President went to the wrong bed


President went to the wrong bed

President went to the wrong bed

Author: Little Swallow

Category: Romantic

State: Completion

Today is her happy day. When she woke up, she was naked with a dead man in front of her, and so did she. "Li Xiaolu, you... It's really good. Where can you put your face? Shake your head and leave." Say it angrily. On the basis of no feelings, there are one thing after another. What is life after marriage? The war has also begun to stage. It's not wrong to fall in love. What's wrong? Heartbreak, the appearance of the husband's first love waiting, the appearance of the mistress, the mother-in-law's difficulties, coupled with the disbelief, how to solve the pain and scars. "Ah..." The arrival of 120... Li Xiaolu, who entered the hospital after a car accident, can only...

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