President, be careful of love

Chapter 229 Blood-stained Chapter Wooden Cave

Jingyi came out of the cabin. It was already midnight. She stretched lazily, yawned, and drove around the three places of the swamp mountain, the rugged forest and Zhangmu Cave overnight. Then she dragged her tired body to the house. When she got home, she accidentally found that everyone had not slept all night. There are more dragon wings and Zhang Yimo.

"Jingyi, where have you been all night? Have you investigated the whereabouts of the child? Chen Qing looked at her with a worried face, and her eyes were full of red blood. Jingyi nodded gently. Just as she wanted to open her mouth, she remembered the problem of the eavesdropper and immediately stopped. Lei Shaochen probably guessed her worries and reminded her bluntly: "The eavesdropper has been transferred."

Jingyi nodded thoughtfully, and then Chen Qing's topic went down: "After analysis, Qianqian and Chenchen are most likely to be one of the three places in the swamp mountain, rugged forest and Zhangmudong." After saying that, she paused and added, "The swamp mountain is too dangerous to be ruled out for the time being."

After listening to Jingyi's words, Chen Qing couldn't help shaking: "These places are so dangerous and terrible. I'm afraid... Qian'er, Chen'er... Grandma, I'm sorry..."

"Mom, you don't have to worry. Qianqian and Chenchen must be fine. Don't you remember? Qianqian has made martial arts movies. What scenes have he never seen? They will definitely save themselves. Dad, you can go to have a rest with your mother first, and Shaochen and I will deploy it.

"This..." Chen Yitang looked down at Chen Qing in his arms and nodded slightly: "Well, call me immediately if there is anything!"

"Ye, I know."

After Chen Yitang helped Chen Qing into the house, several people gathered together to discuss how to rescue. Long Yi sat in front of the computer to check the information. Suddenly, he shouted excitedly to the crowd, "I know where Du Rufeng hid the children!"

Everyone gathered around, and turned the screen of the notebook to everyone. Everyone stared at the screen and looked at it carefully. After reading it, everyone knew that Du Rufeng was the vice president of the Folk Exploration Association. He once led an expedition team to explore Zhangmu Cave for six days and six nights, and returned intact. This is exploring The dangerous world has always been a myth, and as the captain, he is even more popular in the exploration world. Many explorers found him and wanted to hire him as a guide to enter the unknown world of Zhangmudong with a lot of money, but he refused one by one. Of course, his high posture and arrogance stimulated those competitive explorers. They exhausted a lot of trouble to avoid the pursuit of guards and enter Zhangmu Cave, but there has been no message from then on.

At this time, a unique prompt sound came from Jingyi's mobile phone. She quietly stepped back a few steps and logged in to the secret door system to receive information:

White Flower: Head, the latest news, Thomas' woman is trapped in Zhangmu Cave.

Hot hand destroying flowers: Let me show you a picture...

I love heavy taste: your son is so pink...

Simon Blows Water: Your son and Thomas's woman were tied up at the same time?

White Flower: Is the woman in the photo Thomas' wife?

Ximen blows water: Exactly!

The one-eyed pig: Are they in Zhangmu Cave? Really?

Mengzui West Tower: Isn't it Du Rufeng's mastermind?

I love heavy taste: how can I see it?

Mengzui West Tower: Under the whole world, Du Rufeng can retreat from Zhangmu Cave.

Ximen blowing water: in a treacherous smile...

Hot hands destroy flowers: blowing water, have you ever been there?

West Gate Blows Water: Pass by.

I love heavy taste: Ximen blows water, I can't see that you are so awesome.

Westgate blowing water: shy... Heavy taste, don't worship your brother.

Bai Huaer: Ximen blows the water, and you are the leader of this operation.

Ximen blowing water: OK, I'll give you ten minutes to write a will.

I love heavy taste: panic... I hope I can break the virginity before I die!

Hone-eyed pig: vomited...

Hot hands destroy flowers: Everyone, prepare well, white flowers, you are responsible for contacting Thomas...

White Flower: OK.

Westgate blows water: Half an hour later, we will meet at the joint location.

After Jingyi exited the dark door system, she squeezed her lips and said solemnly to the crowd, "Half an hour later, the dark door is ready to go straight to Zhangmu Cave. Shaochen, what are your plans?"

Lei Shaochen meditated and looked over from Jingyi's perspective. He happened to see his deep and three-dimensional side face, which emitted a strong and resolute breath in the light.

He frowned slightly, and his calm face did not show joy or anger, but what he said was full of iron bones: "Jingyi, I'm responsible for taking people into Zhangmu Cave to rescue, and you answer on the periphery."

Jingyi immediately understood what he meant. However, although Zhangmudong is dangerous, she will not be afraid, let alone shrink back. She raised her eyebrows and looked at his eyes: "I must go in. We have no room for discussion about this issue!" Besides, someone here has been to Zhangmu Cave!"

