more ridiculous is that the movie has been released, and I just knew about it. Speaking of this, there was a bitterness in her heart: "Do you think my mother is too dereliction of duty?"

"How come? You are definitely a 100-point mother. Although Chenchen and Qianqian are a little naughty, they are smart, eye-catching, and have learned taekwondo and Sanda. They are omnipotent little warriors!" Although Chenchen and Qianqian are not his children, he likes these two children in his heart, especially Chenchen, who is calm and wise, and his IQ is even more amazing. At the beginning of the year, he was looking at stocks and wanted to buy A-shares, but Chenchen shook his head and pointed to the screen with his chubby little finger and said that B shares are better! At that time, he didn't think so much, thinking that it was a child deliberately causing trouble, but the later stock trend proved that B shares continued to rise, but A shares only rose slightly and finally fell to the limit. Later, he intentionally or unintentionally asked Chen about the stock. Every time Chenchen mentioned that the stock rose, if it was a coincidence, then it was not a coincidence, but strength.

I didn't expect that at such a young age, my mind was so meticulous, and my judgment was so outstanding! If he hadn't seen and personally tested it, he wouldn't have believed that a six-year-old child has such an IQ and talent.

After a little meditation, Long Zhifei continued, "Jingyi, in fact, have you ever thought that although they are young, they have their own ideals, their own beliefs, and even do things that adults can't do perfectly. In fact, it is an innate talent."

talent? Jingyi was suddenly shocked and unconsciously remembered the indifferent face and those sarcastic words in his mind. I feel faintly uneasy...

"Jingyi, are you all right? Don't worry too much."

"Okay, okay. By the way, Zhifei, I'm going to fly to China the day after tomorrow. Please pick up and drop off the children.

"Okay, no problem."

After Jingyi finished talking on the phone, she lay down tiredly to ** and did not notice that the door of the room was not tightly closed. Two small heads quietly shrank out and left silently...

After returning to the children's room, the two small heads came together again... The two whispered, as if they were planning something...