sin totem

Chapter 99 Solved the Elf Slave Incident

All the heads of the surrounding forces began to look at Darles. People had never known why this unknown person represented the forces of Beishi Town at this meeting.

But from the elf's words, everyone thought of something and looked at the slightly ferocious man in surprise.

After his face changed several times, he still took a step forward and looked directly at the elf girl. His ferocious face seemed to want to pretend to be kind, but he did not become a dog, and he looked very ugly.

"I'm Dares, and those elf slaves are exactly what I got."

In front of so many people, Dahless said it righteously and completely took the captured elf slaves as the goods he had obtained after his hard work without any guilt.

The elf girl's eyes were full of anger and almost spewed fire.

However, before she had time to say anything, the Druid magician behind her came out first, also full of anger and a strong momentum.

In an instant, Dares turned pale, stepped back a few steps, sat on the ground, and made a fool of himself in public.

Baru saw this and was about to say a few words, but he was stared at by the old Druid and was instantly shocked by the powerful momentum. He couldn't speak for a long time. The power of the old Druid was not lower than any permanent elder in the chaotic land!

Although most of the other forces frowned and were very aggressive about the old Druid's aggressiveness in the chaotic land, they still said nothing out of the scruples of the elf forces behind them or other reasons, but looked at the others of the Northern Stone Alliance.

Because these people are also happy to see the jokes of this newly rising North Rock Alliance.

"Roar, you old elf, don't we have warriors here! Didn't you just catch some elves who can't even protect themselves? Don't even let them say anything. Be careful that Master Xiong is angry and chop your old bones.

Dadao was previously told not to talk casually because he was urged by Youyuan and Baluqian. In case he offended someone, it would be bad.

However, when Dadao saw such a thing happened to the North Rock League, how could he resist his hot temper and strode directly out and roared at the old Druid.

Because of this meeting, Dadao's huge axe was not brought on his body, otherwise he would definitely use his signature action to directly urge him to swing fiercely.

The fox elders are taking care of the deployment in Jinmoling and the front-line sky, so they don't have time to attend this meeting.


The elf clan is an elegant race. The old Druid has never been cursed like this. He pointed to the bear man with trembling fingers and wanted to curse back, but he couldn't open his mouth.

At least, this elegant elf Druid who has been living in the forest of life can't open his mouth.

However, not saying anything does not mean that the old Druid can endure such treatment. He took out dozens of strange seeds from under the blue magic robe and sprinkled them forward, but as soon as he touched the ground, he began to grow crazily.

The people in the room did not expect that the old Druid would do it. Several restless guys even copied the guy directly. After all, this is a place of chaos, not his forest of life.

There is no word of scruples in the bear man's brain. At this time, when he sees Drui using means, how can he be polite?

Although it was empty-handed, the great power of the furious fighting spirit still made everyone present look sideways, and even several leaders who picked up the weapons paused slightly. It seems that the Beishi Alliance still has the corresponding ability to deal with it.

The furious fighting suddenly exploded, and a big hole was directly smashed in front of the hall, and the room trembled slightly.

It's just surprising that except for the seed that was directly hit and killed by the violent fighting spirit, everything else is still growing crazily. It seems to have great immunity to physical attacks and fighting spirit, and even the bear man is stunned.

"Well, it's useless. Hook grass can only grow plants on steel ore, and then cultivated by my elf magic, it has great resistance to the warrior's fighting spirit! Soon you will pay for the stupid language just now!"

With the words of the old Druid, the branches of the crazy seeds are seven or eight meters long, and each leaf is as sharp as a sickle, and at the same time emits a stream of cyan**, which seems to have a strong paralysis effect.

Although Dadao's continuous attack killed several seeds, half of them were formed after all.

Puff! Poo! Poo!

Branches and leaves with paralyzed venom constantly entangled around the bear man, and the leaves continuously shot at the bear man, like a flying knife with a handle.

Looking at the hundreds of leaves, someone present was slightly surprised, and the old Druid's means were extraordinary.

However, it is obvious that the old Druids are very cleverly controlling the accuracy of this magic. All the leaves lost their strength after bypassing the bear man, and did not cause even one servant to be injured by mistake.

Although there is no danger for the bear man to have violent fighting for a short time, it is hard to say after a long time. After all, the current rules do not allow him to escape directly.

"The spark is burned out!"

Soloa took action, and more than a hundred extremely weak Mars appeared from the air, and then slowly moved to those strange plants.

While everyone was still strange, suddenly every spark burst into turbulent heat, igniting a fiery flame only the size of a fist, and the most important thing was to last forever.

However, the strange plants with extremely strong resistance to fighting spirit seem to be extremely afraid of the flame magic. They just struggled slightly and cried one after another, and then burned.

Seeing all the strange plants burning, Soroa waved his staff again, and the fist-sized flame returned to its previous Martian form and slowly dissipated between heaven and earth.

And this magic has no damage to the hall, and everyone can't help marveling at Soroa's magic control.

The old Druid knew the result immediately after seeing Soroa take action, but this made him even more angry. Without any spells, his body was in front of the empty man, and his body suddenly turned into a fire dragon!

