President went to the wrong bed

81 Why haven't you come for a few days

There was a man standing in the hospital, speechless and expressionless, just standing, looking at a place in a daze. Love! Why didn't he come to see me for a few days? Did he have any other ideas? Li Xiaolu asked in a low voice. Can I be discharged from the hospital? I don't want to be here anymore. Another saying.

Love listens and watches. Mr. Yu has been a little busy recently. Don't worry. Nothing will happen. You have to be discharged from the hospital for a few days. Your health is not good yet. Don't worry. Don't think too much about it. No one knows what you have with Mr. Yu, and they won't marry you. What Mr. Yu said will never be believed. You are optimistic. Well, it's okay." Yes! That is, Yubo's mother heard Zhao Yun agree, but it was too fast. If she became too fast, she would also be uneasy. Not to mention Yu Bo, or she would call and say that she would not let others see Li Xiaolu. This person was referring to Yu Bo's mother Qin Mei. Otherwise, who it was it? Why did she suddenly agree? It makes people feel it, so it's not good to be careless.

Li Xiaolu stood aside, and her mind was full of Yu Bo's shadow, and she hugged her side. In addition, she didn't know why she couldn't see him for a few days. She was very confused and scared. It seemed that someone had harmed her. What's more, there were people who opposed them being together. Li Xiaolu knew that she knew It's not a good match for Yu Bo. Although I'm like this, there are still times when I think about things. It's not nothing.

"Love! I know that I don't deserve Yu Bo. As long as one day he falls in love with a woman and that woman falls in love with her, I will leave her. Do you think I'm stupid like this, or..." Li Xiaolu doesn't know what to say. She has tears in her eyes, but she doesn't want to fall down, and she doesn't want love to see her vulnerability. On the one hand, she has to be brave and can't go on like this.

"No! How can you think so? There is no such thing in this regard. It depends on what you think. Don't think too much. You don't look very good today. Lianlian didn't know what to say. Yu Bo didn't come to see Li Xiaolu recently. There must be something wrong, otherwise he would have come. Since that day, Zhao Yun hasn't come, and Lianlian hasn't called to ask. It must be the reporter's matter, or she doesn't want to know anything else. She wants to ask about the man's matter so clearly.

"It's not that I think too much. I'm like this. If other men won't marry me, why would anyone want to marry me? Is there any purpose? I know that Yu Bo married me just to prevent reporters from saying anything. I married him for this. As long as it passes, someone falls in love with Yu Bo and Yu Bo falls in love with him. After the other party, I will leave, and I also know what I am like. Yes! She has nothing, unlike Yu Bo. She is the president of a company, but she also asked Sojie to give... Give... She doesn't know why she thinks so. What's wrong with me today? I just can't see Yu Bo for a few days. What's wrong with me? Maybe I'm afraid. As a man to protect himself, that's why it must be like this.

Love listened and shook his head. Do you like Yu Bo? When she asked, Li Xiaolu was shocked when she heard this. No! I don't know what's going on, that is, there are some things that make me think more, or recent things, that's why it's like this. In the past, I'm not like this, and I'm the same as you, but... But..." I don't know what to say, it's impossible for her to fall in love with Yu Bo. How long, just a kind of saying The feeling of not coming up must not be what love said. It must not be. She doesn't believe that she will fall in love with Yu Bo. She will definitely not. The woman Yu Bo loves is another person and will not be her own. This matter has long been known. No, no... Screaming, even more in her heart.

"I won't fall in love with others." When she said it fiercely, she even said it to herself. Love didn't say anything. Li Xiaolu said so. Maybe she was right because of fear.