"Little sister, has anyone really been in?" The dragon wing sword raised its eyebrows and was quite interested.

Jingyi nodded: "At that time, you will enter through the Ming Road, and we will land directly in the sky."

"Airplane?" Longyi frowned and said thoughtfully, "As far as I know, all the air routes in City A will avoid Zhangmu Cave. Although there is no data indicating that there are turbulence or strange magnetic fields over here, you are so rash..."

Jingyi smiled calmly: "Since there is no official data, why should we worry about the sky?" In addition, many of the legends about Zhangmu Cave are untrustworthy.

Ye Lixin, who had never spoken, suddenly interrupted: "Jingyi, I'll go with you."

Jingyi paused and nodded solemnly: "Okay."

The sky has turned white, and the brilliance of the sun is faintly visible...

Jingyi took Ye Lixin to the suburbs of City A. In a remote place in the suburbs of City A, a helicopter was parked there, waiting to fly. After Jingyi and Ye Lixin jumped on the plane, the helicopter made a roaring sound, cutting through the tranquility of the morning and rising against the dawn light...

20 minutes later, the helicopter arrived over Zhangmu Cave. Everyone was carrying parachutes and standing at the rear window, ready to land...

"One, two, three... Jump!" As soon as Jingyi's words fell, seven figures jumped down from the helicopter, and the wind roared in his ear. Jingyi pressed the button decisively, and the parachute slowly dispersed in the air, like scattered flowers slowly falling towards the morning light...

When flying above, the sky is bright and can land in the woods of Zhangmu Cave. The dense woods tower into the clouds, blocking the sun's rays. The forest is dim, and the calls of animals can be faintly heard. When breathing, it feels quite humid.

Bai Huaer took out the compass to indicate the direction for a long time, and said slowly, "Damn, this compass has failed!"

Ximen blowing water: "The compass doesn't work here." While Ximen was blowing the water and talking, a pair of peach blossom eyes seemed to sweep around, pointing to the front and saying, "Go in this direction!"

Jingyi nodded, and everyone walked forward in the direction pointed by the west gate blowing water...


"Oh, listen to me, what's the sound?" I was wary of pricking my ears to distinguish the sound carefully. Suddenly, his look changed greatly: "No, tiger-headed bee!"

Everyone's look has changed!

The one-eyed pig vigilantly put his hand on his waist and raised his eyebrows: "Shouldn't the tiger-headed bee be in the rugged forest? Why did you come here?"

Ye Lixin interrupted: "I'm afraid someone did it deliberately!"

Mengzui Xilou stared at the front with bloodthirsty eyes: "Kill!"

"Wait!" Jingyi shouted harshly: "Don't use guns and ammunition, use knives!" So as not to scare the snake!

Everyone pulled out the snowy knife from the boots, but when everyone saw the tiger-headed bee coming from the side, they were stunned, and Mengzui Xilou wiped his eyes, showing panic!

Thousands of tiger heads swarmed in black, like a giant falling from the sky!

They waved the bright blade, and the black bodies fell down from under the blade one after another. However, the new body fell down and the back was repaired. After several people were killed for a while, their physical strength gradually became weak. Ximen blew the water and gasped and shouted, "Everyone is ready to wear masks and release the smoke, but Then we retreated from the left front! I counted to three, and everyone ran quickly, one, two, three, run..." Ximen pulled his hand from his waist, his fingers bounced open the cork, and the anesthetic waved out of the bottle. The fierce flying tiger-headed bee gradually fell. Everyone took this opportunity to run forward desperately and ran for about half an hour. When they came to a suspension bridge, everyone stopped and gasped!

"Head, look!" Bai Huaer pointed to the peak opposite the suspension bridge and said, "There is smoke on it!"

"Like the smoke of firewood!"

"This proves that the hostage is on the opposite peak!"

Jingyi looked in the direction pointed by Bai Huaer. Sure enough, when she saw the signs of cooking smoke, she was anxious and was about to run to the suspension bridge. Before she stepped on the suspension bridge, her body was suddenly dragged by Ye Lixin: "There is something wrong with this suspension bridge!"

"What?" Everyone is puzzled. This suspension bridge is good. How can there be a problem?

"If there is no problem with this suspension bridge, what is the white dot above the tip of the tree below? You can see it clearly with a telescope!" As Ye Lixin spoke, she handed the telescope in her hand to Bai Huaer, who was closest to him. Bai Huaer picked up the telescope and looked at it, and her body couldn't help shaking.

"The white dot we see is actually the wreckage..." Bai Huaer said with lingering heart.