The earth fire dragon's body is about five meters long, blocking the door of the hall tightly. Its four legs support the fat belly, with countless fists protected by big blue and black hard scales.

On a ferocious head, the bloodthirsty mouth kept emitting the smell of sulfur flames with breathing, and a pair of eagle eyes stared at Soloa, which seemed to have a fierce blow at any time.


Youyuan stepped forward and stood in front of the old Druid behind the transformation. Just now, Youyuan thought a lot, so he didn't do it right away.

Maybe when you make a mistake, you don't notice it, but when others make a mistake, I don't know if it's because of Lilith's words that once thought a lot.

The anger of elves is indeed correct in terms of reason and morality, and Darus's unjustly arrest of elf slaves is morally wrong.

However, no one present has even the slightest idea. In everyone's opinion, it is a crazy adventure for Dares to risk his life to catch elf slaves. Everyone only has admiration for this guy's crazy behavior and success.

Similarly, in Darles's own opinion, he also experienced many hardships and overcome many difficulties before capturing these elf slaves, which are his private property.

Even the two elf girls and old Druids, although they are angry, they are angry that some people ignore the dignity of the elf empire and the interests of the elf people.

However, out of concerns about the agreement and the human race in the land of chaos, she still did not choose a race war, and even intended to calm people, so the girl took the risk of coming for some interests.

Only Youyuan seems to have thought a lot at this moment. He seems to have not considered the ideas of those elves who may become slaves and lose their dignity.

For the lament of their fate, everyone is only concerned about each other's * and strength, and there is no ethical restraint at all.

If one day, Youyuan becomes a prisoner, will anyone complain about his impurity?

Maybe there is?

But I believe that what is more is the praise for defeating the man in Youyuan, and the praise for him has reached a new height.

This is probably one of the epitome of the world order formulated by the great supreme gods.

Ethics and morality?

Youyuan remembered that one night when he was shivering with cold, he stole a person's wallet for the first time. At that moment, he forgot many of these things in human nature, and some of them were just the desire to live.

After being appreciated by Brother Andy, Youyuan chose to forget it again in order to continue his hard-won life, so Youyuan became much stronger. Youyuan could bully those honest people, and Youyuan got rid of the lowest fate.

When Youyuan entered the School of Magic, he was educated by the superior gods to make order rules, and completely chose to abandon it just to live a better life. Therefore, he was stronger and reached the ruling class level in a real small area.

Including Fat Badala, a friend of Youyuan in the magic college, is also the night of the magic college. Youyuan is sleeping. Everyone else is trying to meditate successfully, while Badala is alone in an empty venue, meditating pain, roaring and chagrin for his failure.

That night, the huge pain that ordinary people could not understand, Badala instantly changed from an honest person at the bottom and abandoned a lot of things, so he embarked on a powerful road...

Just for a moment, Youyuan actually had an epiphany.

It seems that through the fog, I found for the first time that I was just a character in the painting and a chess piece on the chessboard.

On the one hand, the reason why Youyuan can have this opportunity is that his power has progressed too fast. Compared with the people present who gain strength, Youyuan is too young, and many things have not completely precipitated and eroded his soul.

On the other hand, it is because he has Lilith, a pure soul.

These are the reasons why Youyuan just didn't express anything. However, although I thought a lot and realized a little, it did not bring substantial help to Youyuan for the time being.

At this moment, he still had to obey the order set by the gods. He still stopped his thinking and stood in front of the old Druid in order to protect the timing interests of the Northstone Alliance.

Just a small epiphany seems to have sprouted the seeds of faith once Lilith's words and rooted in the deepest darkness of the plain.

"Enough? No, this is not enough. You ignore the dignity of the elf empire, the power of the elf people, and... you! This is..."

Suddenly, the old Druid stopped his words and stared at Youyuan from a bottle, standing in the void with a drop of blood**. At this moment, his body trembled involuntarily.

At the same time, everyone's eyes were also attracted by this **.

The third-order people's eyes touched this place**, and their souls were completely filled with fear. It seemed that they were facing a high and omnipotent giant, and their thinking began to slow down.

The fourth-level personnel are better, but the body and soul still tremble involuntarily.

Only the fifth level can have its own will to think and resist the pressure of the powerful divine will, of course, except for the old Druid facing Youyuan.

"Isn't enough? Do you want to go to war between the elves and the human race? Or did the Elf Empire go to war with the land of chaos and trigger the war on the mainland? Or, you want to go to war with me!"

In the end, Youyuan's words seemed to be solemn and solemn, as if they were waiting for the other party seriously.


After a long time, after all, the old Druid still didn't say anything, and the eyes of everyone present changed. Although many people did not know what this ** was, it did not prevent them from feeling the power of terror contained in it.

However, there are still people who know the goods, and You Ji clearly knows that there is a drop of true divine power in Youyuan's hand.

And the law contained in it is quite noble, at least to reach the realm of high-level gods. Outside that divine power, there is a complete divine will to wrap the divine power, so that the divine power can be preserved.

It is the will of this god that completely freezes the souls of some low-class people.

