President went to the wrong bed

34 I really don't want to wake up

"Li Xiaolu! Li Xiaolu!" One by one, one shouted, but what was it for Li Shanglu? She was still in a coma, shouting to hate a man, yes! It's hate, or thank you. No woman can use these two words. What's more, Li Xiaolu, who is now in a coma, would hate to kill So Jie, a shameless man, this bad man who won't die well.

Suo Jie! I hate me, I hate you, no matter what you do, I will die with you, and I will not let you die well. Li Xiaolu in a coma screamed, and Yu Bo just smiled gently when he heard it. Li Xiaolu! You still don't want to die. You don't want to die, do you? Then wake up quickly. You have to find two men to revenge. One is So Jie, and the other is naturally me. Wake up quickly and let some people have a look. Take a good look. If you don't marry me, you will marry another woman. Yes, you have to take good care of it. Hurry up. I woke up." Yu Bo muttered in Li Xiaolu's ear.

Li Xiaolu's face was still pale, and she didn't look good at all. There were tears falling drop after another in her eyes. Yu Bo didn't want to see what Li Xiaolu likes now. He didn't know what he liked. He wiped his tears for Li Xiaolu.

Although there are tears and pain, is it always like this to fall in love with a man, or will it be like this when falling in love with a woman?

"Ning Xin, if you are like this, I will not marry you." Yu Bo also asked himself, but it's not. The woman in front of him is not Ning Xin. I believe that Ning Xin will not let herself encounter this matter. She is also very happy, but she also has pain and hatred. The woman she has loved for several years has always said that she wants to marry herself, but it's only for money and for money. Together, people are changing day by day, especially women, who can do anything for money.

The room is still like this, without any anger, just like the place where the dead live, one after another, with no expression on the face, even if there is another pain of being dumped by the lover, love and hate, just money, maybe money is better.

"Wake up, wake up quickly. You don't have nothing, you don't have anything, you still have a man, and you still have things to do. Wake up quickly, hurry up." A person in the dream kept telling Li Xiaolu in a voice, but so what? When she woke up, she still had to face everything. It was something that Li Xiaolu really didn't want to do. She was no longer a happy Li Xiaolu. She was just a little woman who wanted to die. She didn't know why she lived. Got it.

"Yu Bo!" Thinking of this man, no matter what this man did to him, whether he hated or forgave him, she didn't dare to think about what kind of man Yu Bo was and why he wanted to marry her. Li Xiaolu also knew it for herself and for his relatives, but how her relatives ran one by one. Don't want to be yourself and break off the relationship. In the past, Li Xiaolu would be happy when she was tired. Now it's different. Everything changed that day. The man she loved didn't love her. That's just looking for happiness. If it hadn't been for Yu Bo's appearance, she really wouldn't know.

"Suo Jie! I hate you and I won't forgive you for what you did to me. In my dream, in a dark corner, a person squatted, without any light, all dark, and one person smiled at her, no! It's an indecisive smile.

"Get out of here. Get out of here. Go to die. If I die, you will die. I will die. None of you can live. I will go to you one by one. If you do that to me, I will find you. I will." Screaming, I don't want to walk, and I do everything here slowly.

Black! What is black? Where is the light? Why can't I find the light of the past? Why is everything dark in front of me? Why can't I find the light I want? I want to love a man. I just want money, nothing else, just go back and go back. Why does God treat me like this? Why did you do this to me? What did I do wrong? God wants to do this to me.

Yu Bo also seemed to hear a voice in a coma. Who was shouting? It was Li Xiaolu, and it was another person's voice. It was his own voice. He also hated and hated Ning Xin, so Yu was also a kind of sympathy and concern for Li Lu. After getting along with him for a period of time, he found that this woman was actually very pitiful and pitiful that he did not know. What should I say? If there had been another woman, he would have left long ago and would not have stayed here.

"Li Xiaolu! Ning Xin!" Li Xiaolu is the kind of woman who makes people don't know what to say. She has no intentions, but Ning Xin is different. She is a woman who gets it no matter what she uses for money. Now he understands that her father is right. A woman like Ning Xin can only watch it, or she can't get married home for a long time. Otherwise, the person who will be injured will be himself. Now I know that it seems that I still know less about women, which is much worse than my father. I have to study this in the future.

"I don't know if Yu Xueer has made it clear to her mother. If she tells her mother what happened here, she won't agree, and she will definitely not agree." To Li Xiaolu in a coma, everything was unexpected by Yu Bo. No matter where she went, she had to find someone to look at Li Xiaolu in the future. Now her body is too fragile. If she hits her gently, she will fall under the cliff, and she can't even find her body, let alone anything else.

"No! I hate you, Sojie..." Li Xiaolu in a coma screamed. Yu Bo looked at it and wanted to call a doctor, but it was meaningless to call her.

"Li Xiaolu! You'd better wake up, or you will still die. If you die, what you get will only be jokes, and your family will look down on you and scold you behind your back, so I have to live well and live well. Otherwise, if everyone looks down on you and look down on you, you will become For the headlines of the press, this is what you want to see. Even if you die, it won't calm you down. No, do you hear it? Take a good look. Wake up quickly. Did you hear it? Otherwise, I will kill you now and you will never wake up. Yu Bo roared again and again.

"What the fuck. How could this happen? I don't know who I offended. It would be like this." Yu Bo was also angry and lay on the ground and looked at the sky. He didn't know what to do. This is the result if the woman doesn't wake up. He doesn't dare to think about this. He only knows what that group of reporters are like, so he must make this damn woman wake up.

"Yu Bo! Yu Bo!" Calling his name, his face is not very good. He wish he had the impulse to kill. If he had done so in ancient times, he would have done so, but it's different here, so he must wake up the ** woman.