The president's runaway wife

Chapter 6 Bite by a snake!

The mountains are shaded with green trees and low trees. From time to time, the soft mountain wind blows, and the intertwined tree leaves sounded with sand. This was originally a very beautiful picture, but Ning Xue, who had a plan, was not in this mood to stop and enjoy it.

In the morning, Zhuang Mucheng told her that the trees on the west mountain were lush and there must be good materials suitable for wood carving. At that time, I thought it was because he was afraid that he would hinder him from getting along with Chunzi, but now it seems that it is not true. There are many more trees on this mountain than the one I went to the other day. Her intuition told her that there was something she wanted.

Holding a small hoe and a saw, Ning Xue's eyes reflected in her painted eyes, like a hunter looking for a prey. The days of the Root Sculpture Competition are approaching, but she doesn't know where the materials she promised to find for Huo Guanyu are? This made her a little anxious.

Just wandering in the mountains for a long time, Ning Xue still couldn't find the materials that satisfied her. In fact, I still found a few materials for general engraving, but this time it is related to whether Huo Guanyu can win the championship, so I can't be careless. She must find a natural material for him that doesn't need to be modified too much. Just like she treats every competition as rigorously.

She leaned against a tree disappointedly and rested for a while before she began to look for it again. But until the sun was far west, she found nothing. In the past, her materials were purchased directly in the market, or Zhuang Mucheng sent them to Yucheng. This year, she was so bored that she decided to look for it by herself in the wild, but she really didn't expect that it would be so difficult to find a good material with not only good roots but also good wood.

Touching the sweat that kept oozing from her forehead, Ning Xue looked at the green mountains in distress. It's really strange. Why is there no dry tree root with a strange shape in such a big mountain? Do you want me to dig out the roots of each tree? Now they have been ordered to return the farmland to the forest. There should be no one to collect firewood on this mountain, and there are many dead trees! Will it be easy to find a little if you come back in winter?

Although the mountain is not as hot as the bottom of the mountain, the mosquitoes in the woods still make Ning Xue a little unbearable. After searching for a long time, she sighed and walked down the mountain with her tools. Because she was hungry, in order to go down the mountain as soon as possible, she did not return along the original road that she had been wandering for a long time. After all, she is not willing to go back empty-handed.

bypassing a boulder, Ning Xue, who was originally a little frustrated, was surprised to find that on the edge of the boulder, there was a cypress tree withered and slanted on the stone. Its roots had been tilted from the ground, and many roots were exposed to the ground.

Of course, Ning Xue was surprised by the roots. From the loose soil, it is faintly visible that it is somewhat twisted, shaped like a tree root with an upside down head. If you take it back for processing and modification, the root of the tree is definitely a good work of art.

After searching for a long time, I finally found a more satisfactory tree root, and Ning Xue came to my spirits. He put down the hoe, held the saw, and quickly cut off the tree trunk. Before she could wipe the sweat from her face, she picked up the hoe to dig out the soil around the tree roots.

I don't know whether she is happy or her energy is good. In no time, the cypress root appeared intact in front of her. After observation, she selected several main roots and the roots of accessories, and quickly took the approximate prototype set in her heart with a saw.

After doing this, she breathed a sigh of relief and raised her hand to wipe off the sweat that was about to fall into her eyes.

After a short break, she stood on the edge of the dug pit, pulling the root of the tree and dragging it out. Who would have thought that as soon as the tree roots were dragged out, the soil under his feet loosened, the whole person lost his center of gravity, and his body quickly fell back.

With a crack, Ning Xue fell between two small trees. Turning her head and looking at the roots beside her, she patted her chest with relief. Fortunately, it didn't break, otherwise this fall would be in vain.

She quickly got up and patted the soil on her body. She dragged the root of the tree and walked forward.

Suddenly, there was a pain in the calf, as if there was a "rustling" sound. Ning Xue lowered her head alertly and saw a reddish-brown tail flashing through the fallen leaves.

Bending down and looking at the two small teeth marks on her calves, Ning Xue panicked and cried on one face. Oh my God! I was bitten by a snake!" Didn't you say that snakes won't take the initiative to attack people? Why did you still bite me? Did I step on it? Why is it so unlucky?

However, after complaining, Ning Xue quickly calmed down. Whether the snake is poisonous or not, she feels that she still needs to give herself first aid. She doesn't want to leave her life in this barren mountain. Stretching her legs, she tried to suck out the venom with her mouth, but she tried twice, but still couldn't reach it. So, she quickly untied the shoelace, bit one end of the strap with her mouth, and firmly tied it five centimeters away from her heart.

After doing this, she stood up, threw away the tools she brought, dragged the roots of the tree and quickly walked down the mountain. At this moment, she knows in her heart that only when she goes to the hospital can she know if she is poisoned? The reason why she thinks of the hospital is that she doesn't know whether her grandfather will relieve snake poison?

After waiting at home for a long time, he didn't see Ning Xue come back. Chunzi couldn't help but be a little worried. No matter whether Zhuang Mucheng agreed or not, he took him to the mountain where Ning Xue was located and found him.

Seeing that the car was still at the foot of the mountain and knowing that she was still on the mountain, Chunzi left Zhuang Mucheng and ran to the mountain, calling the young lady in his mouth.