In the endless world plane, magic power is the most guaranteed universal currency, and its value is extremely high. Youji has several drops of magic power that have been preserved for many years, but they are all extremely low-quality magic power, which can't be compared with Youyuan's.

The king of Xuelan saw Youyuan take out a drop of bloodthirsty magic power. Mu Ran, and the joy appeared in his eyes. He didn't even know that the big hand holding the chair and pinched the handle into powder, but the king of Xuelan soon hid his joy.

Youyuan took out an absolute deterrent. After all, the old Druid retreated and the girl elf came up.

Although their negotiations are passive at this time, they still have the confidence and weight of the negotiations, because the elf empire behind them, and the absolute power of Youyuan is only the North Stone Alliance.

Maybe the destruction of the Northstone League will cause irreparable changes, but that is also after the destruction of the Northstone League!

Therefore, the negotiations between the two sides are still going on, because both sides have their own scruples, and the original auction of Milong deposits has been placed behind.

In an hour, the two sides decided that the elf side would redeem more than 100 elf slaves at a quarter of the price.

Dalles doesn't look good. Obviously, he didn't achieve the intended purpose, but that's the only way, otherwise his life is likely to live for less than a month...

The place damaged by Dadao began to be cleaned up by servants, and Baru continued to start the following auction. After all, this is the main purpose of this meeting.

You principle sent the two elves away. After all, the matter has been dealt with, just waiting for the other party's gold coins to come back to redeem people. The two sides have no good looks, otherwise they will not talk more.

"Hey, did you see the gem of the elf girl's head ring?"

Back to the mayor's mansion of Beishi Town, the first thing Youyuan did was to run to Gangdou and tell him about it. Youyuan is still quite concerned about this gemstone.

"How can you not see it?

I was shocked when I just saw it and thought it was mine. However, I found that the color was wrong. After touching it, I found that the treasure map left by the old man was still there, so I didn't care.

However, now I believe the old man's words more and more. Maybe there may be some secrets in this stone, otherwise it is impossible for even the noble female elves of the elves to wear as glory.

Youyuan lowered his head and thought about it, and then nodded.

"Well, I guess this girl should be the royal family of the elves, otherwise it is impossible to take a fifth-order old Druid as a guard!"

Youyuan recalled the attributes of the goddess of Ye on the old Druid and fell into deep thinking, but the steel bean smiled freely.

"Whatever, maybe the old man and my father think the most precious gift is this treasure map and this sword, but in my opinion, this infinite potential mutant bright fighting spirit is the most precious!

This treasure map is my wish to fulfill the two old guys. After all, my character is not in vain.

This guy...

However, Youyuan can feel that since Gangdou had this mutant bright fighting spirit, it seems that he has practiced much faster. Now he has reached the middle of the third level. Youyuan is still very suspicious of the simple sword in his hand, so he decided to ask.

I saw Gangdou smile and look at Youyuan.

"The old man said that this is a sealed sacred weapon. As long as you find a sanctuary, you can untie it, but he told me that I must untie it myself, otherwise I may lose this weapon.

It seems that this weapon was the trophy found by my father and the old man during the last expedition, and my father also buried his life for this trophy.

The appearance of the ghost, a sacred weapon!

Even if the powerful fallen empire, he has never heard of a second one except for the ** earrings of the fallen princess!

Suddenly, with a straight face, Youyuan patted Gangdou on the shoulder. The other party could tell him the secret, which was his greatest trust in himself.

"I will forget this from now on."

This is Youyuan's guarantee for steel beans, and the two smiled freely.

When Youyuan returned to the hall again, the auction had reached the most ** place, which was the Milong elf's mithril mine auction.

Needless to say, the value of mithril is almost the top items in magic materials, so Oranz has the ability to cultivate the long-armed apes that are almost capped at the second level to the third level, so as to give all slaves high-quality living conditions and feed a lot of high-level monsters next to the mineral deposits. This is all money...


"31 million!"





Listening to the price soared all the way, everyone in the Beishi Alliance laughed. After all, the Misilver Mine was speculated to the price of 600,000 gold coins, which was not the slaves there.

Gradually, after all the auctions were completed, due to the delay of the two elves, they had entered the second half of the night. People of all forces began to drive luxury carriages, enter the nightlife arranged for them by the North Rock Alliance, or fall asleep directly.

Late at night, there was a spacious room, and only Baru and Youyuan faced this conversation.

Baru, the golden elder, actually cried in front of Youyuan. No one understood his hatred of the Zijinxiang family because of his wife's death, even more than the Youyuan at this time, but he was powerless.

No one understands the powerlessness and pain of his wife's last wish to revive the Lily family.

No one understands the anger of cholera's subordinate Andali when he decided to go to war with cholera when he pestered his only daughter.

But all this seems to be over, and now he sees a bright future.

That night, Baru and Youyuan talked all night. No one knew what they said, but from that night on, it seemed that the senior management of the Northstone Alliance was in the most trusted state, as if they had the same goal and began to accumulate more strength.

Three days later, the scar gold mine in Youyuan, the first person to visit, turned out to be the king of Xuelan.