President went to the wrong bed

58 Yu Xue appeared in the hospital

"Yu Bo! Come to the company and tell you something about the company. Zhao Yun's phone call made Yu Bo turn around and did not go to the hospital.

A place, not far from the hospital, came to the place where Yu Bo was driving just now and waved to Yu Bo.

"Brother! Just go to the company to have a look. Yu Xueer will help you go to the hospital to see what Li Xiaolu is like. Be sure to see it. Although you have seen it on TV, you have to see the real person. As soon as Yu Xueer finished speaking, she came to the hospital, which was even in Li Xiaolu's sick room.

Li Xiaolu saw that someone came in and knew that the reporter must have arrived. Her expression became tense and quite condensed. She slowly leaned against the window and her body began to tremble.

"Who are you?" When the voice asked in fear, Li Xiaolu smiled and came to one side. Looking at Li Xiaolu, she really wanted to laugh, but she also knew what Li Xiaolu's performance was at this time.

"Don't worry! I'm not that bad guy. I won't hurt you. Don't worry." Yu Xueer said loudly that Li Xiaolu will not believe Yu Xueer's words and will not harm herself, so the ghost will believe it, so she is quite careful not to believe the other party's words.

"Don't be afraid. I'm Yu Xueer, Yu Bo's sister. Don't be afraid." When Yu Xueer said her name, Li Xiaolu didn't believe it very much, but what could happen to Yu Bo's sister, so she had to be more careful whether she wanted to leave Yu Bo, so she would not listen to Xue'er's nonsense.

"If it's okay, you can go." Everyone didn't look at Xueer.

Yu Xueer looked at Li Xiaolu and didn't know what to say. Needless to say, this expression was quite hurt and could not be thought of by a woman.

What is Jing and hate? Li Xiaolu smiled indifferently. No matter who you are, if you have anything to say, you can leave and tell you that Yu Bo is alone. Forcedly speaking, what did one word after another mean to Li Xiaolu? What did Yu Xueer say and said something from Li Xiaolu's eyes?

"It seems that you are very hurt." Yu Xueer did it and looked at the woman in front of her, quite thin, as if she had not eaten.

"My business has nothing to do with you. You can leave. I can only have Yubo to come in. No one else has to come in." The voice was also very small, holding her hands tightly, as if to wave to hit people. Yu Xueer smiled. You want to hit me. If you hit me, you can't enter the door of the house. You have to think about it clearly. You're welcome. I don't know what happened to the eldest brother and why he wanted to be with this woman. But if you think about it, it's understandable. All women are not like this at first. Once they fall in love, they become another woman. Isn't it just like Li Xiaolu now? It's Yu Xueer at this time. She also felt that love is something she dared not imagine. What is love and why is it like this? Whether what Sojie said on TV is true or false. Yu Xueer knows what those reporters are. Don't worry! I'll leave after a while. I still have a lot of things to do. I'm still busy with things for you and my eldest brother. I wanted to come forward, but I found that Li Xiaolu was quite nervous. It seemed that as soon as she passed, she would jump from the window. If this jump, as soon as the eldest brother came, he would either die or die. What would happen if he fell down and died? What would the reporter be? So you have to be careful. Don't jump down. I won't go there. I just want to talk to you. Don't worry. I won't hurt you. It's just someone else. We are all women and know what you've been hurt. Speak carefully.

Li Xiaolu listened and didn't want to say anything more. It was not interesting at all. She just looked at it and didn't want to talk about it. However, when she thought of Yu Bo's sister, she didn't know what to do here. Why did she meet her from here until now to see herself? Although Now there is pain or hate, and some are crazy, but I still know that I am thoughtful and can still think about problems.

"Who told you to come here?" When asked, Yu Xueer smiled, as if she could only laugh. She didn't have an angry expression. She was saying that Yu Xueer didn't want to be angry, but she would be old. In addition, she didn't mean to harm Li Xiaolu, so it was not necessary and understandable. If she had died a long time ago, she just smiled.

"No one, who can call me, what about you? What do you want to eat? I can buy it for you. You are not in good health. You need to eat more good tonic. Just take out a piece of food and want Li Xiaolu to eat some.

"I won't eat. You can eat by yourself. You can leave after eating. I don't want to see anyone else. I don't want to see anyone now." One word after another was said to Yu Xue'er.

"It seems that you don't believe me, that's right! If I didn't believe it, but now it's a very careful time. Don't you believe that I'm Yu Xueer, not Yu Bo's sister? Otherwise, I can call my eldest brother, and then you will believe it. He said that he was going to call his eldest brother Yu Bo, but what would be? Although he cheated the eldest brother away first, otherwise he could come here to see whether he was fighting or not. Looking at Li Xiaolu's eyes, he was an injured woman. He knew it at a glance. It was strange to look at him accidentally, let alone say anything. He just asked if he had not. The important question is that I came here for the good of my eldest brother. I want to see what my mother will say.

"I don't know! I don't know! I don't know. You are a reporter, right? It must be a reporter. I won't believe you, but I don't believe you. What on earth are you doing here for? Tell me. Do you want to ask me about what happened at the beginning? Tell me quickly. Li Xiaolu screamed at this time, and the sound made Yu Xueer shocked.

"Go quickly, or I will call people." Li Xiaolu carefully hid in a place and hid herself. In this way, her body also leaked out, which Yu Xueer dared not imagine. It seems that as the eldest brother said, the injury is quite serious. Otherwise, if you want to commit suicide several times, you can see it. What is that group of reporters will report indiscriminately, otherwise it can be like this. I also have a little sympathy for Li Xiaolu.

"I'm not a reporter. You're fine. It's okay. With me, Yu Xueer won't hurt you." With that, he came to Li Xiaolu and was about to pull it out, but Li Xiaolu would not be pulled out by Yu Xueer. She was even more afraid and kept shivering all over her body.

"Come out quickly. Do you hear me? I'm afraid. There are no reporters here. Come out quickly." Yu Xueer screamed and pulled Li Xiaolu hard. She was about to pull it out slowly, and Li Xiaolu's tears fell down. Help!" Call out these two words.

"Be quiet, I'm just pulling you out. It's not very good. You have to be fine. Otherwise, if I'm like this every day, my eldest brother will be miserable, won't it, Li Xiaolu?" It's also for the good of the eldest brother, so you have to let Li Xiaolu not be afraid of others, let alone be afraid of yourself. To do this, you have to start from your own side. You are afraid of Yu Bo's sister, let alone others, so you have to enlighten Li Xiaolu and be a brave woman.

"Don't..." A bigger scream also annoyed Yu Xueer. She stared, and a fist hit Li Xiaolu's head. A bad smell spread to every corner, which made people feel heartache and would die at any time. .