President, be careful of love

Chapter 218 Wealth is "rough"

After the children reluctantly said goodbye to Lei Shaotang, the three of them walked hand in hand in the spacious hall of the hospital, attracting a lot of enviable attention, including many handsome men and women secretly raising their mobile phones to secretly take pictures. Nearly five years as a designer, she has already practiced Jingyi's ability to adapt to the flash, but this is the first time that she has been so popular. She walked forward with a surprised face and looked down at the children from time to time, looking a little worried. The reporter hiding in the corner quietly pressed the shutter, "Click, click I took several sets of photos.

On the way back, the two children leaned tightly against the back seat and fell asleep. The faint moonlight sprinkled on their white and smooth faces, coated with a silvery glow. Looking at them in the rearview mirror, Jingyi's heart suddenly paused, the corners of her eyes were timid, her white face was filled with sad clouds, and her two willow moon eyebrows were slightly twisted, showing a slump.

While Jingyi was stunned, a silver-white car suddenly appeared at the intersection in front of her. The speed was so fast that she was a little caught off guard. The steering wheel was turned as much as possible, stepped on the accelerator and rushed over. Finally, the other party's car still hit the body of the Audi sports car. With a loud "boom" sound, the Audi sports car was thrown out a few times. Mi Yuan, fortunately, Jingyi adjusted the steering wheel in time and stepped on the brakes tightly, so as not to cause a major traffic accident. Qianqian and Chenchen, who were hit, woke up at the same time and asked Jingyi what had happened in panic. Jingyi told them to get out of the car first, and she drove the car a few meters forward and stopped by the roadside before opening the door and getting out of the car.

"Why is it you?" Jingyi didn't expect that it was Zhang Ruila who bumped into him. "Why are you here? It was a red light just now. Shouldn't you rush straight over? What happened?"

"My mother... She..." Zhang Ruila's white and tender hands twisted each other, which seemed to be very uneasy. Jingyi smelled the smell of alcohol from her mouth, and her heart tightened and frowned: "Are you still driving after drinking? Do you know it's dangerous?" Speaking later, her tone involuntarily improved, with hidden anger. Zhang Ruila looked at Jingyi timidly and then shrugged his head: "I... I..." I said several times in a row, but I didn't say the words completely. Jingyi looked again, and Zhang Ruila's forehead was bleeding, and her body was a little shaken. Jingyi was stunned, immediately held Zhang Ruila in his arms and shouted to Qianqian next to him, "Qianqian, call 120 first aid."

After sending Zhang Ruila to the hospital, he went to the traffic police to file a case. When he returned to Chen Yitang's apartment, it was past 10 p.m. After such a surprise, the two children were no longer in the mood to eat ice cream and went to bed after taking a hastily bath. Jingyi was still worried about Zhang Ruila, so she drove to the hospital again. In the evening, You Jingtian called and said that "Angel's Wings" was sent to Xu Lili by express. The signature of the package was written "Zhang Shi". It happened that Zhang Ruila's surname was Zhang. In this way, Zhang Ruila's suspicion was still the biggest. Who took such a big circle to frame Zhang Ruila?

Jingyi held Zhang Ruila's hand and meditated. Suddenly, Zhang Ruila's hand moved, her dry lips opened, and a low whimper came from her throat: "Water... Water..." Jingyi hurriedly put down her hand, poured a glass of warm water on the table next to her, vigorously helped Zhang Ruila up and half lay down, brought the water to her mouth, and slowly fed her to drink. After slowly drinking the whole glass of water, Zhang Ruila slowly opened her eyes, but she didn't say anything, but her eyes fell down, dripping on the quilt, and wetting a piece...

"Rila, what's wrong with you? What the hell happened?"

"I... My mother... It can't be cured..." Zhang Ruila's intermittent voice made Jingyi's heartstrings tense in an instant, and her black eyes suddenly tightened, and her hand holding Zhang Ruila couldn't help tightening.

"Jane, my mother will leave me soon... Whoo-hoo......

Jingyi gently took Zhang Ruila into her arms and comforted her softly: "Don't cry... My aunt will be uneasy when she sees you like this..."

