President, be careful of love

Chapter 228 The Power of Women

Jingyi was wondering for the first time whether this would be Lei Shaochen's prank. The last time, he also robbed the children in the playground. Will this be repeated this time? Thinking of this, she immediately called Lei Shaochen and accused him with a very harsh tone, but Lei Shaochen was even more anxious than her after understanding the reason. She threatened to rush to her house immediately and let her wait at home. She called Ye Lixin again in a panic. Not long after, the two men arrived at her house, and the atmosphere at home suddenly became tense. The two men kept calling and doing their best to investigate. Chen Qing cried and talked about what happened today...

Early this morning, when she took the children to the gate of the park, she happened to meet Yuxuan and Ziqi. They all knew each other, so they made an appointment to play together. All day, Qianqian and Chenchen followed the two little adults to have a good time. Seeing that it was getting dark, she was worried that the children would be hungry, so she proposed to go to the catering department to buy some food for the children. The children are cushioned on their stomachs. Finally, Yuxuan was worried that she couldn't buy snacks and drinks, so he took the initiative to ask to accompany her. Ziqi and the two children queued up to play the jumping machine. Originally, everything was very smooth, but who knew that just when the jumping machine was about to start, the two staff of the routine security check took Qianqian and Chenchen down. At the beginning Qi thought that the children were too young to play with this large jumper, so she didn't think about it elsewhere. Soon, the jumper started, and she found that something was wrong. The two staff members ignored the children's struggle and ran to the crowded place. Ziqi shouted anxiously on the jumper, but the people who played the jumper were shouting crazily, and no one noticed her abnormality. When she got off the jumping machine, she was modest. And Chenchen has disappeared...

"Jingyi, I'm sorry, if I don't go away, maybe such a thing won't happen..." Chen Qing had already scared the six gods and shook slightly with Jingyi's hand. Jingyi patted her gently on the shoulder and comforted her, "Mom, don't blame yourself too much. These people are prepared and won't give up until they reach their goals. We have to calm down and investigate carefully. I believe we will find the children!"

"But... The children must be very hungry after playing all day... What should we do, Yi Tang, what should we do? Chen Qingyuguang left Chen Yitang and came in from the door, hurriedly looking at him for help, praying for support from him.

Chen Yitang silently walked to her, stretched out his hand to dry her tears, looked calmly at the busy men on both sides, and slowly took Chen Qing into his arms.

"Do you have any eyebrows?" He looked at Jingyi, shaking his head and looked solemnly.

Suddenly, her mobile phone rang. She immediately took out her mobile phone and saw a text message and opened it without hesitation. It turned out to be a message sent by Du Rufeng: the child was kidnapped by Zhang Ruila and wanted to know where they were. She asked Major General Lei to give up 60% of the shares of Lei's Group, and then transferred all the people of the Panther. Move to Italy, otherwise, I can't guarantee whether the children will see the sun tomorrow!

After reading the text message, her heart suddenly sank, and her face changed slightly. She raised her worried eyes, but found that Lei Shaochen and Ye Lixin were staring at her.

"From the kidnapper?" Ye Lixin raised her eyebrows and asked. Jingyi nodded and handed him the mobile phone. Ye Lixin took the mobile phone and couldn't help frowning. His fingers couldn't help clenching his mobile phone. Lei Shaochen's face darkened, grabbed the mobile phone in his hand, and looked carefully at the text message... After only a minute's hesitation, he decisively took out his mobile phone and called Secretary You: "Secretary You, I will draw up the 60% share agreement of Lei's Group, and I'll get it in half an hour."

Jingyi looked at him intently and gently advised: "Actually, you don't need to..."

"I have my own moderation!" After saying that, he began to call again. The phone rang twice and was answered by the other party. Lei Shaochen said harshly, "Huasheng, inform all members of the Black Panther to move to Italy within tonight."

"Lei Shao, what happened?" Hua Sheng couldn't help frowning.

"You arrange it right away!" Lei Shaochen shouted harshly, and Hua Sheng had to say, "I know."

Ye Lixin quietly watched Lei Shaochen arrange everything decisively. His heart gradually became clear, and a trace of self-deprecating flashed in his eyes. Although it was fleeting, it still exposed the bitterness in his heart. However, now everyone is worried, no one has noticed his expression, and no one knows what is hidden in his inner world...

After Lei Shaochen arranged all this, he found that everyone was staring at him. His cold look had not changed, and his cold eyes were serious: "Qianqian and Chenchen are my children!" Even if he has worked hard all his life, he will rescue them!

Everyone saw determination and decisiveness in his eyes, and even more deeply fatherly love. Jingyi's heart moved and his eyes were slightly moist. He really loved the children... However, Du Rufeng and Zhang Ruila are too arrogant! Do you want to seize the power of City A and turn the world around on your own? Is it too self-righteous? Not to mention that the secret door will not listen to his dispatch, even if he really has the strength to control the secret door, there are many gangs large and small in A city, how can he control the whole situation? Unless...

She seemed to suddenly think of something and looked at Lei Shaochen doubtfully: "Shaochen, you can't transfer the power of the Panther to Italy, so that the whole A city will be empty!"


"Didn't you notice that A City is a little too quiet during this period?"

"You mean Du Rufeng controlled other forces?"

Jingyi nodded and said, "I'm afraid so!"

"Ding Ding, Ding Ding." Du Rufeng's text message came from her mobile phone again: "Don't play tricks!"

She looked at the house in shock, and the alarm bell rang in her heart! He immediately ran to the window and pulled the curtains, and then raised his mobile phone to show everyone.

Everyone nodded tacitly and reached a common consciousness: a eavesdropper was installed in the room in advance.