"Xiao Xue is over there!"

Zhuang Mucheng ran in the opposite direction of Junzi. Originally, he thought that he was still a little relaxed when he saw Ning Xue, but when he had been studying medicine for many years, he couldn't help but worry when he saw that her pace was a little floating. However, he only thought that she had been in the mountains for a long time and had a heatstroke.

Chunzi, who turned around at the sound, was also anxious to see Zhuang Mucheng running over quickly and ran to Ning Xue.

"You look so pale. What's wrong?"

Zhuang Mucheng asked anxiously. When his clear eyes saw the strap on Ning Xue's arm, his eyes darkened.

After handing over the root of the tree in her hand, she said, "I'm going to the hospital. I just got bitten by a snake."

Hearing this, Zhuang Mucheng's heart sank and threw down the root of the tree in his hand. Fu Ningxue sat down on a stone on the side and just planned to squat down. Someone took a step faster than him and squatted at the feet of Ning Xue. It was Chunzi who followed him.

He lifted the feet of the trousers with two small holes and looked at her red and swollen calves. Chunzi did not hesitate to lean over her mouth and allowed/suck the wound.

"Junzi, get up, don't be so stupid. It may be poisonous."

Ning Xue, who has always had no good impression on Chunzi, looked at her behavior and felt very complicated. She can't say whether she is moved, grateful or guilty. My cousin is right. She is actually doing it for herself. What she did was wrong, but she should not doubt her intentions towards herself. It was a little harsh for her that day.

Taking advantage of Chunzi's venom, Zhuang Mucheng untied the shoelaces on Ning Xue's arm to avoid poor blood circulation and causing physical necrosis. After Chunzi inhaled the venom, he tied it back.

"Master, take the roots of the tree and I carry the young lady down the mountain. We have to take her to the hospital as soon as possible."

Before Chunzi finished speaking, he pulled the stunned Ning Xue on his back and steadily carried her down the mountain.

Looking at her thin body, Zhuang Muyuan wanted to tell her that their jobs would be exchanged. But seeing that she walked quickly with Ning Xue on her back, he had to swallow what he wanted to say, took the root of the tree on the ground and quickly followed.

On the way to Chunzi's drive back to the village, Zhuang Mucheng called Mr. Zhuang and told him about Ning Xue. Mr. Zhuang greeted them to rush home immediately. There was also a poison to relieve snake poison at home, which could continue the spread of the venom.

Hearing such news, Ning Xue just smiled. The burning pain in her calves and a little difficult breathing made her not in the mood to do more movements that reassure them.

Looking at her face getting worse and worse, Chunzi stepped on the accelerator. The car wanted to fly and rushed to the banker. Fortunately, this is a mountain village highway, and there are not many people passing by.

Before the car arrived at the door of the courtyard, they saw Mr. Zhuang standing outside the door with a medicine box in his arms, with a chair beside him.

Seeing the car coming, Mr. Zhuang's expression suddenly became nervous.

Before the car stopped, Zhuang Mucheng opened the door, took Ning Xue out of the car and put it on the chair next to Mr. Zhuang.

Mr. Zhuang did not neglect at all. He put down the medicine box and checked Ning Xue's injury. Looking at her rolled up her trousers and her small blistering calves, the old man's heart ached and his eyebrows were pulled together. Although his heart hurts, his hands are not idle, disinfected, drugged and handled disorderly.

Just when Mr. Zhuang was busy, Zhuang Mucheng took out the silver needle in the medicine box, moved skillfully and skillfully, and sealed several acupuncture points on Ning Xue's body to control blood circulation.

Chunzi, who was watching on the sidelines, widened her eyes and looked at Zhuang Mucheng with admiration. Is this the magical golden needle crossing the acupuncture point? That's awesome!

"Mucheng, hurry up and take Xue'er to the hospital. This snake venom is so powerful that our family's medicine can't solve it.

Mr. Zhuang said worriedly as he packed up the medicine box.

Zhuang Mucheng nodded seriously and bent down to pick up Ning Xue.

"Wait! I still have something to say!" Ning Xue, with a purple face, suddenly said.

The three people next to her looked at her puzzled and curiously, and wanted to hear what she wanted to say?

"Didn't my cousin know acupuncture? Can you confuse me with your silver needle? In that case, I won't feel so bad."

Ning Xue looked at Zhuang Mucheng holding her with expectation.

As soon as her words fell, Zhuang Mu explained: "I can't help you like this. I know you are very uncomfortable now, but when you get to the hospital, you have to describe the symptoms to the doctor. In addition, in this case, falling asleep will cause many unexpected complications.

With a disappointed flat mouth, Ning Xue took a deep breath and tried to endure the burning heat and pain in her calf.

Mr. Zhuang patted Ning Xue on the shoulder with pity and encouraged her speechlessly.

Just as Zhuang Mucheng turned to the car with Ning Xue in his arms, there was a "dudu" siren on the road leading to the entrance of the village in front of the door.

Following Zhuang Mucheng's surprised eyes, Ning Xue saw a familiar car and was driving towards them. In a painful state of mind, her heart warmed, and then the water mist that emerged blurred her eyes.