The president's runaway wife

Chapter 5 Digging

In the morning, the morning wind blows gently and the temperature is not high. This was a good time to sleep in, but Ning Xue was awakened by the shouting at the door.

With complaints about the noisy people outside, she took her slippers and walked out of the door. Before he walked to the yard, Zhuang Mucheng ran over in a hurry. Xiaoxue, something happened!"

What's the matter in the early morning? Earthquake or flash flood? Even so, you shouldn't disturb others to sleep. Ning Xue turned around in a daze and wanted to walk to the room again.

"Are you still sleeping? I told you something." Zhuang Mucheng pulled her back.

Ning Xue gave him a white eye, "Isn't it up to you to solve something wrong in your territory? It's none of my business!"

"Your Junzi dug other people's graves. Now, there are a lot of people around the door to ask you for an explanation! Do you think it's none of your business?" Zhuang Mucheng looked like he had nothing to do with himself. He wants to see how this cousin will treat her maid?

Ning Xue was stunned. What does that guy do to dig other people's graves? Her hobby is horrible! Looking at Zhuang Mucheng with a helpless face in disbelief, she walked to the door of the courtyard angrily.

Seeing Ning Xue coming out, the group of people at the door suddenly became much quieter. A woman in her fifties wiped her tears, pointed to Chunzi, who was on the edge of the courtyard wall and lowered her head, and cried to Ning Xue: "Xiao Xue, I heard that she is from your family? You have to make the decision for the fifth aunt!"

staring at Chunzi angrily, Ning Xue turned her head and said to the woman, "Five aunt, don't worry, say it slowly."

"Xiao Xue, my mother-in-law has been buried there for decades and hasn't provoked anyone. Isn't it that the little girl dug her grave without asking the reason?

Although the woman is wiping her tears, her belly full of anger still appears on her wrinkled face.

Pulling Chunzi, who had been lowering his head, Ning Xue tried her best to suppress her heart, but she still roared angrily, "Why do you want to dig other people's graves? What on earth are you thinking?"

Chunzi looked at Ning Xue timidly and replied softly, "Yesterday, I saw that the young lady was reluctant to look at the tree root and knew that the young lady liked it, so I wanted to get it back for the young lady. Who knows, the root of the tree has penetrated into the grave..."

My head hurts so much! How did you meet such a person? Did the old man deliberately let her be angry with me? Ning Xue stared at Chunzi with black lines and wanted to turn back and continue to sleep. However, these people knew that Chunzi was her person. If they didn't deal with this matter, they were afraid that the villagers would not let Chunzi go. Everyone knows that the dead are big. Shaving people's graves is not only disrespectful to the dead, but also an insult to the living. She knows the stakes of this matter.

Just as she was worried about how to deal with Chunzi's aftermath, Mr. Zhuang and Zhuang Mucheng walked to the edge of Ning Xue. Looking at the angry neighbors in front of him, Mr. Zhuang said sincerely, "On behalf of these two children, I apologize to you. Now that it has happened, I think it's good. Let's find someone to choose a day to repair the old man's grave. The cost or something will be paid by our family. His fifth aunt, what do you think?

"The old village head has said something, what else can we say? In fact, we didn't come here to embarrass Xiao Xue. We are not ungrateful people. We are really grateful to Xiaoxue for repairing the road for us. The fifth aunt said with feelings.

Ning Xue stepped forward seriously and bowed deeply. I'm sorry, I didn't care about her. This will never happen again.

In the face of Ning Xue's sincere apology and getting an explanation, she didn't want to make things difficult for her villagers and left with relief.

Send off the villagers, Ning Xue rushed into the house, quickly ran out with a bag, stuffed it in Chunzi's hand, and roared sharply, "Get out of here immediately!" I shouldn't have taken you in yesterday!"

"Miss, I'm sorry, don't drive me away."

Junzi looked at her pitifully, with deep regret in her eyes. If you had known that it would cause trouble, you should not have made a claim.

"Get out of here now! I don't want to see the dead old man!"

Ning Xue pushed Chunzi out of the door with a shady face. He also said that he came to take care of me and protect me, which was obviously to frame me! Such a person should not let her sway behind her tail all day long.

Mr. Zhuang pulled Ning Xue back and criticized her with little consent: "Why did you scold your father like this? No matter how wrong he is, he is your father, which is a fact that can never be changed. Grandpa doesn't allow you to be stubborn like your mother!"

Speaking of his daughter, the old man is very helpless. He doesn't want this only granddaughter to be as grumpy as her. He only hopes that his granddaughter will always be happy.

After looking at her grandfather and reluctantly laughing, Ning Xue still stared at Chunzi with anger.

Zhuang Mucheng, who had not spoken on the sidelines, spoke. Xiaoxue, let her stay! Isn't her starting point for you? Besides, you haven't had any sisters since you were a child, just think of yourself as an extra sister.

"I don't want to see her!" Ning Xue protested.

Zhuang Mucheng immediately said, "This is easy to do! She doesn't follow you. Otherwise, stay away from you so far away that you can't see her.

Just as she was about to say no, Ning Xue found a trace of tension between Zhuang Mucheng's eyebrows. Isn't Zhuang Mucheng enlightened by this monk about men and women? Swallowing, she deliberately said slowly, "I--"

Sure enough, Zhuang Mucheng's face changed to an anxious look and looked at Ning Xue's eyes, revealing the meaning of please.

With enough appetite, Ning Xue said, "Okay! She can stay. However, don't follow me! Zhuang Mucheng, you left her, and you have to control her by your side. Otherwise, I will still drive her away.

Mr. Zhuang ignored the young incident and turned back to the yard to continue to dance his sword.

Hearing Ning Xue say this, Zhuang Mucheng admired Ning Xue's understanding. It's worthy of being a family, and we have a little spiritual communication.


Yucheng, in the office of the president of "Yu"

The vibration of the mobile phone suddenly sounded. Looking at Yu Zhanpeng, who was in a daze with the dolphin wood carving on his desk, he woke up from a dream. He quickly took out his mobile phone, glanced at the number on it, and put it in his ear. Allen, what's the matter?

What did she call at this time? Yu Zhanpeng is a little curious.

In these days without Ning Xue's news, he learned to be in a daze and learn to stay somewhere quietly and miss that person. But does that person know how he is at the moment?

A soft female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Zhan Peng, Xiaoxue still has no news?"

"Hmm. I don't know where she went? This city has almost turned over, but I just can't find her.

Speaking of this, he felt uncomfortable. Why is such a big living person disappearing like this? Even if she is still angry, it's time to calm down these days. With her nature, she should retaliate against him with a knife. How can she be willing to be wronged like that? He would rather she come back with fists and feet as before, than when he wanted to see her, but he didn't know where she was?

"Zhan Peng, have you looked for Zhuang Yaqing?" There was another sound on the other end of the phone.

"I have found such an important place a long time ago. She's not there."

The other end of the phone was silent.

After a minute, they spoke again. Zhan Peng, go to the Falling Flower Village in Xiyan! If I guess correctly, Xiaoxue should be there!"

Yu Zhanpeng is a little surprised. How do you know she's there?

A long time ago, she paid unusual attention to Ning Xue. If Ning Xue is Ouyang Junqi's daughter, she should hate it. Why is she willing to protect her with her? Moreover, she seems to know more about Ning Xue than herself.

"It seems that it is more important to find Xiaoxue now." There was a soft smile at the other end of the phone, followed by only the "beep" sound.