Ye Lixin took the opportunity to explain: "This kind of suspension bridge is called a deadly suspension bridge. The two ends of the bridge are normal, but in the middle of the bridge, it adopts a transparent material structure and adopts an discontinuous pattern in the design, which means that part of the middle is hollow and part of it is continuous, but it is difficult for us to clearly with the naked eyes alone. Judging which part is hollow and that part is continuous..."

"Then what should we do? Just give up like this?" I like to interrupt Ye Lixin's words in a hurry.

Ye Lixin took a look at my heavy taste and raised the corners of her lips: "That's not necessarily true. As long as you walk to the middle of the bridge, grab the hanging rope on the side and step on the corner rope on the bottom side."

"You mean we are going to walk like a tightrope? But the bridge is so long that the middle part must be very shaking..." Mengzui Xilou pointed out the problem thoughtfully.

"Your analysis is very reasonable, so only two people are allowed to pass through this bridge at a time, and these two people should cooperate well and maintain a considerable sense of balance..." Ye Lixin added.

"No, it takes too long for two people to walk through this bridge!" Jingyi resolutely refused: "I think it's good. Four people set off at the same time and went to the middle of the bridge. Two people stopped next to each other and tried to stay still, and the other two passed at the same time..."

"Time is tight, that's all." Ye Lixin thought for a moment and agreed with Jingyi.

In the first round, Jingyi and Baihua, Ye Lixin and the one-eyed pig.

The two people held hands and kept moving forward at the same pace. Sure enough, when the bridge was interrupted, the bridge seemed to suddenly break. They couldn't see the bridge board. Looking down, it was a bottomless cliff... Jingyi's heart trembled, and Ye Lixin frowned and reminded them: "Don't look down, look straight ahead..."

Jingyi tried to bite her teeth secretly and nodded. The suspension bridge shook slightly. Bai Huaer reached out and grabbed Jingyi's shoulder and took a soft breath.

The two looked very solemn. They looked closely at the thin wire-like rope on the soles of their feet and inhaled secretly. It turned out that Ye Lixin only guessed half right. The middle section of the bridge is indeed transparent and discontinuous and hollow, but there is no hemp rope at the bottom of the visible side, replaced by a rope as thin as steel wire...

I don't know how this rope is as thin as steel wire.

The two women frowned, but they didn't dare to take the first step...

Bai Huaer suddenly turned around and asked Ye Lixin, "Mr. Ye, I think we might as well grab the handrail rope above and climb over..."

Ye Lixin looked stiff and said fiercely, "None!"

Jingyi and Baihua are very puzzled.

Ye Lixin then told the whole point: "The most powerful place of this deadly suspension bridge is here. As long as anyone is strong enough, it is not a problem at all to climb along the hemp rope, but the problem is here: this is a special hemp rope. The hemp rope matched with the hollow suspension bridge feels slippery. Under normal circumstances, if The human body put all the weight on the hand. As soon as the hand slips and can't grasp it steadily, it will fall. That's why we must step on the rope..."

"Mr. Ye, how do you know so clearly?" White flowers can't help but be suspicious.

Ye Lixin sighed: "The design of this suspension bridge is from a friend of my world. At that time, when he designed it, he asked me to see the design. Only then did I know the uniqueness of this suspension bridge. If we want to pass the suspension bridge, we have to take risks."

After listening to Ye Lixin's words, Jingyi stabilized her mind and said to Bai Huaer, "Bai Hua, let's do what Li Xin said. I believe that this difficulty will not be difficult for us!" Bai Huaer nodded. The two looked at each other tacitly and took the first step at the same time. The two walked forward carefully, like walking on thin ice. At each step, they paused for about ten steps. Jingyi's hand suddenly slipped, and her whole body was tilted and was about to fall down. Bai Huaer was shocked and stretched out her hand to grab her, but she did not Ye Lixin, who was looking at it not far away, couldn't wait to give birth to a pair of wings and fly to save her! Fortunately, in the process of falling, she quickly grabbed the string at the bottom. The string was extremely sharp and immediately touched the flesh on her palm, and the blood was dense... Bai Huaer looked at her in shock and shouted anxiously, "Head!"

Jingyi sweated with pain, but suddenly gritted her teeth and said, "I'm fine. Keep moving forward!"

Bai Huaer hesitated a little, and Jingyi said in a low voice, "If you don't want me to bleed more, just go!" As soon as she finished speaking, she took the lead in stretching out her hand and climbing forward. Bai Huaer held back her tears and closely matched her movements...

Fortunately, this transparent bridge was only 50 meters away. When she reached the opaque bridge, Baihua jumped to it and stretched out her hand to pull Jingyi. After pulling it up, she saw that her hands were full of blood and could hardly find a perfect place. Her heart suddenly became sore, suddenly hugged Jingyi and nodded to Ye Lixin and the one-eyed pig in the distance. . The two of them walked forward decisively and soon climbed to another peak.