Zhang Ruila kept sobbing in Jingyi's arms. It was not until the nurse came in for examination that she stopped crying. When the nurse finished the examination, Jingyi quickly asked her about "Angel Wings". Zhang Ruila was confused: "Angel's Wings? I don't know what wings." Jingyi took out the picture of "Angel's Wings" from her mobile phone and handed it to Zhang Ruila. Only then did Zhang Ruila know that on the night of the new product launch, the necklace on her body turned out to be a valuable treasure. She shook her head, looked both annoyed and worried, and said to herself, "I really didn't know it was "Angel's Wings"..."

Suddenly, her expression changed, grabbed Jingyi's arm and asked in a panic, "Du Juntao... What did he say?

Jingyi had a panoramic view of Zhang Ruila's panicked and strange look, stared at Zhang Ruila sharply, and asked harshly, "Are you hiding something from me?"

"I... Jane, I'm sorry..."

"What the hell happened?" Jingyi's heart was tense and uneasy.

"Actually, I'm Du Juntao's lover!"

"What?" Jingyi suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked disbelieving: "Why do you want to be his lover?" She really couldn't figure out how a girl with such a kind nature could be Du Juntao's lover. Does Zhao Ruotong know about this? Jingyi thought of Zhao Ruotong for the first time...

With a slight sigh in his heart, Zhang Ruila hesitated but finally made things clear. It turned out that Zhang Ruila's mother was diagnosed with esophageal cancer three years ago. At that time, Zhang Ruila, who had just graduated from college, had no savings at all. She had no choice but to quit her job as a secretary. It happened that time to hold a model heart competition with a prize of 200,000 yuan. She signed up after weighing it. Although she did not win the championship in the end, Fortunately, with her beautiful face and tall figure, she successfully entered the modeling circle and started her modeling career from then on. In a jewelry show, she was introduced to Du Juntao by her peers. Soon, Du Juntao invited her to dinner. It happened that her mother fell ill that night. The hospital asked for an operation to remove the tumor immediately, but the operation cost was more than 300,000 yuan, plus the subsequent chemotherapy fee, which was at least more than 400,000 yuan. , she had to turn to Du Juntao, who had just met with the mentality of trying. She didn't expect that Du Juntao would hand over 500,000 yuan to her without saying a word... After that, she proposed to Du Juntao to pay it back in installments, but she didn't expect Du Juntao to hug her body and press his mouth down on her lips... That was the precious first time in her life. In this way, she was deprived by an old man with kindness. She gritted her teeth with hatred and washed her face with tears all day long... Unexpectedly, the mother's operation was unsuccessful, and the tumor soon showed signs of recurrence... By chance, she joined the butterfly secret door...

"I know that after you joined the butterfly secret door, you desperately asked for tasks. In my opinion, last year, you alone solved more than ten cases, and at least you had a million income..." Jingyi said that if Zhang Ruila was violated by Du Juntao for money before, why did she become Du Juntao's lover under the premise that she was fully capable of making money?

Zhang Ruila seemed to see the doubts in Jingyi's heart and sighed before saying, "Fate is playing tricks. Just when I thought life was gradually getting better, my father, whom I had never met, came to me... Mom never knew that he was a gambling gambler and an alcoholic... To be honest, his appearance once improved my mother's condition, and I slowly accepted the fact that he was my father. It was not until one day when the debt collector broke into the house with a knife and a gun that I suddenly woke up. It turned out that he approached us just to help us pay off gambling debts. During this period, Du Juntao came to see me once or twice and was bumped into by him. He found Du Juntao in private... He... Whoo..." Speaking of this, Zhang Ruila burst into tears and stopped choked for a long time: "He sold me to Du Juntao for two million yuan, in black and white, and I can't deny it... Since then, he has disappeared from my life, as if he had never appeared, but those days when he was pressed by Du Juntao day and night clearly reminded me how sad my life was... Tell me, is he a beast, a beast!" Zhang Ruila shouted hoarsely, "Beast!" The eyes are crying red and swollen, which makes people feel sad.

