President went to the wrong bed

31 Warning Sojie

Yu Bo looked at everything here and knew what Li Xiaolu committed suicide for this time. I don't know what's going on now. Damn So Jie, go to hell.

One phone call went to another place. If you know how to do it, you can't make him too happy and can't die. You don't need to say it. There will be good benefits after it's done. He didn't say the word money, which is also something Yu Bo didn't want to say.

"Don't worry! The old method, but this time the method will be better, and the benefits will not be few at that time. The other one on the phone said loudly, also laughing.

"Don't worry! ~As long as you do a good job, you won't lose your share. After that, Yu Bo hung up the phone, and at the same time, he also went out without going to the operating room to wait for Li Xiaolu to leave there safely.

After a few hours, no matter what, the night will still be late and dark. Sojie, a beautiful woman on the left and right, kept hugging and smiling sharply, and a group of people suddenly came forward. This beautiful woman is good. Do you want to accompany the uncle? It happens that the uncle is in a bad mood tonight. Can he play? With that, the man's hand hooked up and wanted to imprint it on the cheeks of the two beautiful women with his lips. It tastes good. It would be better if you had a sleep, didn't it, guys? Haha! Ha!" The laughter came to Sojie's ears.

"What are you doing? I'm not afraid that Sojie will kill you. It's better to leave quickly." Looking at a group of men, he stared straight at one place and got angry. Today, he was in a very good mood, so he came out to have fun at night.

"Would you like to give these two beautiful women to us? We really want to play with them, otherwise it would be more interesting for everyone to play together. If you want this, I want this, and he wants that. How about that?" With that, I'm going to touch it.

"What kind of people are you?" A woman spoke and stared at a group of men. Sojie, didn't you say that you have practiced martial arts? Do you want to play a few times for us to see? After saying that, he imprinted his lips on Sojie's left face and was quite happy.

"You'd better leave quickly, or it will be miserable today." Speaking loudly, he didn't pay attention to this group of men at all. He was about to fight, move his hands slowly, and found the sound.

"We are so afraid, men. If this man wants to kill us, it's not so easy for us to kill him. Isn't it wrong for us not to kill this man?" Roaring, a group of people shouted at Sojie as soon as they heard it.

Suo Jie looked at "Go to hell." They also fought at the same time, and the other two women were sharp. Come on, Sojie, come on!" Quite happy, as if watching an act.

Suo Jie took a look and couldn't let the two women look down on themselves and beat them hard, but he knew that he was not the opponent of this group of people, but he had to fight.

"Big Boss! Xiao San died, and Xiao San was killed by this man. Look, look quickly. Someone roared and the two women heard it. Sojie, you killed someone. Sojie, you killed someone. Run, run. The two also screamed.

As soon as Sojie heard it, he killed himself, but he wouldn't do that. Is it this man... Man... So Jie didn't think about it. Slowly, a smell of blood spread to his side and knew that he was a dead man. If he was arrested, he would definitely be imprisoned, or he would die. .

"Little Three! Call the police quickly! It is said that someone killed Xiao San, which is this man named So Jie. Kill him quickly and kill him quickly. We are going to avenge the mistress and avenge the mistress. One by one, So Jie's face turned pale, and he didn't know what to do. What would happen if he really let the police arrested him? He had heard a lot of such things in the past. Suddenly, he turned around and was about to run away, but some people would not let Jiesuo run away.

"Big Boss! I called the police, and the police will come to the painting in a while. We will avenge our mistress. He stared at Sojie, who was about to run away.

"That man wants to run away. You can't let him run away. You can't run away." Pointing to Sojie, a group of people surrounded Sojie and wanted to kill Sojie one by one, but these people would not do that, so they would have to let Sojie arrest him, otherwise they would not have died.

So Jie didn't expect to be like this. Why did he kill a person? What's going on? He usually can't beat others. Today, he will be like this. Looking back, he found that the two women had long gone. "Fuck, women deserve to die." I cursed.

"The police are coming!" Someone shouted, and at the same time, Sojie didn't say anything, so he was arrested. A man named Boss picked up his mobile phone and called. How about it? It's very simple. The man will be arrested, but the rest of the matter will depend on you. It's not my business. It's up to you whether he can stay in prison for a few years depends on you.

"Okay! The money will definitely be in your hands at that time. As soon as Yu Bo finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and his face was also good at this time. Go to hell." After scolding, he came to another place and found that there was no one in the operating room, so he was a little worried, but he also returned to the ward and found that Lian Lian and Zhao Yun were here.

"Mr. Yu!" Love shouted and was about to go out. Yu Bo took a look. You don't have to go out. Take a good look at this woman. Really, you can commit suicide again if you have nothing to do. Tell these two people to listen.

"What's wrong with Mr. Yu? Did you say something, otherwise it wouldn't have been like this." Zhao Yun whispered, looking at Li Xiaolu, who was about to die.

"It's nothing. There's nothing for you to do here. Just take a good look at the company. Call me if you have something to do." That's the only way. Yu Bo doesn't want others to know why Li Xiaolu committed suicide. His heart is tight and he has a feeling of heartache, but what can he do? If something happens, he can only let So Jie go to prison, and he will definitely die in prison.

This is a warning to the man, and it has to have a certain price. It's not about what you want. Although you don't love Li Xiaolu, you can't let others hurt her, so you must let Sojie die to be at ease, otherwise the man will say what he did, so you must be careful. That's it.

"Okay! When we leave, you should also take good care of yourself. Your mother doesn't seem to agree with you to be with her and get married. You have to be careful. Zhao Yun went out after saying that, and so did love.

"Did you find anything? Mr. Yu doesn't seem to say anything." As soon as Lian Lian went out and said to Zhao Yun, Zhao Yun heard it. You'd better take care of yourself. Don't worry about other people's affairs. Would you like to have dinner with me? I'd be happy. Zhao Yun said, and Lian Lian nodded. But I don't have money, you know. You have to make this more clear. It means that you want to invite me to dinner, so you don't have to say it. Lianlian smiled and said. Zhao Yun stared at Lianlian and had to agree. Otherwise, what could they do? Men are like this. There is no other way.