Jingyi pressed her mobile phone and typed a line: Shaochen, Mingxiu plank road, secretly crossing Chencang.

Lei Shaochen hesitated for a few seconds and nodded.

Jingyi thought about it and sent a text message back to Du Rufeng: We can give you everything you want, but before that, I want to make sure that the children are safe. Can you prove this to us?

Soon, Du Rufeng's reply came, which was an MMS message. In the photo, Qianqian and Chen Chen were tied and squatting in the corner of the wall.

"Shaochen, look, the woman next to you..." Jingyi frowned and pointed to the woman who was tied next to Qianqian, and his eyebrows suddenly raised: "How can there be a woman?"

Lei Shaochen stared at the woman in the photo and said, "I guess it's another weapon they use to threaten others."

"Don't you think she looks a little familiar?" Jingyi stared at the woman in the photo with burning eyes and always felt familiar.

Lei Shaochen raised his sword eyebrows and answered coldly: "My eyes are blindfolded and I can't see the whole face clearly. How can I feel familiar with my face? Don't be suspicious. It's more meaningful to find a way to save the children."

After saying that, Lei Shao Nachen motioned Jingyi to send the photo to the dragon wing and asked him to analyze the flaws in the photo!

Jingyi said calmly, "No need." After a few seconds of silence, he said, "I'll go out and contact you by phone." As soon as he finished speaking, he also walked out of the door.

As soon as she went out, she was followed. She drove an Audi sports car and staged a racing scene on the highway. Finally, she successfully dumped her follower and twisted the steering wheel at the next highway intersection. The car entered the hidden path and galloped along the path. Finally, the car steadily stopped at a cabin in the secluded forest. She Jumping out of the car, she walked to the back of the cabin, turned on the power generation device, and started the generator. She flashed back to the room, opened the computer in the room, logged in to the secret door system, and then connected the mobile phone to the computer with a special data cable, transmitted the photos sent by Du Rufeng to her to the computer, and started the secret door reading and writing department. The machine runs quickly, highlighting all the details in the photo one by one: in the photo, the children are locked in a simple cabin, the top of the cabin cracks a corner, and the jungle outside can be seen from the cracked corner, and then the location is judged according to the shape of the leaves and the situation of the starry sky, as well as the light and dark light... .

The dark door reading and writing system runs quickly. At the same time, she starts the satellite navigation system, and more than 150 matching locations suddenly appear on the computer screen. If all foreign locations are excluded, there are 23 domestic matching locations remaining, and a total of three in City A, including those near City A, are swamps. Zeshan, rugged forest, Zhangmu Cave.

These three places are all densely forested. Among them, the swamp mountains are tall and full of thorns. The most frightening thing is the unpredictable swamps. The swamps of the swamps are different from other places. Due to the special geology here, the geological surface in the mountain forest changes rapidly. The first second is a solid stone land, and the next second , it may become a Swamp that swallows people without blinking. This place is so strange that it is impossible for Du Rufeng to burn himself and temporarily exclude this place.

And the rugged forest, as the name implies, is a very rugged mountain forest, which is full of strange trees and grasses, especially famous for poisonous herb-eating trees. Even if you can avoid the attacks of many flowers and plants, in the depths of the rugged forest, there are also many tiger-headed poisonous bees, which are so stung that they are very easy to cause physical allergic reactions, causing blood pressure to drop until rest. Ke is life-threatening.

Zhangmu Cave is not a camphor forest, but it is full of danger. Several towering peaks are adjacent to each other. Between the peaks is a deep cliff, and the bottom of the cliff or strange rocks are forested, or bottomless, or the sea area connected to City A.

Because this place is the closest to City A and close to the sea, there are often adventure teams exploring in the jungle, but most of them have never returned. The government has sent people to patrol the edge of the sea many times to prohibit explorers from entering, but explorers are always full of tricks and avoid heavy guards. Level, enter this dangerous place.

Jingyi frowned and stared at the enlarged photos on the computer screen, but couldn't grasp where the children were most likely? Maybe these places are not, and the secret door reading and writing system is not 100% accurate.

When she hesitated, the secret door system came in:

Baihuaer: Head, the latest news, the woman of Thomas in Yamaguchi was kidnapped.

Mengzui West Building: Is it true or not?

White flower: more true than pearls! Head, Thomas is offering a huge reward! Shall we answer?

Ximen Blows Water: Make money? ( Golden light in the eyes)

Hone-eyed pig: I took this job for the head. Who will do it for me?

I love heavy taste: Thomas's woman? I like...

Hot hands destroy flowers: Shit, it's such a coincidence that my son happened to be kidnapped.

White flower: Head, such a coincidence? Is it swollen today?

One-eyed pig: Head, what are the eyebrows?

Hot hands destroy flowers: swamp mountains, rugged forests, Zhangmu Cave.

I love heavy taste: it's all good places! Wow, for the sake of women, don't be afraid...

Ximen blowing water: Heavy taste, you really don't like women. If you are the only one left in the world, can you still live?

I love heavy taste: without women, what else can I live? I'll find a piece of tofu and kill it.

Hot hands destroy flowers: Everyone, back to the topic, the building is crooked.

One-eyed pig: Head, I won't go to hell. Who will go to hell needs me to tell me.

Westgate Blows Water: Don't forget me!

Meng Zui Xilou: Wait, I'm going to prepare wine!

Baihuaer: Xilou, you are always drunk, be careful of being targeted by heavy flavors!

Mengzui Xilou: Heavy taste, do you like me?

I love heavy taste: it's hard to say!

Everyone fainted.

The joke is not a joke. After the adjustment, everyone goes offline, prepare the equipment, and is ready to go!