President went to the wrong bed

197 The sudden arrival of He Feng

When several people went out, a person came back and found that the office door was closed, and there was no one. The lights of the whole building were all on, and his brother was not there, and he didn't answer the phone. He was full of anger and turned off the lights. He stayed alone in front of the computer and thought about something that he couldn't figure out, but Yes, it's not easy to call and ask.

Originally, I wanted to ask Yu Xiu, but this man didn't know where to fool around. He has been like this for several years and doesn't know what to do. It's really a ghost.

Yu Bo is still not himself, no, it has not been for a long time, which is a strange feeling for himself.

"You are Yu Bo!" Suddenly, someone turned to himself, and the light was turned on, and a man was printed in front of him. Who are you?" Gently speaking, it doesn't feel strange about the sudden appearance, and there is no malice when looking at it.

"Yes!" Answered the other party's words.

"That's good! I have something to ask you, and there is something I want to tell you. I don't know if you want to hear it. I found a place to do it. I also found that Yu Bo seemed to be thinking about things. You don't seem to look very good. Do you want to talk to me, an outsider? He Feng didn't want to say anything more, but also to help a person come here, and he believed that Yu Bo was very friendly.

He has inquired a lot about Yu Bo, and there is a more important thing to say to this man, which is also for Li Xiaolu. If it hadn't been for Li Xiaolu, he wouldn't have come here. Women are women. Sometimes they will really hurt him, but I believe Li Xiaolu won't.

"Would you like some red wine?" Yu Bo's words made He Feng laugh. You're not afraid that I'm here to hurt you. It's midnight, and it's still here. Speaking of indifference, it is also good to look at it, and there will be nothing wrong with Li Xiaolu's choice.

"No, that's good. It's better to drink this when you're not happy. I'm here to tell you more about a person. In addition, if you don't have some amnesia, I can also tell you." This made Yu Bo laugh. How do you know it's necessary?" He didn't tell anyone about this. It seems that the man has to be more careful.

"Say it!" Yu Bo did it in front of He Feng and looked up. He also wanted to know about some things. Say it!" I said it again. I feel that there is something I must know this time, and it is a woman named Li Xiaolu.

"It's about your mother and you. How do you feel about your mother?" Speak in a low voice.

"Very good, what's wrong?" When asked, is there also something about his mother? Although there is a memory that has been forgotten, he knows about his mother. His mother has also done something wrong to him, but she will not do anything angry.

"If it weren't for your mother, you would have a happy family if you weren't like this, but nothing. Everything was defeated by my mother. Do you want to go back and ask me to tell you that one day I know that you still have a woman, what would you do?" He Feng spoke slowly, and looked at Yu Bo's eyes and face slowly changing. Although the change was not very much, he knew what the mother was and what the other woman meant, so he did not speak loudly and just whispered.

"Who is Li Xiaolu!" Suddenly, Yu Bo asked, and He Feng heard it. You know this woman."

"I don't know!" One shook his head, "It's just that her name and mobile phone number are on the phone, and no one answered the phone." After a few years, the number may have changed, and people don't know whether they are still here and go to another place. This is also possible, so they looked at He Feng and asked.

"You've seen it." After saying that, Yu Bo smiled. No, is it the woman at the airport? Otherwise, there will be no one else, a feeling, and after seeing it, my heart will hurt.

"You know! How do people know?" He Feng stood up. It's not her, has her appearance changed, or you haven't forgotten something. It's pretended. Otherwise, it won't be like this.

"No! It's just that the idea of mobile phones and some brains is more like a feeling, as if it's just one's relatives and a family. Slowly speaking, yes! It must be a mother, otherwise she would not have been like this. After waking up, the whole family felt strange.

"Is it done by my mother? What's wrong with Li Xiaolu? Do you want to talk to me?" What is it, what is the current mood, if his mother did it, how did he do it, and how did he say it to Li Xiaolu?

Slowly, He Feng told Yu Bo everything one by one, and Yu Bo didn't know what to say. True or false." When asked, He Feng smiled. What do you think? If it weren't for Li Xiaolu's face, I would have done to your mother. Think about it yourself. If it goes on like this, what will you do? Yes!

"But I can't remember it at all." I pointed to my brain.

"I can help you. There is a medicine for amnesia in the world. It's just to lie to children. I don't know how Yu Xiu did it. You can go back and ask him what's going on. I think you just took a tonic. Before you took it, your brain just had a little problem, otherwise you wouldn't be in a coma. It's been a long time. Do you want me to have an operation for you? Yes! I also bought this information from a person.

Hearing He Feng's words, Yu Bo nodded. Can I see how she is doing recently? Yes! Seeing this, I thought of this woman named Li Xiaolu in my heart.

"Don't worry, you just don't look very good, everything else is fine, and there is one more thing to tell you." Then he came to Yu Bo and slowly said in his ear, and Yu Bo's face changed. I know what to do. It won't hurt Li Xiaolu at all. Don't worry, and what your relationship is with Li Xiaolu. Whether you saved her or not, you know what to do. It was also very rude, and at the same time, my head hurt again and stroked it.

"Are you all right? You'd better be as soon as possible. I'll arrange it for me, otherwise you will lose all your memories and even forget who you are. You're welcome, and you laughed sharply. Ha ha!" Yu Bo looked at it and laughed. The two big men hugged each other. He Feng felt that Yu Bo was actually a poor man, and everything would slowly come to mind.

"As long as I'm here, I won't let Li Xiaolu live the life of those years. You should hurry up and believe everything will pass." He patted Yu Bo's head and body, and gave a man's lips a mark, and Yu Bo stared. He Feng!" Although I don't know this man very well, I believe that this man will not harm himself, and the person who can save Li Xiaolu will not be bad.