The story stopped here, and Zhang Ruila did not continue to talk. Jingyi can probably guess that women are always so stupid. When the body is used to a man, the body and mind will slowly sink until it is doomed... She still clearly remembers Du Juntao's exhortations and exhortations that day, and deeply engraved his deep attachment to Zhao Ruotong, his concern and yearning for his missing daughter, which is the image of a good husband and a good father... But who can guess that she only saw the beginning of the story, but did not expect that the end of the story was so painful.

After coming out of the hospital, Jingyi fell into deep meditation, and her heart gradually filled with sadness. Driving a car wandering in the neon-studded road, but unconsciously came to the "Wild Rose Club", and the orange font became clearer in the dark night. She was so stuffy that she simply stopped the car by the roadside, pulled off the silver rubber band on her head, and let the big dark brown curls loose. She grabbed her hair twice with her hand to make them look more fluffy, and her body flashed and disappeared into the light of the "Wild Rose Club".

She walked to the bar and smiled charmingly at the bartender: "A glass of bloody Mary."

The bartender is a white-skinned and curly-haired foreign guy. He said "OK" in poor Chinese and began to mix Bloody Mary. The bartender's movements were very sharp. After a while, a bloody Mary full of tomato juice and vodka appeared in front of Jingyi. Jingyi picked up the glass, turned around and swallowed gently, closing her eyes to feel the slight spiciness of tomato juice and the stimulation of vodka.

"Miss, are you alone?"

Jingyi put down the glass, glanced at the middle-aged man who was accosted coldly, and continued to pick up the glass to drink. The middle-aged man obviously did not give up. He moved the stool, came to Jingyi's side, and smiled flatteringly: "Miss, why do you have to refuse people for thousands of miles? As the saying goes, it's fate to meet."

"How much is your monthly salary?" Jingyi held the wine glass, and the cold question stunned the slightly astringent middle-aged man: "What do you mean, Miss?"

Jingyi smiled enchantingly: "I only like rich men." The middle-aged man smiled brightly and left with a wine glass with some embarrassment... Jingyi sneered and raised the corners of his mouth.

"A wealth?" Lei Shaochen sat elegantly beside her with a glass of black whisky. Rulan's breath spit in her ear, which was warm and seductive. He smiled charmingly: "I think it's rich."

Jingyi's body couldn't help trembling. The familiar voice made her heart suddenly tighten, but her face was still charming. Her eyes were full of spring and her pretty face. She looked at him provocatively and laughed, "We met again. Why are you interested in me?"

Lei Shaochen's thin lips were close to her earlobe and almost bit her ear: "Do you dare to go out with me now?" His masculine breath lingered in Jingyi's ear, making her slightly dizzy, not to say whether it was the effect of alcohol or because of this man...

Jingyi smiled, looked at him with bright eyes, and gently covered his lips with his white and slender hand. Suddenly, the other hand reached under the bar, quickly touched the root of his thigh, gently grabbed it, and laughed: "Lei Shao, I think you still don't meet the requirements. !" After saying that, he grabbed the bloody Mary on the bar and sent it to her lips. She looked at Lei Shaochen like a goblin and swallowed the wine in the glass... From beginning to end, she didn't frown!

At the end, he gently swept his red lips with the back of his hand, gently imprinted his green finger, and then threw it again, and a kiss hit Lei Shaochen... Looking at Lei Shaochen's stunned expression, she stepped on the cat and left happily... It seems to be drunk but not drunk, and it is seductive...

Suddenly, at the corner, a figure hugged her from behind. Suddenly, her shoulders were pushed and her back against the cold wall. Before she could take action, her lips had been kissed hotly! She knew that it was him. His unique breath made her intoxicated and chaotic, and her brain buzzed. She obediently hooked his neck and responded enthusiastically. Lei Shaochen became more and more dissatisfied, and the swelling of his lower body and the desire in his mind expanded like a balloon... He stopped kissing, squatted slightly, picked up the enchanting woman and walked towards his car. The night breeze was slightly cool and brushed her ear. She suddenly felt excited, kicked her feet, her body rotated, and fell firmly on the ground. She smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I have something else to do. See you later!" After saying that, he stepped on high heels and went away. The sound of "cluck, cluck" became clearer in the night. Step by step, it seemed to step on his heart, making his heart throb inexplicably.