President went to the wrong bed

158 untitled non-end 3

Happiness is like this. Let's invite people to dinner. Time passes little by, but there is no one coming, but so what? It's good to watch your child eat. I don't know what Yu Bo has been busy with recently. Really, let alone say, but I can't tell others why. It's not clear. After having a child, she doesn't care about anything, let alone Yu Bo's things outside. Whether she has to take care of herself, otherwise Yu Bo can't stand it.

"Xiaolu!" Lianlian hugged her daughter and screamed in front of her. Heart! How about it!" He stroked Li Xiaolu's youngest daughter and smiled, put down his daughter, and found that there was one person missing. Why didn't anyone come? I don't understand the question. Anyway, Yubo will come, otherwise what kind of food will you eat?

"Have you noticed that your husband and my husband don't know what to do behind our back recently? Do you want to go and have a look?" Li Xiaolu said to her love, afraid that some woman would find their man. This would be miserable. She still had to give it a try.

"I also feel what you said. I don't know why it's always been like this recently. I don't say anything when I come back late, but I don't go out, but I don't know what to do. And so does Yu Xiu, like a ghost, who comes to our house to ask this and that later, and I don't know why. So is Yu Xueer. Is there anything that hasn't been told to us, otherwise it can be like this. When Lianlian was worried, he didn't know if his husband had an affair, but it was impossible. He didn't seem to have done anything wrong. He wouldn't do this to them like this. If so, he would die.

"Do you know what your father has been doing recently? Do you want to tell your mother that your father is the best person for you? Do you want to talk about it? If you say that your mother will give you everything." Li Xiaolu asked in a low voice, with a sharp smile on her face, which made her heart turn her head. I don't know!" Three words were answered, plus love. It's useless for you to ask your heart. Now the main thing is to ask them. Have you heard that Yu Xueer seems to have made a boyfriend, and no one wants it if she doesn't make friends with her? Is it a good thing recently? Otherwise, she won't tell us whether she has any thoughts about us. " Lianlian said suspiciously and thought in Li Xiaolu's ear.

Li Xiaolu heard it. It's not good. Will this hurt their hearts too much? If it hadn't been for what we thought, it would have been miserable. If you really had an affair, it would have been miserable. You have to think about it. If you want to do it yourself, I don't need Li Xiaolu. This love is the same. If you find a woman to try your husband, you can also think of this idea. If there is nothing, it is true. And if you don't believe in your husband, why do you want to marry? So change another method, you are still looking at it.

"Why don't you look at it? Maybe it's not what I think?" Yes, I believe that Yu Bo will not treat himself like that. What he said at that time and how he does it now is very good, but what men say are all farts, so sometimes he can't believe it, just like his father-in-law, didn't he? I heard that he also had an affair in those years, and finally let his mother-in-law find out. As a result, I got a divorce. In the end, I don't know what the reason got better. In the end, my father-in-law Yu Hua didn't do anything wrong to Qin Mei. It was the original reason and I didn't dare to ask. This matter was told by Qin Mei, so I believe it must be true, so I have to think of another way, otherwise I will definitely Like her mother-in-law, but she is not as kind as her mother-in-law and will never forgive Yu Bo, and the person who will divorce is herself. Therefore, for the words and practices of love, let her do it by herself. As long as she does it, she will know what's going on. You can't blame Li Xiaolu for thinking so. There is no way. Sometimes people always think more about themselves, otherwise they won't be called Li Xiaolu.

At a glance, it's not a way to do this. Li Xiaolu doesn't do it. If she does it herself, what will end up? Be careful. As Li Xiaolu said, let's see. Maybe she thinks too much, and it's important to eat well, otherwise she will be hungry. I died. I didn't have a job after having a child. There was no choice but to let Zhao Yun take care of the child, saying that it was a woman's business so that he didn't bring anything well. Finally, he had to stop working and take care of the children at home. It was really annoying. I have to wait for my child to open a shop with Li Xiaolu when she is older, otherwise she will definitely go crazy. What kind of person have she become, a nanny? What should she do for this family? Either do this job or that job, as if she will never finish it. It's no wonder if she is not annoying. Unlike someone in Yu Bo's family, she It's all done by myself. Fortunately, I also have money, otherwise I will regret it. Why can't I find a man like Yu Bo, but Zhao Yun, a ghost man? It's no wonder that I'm not angry. At that time, I didn't like it and married him like this. It's really good to be a little better than other men. The most important thing is to hand over the money to yourself.

"So money is the main thing. You have to be careful, or you will cry to death." Love reminded Li Xiaolu, and Li Xiaolu smiled. Don't worry, it won't be a matter. Are we thinking too much? No, you and I have to think about it in a good way. Otherwise, if it goes on like this, it will be counterproductive. Don't think too much and eat well, or let this group of children eat up. Take a good look." Pointing to a place and letting Lianlian look at it, Lianlian opened her eyes wide and couldn't believe everything in front of her. Isn't this group of children too good to eat?

"Eat it quickly, or there will be nothing." Unhappy to say, no matter what, Li Xiaolu decided to believe in her husband about this matter. In addition, Yu Bo is not that kind of person. If so, someone will help him. Needless to say, he can think of it. He is not easy to mess with. After so many years, he doesn't believe that he can't be more than Bo, a big man, as long as he If a man is unhappy, what will he do? It's also happy to think about it. Don't think too much about anything in his life, otherwise he will suffer himself, won't he? So he thinks too much.